SIGNS: Isabella, Sunny Leone, Scott, 310

Aug 21, 2006 16:27

I got a kick out of the question below:

  1. Allison: I said 8/20/2006 about Alison Zaichers
  2. Isabella: I said 8/20/2006 that Isabella impersonating Sunny Leone who was Alison
  3. 310 points: Her points are 310 = 3/10 = Scott's Birthday
  4. Scott: I said 8/12/2006 that I fiddled with the Definition so that S(cott) [Bo]one = S(unny) [Le]one
It's a funny example of how you can get Alignment. It's only for a brief while, but that's how things coincide. It's the same with Planetary Alignment and when things are in line.

This is also a great example of how the Subconscious Minds of people can't be fooled. I had said that Subconscious Scott and Subconscious Bliss knew the Truth about what had happened. That's why you see them siding with me even though their Conscious Minds have to "officially" remain as "Psychological Prisoners of War."

I had said that if Bliss knew that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon, she would've sided with me and not Isabella. Same with Scott. I kept saying that if I keep manifesting Psychic Phenomenon then it means that I was right and the other people were wrong.

scott boone, sunny leone, isabella valentine, 310, signs

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