ADVICE: What is Truth?

Aug 14, 2006 02:28


What is Truth?

The common dictionary definitions of truth mention some form of accord with fact or reality. Therefore how can religion be true? How can God be true? and still be true in reality. An example is:
God is infinitly perfect, therefore God could have done things in an infinitly better way.

What is true?

It's funny you should ask that because I know Truth very intimately but from a Computer Programming Perspective. Computer Programming relies on Logical Statements that have to be True in order for a statement to work.

For example, your account you have requires you to match your password with what you assigned as your password. However, at what point did that become a Truth that your password you input or assigned is now true?

It stems back from when you first created your account. At that one instant when you were asked to create the account, you were playing the role of "God" by defining it.

God in Mathematical Terms would be "1" because One divides into every number defining it. If God is supposedly in everything, then the Numerical Definition would have to be one.

When you created your password, you were exhibiting "godhood." You were granted the power of defining what your password would be so that only you would know. No one else could create it. It had to be you. Your account came into existence and your password with you knowing what your password is became a "Truth."

If I tried to enter your account by inputting passwords, they'd be wrong because I don't know what your password is. So that's your Truth that you created. That's how a God can create a Truth by defining it.

Societies create their own definitions. That's how you create Truth or a larger Truth when more people accept something as the Truth.

However, when I say "accept the Truth," I'm simply talking about permissions. When people in the United States allow Congress to pass legislature that bans or restricts them in certain ways, people are unconsciously "accepting Truth." They're accepting Truth being defined by the government they reside under and whom they enjoy protection.

Truth is a funny thing. For example:
  1. All the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 (C+H+R+I+S+T). True Statement.
  2. 77 = IR on the Periodic Table. True Statement
  3. IR = My Initials (True Statement that can be verified by a Birth Certificate)
  4. My Godfather was born 9/18 in 1933. True Statement
    1. I = 9th Letter (True Statement)
    2. R = 18th Letter (True Statement)
    3. IR = My Initials (True Statement)
  5. My stepdad's mother is DeJesus, meaning "Of Jesus" True Statement by Birth Records.
If I was to say I'm "Christ," people would laugh or even get offended.

However, if I say C+H+R+I+S+T = 77 = IR = My Initials, that's a True Statement no matter how you look at it.

My name is "I R Rodillon."
  1. IR = Go in Spanish
  2. Rodillon = Rod/Ill-On = Ruler Sick Activated
  3. D = 4th Letter (True Statement)
  4. Cancer = 4th Sign (True Statement)
  5. Cancer = Sickness
  6. IR (Rod) Ill-Oon = GO/D with Ruler inside Activated
If I said I'm of Royal Blood, people can argue with me and tell me I'm lying. However, I'm born 5/29 (Gemini)
  1. Gemini = 2
  2. He = Helium = Atomic Number of 2
  3. Heir = He/IR = Helium/IR = 2 IR = Gemini IR
  4. I'm Gemini and IR (True Statement)
That's Computer Programming for you and setting definitions.

For example, if you really want to mess with people's heads using Logic and the Law, you create a Virgin Mary.

If I said I was a Virgin, there's no way to prove that. However, you can write a Program or Code as forces a True Statement.
  1. Virgin = Virgo
  2. Virgo = V/IR-Go
  3. V = 5 in Roman Numerals = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
  4. Go = IR in Spanish
  5. V/IR-GO = Sun IR IR
  6. Sun IR IR = Sun (2) IR = Sun (Gemini) IR
I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini (True Statement).

You could create a Mathematical Virgin Mary as a True Statement using Logical Arguments.
  1. Virgo = Virgin = V/IR-Go = Sun Gemini IR
  2. Mary = Ma(R)y = May with R inside
  3. R = 18th Letter = 18 = 2 x 9 = 2 x I = II = Gemini
  4. Ma(R)y = May with Gemini inside
  5. I'm born in the Month of May and Gemini
I'm Male, but you could argue that you "impregnate people with thought" in order to "give birth" to ideas. People "conceive" ideas the same way you conceive a baby.

If you want to talk about Truth, you could create a Mathematical Virgin Mary that fits the Immaculate Conception Riddle. A Male Virgin Mary that got "impregnated with thought" would qualify as an Immaculate Conception because you know there's no way any human male could impregnate another human male.

Any female who attempts to claim Divinity would be called a liar and that the child supposedly Jesus Christ is a fake.

If you have a Male Virgin Mary that satisfies the Immaculate Conception Riddle, all the Male Virgin Mary has to do is prove that the Jesus Christ Child can exist.

By using the 14th Amendment where Jesus Christ is a "Fictitious Business Name" and a "Corporation" that's how you get a "Legal Body" of Jesus Christ.

Notice how those are all true statements.

Now, as we all know, this type of thinking is bound to piss a lot of Religious people off. However, that's where we come back to Logical Statements that are used in Law.

Assuming you can verify all my Birth Certificates and Birth Records, what I said are True Statements.

That's Truth.

The Judicial System was set up that way to reinforce not what is right, but what can be proven.

If you really want to talk abou Karma, you could argue that Selfishness and Greed of the Lawyers and big business perverting the 14th Amendment for the Corporate Veil is Karma coming back on them.

The 14th Amendment wasn't supposed to be perverted to protect Big Business and where they argue that a corporation qualifies as a Human Being because the different departments act as the living organs with money as the life blood.

It opened up the gateway to create a perverted version of a Jesus Christ Corporation. So even if Lawyers and Religious Sects get angry about this Interpretation, they know that such a Ruling would be legal because it's protected by the 14th Amendment as well as the 1st Amendment when it comes to Freedom of Religion because it's a Code or set rules.

That's how you can create Truth. Whether that's good or not is a whole different story.

humor, family, lessons, truth, signs

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