Here's something that mentions about the Political and Religious Repercussions of introducing a Jesus Christ Figure into the World.
What would it be like?
What would it be like if you could comeas close to Christ as His disciples did-to walk and talk together with Him, to know Himas confidant, companion, and comforter?
You'd find that he's just a normal person like everyone else. That's not to say that the things he achieved would be short of miraculous by today's standards and the Level of Science and Technology we live in today.
However, when you learn all about someone, you eventually get used to the person. Christ would be just like the Supermodels and Celebrities we idolize. They seem larger than life from afar. However, when you get to know them, you find they're just like everyone else.
Everyone is currently viewing that video of Britney Spears chomping on pizza and belching loudly. It's a total 180 from the slim figure and the sexy image she used to project through her music and videos. However, that's just Britney as a human being. Before she was a star, she was a normal human being.
In fact, people should actually pity Christ. The problem with Christ is that Christ would be graded with even harsher standards by people than Celebrities. Everyone has high expectations of Christ. He's supposed to be perfect, never makes any mistakes, and knows everything.
Who can live up to those expectations? It would take a lot of self-confidence and a big sense of humor. He'd also have to prove that he's intellectually superior to everyone in order to gain their respect else they won't take him seriously. That's seen in an Managerial Position.
If your employees think they're smarter than you, they won't respect you or take you seriously. No one wants to work for a moron or someone whom they think they can do the job better.
Some people were expecting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Others believe it's just mere fantasy and a bunch of tall tales.
If you watch "Da Vinci Code," it shows how Sophie didn't realize she's the Female Jesus Christ. It asked the question, how would Jesus Christ know. When would that happen?
If Jesus Christ was a real person, he'd have to be an adult simply because if he was a child, he wouldn't be able to handle the Political Repercussions that would go with his existence.
If people knew that Jesus Christ was born in this time period, the Paparazzi would be all over Jesus Christ like Brangelina's baby. They'd be hiding in trees, camping out in front of the house where Jesus Christ lived.
There would be Religious Leaders that would make Pilgrimages to the home. They'd nag the Mother of Jesus Christ making her paranoid. They'd nitpick on every little thing she does when it comes to raising Jesus Christ.
Then they'd argue over what Jesus Christ should learn. You'd get Catholics that would be telling Jesus Christ to memorize the Bible. Other Religious Sects would be forcing Christ to read and memorize their Spiritual Texts.
Let's not forget about how pissed off the Middle Eastern Countries would be if Jesus Christ was born in the United States. They'd declare a Holy War or Jihad on the U.S. for "corrupting" Christ and "poisoning him with American Ideals."
Every time Jesus Christ makes a mistake as a child, you'd have other countries shaking their heads at the United States saying, "If Jesus was being raised in our country, we'd have taught him the right things and he'd never make that mistake."
His Family Life would suck. All his cousins would be resentful toward him. How can compare to having Jesus Christ as your cousin?
It would make you want to throw up having to listen to your parents nag you and say, "Why can't you be like your cousin, Jesus Christ?"
That's one way to get Jesus Christ getting beat up by his cousins or mistreated when none of the parents or adults are around.
Cousins and other kids Jesus Christ's age would loathe him with a passion because all the adults would be schmoozing him. Any time Jesus Christ would do something wrong, he would most likely not get punished like normal kids. He'd get off easy all the time.
That's one way to tick off all the other kids and get beat up during recess.
Junior High and High School would be a fiasco. You'd get all these hot girls throwing themselves at Jesus Christ. All the guys would really learn to despise Jesus Christ and make him the butt of their jokes.
They'd get off on pickong on Jesus Christ or laughing every time Jesus Christ screws up. Don't forget the Paparazzi lurking around in the bushes waiting to catch that Million Dollar Picture of Jesus Christ picking his nose, making out with a girl, or doing something bad.
You'd get mean kids that would taunt Jesus Christ and dare him to go steal something from a store. The media would be all over a news story where they caught Jesus Christ shoplifting.
He'd have a dysfunctional childhood.
That's why if Jesus Christ was a real person and born within the last 30 or 40 years, he most likely would be like Sophie from "Da Vinci Code" that didn't know about her identity. It would be top secret.
If people were going to look for Jesus Christ, they should start with Madonna's birthday since she's named after the Virgin Mother. She's born 8/16.
Steve Carell played the "40 Year Old Virgin." He's born 8/16.
James Cameron is JC for Jesus Christ/ He's born 8/16. If you read the bio on "Titanic," it says that he gave it a fake name like "Planet Ice" to keep prying eyes away.
Leo DiCaprio is born 11/11, which is when Washington State was inducted into the Union. Leo is the 5th Sign for the Sun. Jesus Christ is the Sun.
Jesus Christ would say, "I am the Way." Maybe if Leo DiCaprio is represents Washington State, it really meant "I am the WA-y" or the "Washington Male."
It's safe to say that if Jesus Christ was on the Planet, he or she is most likely using a fake name and hidden away. If Jesus Christ is walking among us, he'd have to be an adult or a child who is unaware of his or her identity.
You can go the other direction though with Steve Carell being a Male Virgin Mary. If you have a Male Virgin Mary, it satisfies the Immaculate Conception Riddle.
Any woman who claims she's the Virgin Mary will be called a liar and the child believed to be human.
However, if the Virgin Mary is male, it satisfies the Riddle because there's no way another human male could impregnate another male.
If you go by the theory where you can "impregnate people with thought" so that they "give birth to an idea," you could have a Female God complementing a Male Virgin Mary.
In Dogma, Alanis Morissette plays a Female God. If you have the Sun in our Solar System as Leo the 5th Sign and the Male Virgin Mary as human, the offspring of the two would be a hybrid of the Size of the Sun and the Size of a Human.
So theoretically, you could argue that Jesus Christ would be Planet Earth. The Electromagnetic Field with Humans as Planet-Sized Brain Cells functions on the same principles as the Electrical Field in the Human Mind that creates a collective consciousness of thought comprised of individual brain cells.
The Male Virgin Mary, if born in the United States, could create Jesus Christ as a Fictitiious Business Name under the 14th Amendment with a "Jesus Christ Corporation" with the Male Virgin Mary as the CEO.
As long as you can prove the existence of the Electromagnetic Field being used as a Communication Array that communicates to all the different Departments, you'd in essence have a the Legal Body of Jesus Christ as company.
If the Male Virgin Mary as the conscience is serving as a Remote Host sending instructions to the rest of the body, that's how you could give life to Jesus Christ from a Business Perspective.
All the Male Virgin Mary has to do is prove that the Executive Decisions issued get carried out on a planetary scale affecting Global Trends, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Political Tides.
If that was to happen, it would most likely manifest itself in the Associated Press on a daily basis using Mathematical Tags that align to whatever the Male Virgin Mary says.
So if the Male Virgin Mary kept a Blog of the Executive Decisions he made and showcased how whatever he said gets mirrored in the Associated Press the next day, it would confirm that the Jesus Christ or God Corporation is functioning.
Some might consider that Psychic or Wondrous, but it would really just be like Psychic E-mail being transmitted on a Broadcast Network running off that Electromagnetic Field and being beame to all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet. That lends credence to Carl Jung's Theory of the Collective Unconscious as well as the Gaia Theory.
The Gaia Theory is a 3,000 year old concept that the Planet is a living organism. Instead of a Plasma Shell Membrane as seen in single celled organisms, it would be an Electromagnetic Shell Membrane that shifts and move around information and data.
If that Male Virgin Mary can prove that such events can happen, that would be on a God-Like scale, but not because it's really just about influence and managing electronic transmissions.