I was watching "Pirates of the Caribbean" and there was that last part where Captain Jack Sparrow says about the Horizon:
- Wendy I. was this girl I had the hugest crush on in 8th Grade
- She was the Chess Coach's daughter
- She was Drill Team Captain
- I used to ogle at her Dril Team Uniform with the short skirt
- She used to live on Horizon Lane
- Her Initials WI = Wiscinson = 5/29 = My Birthday
- She was an Aquarius
- Her birthday was 2/13 = Gemini(2) 5/29(13/Rhode Island)
She got married to someone and took on the last name Damm:
- I would joke about her Damm Husband
- Da/MM = Giving(Da-Spanish) Gemini(2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- I'm the Giving 5/29 Gemini
I used to dream about marrying her someday, and where I'd get to have my Chess Coach as a Father in Law, and her brother Adam as a brother in Law that I could play chess against.
It never turned out that way. However, I guess in the end things work out. Time Stamp for this Journal Entry is #2153402 meaning 21-53/4-02 for the Old God(21/U) God(53/I-Periodic) Dead Pope(4-02).
Someone ruined my 1989 Annual by putting a red smiley face over Wendy Iwasuk's lips on her picture. I was so unhappy. I tried to rub it out, but it would never come off.
While I was writing this, there was a post that surfaced:
- 3/26 is when my Parents got married
- 3/26 = C/Z = Cubic Zirconia
- C/Z = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Female Virgo(26/20+6)
- Gemini = 2
- Male Pisces = Opposite of a Female Virgo
- Pisces = Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Man of Steel = Superman
If God impregnated the Virgin Mary who was a Virgin, then it would be Superman as the opposite or mate.
- Gemini Virgo = 3rd Sign x 6th Sign
- 3 x 6 = 666
- 666 = Anti-Christ
- Virgins are new or inexperienced
- Ignorance is a Sin
That's how you can get an Anti-Christ with an inexperienced Virgo.
To: Wendy I.
From: Rod
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 00:12:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Hello
Hi Wendy,
I was just curious and thought I'd look you up. Your old Hotmail Address doesn't work anymore.
I actually thought of you while I was writing some Software Code. I was trying to think of a symbol or individual representing Purity, Goodness, and the best qualities Humankind had to offer it was naturally you, of course.
How are you and that Damn husband of yours? :)
I hope you're doing well. Do you have any children yet? I hope life is treating you well.