PREDICTION: Paris Hilton Swears Off Sex for a Year

Aug 06, 2006 05:50

I thought this Psychic Prediction was cute about Paris Hilton making a Promise:
  1. "People think I sleep with everyone, but I'm not like that," the Simple Life star and hotel heiress tells British GQ in its September issue. "Kissing is all I do":
    1. I was wondering why I was thinking about the word Kiss today
    2. It was Subconscious Paris Hilton passing on a message about this article
  2. It says she's making a "Promise":
    1. I said 8/5/2006 about the "Promise" that was made by a Doctor
    2. Subconscious Paris Hilton was just confirming that she knows by mirroring that Blog Entry with her own Promise
    3. Conscious Paris Hilton has no idea who I am and this is a great example of Telepathy
  3. Hilton also says that she thinks she'll only be married once, and when it comes to going out on a date, she likes to be treated "like a princess": I said 8/6/2006 about the "Quarterback Princess"
  4. Friday Aug 04, 2006 1:30pm EST: 1:30 = 130 = 13 x 10 = 5/29(13/Rhode Island) Capricorn(10)
I've been really happy with how strong my Psychic Readings have been. I can barely keep up with what I have to post on a daily basis. However, that's a good thing because I can start to discriminate more and handpick the really good Psychic Readings.

This is especially good for securing Sponsors and Investors where they can keep track of my Daily Psychic Readings and compare it with what happens in the Associated Press every 24 hours.

It doesn't get much better than that when it comes to proving that you're a Powerful Psychic and can produce tangible results.

Personally, I like Paris Hilton. She's really just a variation of what I'd be like. That spoiled behavior perceived was tied into Davis being the Letter P in Paris.

However, things have started to clean up a bit more now that I've been deleting him out of the program. Davis has a lot of bad habts and bad thoughts. He was definitely better than Subconscious Charlie of BCB in Summer 2004, but Davis can still be sneaky.

His sneakiness leaks into his thoughts. It was such a pain in the ass having to keep his thoughts clean. The Planet even dangles bait for Davis.

Davis claims that I was in complete control of the finances and could've said no any time to his requests. So therefore I really shouldn't be complaining about my financial rut.

I keep claiming that his Car Accident in October 2002 was where I was the Corporate Vehicle that he was driving.

However, what Davis doesn't realize is that there was a a Caucasian Male in New Jersey that was messing with his head in Sumer and Fall 2004 that was causing him to act sneaky and conniving.

Because Davis doesn't have a very high intelligence, he's vulnerable to Mind Control. Subconscious Charlie was plugging into Davis and manipulating Davis into borrowing all kinds of money, act bratty, and be sneaky.

The only way you can prove that a Caucasian Male was manipulating Davis is if Davis acknowledges that it's possible to have Psychic Mind Control. However, in doing so, he has to acknowledge that my claims are true where he was manipulating me with my finances.

If it's so true that I could've said no at any time when Davis was "suggesting" what I should spend on with my credit card and things he wanted me to spend on, how is it that Davis couldn't block out Subconscious Charlie who was manipulating Davis into doing bad things?

People can claim I'm just making it up, but this comes back to my consistent Psychic Readings and being an official expert in the Psychic Field. I know exactly what Subconscious Charlie had Davis do and you even see it in the news.

That's what that whole thing about Charles Graner was about where "Charles" (Charlie of BCB) was torturing prisoners. It was hinting at how Subconscious Charlie was torturing me as a prisoner.

Subconscious Charlie was so sure that he couldn't get fired and so he was being difficult. He wouldn't budge on any decisions thinking that without his approval, I couldn't do anything.

I finally discovered it wasn't set in stone and that I could fire him. It took me from December 2004 - April 2005 to purge most of Subconscious Charlie. He was calling me continuously trying to get back into the System.

That's where you see that mention of Lord Voldemort and that Journal in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" with Tom Riddle "preserved in a Diary" referring to my Psychic Journal.

Subconscious Charlie really screwed up on Christmas 2004 when he caused that Tsunami killing over 150,000 people. I yelled at him for almost two hours because he was so stubborn and wouldn't listen.

He thought he was so damn smart just because he was 10 years older than me thinking that meant he knew more. Age doesn't mean anything when it comes experience.

When Subconscious Charlie screwed up, Subconscious Isabella, Erin, and Sky couldn't help but throw their support behind me. They had to acknowledge that I was the most qualified candidate.

There were 5 Colors. That's why you see four Hurricanes hitting Florida and only one separate one that was in Louisiana, which is LA for Los Angeles where I'm from. The other four represented the original team that I eventually was forced to fire.

I couldn't wait on them. I had sent notices to their Conscious Minds, but those notices went ignored. The Planet set it up that way in the event anyone tries to claim that I hoarded power.

I did no such thing. I defended that Title and the God Powers thinking it was Isabella Valentine's Inheritance. Not mine. However, Isabella refused to read my Instructions on how to use her God Powers.

Things started going haywire and I couldn't wait for her after 8 months. I was forced to remove the Powers from her because Subconscious Charlie was trying to steal them off of her. I'd housed them away in Isabella's Subconscious Mind thinking that was sufficient, but it wasn't.

That's why the Genesis Probe shows how two helicopters that were Red and Black were supposed to catch the Probe whose parachute failed.

Luckily, the containers didn't break when it hit in the Utah Salt Flats. It was symbolic of the Data and Research Notes that I had on my Journal that I'd given them access to reading.

They didn't want their powers and they ignored my notices. I even see it in my own personal history as to what Charlie did. My half-brother Din wanted my biological father's property divided evenly and to include me.

I was just a kid and I didn't understand what was so great about some small strip of land in the Philippines that I had no interest in. It was symbolic of the God Powers.

The way my Half-Brother Din fought for my share was the same way I fought for Charlie's share or stake. Charlie didn't even deserve it because he's the one who was at fault and made a mistake turning Isabella and all the women against me that destroyed my friendship with Bliss and put a strain on my friendship with Scott.

I even said that Charlie is guilty of 2nd Degree Murder for the Death of Mattie Stepanek on 6/23/2004 because of Negligence. Amusingly enough, all the women sided with "poor, defenseless Charlie" and chewed my ass out.

That's how you see all the women that defended Charlie look even worse because they condemned me as an innocent man and sided with the killer.

On top of that, if anyone wants someone to blame on how I got my Psychic Abilities, you can point the finger at that Caucasian Male in New Jersey. If he had just minded his own business and left me and Isabella alone, I wouldn't have discovered my Psychic Abilities born from trying so hard to prove that I was innocent.

You see a Caucasian Male that contributed to the situation. Charlie was saying he didn't trust me and thought I was dangerous. I was harmless BEFORE the "accident." It wasn't until after the accident that I developed deadly Psychic Abilities.

It was all because Charlie was just trying to save face for looking stupid on 4/2/4. You even see how the Subconscious Mind of the Pope pointed the guilty finger at Isabella and Charlie by choosing to die on 4/2/5 (exactly one year later) marking the Anniversary.

I said I'm of Mathematical Divinity and where I run a Software Program of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, and Go/D. So you see all the Religious Signs fashion themselves around me.
Paris Hilton Swears Off Sex for a Year
By Stephen M. Silverman

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton, who has been linked to a string of rich and famous men, wants to set the record straight about her sexy image.

"People think I sleep with everyone, but I'm not like that," the Simple Life star and hotel heiress tells British GQ in its September issue. "Kissing is all I do."

In fact, Hilton, 25, says, "I'm not having sex for a year. I've decided. … I'll kiss, but nothing else."

For that matter, the star reveals that she's only ever had sex with two men in her entire life. "The reason so many of my relationships don't work is guys are like, 'Hey what's going on? It's been like four months and I'm only getting a kiss here,' " she says.

When it comes to chastity, says Hilton, "I feel good about it. I like the way guys go crazy when they can't have sex with you."

Expanding upon that philosophy, she theorizes, "If he can't have you, he stays interested, the moment he has you he's gone. Unless he is really in love with you."

As for the subject of guys, specifically the ones who have been in her life, Hilton says of her first love, Jason Shaw: "He's amazing. We are very close and he lives next door to me."

Of former fiancé Paris Latsis: "I won't get back with him."

Of former USC football star Matt Leinart: "We're good friends, we just hang out together. He's a good guy."

Hilton also says that she thinks she'll only be married once, and when it comes to going out on a date, she likes to be treated "like a princess."

Friday Aug 04, 2006 1:30pm EST

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paris, predictions, lessons, signs

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