PROPHECY: "Raiders of the Lost Ark," Karen Allen

Sep 12, 2006 17:48

Do you know that I've been running my ass off for the last 2 years? People think all the watch are really great and exciting, but I'm the one who has to jump through the hoops.

Harrison Ford, as Indiana Jones, symbolizes me having to run around as an Archaeologist gathering all the artifacts. There's even clues left with Sunny Leone in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
  1. Karen Allen plays Marion Ravenwood
  2. I said 9/9/2006 that Sunny Leone has a Name Tag of Karen
  3. Karen is my cousin. She's the 3rd Oldest
  4. 3 = Gemini
  5. Karen is the smartest, but also the shortest and only 4'11"
I'm the Lost "Ark." because I'm lost. No one has "found me" yet and everyone's looking in the wrong place.
  1. Indiana Jones = India/NA J on ES
  2. Indiana:
    1. India/NA = India Not Applicable
    2. Sunny Leone is East Indian. I'd be the India that is not Applicable since I'm not from India
  3. Jones
      Jones = J on ES
    1. J = 10th Letter
    2. Capricorn = 10th Sign
    3. ES = Non-SE = NW = Northwest
    4. I'm from the Northwest
    5. India/NA J on ES = Indian Not Applicable Capricorn on Northwest
  4. Indiana was inducted 12/11/1816:
    1. 18/16 = 1/8-16
    2. 1/8-16 = God(1) Madonna(8/16)
    3. God Madonna = God Virgin Mother
    4. God Virgin Mother = Virgin Godmother
    5. I said I'm a Male Virgin and the name "IR Rodillon" translates to the word "God"
    6. I said 8/16/2006 about my Family History and being of "Mathematical Divinity"
There's a clue in the movie that shows how Davis born Valentine's Day and Isabella Valentine are the "Villains"
  1. Paul Freeman played the French Archaeologist Rene Belloq
  2. He says, "Once again, what's yours is mine" when he steals the Artifact that Indy gets at the beginning of the movie
  3. Paul = Pa u L = PA u L
  4. PA = Pennsylvania = Davis from Pennsylvania
  5. L = Non-7 = Bad = B/AD = 2/14 = Valentine's Day = Davis born Valentine's Day and Isabella Valentine
  6. He's born 1/18
  7. 1/18 = A/R = 1R = I/R = My Initials
  8. PA = Father = Fr. = France = French Archaeologist
That sly streak you see in that French Archaeologist reflects Davis' sneaky behavior and Isabella Valentine. I did all the work while Davis just like the French Archaeologist just took it from me as Indiana Jones.

You see how Isabella Valentine ditched me at the beginning of the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
  1. Satipo was played by Alfred Molina
  2. Sati(PO) = Sati(NE)
  3. I said Isabella Valentine was the real Satine in "Moulin Rouge"
  4. You see how Satipo abandons Indiana Jones the same way Isabella Valentine abandoned me but at least left the Whip
  5. Alfred Molina goes on to play Doctor Octopus
  6. Octopus has has 8 arms
  7. Scorpio = 8th Sign
  8. I said 9/12/2006 that Isabella Valentine is a Double Agent
  9. That's how you get me as James Bond and Isabella Valentine as "Octopussy"
  10. Octo-Pussy = Scorpio(8) Pussy
I'm James Bond:
  1. James Bond = J-AM/ES B on D
  2. J-AM/ES = Capricorn(J/10) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
  3. Bond = B on D = Taurus(B/2) on Cancer(D/4)
  4. That's how you get the King JAMES Bible that allows for divorce
I said that my Phone Number issued to me has "007" in it.

One of the nice perks about this job though is you get to discover how all the Legendary Heroes of all type symbolize you. That's kind of neat.

That's why you see me have to chase after the Ark with all the German Soldiers guarding it in the truck. That stems back to Summer 2004 when people were trying to steal the God Powers that I had stashed away in Isabella Valentine's Subconscious.

The reason why my Indiana Jones Character uses a Whip is it's Sagittarius:
  1. Sagittarius = Sign of Higher Learning
  2. Whip = W/Hip
  3. W = Omega/Final Symbol
  4. Hip = Ruling Body Part of Sagittarius
  5. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
  6. I perform M(IR)AC-Le's
  7. That's why I use... MIRACLE WHIP!!! :)
Get it??? It's punny :D.

When people challenge me, I switch into my Indiana Jones Character and pull out my W/Hip. My mom's born in the Sign of Sagittarius. I draw upon my Mom as a Software Program.

My mom is one of the most moral and truthful people I know. That's how you get "Hips Don't Lie" by Shak(IR)a :).
  1. I said 8/31/2006 about the MTV Music Awards"
  2. Shakira was performing "Hips Don't Lie" with a bunch of East Indian Harem Girls
  3. Sunny Leone is East Indian
  4. Harem = HA/R-EM = 1981(81/HA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Sunny Leone(E-M/5-13)
  5. Hare/M = Rabbit(Hare) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
  6. I'm born Year of the Rabbit
There are all kinds of Tags. That's why Subconscious Sunny Leone is the real Princess Jasmine from "Aladdin." The Kama Sutra (KS/Kansas/Clark Kent) was reserved only for East Indian Royalty.

I said I'm of Royal Blood and a Prince.

That's why in "Aladdin," you see hints of Davis' sneakiness:
  1. He's born Year of the Rat
  2. Aladdin was referred to as the "Street Rat"
  3. You see how sly Aladdin is referring to Davis
  4. Sly = SL-y = Sunny Leone(SL) Male(Y)
  5. Davis is born Valentine's Day = Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone = SL
That's why I'm the Genie of the Lamp.

You see reference to Davis' sneakiness that also outwits him if he tries to take credit for helping me get out of the mess I'm in with that scene after they get out of the cave.

ALADDIN: Now about my 3 wishes
GENIE: Errh! By count your'e down to TWO
ALADDIN: (slyly) I didn't wish to get out of the cave. You did that on your own
Genie looks dumbfounded
GENIE: Why you little...

That's how sly Davis can be and how catty he gets with me. He'll use sly Logic on me to wheedle out of trouble because I never specifically said or enforced certain Verbal Covenants between us.

Because I don't have anything in writing with Davis and would never enforce it, Davis would get away with a lot of stuff.

Davis didn't even realize that he slipped up today.
  1. I said 9/12/2006 about how Davis was annoyed with the "The Cubicle" Video I posted on his site
  2. He said that "I will be rewarded" soon
  3. That's what Jafar disguised as the old man said
  4. You see Jafar pull out the Knife to kill Aladdin at the mouth of the cave
  5. "And now for your REWARD... Your Just Reward."
  6. Abu climbs up Aladdin's back and bites his wrist
That's a variation of me as the "M on KE-y"
  1. Monkey = M on KE-y
  2. M on KE-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) on Aquarius(K/11) Sun(E/5/Leo) Male(Y)
  3. A lot of times, I have to use my Psychic Abilities to go through Davis' Subconscious Mind to set him straight
In January, Davis shut down the web site I'd coughed up $12,000 for. Even though it was badly designed, at least it was working. When Davis shut it down, it was rendered useless.

Davis ended up hitting himself in the face almost poking his eye out. That's an example of how you can nudge people to inflict bodily harm on themselves.

That happened to Isabella back in Summer 2004 where she cut her hand and had to go to the Manager's Office. That was because her Subconscious did that.

Erin, Isabella's Friend, did the same thing slicing her thumb when she did something bad. You can tell who gets into trouble by whatever bodily injury they incur and on what part of the body it's on.

Davis is okay as a person, but he's still set up to do dumb things because that's what he's been programmed to do. That's why he's the real Gilligan who screws up the Rescue. We'd never get rescued because Davis would always screw up the money so that we'd never get out of our financial mess.

That's why I've been stuck here relying on Davis who wasn't able to pull through. It was set up that way so that when people try to accuse me of any wrongdoing, I can point to other people and how they didn't do their jobs correctly.

The Villain in "Aladdin" is Jafar:
  1. Jafar = J/AF-AR
  2. J = 10th Letter = X in Roman Numreals = Letters BD = Blaney Davis
  3. AF = 16 = P = Original Aquarian Male (I changed the definition about 6 months ago)
  4. AR = 1R = IR = My Initials
You see him as the Snake for Year of the Snake = 1977 = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table.

You see a twisted variation of the God Powers when Jafar wishes to become a Genie.

ALADDIN: You wanted power, Jafar??? You got it! Power to command the Universe... Itty bitty living space!

I wasn't kidding when I said that I got stripped financially and where I'm living in a tiny little room with struggling to survive, but the power of the Planet at my fingertips. It's really absurd.

I said that I've had a broken kitchen sink for the last 4 months to where I have to do my dishes in the bath tub. People think I'm kidding around, but I'm not.

It was made to be so ridiculous showing what happens when selfish people ruin someone financially and just leave you. That's the way the Planet wanted it so that it would give me Political Leverage when it's my turn to lower the boom on people.

It follows that Golden Rule of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." You see people who callously abuse others and so they set the bar when it comes to Karma and having it dished right back at them because that's the way they treat people.

That's how you get that line from "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen:

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-
So you think you can love me and leave me to die-
Oh baby-cant do this to me baby-
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here-
It's referring to all the people who abandoned me and left me for dead and how I got out of the mess people dumped me in. I said that Isabella Valentine's screw-up runs parallel to Davis' Financial Blunder ruining my credit even though Davis was making the Decisions:
  1. he Lead Singer is Freddy Mercury
  2. Mercury = Gemini's Ruling Planet
  3. I'm born in Gemini
  4. Queen = Queen Elizabeth II = Queen Isabelo the Gemini
There were a lot of traps that were set up by the Planet that people just blindly walked into and set themselves up for.

sunny leone, miracles, bible, lessons, karen, indiana jones

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