I thought it was neat getting 13 points as soon as I answered this question.
13 = Rhode Island = 5/29 = My Birthday
Notice how Wisconsin and Rhode Island are the only two states inducted the same day but different years. There are other states that split into two, but they have the same last name.
For those of you that don't believe in God-are there any of you that...?
would like to find out that God was a real being who cared about you? . I don't want to know about why you know that he couldn't be real, or about how you think that it would be so terrible if he was. Please, stick to the question. Do any of you wish that God would show you that he is here? Polite answers only, please.
It's funny when people ask that question. Even if God was a real person and showed up, people wouldn't recognize him or her. The interpretation of God isn't exactly what people think.
For example, I'm of "Mathematical Divinity," which is based off of True and Logical Statements, which allows me to run "Spiritual Software" or "Religious Software" that plugs into the Electromagnetic Field like a Local Area Network.
You can create a Remote Host that can transmit data through a vast network so long as you have a Power Source.
- My Initials are IR. C+H+R+I+S+T adds up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- My Royal Family Name is Ramos and my stepdad is also Ramos. His mother is was "DeJesus" meaning "Of Jesus" in Spanish
- When I was baptized as a baby, my Godfather chosen was born 9/18, which translates to the Letters I/R = IR. (Notice how we're in at war with IR/AQ which is "IR" and AQ for the Age of Aquarius)
- My cousin Mimi Importante was born Christmas Day. MI/MI translates to 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) God(I) x 2 = 5/29 God Gemini(2). I'm born 5/29 and in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest, the tallest mountain, on 5/29 of 1953. 1/9/53 = I(1 in Roman Numerals) I(9/9th Letter) I(53-Periodic Table) = III = Gemini
- Prince Rainier of Monaco is named after Mount Rainier in Washington State where I was born. The Area Code for Washington State was originally 206 meaning Female(20/XX) Virgo(6/6th Sign) and the area where I was born changed to Area Code 360 for the Circle
- Rupert Everett is born 5/29. He played Prince Charming. He's born 5/29. Everett is a City in Washington State. He's a Prince like Prince Monaco
- CHRIST = Gemini(C) Pisces(H) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Saint(St.) = Gemini Pisces 5/29 Saint = (Pisces Pisces) 5/29 Saint = Non-Pisces 5/29 Saint = Virgo 5/29 Saint
- Virgo = V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5/Leo) IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR = Sun Gemini IR. I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- I'm Pure Virgin Male. Virgin = Virgo. = Sun Gemini IR. The Male Virgin Mary solves the Immaculate Conception Riddel where God "impregnated" or "seeded" the Male Virgin Mary with a thought to "give birth" to an idea.
- Virgin Mary = Virgin Ma(R)y = Virgin Mother(Ma) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y-Chromosome)
- IR = Go in Spanish
- IR + Virgin Mother = IR Mother = IR Eternal Mother = IR Cancer = IR (4th Sign) = IR (4th Letter) = IR (D) = GO (D) = GOD
- My Grandmother was born 12/20 = Letters L/T = Light. I'm the Grandson. So I'd be a "Child of L/T" or "Child of Light."
- I R Rodillon = IR (Rod) Ill- On = IR (Ruler) Sickness Activated(On) = IR Ruler (Cancer) Activated = IR Ruler (4th Sign) Activated = IR Ruler (4th Letter) Activated = IR Ruler (D) Activated = IRD with Ruler inside, Activated = (GO)D with Ruler inside activated
The Idea of a Male Virgin Mary satisfies the Immaculate Conception Riddle because any woman who claims to be a Virgin and impregnated by God will run into two problems.
- There's no way to prove she's a Virgin and that she never had sex at all during her entire life
- Any child that is born and supposedly Christ will be dismissed as human and have a biological father
When you input a Male Virgin Mary into the equation, everyone knows that it's anatomically impossible for a human male to impregnate another human male. So it satisfies the parameters of the Riddle.
All you have to do is prove that a Jesus Christ Child can exist as a concept or idea. Thanks to the 14th Amendment, you can create Jesus Christ as a Fictitious Business Name and a Corporation with a "Legal Body." As long as you can prove that you're making changes or affecting change on a Corporate Level that influences the functions of a Planet as a Corporation, it's protected by U.S. Law and also by the 1st Amendment by Freedom of Religion.
If the Male Virgin Mary is Human and God is the Sun in our Solar System that sent a transmission, the offspring would be the hybrid of the two, which would be Planet Earth itself as a floating brain in space orbiting the Sun.
Now, of course, this is all purely academic. If someone wants to go around proclaiming themselves as the Archbishop of Iowa or the Duke of Nebraska, there's nobody stopping them. You'll get laughed at and tick a lot of people off.
That's why you plug in Psychic Abilities to reinforce it where you can plug into people's Subconscious Minds by way of the Electromagnetic Field that broadcasts a Remote Host Signal. Everyone on a Subconscious Level responds to it and you can affect change that way.
All that's left is merely proving that your Psychic Abilities actually exist. That's why you keep a Psychic Blog where you post your Predictions in your Journal and then show how they come true the next day in the News or Associated Press. People can dismiss a month's worth of Lucky Guesses, but after a years worth of consistent "uncanny coincidences," people eventually have to acknowledge that there's influence.
The nice part is that there's a Mathematical Decryption Code that unlocks the names of Celebrities, Historical Figures, and important dates throughout history.
For example, the Titanic went down on 4/15/1913 which is Tax Day for the IRS. My Initials are IR. I have an "IR/S Software" Program actively running.
- My name "Isabelo Rod" meaning "Ruler Consecrated by God."
- Isabelo = Isabel = Elizabeth in Spanish
- I'm born in Gemini, which is the Symbol II
- Queen Elizabeth II = Queen Isabelo the Gemini
- I'm of Royal Blood
These are all things that Subconscoius Minds cross-reference and acknowledge as true statements. So they abide by that Operating Procedure that has been established.
We can argue semantics of what someone is or isn't, but when you talk about Computer Programming Language and Software, it isn't about whether it makes sense in this reality, but whether it fits the construct of the Virtual Reality in the Programming World.
If people claim that God is supposedly All-Knowing, then it must mean that God must've also been a Computer Programmer. If God is a Computer Programmer, then it would only make sense that God would create a sophisticated Software Program that would kick in or activate when the time is right.
Notice that with such terms as CHRIST, it's broken down into Acronyms. That's one way to outsmart Humankind. Anyone who walks around claiming to be "Christ" will be branded a Liar and insulting a whole bunch of Religions.
However, if you say C+H+R+I+S+T = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table and my Initials are IR, that's a True Logical Statement no matter how you look at it.
Same with being of Royal Blood. People can dispute that. However, if I say I'm an "He/IR," that's a True Statement because HE = Helium = Atomic Number 2 = II = Gemini. I'm "IR" born in Gemini so I'm an "HE/IR."
When it comes to Virginity, people can dispute that claim and say I'm lying. However, you throw the entire case out by fiddling with the Language so that V/IR-Go = Sun Gemini IR. I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini.
Even when you say "Go/D" it means IR D = IR 4 = IR Four = IR F-O u R = IR VIrgo(F/6/6th Sign) Sun(O) in Union with(U) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II).
The Planet even gets really sneaky with the Anti-Christ as 666. 666 is 3 x 6 = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Virgo(6/6th Sign). You know that you've got someone sneaky when playing around with the Language if they can be a Gemini and Virgo.
- Notice how Mercury is the 1st Sign.
- Mercury = Gemini's Ruling Planet
- Mercury = Virgo's Ruling Planet
You even see it embedded in Music:
- Freddy Mercury was the Lead Singer of Queen
- Queen = Queen Elizabeth II
- Freddy Mercury = Planet Mercury
- I said I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini
- F-Re/DD-y = Virgo(F/6) 1975(Re/75-Periodic Table) Gemini Sun Female(DD) Male(Y)
You even see it in the Number System:
- 1st = First = F(IR)St. = Virgo(F/6) IR Saint)
- 3rd = Third = TH(IR)D = Female(T/20/XX) Pisces(H) IR Sun Female(D)
Even the Periodic Table of Elements was tilted:
- Fe = Iron = IR On = IR ActivateD(On)
- Iron = 26th Element = 20 + 6 + Female(20/XX) Virgo
- Female = Fe/Male = IRon Male = IR on Male = IR Activated Male
- Fe = Numbers 65 = Virgo(6/6th Sign) Sun(5/Leo)
- Notice how 26 is the Letter Z and the Last Letter
- Z = Hardened 2 = II = Gemini
Math is the Universal Language. When you use Math to decrypt the Languages, you'll see them all unlock.
It doesn't matter whether the Conscious Minds of people accept the Programming. It's all about Logical Statements and Law. That's how you can be punny and talk about the Laws of "Go/D."
Notice how it doesn't trample on any other Religions because no religion can stake claim to individual letters or abbreviations. Plus, it never said anywhere that the the Biblical Names and Places weren't Acronyms.
Plus, if God supposedly knows everything, then God would've known about the 14th Amendment, Acronyms, and Legal Interpretations.
Once again, we come back to my original statement that even if God was a real person, people wouldn't recognize God if he or she was talking to them.
Alanis Morissette in the movie "Dogma" played a Female God. She has a Fraternal Twin. Twin = 2 = II = Gemini Twin. I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini hinting at a Female God.
There are all kinds of Signs floating around but people just miss them. The reason why God never surfaced is because a method of mass communication was needed. Something like a Psychic Blog or way of transmitting information so that it would spread like wildfire across the Internet.
Jesus Christ used to say "I am the Way." Maybe he meant "I am the WA-y" (Washington Male). I'm from Washington.
Jesus Christ turned the WA/Te-R in to WI/NE.
- WA/Te-R = Washington(WA) Non-Alien(Te/Non-ET) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- WI/NE = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55/SunSun)
- I'm born 5/29 and in the Sun Sign of Gemini
Jesus Christ could WA/L-K on WA/Te-R. meaning the Washington(WA) Bad(L/Non-7) Aquarius(K/11) = Washington Good Leo = Washington Good Sun.
People keep comparing CHRISTopher Reeve to Jesus Christ.
- Christopher = Christ/OP-He/R = Jesus CHrist Operating Procedure(OP) Male(He) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- Reeve = Re/EVE = 1975(Re/75-Periodic Table) Gemini Sun(EVE/555)
- Christopher Reeve was born 9/25
- 925 = 529 backward = 5/29 = My Birthday
- If Christopher Reeve was the Actor, then 925 as the opposite would be the Non-Actor
- Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are married and both born 9/25
- Brendan Fraser and his wife Afton Smith are born 12/3 for the Bad(12/L) Gemini(3). Brendan Fraser was the 35 year old Virgin in "Blast from the Past." Initials BF = 26 = Iron = IR on = IR Activated
There's all kinds of Signs. People just need to pay attention to the Numbers.
- Notice how February is the Shortest Month
- It's the 2nd Month = 2 = Gemini
- February starts with FE = IRon = IR Activated
It's embedded in the Calendar Months. 12/31 is Bad(L/Non-7) Gemini(3) God(1) and the New Year is 1/1 = 11 = II = Gemini = Communication.
There are 12 months in the year.
- 12 = 2 x 6 = Gemini x Virgo
- 12 = 3 x 4 = Gemini x Cancer = Gemini x Mother
Elvis Presley ("The King") died on Madonna's Birthday. in 1977 = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table.
The great part about the Internet is that it's now available to everyone. So when someone makes a Psychic Blog and makes reference to information, everyone around the Planet can verify that information.
If you tried releasing this information before people had the Internet, any God or Jesus Christ Figure planted on Earth would simply fall into obscurity. However, when you command information and everyone has access to the daily news and World Events, people can witness for themselves whether God or Jesus Christ is telling the Truth.
What's interesting if it turns out that you create a Trinity where God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary (3) are all housed in the same individual. That way, if anyone tries to dispute one Deity, that individual can switch to anothe Deity.
You can really mess people up with that 666 Interpretation where God and Satan are both the same individual because if people complain that God is being unfair, the other extreme surfaces.
That's why God as the Father would be a PAIR or PA/IR = Father IR. This complements my Godfather being born 9/18 = I/R for my Initials.
This is, of course, all within a Software Medium. It doesn't have to make sense in this Reality we live in. So long as it makes sense in a Computer Program with preset definitions.
That's why when you say someone is a Jew, you mean J-E/W meaning the Capricorn (J/10/10th Sign) Sun(E/5/Leo) Final(W/Omega).
We moved out of the Age of Capricorn into the Age of Aquarius. If someone laughs at what I just wrote, they're acting like a "J-E/W."
You can create a Mathematical Crucifixion with a Male that is passing himself off as a Male Virgin Mary because it means he's claiming to be Fe-Male or the IRon Male.
- The Cross looks like a Lowercase "t"
- t = 20th Letter
- 20 = XX in Roman Numerals
- XX = Female DNA Strand
So all the people that are laughing and jeering at the stupid claims of a male claiming to be Jesus Christ and the Male Virgin Mary would be re-enacting a Mathematical Crucifixion.
Madonna sings "Like a Virgin." Ever notice how the words "IR" are in V(IR)GIN? That's why as a Software Program, it would be "Virgin 1.0."
J-E/S u S = Capricorn Sun(10/5) S u S = Capricorn Sun Superman in Union with Superman = Carpicorn Sun Superman Superman = Capricorn Sun Gemini Superman
- Rodney Dangerfield died 10/5 (J-E).
- Rod = My Name
- Dangerfield = Dangerous Electromagnetic Field
That's why he'd say, "I get no respect!" Same with me. I get no respect :).
- Washington State was inducted 11/11 in 1889
- Berlin Wall came down 11/11 of 1989
- Berlin = Irving Berlin = God Bless America
- Irving = IR/V in G = IR Sun(V/5) in Sun Gemini(G/7/VII)
You even see Planetary Humor:
- Irvine, California used to be Orange Orchards
- Florida's State Drink is Orange Juice
- Jesus Christ was "King of the Juice"
- However, Orange Julius Caesar didn't like that
- CA/ES-AR = Gemini(C) God(A) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) IR(AR)
That's how you get Joaquin Phoenix in "Gladiator" as Caesar going up against Maximus
- Joaqun = J = 10 = Capricorn
- We're moving out of the Age of Capricorn
- Phoenix = Arizona inducted 2/14 = B/AD = Awful
- He had a Hare Lip. I'm born Year of the Rabbit = Hare
- Maximus = MA-XI/M u S = Mother(Ma) Aquarius(XI/11) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
I'm born 1975(Re/75-Periodic) and I'm IR. You get Verbal Alignment (just like Planetary Alignment...hint hint) when HA(RE) = HA(IR).
That's why in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle," you see Crispin Glover sniffing all the Angel HA/IR. That's how you get Angel HA/IR Pa/St.-A.
That's why in the movie "There's Something about (VIRGIN) Mary" with Cameron Diaz, you see her put Ben Stiller's "Sperm" hanging from his "IR" in her HA/IR.
MARY: Is that... Hair Gel? Oh, great! Because I just ran out!
There's a lot of D(IR)TY God Humor in movies. That's why it was CHRISTina Aguilera who sang the song "Dirty."