Here's an interesting Psychic Prediction that plays into my warning. I gave Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertainment:
- Lightning struck a tree where seven mountain hikers were resting, seriously injuring a 15-year-old and sending all seven to a hospital, authorities said Tuesday:
- I said 7/18/2006 about my notice given to Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertainment
- Manish Gupta = MG
- G = 7th Letter. 7 Hitchhikers got hit
- M = Marble Mountain
- Brock Neville was leaning against the tree when it was struck:
- Brock Neville = Initials BN
- B = 2nd Letter
- N = 14th Letter
- BN = 2/14
- I said 7/18/2006 that Davis is born Valentine's Day (2/14)
- That's a Valentine Tag lighting up
- Four people in the group were able to walk to Marble, about 4 miles away, and call 911:
- I said 7/18/2006 about Isabella Valentine
- Isabella Valentine = IV = 4
- Notice there's a pair of 4s
- I'm Gemini = 2
- The injured included two young children, ages 5 and 9, officials said:
- 5 = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
- I = 9th Letter
- I was born 5:09 pm
- A dog that belonged to one of the hikers was killed: Notice that there was a casualty
- 07/18/06 19:40 EDT:
- 19:40 = Superman(19/S) Gemini Female(40/2x20)
- My mother was born 1941
- 1940 = 19/40 with 1 inside = Superman(19/S) Gemini Female(2x20) with God(1) inside
- Lightning: That's why I'm the Lightning Rod
My mother is of Mathematical Divinity. She's a
Child of Light because her Grandmother was born 12/20 = L/T = Light.
When Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertainment accepted Davis' lead linking them, it was at the expense of my Mother who is a Child of Light and me as another Child of Light as the grandson.
This is where you get really Ugly Karma that starts to become unleashed as a result of that Unholy Act of a Virgin Sacrifice. I'm a Pure Virgin and my mother is the Mathematical "Virgin Mother" or "Mother of the Virgo."
When those parties were dawdling around haggling over money it was usinga Financial Virgin Sacrifice. When the created a
Blood Pact when they sealed the deal and went through without paying Davis who in turn wasn't able to pay back the loans he took as well as the sacrificed vehicle.
What gives that Blood Sacrifice and Virgin Sacrifice merit is that I'm on a Mission as a Child of Light. I have an important message and I'm working on behalf of the Planet Earth.
When people strike me down as a Virgin all for their own selfish personal gain placing their own needs over my job, which is in service to the Planet, you incur the Wrath of "
Now, I'm not one to believe in Superstition, but I'lll tell you what I do believe in:
- Software Programs.
- Local Area Networks
- Laptops
- Wi-Fi Connections
- Operating Procedures
- Power of Electricity
- Electromagnetic Field
- Carl Jung's Theory of the Collective Unconscious
When you put all that together, that's how you can run a Software Program off a Planet-Sized Local Area Network. That's how you get the "Voice of Go/D."
- My biological father was born 11/19
- K = 11th Letter
- S = 19th Letter
- KS = Kansas
- Kansas was inducted 1/29
- John Forsythe was born 1/29
- John Forsythe played Charlie in "Charlie's Angels" as the Voice of God
- Kansas is Land
When you use the Electromagnetic Field as Local Area Network to send Broadcast Signal that is received by all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet, that's how you get Voice of God.
When you use the Mathematical Decryption Code with me as Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II) with the Authority to issue Royal Decrees, that's how you get a Queen Bee with all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet activating like
Sleeper Agents.
If you don't go through Human Beings that activate like Matrix Agents when their Subconscious Minds kick in, you can draw upon the Weather. You can do hocus pocus with poeple, but you can't imitate the weather.
You can cause a Lightnight Strike because the Elements are controlled by the Electromagnetic Field and can be aimed with pinpoint accuracy to hit anywhere. All you have to do is have the Subconscious Mind of the individual standing in the right place at the right time.
People think Lightning Strikes are random, but when you control things on a molecular level, you can steer the Path of Lighting when you conduct Electricity.
The Planet is that accurate. I see it all the time. That's why this stuff never comes as a surprise to me.
One of the things about making Claims is showing that you actually have the Authority and Power to back up your claims. As I said, that's why I have no problem citing Psychic Readings taken what in the Associated Press. I could sit here all day.
There's so much information in this Data Stream, you could spend your entire life transcribing data.
Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertainment think I'm bluffing, but I'm not. They don't even know the half of it and the Death Toll and casualties that come with people who misstep and create a mess that I have to clean up when people are messing around with Karma and things they don't understand.
The only reason why I'm even doing this is because I get tired of waiting on Davis. You get tired of waiting. I've been more than patient with Davis after 3 years, and he knows it.
As for Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertaiment, I'm the Political Leverage I now have against them that can be used with the East Indian Community with that Dark Ritual performed was actually bargain deal.
One thing the Planet is really good at is getting really bargain deals. $4,000 and $3,200 for a sacrificed Virgin is pretty good deal to get Political Leverage over the entire East Indian Community.
You can just hold it over them when they try to make demands on you with your Authority and Power. When people complain about how unfair I'm being with the Laws, I can just point to people like Manish Gupta and Rapture Entertainment who set the tone on how to be treated.
They wanted to go behind Davis' back and enjoy the benefits of that connection using Davis' lead without his knowledge. The way they sit on that resource and where they feel they can bide their time and decide whether they choose to humor his request or not is the same way I can use the same Logic on the East Indian Community.
If the East Indian Community tries to complain, I just show how one of their own took the attitude I'm taking. The way the Karmic and Spiritual Laws work is that of the Golden Rule of do unto others.
This is where we come back to how you disguise things in ways that people aren't expecting. When people know there's a Quality Insurance Inspector coming around watching you and grading you, everyone is on their best behavior.
When people don't know, they act as they normally do. You get to see how they thought that Davis was just some two-bit lead that they could just discard. When Davis is acting as an agent for me, he's like bait and you can then see who goes for the bait.
That's how you get to see their film "
Karma, Confessions, and Holi" transform into a Spiritual Abomination.
- Notice how in the article a dog died
- You "run" a Software Program
- I said that Manish and Rapture incurred Bad Karma
- ">Karma that ran over the Dogma :)
I wasn't kidding when I said about Bad Karma:
- I said Davis is born Valentine's Day
- 2/14 = Valentine's Day
- 2/14 = B/AD
- Davis is born Aquarius
- Aquarius = 11th Sign
- K = 11th Letter
- AR = 1R = IR in Roman Numerals
- Ma = Mother
- B/AD K/AR-Ma = Valentine Aquarius IR Mother
They're East Indian. I said Communication is Sex.
That's how you get... the KARMA SUTRA :).
That's how you get Kinky Karma:
- Kinky = K in KY
- K = 11th Letter
- Aquarius = 11th Sign
- Davis is born Aquarius
- Y = Male
- Davis = Aquarian Male = KY
- Aquarius = Humanitarian Ideals
- K in KY = Humanitarian Ideals in the Aquarian Male
That's why Davis would be K in KY :).
- In the Video Game Pac-Man, it was Inky, Blink, Dinky, and Sue
- Pa/C = Pa Gemini(3/3rd Sign)
- Notice how it looked like a Yellow Sun with a Mouth
- I said the Sun in our Solar System is alive and sentient
All the Video Games from the 1980s are symbolic.
Seven Hikers Injured After Lightning Strike
MARBLE, Colo. (July 18) - Lightning struck a tree where seven mountain hikers were resting, seriously injuring a 15-year-old and sending all seven to a hospital, authorities said Tuesday.
The hikers, from two parties, had stopped near the tree Monday on 11,850-foot Marble Mountain about 120 miles west of Denver when lightning hit it, the Gunnison County Undersheriff Richard Besecker said.
Brock Neville was leaning against the tree when it was struck, Besecker said. Witnesses said the teen went into cardiac arrest twice and was resuscitated by another hiker, Besecker said.
Four people in the group were able to walk to Marble, about 4 miles away, and call 911.
Neville was in serious but stable condition Tuesday, the sheriff's department said. The six others were treated at a hospital and released.
The injured included two young children, ages 5 and 9, officials said. A dog that belonged to one of the hikers was killed.
07/18/06 19:40 EDT
Updated:2006-07-18 19:46:02
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