ADVICE: Social Pendulum

Aug 10, 2006 01:25


If blacks are so against slavery, why do THEY want a white person to serve them?

Then when they get great service they suddenly forget to tip. Even in the day of slavery the houseboy got perks to share with the rest, yet when a black is faced with the same great service, you get nothing yet they complain about not being recognized. I guess I should aks why do you negroes have a double standard? Either you care or you don't, and if you care then start tipping, If you don't, then STOP BITCHING! When are people going to wake up and see you negroes want it BOTH ways and yet do NOTHING to get it. In other words you want a free lunch yet you want it brought to you and if you don't like that then you expect another round to be waiting for you. Give me a break, and maybe a tip every now and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm Filipino and work with an African-American business associate.

One of the things, my associate told me was that his sister was doing a research paper on Africans. As it turned out, it was actually Africans who sold African slaves to White Traders as Indentured Servants.

The problem is that when the ownership transferred over, it was very vague. So when Africans were shipped over, they were treated horribly and under terrible work conditions. That's one of the aspects you'll find in any business when you aren't specific with your contracts or reinforce the tenets of that contract.

These Indentured Servants went on to have children and they were born into bondage. So you had these offspring that were born into awful work conditions.

The Caucasian Traders and Owners of these Indentured Slaves also had offspring. Because the parents and grandparents of these Caucasians owning and badly treating Black Slaves set the example, you would then get children of Caucasians that would follow that example.

Bear in mind, this is all moving away from the original contract where they were Indentured Servants. When the Africans traded with White Traders those African Slaves, those Africans (from what I was told) didn't treat their slaves as badly as White Traders did.

However, the standards of the Africans that owned those African Slaves never really took into account what would happen when they gave those African Slaves to someone else.

Although people don't like to be perceived as "property," you'll see the same behavior when someone gives something to someone and then that other person doesn't take good care of that possession.

When those original African Owners traded those African Slaves, it never occurred to them the fate that would befall those slaves. Because there was no specific contract and those Black Slaves were used to being slaves, they never questioned that authority and continued to work under terrible conditions.

Ironically, in American History, African-Americans weren't treated like humans except for political leverage. The Northern States didn't want African-American Slaves to count as votes and the Southern States did. That's where the 3/5 Law came into play where Slaves would count as "3/5 of a person."

There's a lot of things that happened in history that were terrible. What's unfortunate though is that as time passes, the recounting of events get fuzzy as to who did what, who is at fault for what, and who should've done what.

So you end up with really pissed off African-Americans that are extremely sensitive about Racial Discriminatoin and non-Black Communities (especially of Caucasian origin) that feel that African-Americans are getting too many perks or benefits with Affirmative Action and such.

The one thing people should be careful of is that when the Social Pendulum swings the other way, it's possible to have African-Americans that discriminate against discriminators. It means that if an African-American sees someone with White Skin, they may accuse someone of discriminating against them because they're white. So you get an inversion of discrimination.

The Social Epidemic people have to be careful of when no one can stand up to African-Americans because every time anyone does, the African-American or an African-American Special Interest group can exercise the belief that the reason why they're denied services, turned down for a Job, etc. is because they feel it's due to Racial Discrimination.

Whether people realize it or not, Caucasians have been rendered "socially impotent" against the African-American Culture. Anyone knows that if a Caucasian speaks out or says anything negative about an African-American, they'll get branded as Racist.

For example, if you had an African-American that was doing bad things, it will get converted into a Racist Issue even if it really isn't. Even if African-American Special Interest Groups deny this, you can tell that if a Caucasian Plaintiff presents allegations against an African-American Defendant, the Caucasian side has to prove that their actions they're taking against the African-American party has nothing to do with discrimination and that there is evidence to support this.

You wouldn't see this with a person of Italian Descent suing someone of Swedish Descent. It's not an issue.

In regards to your situation where you appear to be expressing frustration, it could stem from previous experiences with you, your family, or ancestors.

If there are African-Americans whom you perceive fail to tip you, sometimes that's from African-American Culture promoting that they've been oppressed and therefore the Caucasian Community owes them or needs to atone. So you'll see African-Americans exercising whatever perks or benefits they feel they are entitled to due to the suffering, pain, and anguish their ancestors have underwent.

It's a really touchy situation. As I said, that Social Pendulum is swinging in the other direction to where you have to be very careful with what you say because your very own words can be used against you by any particular Special Interest Group you offend (Lesbian, African-American, etc.).

That's how you end up getting a very complex world where you have to walk on eggshells because if you say or do the wrong thing and offend people, the social flogging you can be really painful.

racism, advice, discrimination, wisdom

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