I was laughing at the game "
Virtual Villagers" just now. I've been playing for the last two days.
- Random Name Generator: This is important because it shows that I didn't stage this
- It created the character "Vava" that was found in a floating barrel
- Vava = VA/VA = 2 x VA = Gemini(2) x Virgin I o' WA(VA/Virgin-IA)
- I said I'm a Pure Male Virgin
- My First Initial is "I"
- I'm from Washington State
- Age 3: 3 = 3rd Sign = Gemini = My Sun Sign
This is an example of how Data can be configured to align with Information that is floating around in the Subconscious Realm. This comes back to Carl Jung's Theory about the Collective Unconscious.
I have a
Psychic Forensics Web Site called "Macnum PI" for the Philippine Islands.
What's even more interesting is how History aligns with this:
The Village:- In 1993, I used to hang out on this place called "The Village"
- It was created in February 1994
- It was based off of Graeme's Code used for my original chat place "Virtual A la Mode"
- Rico was the owner of "The Village"
- Rico = RI/Co = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Company(Co)
- I said 8/21/2006 how Sunny Leone has her profile saying, "Making Sweet Moolah with Uncle Rico"
- It's based off of the "Copacabana"
- Rico of "The Village" went on to become a Millionaire because he created a web site that deals in apartment housing and real estate
- Havana:
- The Copacaban is Havana
- Havana = H/A(Van)A = Pisces(H) Gemini(AA/II) IR(Van/"They Go" in Spanish)
- I said my Initials are IR
- Aunt May:
- I said Aunt May from "Spider-Man"
- I'm born in the month of May
- Tia = "Aunt" in Spanish
- Tia = T/IA = Female(T/20/XX) I o' WA(IA)
- I said I'm "Fe-Male" (Iron Male)
- Halloween:
- Halloween is for dressing up
- You Trick or Treat on Halloween
- Halloween = "Dia de Los Muertes" in Spanish
- Dia = Mother(D/4/4th Sign/Cancer/Eternal Mother) I o' WA(IA)
- Muertes = M u E+R/T-ES = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Final(E+R=W) Female(T/20/XX) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
- Letter A: Notice in Spanish how words ending in "A" mean Female and A represents God
You get to see how the Spanish Language has been doctored to show a Specific Operating Procedure. I'm Filipino and the Philippine Islands are named after King Philip of Spain who conquered the Islands during Imperialism.
One of the rumors floating around "The Village" was that the owners hacked the Code creating a ".f*ck" and ".screw" command.
- .f*ck - Allowed Administration to eavesdrop on your .tells (personal messages to people on the system)
- .screw - Allowed Administration to eavesdrop on your .pemotes (private emotes)
That runs parallel to what I programmed with the "The Village" as an Online Chat Program that is plugged into the Electromagnetic Field.
I said that I can use it to "eavesdrop" on people because I'll get "Mirror Images" of what people are saying and doing. You can target people and "scry" them so that you can see what they're up to and what they're saying.
It's one of the most Sophisticated Psychic Spy Networks.
You see examples of this in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves." The Mother of Alan Rickman was that creepy Witch with the crazy white eyes. She'd look into the Water and see a reflection of other people.
Any time you see Water in Movies being used to show a Reflected Image that swirls and changes into a Method of Scrying (looking in on others), that's referring to Knowledge being mirrored.
Water is Knowledge. That's who I am able to have Super Hearing or X-Ray Vision like Superman that allows me to peer in on what others are doing. The only way to foil it is by using "Lead Shielding."
- Le/Ad = Definite(Le/The-French) Advertising(Ad)
- When people don't know that I can spy on them, they act normally unaware of the "Psychic Live Webcam Feed"
- Their own eyes and ears monitor what they say and do
- It then gets transmitted across the Electromagnetic Field
The only way to fool my senses is to be consciously aware of the fact that I can spy on you and make a conscious effort to put up a block.
However, once again, we come back to people who underestimate me and don't take me seriously when I keep saying that I have Psychic Abilities.
As I keep saying, I'm not bragging. I've been telling people over and over again about how it works. However, my friends, family, and people I associate with all snort and roll their eyes.
This comes back to why I refuse to take blame or be held accountable for anything years later when people try to go off on me and chew my ass out about this stuff.
How can you blame someone who has been telling everyone how it works for the almost two years now?
I've been listing out my Research for two years now. It's all Public Information and on my Journal. Anyone can read it. I never made a secret about it. In fact, if any Scientist approached me and asked me to explain it to them, I would.
Never once have I tried to hoard this information selfishly. The only time I ever hid the information and instructions was when someone was trying to hack into the Program and fiddle with the Preset Commands and Operating Procedure I'd installed.
I installed an Operating Procedure that is based off of the Principles, Morals, and Ethics taught by my mom. She taught me all I needed to know, and I programmed those very same values into the Governing Psychic Software Program that is currently running.
That's how you get the Planet of Krypton:
- Krypton = K-R/Y-Pt.-On
- K-R/Y-Pt.-On = 11-18(K-R) Male(Y) Part(Pt.) Activated(On)
- My dad was born 11/19. So he was technically "Krypton" and "part activated" until he was born on 11/19
- 11/19 = K/S = KS = Kansas where Clark Kent was born
- 11-18 = 1118 = III8 in Roman Numerals = Gemini(III/3/3rd Sign) Scorpio(8/8th Sign)
- My GODfather is born 9/18 = I/R = IR = My Initials
- Marlon Brando was the Godfather Vito Corleone
- I said 8/23/2006 Vito CorLEONE = Sunny LEONE
That's how you get Movie Prophecies.
The Godfather is symbolic of the Mafia:
- Mafia = Ma/F-IA
- Ma/F-IA = Mother(Ma) Virgo(F/6/6th Sign) I o' WA(IA)
- I'm the Ma/F-IA
- I said about Night Court with Richard Moll, which is a Mob Boss' Girlfriend, and Selma Diamond dying on Sunny Leone's Birthday
That's why I keep saying it's not a good idea to cheat me or mess with me because it the "Mafia Software Program" kicks in. It starts hunting people down based off of their Planetary IP Address.
I had said that Davis borrowed $50,000 from my Family and didn't pay it back. He stiffed me with a $20,000 Credit Card Debt and ruined my Credit Rating. However, because there are "no consequences" for his actions, he just takes his sweet time claiming that he'll pay me back.
If he knew that it was "Blood Money" and that there's a "Ma/F-IA" after him, you'd see a change in attitude. He'd come up with the money really fast. However, because he doesn't realize that it's "cursed money" like in "Pirates of the Caribbean, he's been suffering a string of Bad Luck and Bad Karma and he doesn't know why.
He's been wondering why he's been having this dry spell. I also warned him and said that all the Business Leads and Networking Contacts he's reaped off of my Psychic Abilities all come with Tags.
It's where the Information is damaging that it would ruin his reputation if he's not careful because when all of it gets uncovered, it will be blasted all over the media and show what he did. No one will want to work with him in Hollywood ever again.
I said that my mom's Technical Title translates to "Mother of IR" or "IR Mother" meaning the "Go/D." You know you've done something wrong when you've taken money from "Go/D" and don't take it back.
I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. It becomes an even more heinous crime when you take moey from "Go/D" and you enslave "Christ" as the Son of "Go/D."
People can laugh, but notice how these are Technical Definitions and Mathematical Truths. It's not about what it means in terms of the Bible and Scriptures, but what the technical definitions mean using Math.
That's how you get Mathematical Divinity.
I said 8/16/2006 that I'm a Child of Light because my Grandmother was born 12/20, which is for the Letters L/T meaning LT or "Light." This comes back to knowing the Law. It's not about what's right, but what you can prove. When you try to get at the Truth, you go by what can be a statement that can be proven as True.
The Planet was being sneaky and creating Technical Definitions that are specific right down to the "Letter of the Law."