ADVICE: What if Hell Did Exist?

Aug 09, 2006 17:03

What if hell did exist as a lot of Christians believe?
What if a hard core atheist masochist went to hell? That wouldn’t really be torture for them now would it? They love to be tortured and to physically and mentally suffer. What ever you say on the subject this particular masochist loves any and every type of torture and suffering the worse the better. As a matter of fact that is how this masochist died, trying to find the worst way to torture them self. Does it sound fair that a person who is not get “saved” goes to a place that they love?

Theoretically, Hell can exist in scientific terms. The Earth spins on its axis creating Centrifugal Force. That Centrifugal Force creates a sorting process.

If the Soul is electrical, it would fit the model of the human body's iron in the blood serving as an anchor. When a person dies, they lose that anchor. That's why when a person gets a gunshot wound and where all the blood starts leaking out, a soul can lose that anchor and become detached.

Depending on the heaviness of the soul, it would be drawn to the center of the Planet because of that magnetic core. Lighter souls would end up in the Stratosphere.

Technically, Hell depicted as being hot would be the magma and lava in the center. Because it's highly magnetized, there's a lot of stress or pressure in the center of the Earth. A soul in Electrical Form would be under a lot of "weight" or "stress."

That would be the "torture" or "suffering." Because everyone has a distinct brainwave signal, you could tag that signal to an individual as soon as they die determining whether they go up to Heaven or down to the "fiery depths Hell"

I work in the Film and Entertainment Industry and Spirits in Electrical Form is the most logical answer. There was an experiment done on a haunted insane asylum. They took three video cameras that recorded the same spot. All three caught the ghost image of a spirit.

The only way you could create such an image is if there's discrepancy in the Light. Cameras are light sensitive. Anyone who works in Film Production will tell you that Lighting is important. That's why they use Light Sensors to measure how bright an area is before they start shooting. It's all about lighting.

When it comes to religion, if you're a lighter soul, you're hovering in the atmosphere, which would be symbolic of Heaven or where you get a window seat to the Universe.

This is all Theoretical, of course. I'm agnostic Catholic or could pass for Atheist or an Existentialist since I work in the Science Field.


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