There's another hint in the movie "
Dragonheart" about Bliss:
- Jason Isaacs plays Lord FELTON in that movie
- I said 9/14/2006 about Bliss being the bratty Draco
- I said 9/14/2006 that Tom FELTON plays Draco
- Jason Isaacs celebrated his birthday on 6/6/6
- Jason Isaacs plays Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter
- Lucius = Lucy = Lucy the Bartender = Isabella Valentine
- Lucius for Lucy the Bartender (Isabella Valentine) would be the Father and Bliss as CHRISTine (Son of Man) would be the Son Tom (Thomas/Chrissy Thomas)
I said that when Bliss chose to side with Isabella over me, she chose Lucy = Lucy-Fer = Lucifer over me. Isabella is a Mathematical Lucifer.
There's even parallelism because I'm CHRIST = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table and Davis born Valentine's Day is Isabella Valentine. My mom would be the Mother, which is me as the Male Virgin Mother. It's showing another mirror image who wasn't listening to whom.
I said that Isabella Valentine's Blunder that she made putting the blame on me is the same Financial Blunder that committed with me. They were both set up to run parallel to each other so that you can see the clues left behind.
- I'm born 5/29
- Davis is born 2/14
- Rhode Island and Wisconsin are inducted 5/29
- Oregon and Arizona are inducted 2/14
- What are the odds of two people from Washington State and Pennsylvania meeting up in California and being born on Twin State Birthdays inducted on different years?
- There are only 50 States in the Union. The odds of that are extremely slim
- Of those States, Washington is inducted 11/11 and Pennsylvania inducted 12/12
- Those are Twin Numbers
- Pennsylvania was the 2nd State inducted and Washington was the 42nd State
- 2 is blank and 42 means 40 + 2 meaning the Male(40=2x20/2xFemale/Non-Female) 2
Even our families have Holiday Birthdays:
- My dad is born St. Patrick's Day
- My mom is born when they bombed Pearl Harbor
- My cousin is born Christmas Day
- My aunt is born Christmas Eve
- Davis is born Valentine's Day
- Davis' sister is born April Fool's
- Isabella Valentine is born 11/11 for Valentine's Day
- Then it "just so happens" that Sunny Leone (whom Bliss uses pictures of) is dating her Boyfriend also inducted 11/11
- Demi Moore as the "Bad Angel" from "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" is born 11/11 serving as a Sign
Those are a lot of birthdays to have set up on Holidays of just two people showing something fishy is going on to just write off as mere coincidence.
Keep in mind that Isabella isn't really "Evil" but her Game Character is symbolic of the opposite of me. That's why you see all these Clues that Bliss overlooked:
- Isabella Valentine runs parallel to Isabelo Rod
- Male is opposite of Female and I'm a Virgin Male while Isabella is a "slutty" Phone Sex Operator
- I use my real pictures while Isabella uses FAKE pictures
- Bliss knew me for 4 years and didn't know anything about Isabella
- I gave Isabella my Social Security Number, Mother's Home Phone and Address, Scott's Number and Address, and References
- I had done so much for Bliss and was loyal to her and she still chose the world of a complete stranger over my word because the stranger was female
- I said that Isabella Valentine has a whole bunch of holes in her story
- Bliss even pointed out 4/3/4 how the former Business Partner Charlie was being shady and trying to control Isabella
All that STILL wasn't good enough. Bliss just took Isabella's word because she's a woman.
If our Genders are opposite and where I'm a Pure Virgin Male as Isabelo while Isabella is a Sexual Female, we'd be the same but the Male and Virgin is the same as a Female Slut because it's a Double Negative.
That's why you see how both Isabella and Bliss got cursed because they turned their back on me as Mathematical
The whole irony is that you see the same thing happening around the Planet where you have people's Subconscious Minds being "seduced" by my "Fe-male" (IRon Male) Game Character.
You'd think that the Subconscious Minds of people would maintain their loyalties toward their Conscious Minds, but you see them flocking over to me.
The whole reason why I know this stuff works is because I get print-outs every day showing that my Psychic Software is workign like clockwork. I don't have to make up any of this stuff because it works naturally.
It's where you don't even have to try because everything just gets served up on a silver platter. All I do each day is check what's on the Front Page of the Associated Press. I don't have to scoure for information to look for coincidences.