I was laughing at the Dialogue between the Super Computer and a caller named Alicia on
KBIG 104.3 tonight. Alicia said she wasn't sure and the computer said he was busy and to call her back when she's ready. Then he hung up on her.
- Super Computer = Subconscious Collective
- Alicia = Alison = Alison Zaichers = Isabella Valentine
- Super Computer hanging up on Alicia = Subconscious Hanging Up on Isabella Valentine
Alicia is a Hybrid Name of Ali/CIA
- Alison/Isabella doesn't believe in Psychic Phenomenon
- CIA = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) I o' WA, which is Rod
- When you take someone who doesn't believe and someone who does, you get a hybrid of a "Maybe"
That was a re-enactment of Isabella Valentine who didn't follow my directions and read instructions on how to study using her Psychic Powers that had been issued to her Summer 2004.
The rudeness of the Super Computer is a hybrid of me that couldn't wait on Isabella with the rudeness of Isabella to ditched me the way the Super Computer hung up on Isabella.
I said that Subconscious Isabella Valentine, Subconscious Scott, and Subconscious Bliss knew what happened and that I was telling the Truth so they all split in half. All the Subconscious Minds sided with me and separated from their Conscious Minds.
It's just like Baseball when the Umpire makes a call that baseball players don't agree with. They'll play by the roles, but you can tell in their body language that they don't agree.
It's like a boss telling employees what to do and even though the employees don't like it, they do it. However, you see the employees mocking the boss or making fun of the boss behind his back.
That's what you see happening with Subconscious Minds that are going against their Conscious Minds. The Conscious Minds of the body are doing what they're told, but you can tell by the catty way they have their Conscious Minds say certain words or slip in certain phrases.
It's too bad there's no way to prove that I don't read Isabella or Bliss' Blog anymore. It would've been interesting if some of the women were still snooping my Journal while reading my Blog as well as Isabella and Bliss and what I post in my Blog would align with what they said.
It would look like I'm reading their Blogs, but I'm not.
When people know, it's hard to prove. That's why I like it when people don't tell me that they're eavesdropping because I can just go about my business typing whatever unaware that I'm being monitored.
Amusingly enough, that's how it works with the Subconscious Collective and how people's eyes and ears act like Planetary Surveillance Cameras. Conscious Minds go around thinking nobody's watching, but they don't realize that their eyes record everything they do.
When people know they're being watched, they tend to behave differently. They're more self-conscious of their actions. That's why it's good to be honest. When people are honest, they don't have to worry about lying or getting caught because they aren't hiding anything.
People who lie, cheat, and steal tend would be the ones who'd hate this knowledge the most because it would trip them up.