Jackie made a
comment on one of my Blogs.
It's funny that he should actually make such a comment.
MySpace had a Power Outage today:
- I remember the last time there was a Power Outage
- Los Angeles had a Power Outage 9/12/2005 because I got pissed off at a Band who sent me a Friends Request
- Jackie belongs to a Band
- That post on 9/12/2005 was at 1:55 pm just like my Psychic Prediction today at 1:55 pm about "Highway to Heaven"
You see what happens when people like Jackie puts his foot in his mouth.
I said that the Planet functions just like a Film & Entertainment Industry:
- Mother Earth is the Producer
- God is the Director
- Film Crew are the Angels/Demons working behind the scenes
- Subconscious Minds are the Actors
- Conscious Minds are the Characters in the Film
- The Script is what is arranged.
I said that my former associate Davis says the dumbest things like Gilligan on "Gilligan's Island." It's all staged where the Subconscious Mind knows exactly what it's saying the same way the actor Bob Denver knew he was playing the role of a dumb character.
That's how it is with Davis and the same with Jackie who's playing a character that opens his mouth and says something silly and ends up eating his own words.
Jackie was being sarcastic or what he'd like think is being "witty"
Rod.... you're traveling through a dimension. A dimension not only of sight...but of sound. There's a sign post up ahead!!! You've just entered the "pointless zone!"
That's being sarcastic as well as shortsighted. It indicates that Jackie like other previous people are just skimming thorugh my Blog Entries and dont' even understand the repercussions.
People think I post these things because I'm bragging or for the people on Subscription List. Jackie thinks these Blog postings are for the 7 people subscribed to this list. That's only a small fraction.
The reason why I post this is because:
- I'm building a case to prove that my Psychic Theories work and you're going to need years worth of data
- The MySpace Blog is a BACK-UP COPY. I keep three in the event that if one or two of my Accounts where I keep Journals gets deleted, erased, or censored that I'll have back-ups floating elsewhere
- The Time Stamps on MySpace authenticate my Journal Entry
- Years from now, there are going to be people that will suddenly get a clue and realize that I do actually command and affect the Weather, the Global Trends, Politics, and what happens in the News. They're going to blame me and try to make me the scapegoat for their problems.
With the last part, that's where the comments that people like Jackie make come in handy.
People are going to go off on me and say:
- "Why didn't you contact the appropriate authorities?"
- "Why didn't you tell anyone about this discovery?"
- "Why are you hoarding all this power to yourself?"
I'm going to get accused of all kinds of things.
Right now, people think I've just got an overactive imagination, which leads to Jackie's next comment:
Do you really think any one gives a rat;s behind about all thes predictions?
No, I don't. That's the whole point I'm making. Nobody cares. And if nobody cares, that's perfectly fine by me. I still have to go through the motions of posting this so that people all concur as of 7/23/2006, "Yup, I feel that way as well and think Rod is wasting his time, being silly, or needs therapy."
That's perfectly fine because 10 or 20 years from now when people try to chew my ass out about why I can affect the Planet, I'm going to submit these Journal Entries that show how people treated me and their sentiments. And they'll know it's true. They'll know that was the general social climate on 7/23/2006.
If I don't point this stuff out now, people doing research on my Back Journal Entries and Blogs will think that I was just having a grand old time, having fun, and just screwing around.
And if you think I'm being harsh...well "think" again! I'm doing you a favor by saying...and I quote...."Get out of the house!"
I can shoot the same thing back at Jackie. He may think I'm being "harsh" ripping on him, but he's way in over his head and doesn't know my situation:
- I get out of the house
- My finances are limited to where I'm $50,000 in debt, gas prices are ridiculously high, and I have to budget what little money I have
- I could get a secondary job to maintain a social life taking away from my Research OR my other option is to not socialize where I can save money and continue my research
Jackie doesn't my situation.
Jacke once told me that he likes to have sex with his girlfriend. His offhanded comment would be like me criticizing him and saying, "You know, Jackie, you should stop fucking your girlfriend and concentrate on your job."
I don't know anything about his girlfriend. He only made like one comment or reference. What? Am I now suddenly an expert on Jackie's on Love Llfe? I don't know what the Hell they do. I don't know what the relationship is between Jackie and his girlfriend.
Jackie's being a Hypocrite.
My Psychic Research and working away at it is the same way that Jackie works with promoting his band.
How would Jackie like it if I said, "Do you think anybody gives a rat's ass about your music?" That's his passion and what he does as well as the contributions of the other bandmates.
I'm but one person, and I'm pursuing what I do.
"Go experience human interaction with "real" live human beings other than yourself.
I can't socialize at this point because I don't have the finances and it would be a waste of time:
- Socializing takes money
- Socializing means having to interact with other people
- Other people don't get my Psychic Abilities and the Psychic Stuff I talk about
There's also a lot of Garbage floating around in Society.
People think I can just walk around amongst people like everyone else. It's not that simple. When I walk around people, I'm constantly getting Data Transmissions from everyone. People's Subconscious Minds are always slipping me Information. Radio Stations are always slipping me information. I always get a pile-up of information.
Some of that Information is stuff I shouldn't be accepting or listening to because it gets projected onto the Planet. Jackie, as well as other people, don't understand my job.
Jesus! Yes...I said...."Jesus" would advise the same remedy for your obsessions.
The funny part about Jesus Christ being a "Corporate Title" that I possess is that people don't me. You don't know Jesus at all because Jesus is me. And I know myself very well thank you very much.
The whole reason why I wan't even told that I was Jesus Christ was especially for instances like this where other people try to tell me what Jesus Christ would do:
- Jesus Christ is this
- Jesus Christ is that
- If you were really Jesus Christ, you'd do this
- If you were really Jesus Christ, you'd do that
- The real Jesus would never do this
- The real Jesus would never do that
Everybody thinks they know what Jesus Christ would do. That's why I said about the
Religious Considerations and why you have a
Hidden Messiah.
I said that if Jesus Christ and everyone else knew his identity as a kid, he'd be dysfunctional mess because everyone would be telling him how he should act and telling him how Jesus Christ "should behave."
The reason why I wasn't told my Jesus Christ identity till I was 29 years old is so that I'd already have solid core values so that people who try to tell me who I am can't. It will just fall on deaf ears.
I don't listen to peopel because the very same people who think and act like Jackie and my former business associate Davis talked the same way in Summer 2004:
- "Why are you wasting your time trying to prove Psychic Phenomenon?"
- "Nobody gives a rat's ass about your Psychic Research"
- "Give up and stop wasting your time"
If I listened to the same people who sound like Jackie, I would've given up in Summe 2004 and never would've discovered these Psychic Abilities.
Even Jackie knows I'm Psychic.
This comes back to why I don't listen to people anymore. They all ended up being wrong. On top of that, they don't know my Life. You don't know the crap I have to put up with, my financial situation, the political considerations, and how I have to manage.
When I don't manage properly bad things happen like Queens, New York having power outages and MySpace and Santa Monica having their transformers blow up.
It's because of ME
That stuff you see in the news happens because it's the problems I'm having. When I have problems, it gets projected onto other people. For me to just socialize isn't a good idea.
THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN "BLOGGING" DAMN IT! You deserve better for yourself.
Don't you think I know that?
The problem is that I'm only going to be alive for a short while. I could die tomorrow. I could die 60 years from now. When I die, that's it. There's no one to directly tell them all the information that I've decrypted.
While I'm physically alive, I can tell them as Jesus Christ directly what the Interpretations are. As soon as I die, that's it. Game over. You don't get to use me as a Cheat Sheet to provide anymore hints, tips, and information.
When I'm dead, I'm dead. I'm like the "Extra Bonus Round" in the Video Game that people should be using to soak up as much information as possible to get a head start.
These aren't just Blogs. This is like a totally knew Instruction Manual or updated Bible for the 21st Century that could last for the next 2,000 years. That's how big this is.
For me to just hang out is a waste of time. There are 7 Billion other people on the Planet that can go and "socialize." However, there's only one of me. When I don't do work, nobody else does work. When I stop working, nothing gets done.
Just as Jackie was trying to say he's not trying to be "harsh," it's the same way with me.
Sometimes you have to put people like Jackie in their place. I've learned the hard way that if you don't say anything and you let people continue entertaining thoughts that are wrong, they'll blow them out of proportion.
The whole reason why I'm even able to outthink and outrationalize Jackie is because of the time I devote to building up my Reasoning Skills.
Jackie doesn't realize that there are people after me that would consider tossing me into an Insane Asylum or drugging me up with Medication.
The only way I can stop that is by making sure that I post Psychic Readings every day to stay ahead of the Pack of Wolves chasing me.
This isn't just to get my rocks off.
This is out of SURVIVAL.
There are people that are looking for loopholes to exploit. You have to establish Intellectual Domination and literally prove that you're smarter than them. You have to show Intellectual Superiority and that you know more than they do so they won't talk down to you.
Even the way that Jackie phrases his comments talking about how he's a "friend" or "pal." He hasn't known me long enough and he also doesn't realize that he's doing the "Sandwich Insult."
It's where you insult someone, but you cushion it between two slices of Compliments to make it go down easier. I know it. I've done it. I'm a Direct Sales Trainer. I know the variousforms of communication, and it's irritating when people think they can use that on you.
I used to get mad at Davis all the time because he'd use the same Marketing Tactics on people and then he'd think that after three years I wouldn't notice when he'd try pulling that same shit on me after explaining how he does it.
You're damn right I'm bitchy. In Jackie's case, he doesn't realize like most other people that when he makes thoughtless comments directed at me, it puts other people at risk because I create Power Outages, Hurricanes, and bad Weather Phenomenon. I'm not someone you should be making flippant comments to because it puts other people's lives at risk, which is from Negligence and Ignorance.
That's why when someone says something stupid to me that ends up getting people killed, I will go off on them. Davis has already made a about 4 dumb comments that resulted in over 260 deaths.
If people are smart and don't want to have a body count tagged to them, they'll watch their comments.
The whole ponit of showing in my Journals/Blogs that I have consistent readings is because when I say that someone killed someone, there's a high likelihood that is a true statement as well.
If all my Psychic Readings are always coming out correct, it means that my claims on who dies or who gets murdered is also correct.
Right now, I'm doing all kinds of work. I'm working on my web site, my store, and also making sure people are safe. My job is like that of a Firefighter. It's my job to keep people safe.
Because I'm the only one who's on active duty, I have to stay on duty 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Yes, it sucks, but there's nobody else. There are no reinforcements coming. There's no help. While nobody believes my Title, I have to get out and push.
That's why in terms of stress, I don't put up with it. I just cut out or delete anyone who causes me problems because I have enough on my mind. People think I'm just avoiding, but I have 7 Billion People whose lives I have to place above mine.
When someone makes offhanded comments that put other people in harm's way, that's highly offensive to me and worthy of Deletion and blotting out. I have enough work to do and I don't need more stress or people who cause me stress.
Jackie and The Orangutans
you're traveling through a dimension.
A dimension not only of sight...but of sound.
There's a sign post up ahead!!!
You've just entered the "pointless zone!"
Do you really think any one gives a rat;s behind about all thes predictions?
And if you think I'm being harsh...well "think" again!
I'm doing you a favor by saying...and I quote....
"Get out of the house!"
"Go experience human interaction with "real" live human beings other than yourself.
Yes...I said...."Jesus" would advise the same remedy for your obsessions.
You deserve better for yourself.
Go smell the flowers and take a walk and "loook up at the clouds in the sky!"
You need a hug damn it!!!
If I was there I'd give you one weather you liked it or not.
Any way...
Said Nufff fer now mate.
Your Pal...
Jackie Ohm~
Posted by
Jackie and The Orangutans on Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 11:59 AM