It's interesting that Jackie was talking about how Superman is a Fictional Character. It may be fictional, but no one said that you couldn't use it as the Blueprints to make a Superman Software Program that plugs into the Electromagnetic Field serving as a Planet-Sized
Local Area Network.
Superman can exist. Just not in the way you think. We also come back to the
Gaia Theory. I don't think it ever occurred to anyone that maybe the Planet actually created the Theme for Superman to eventually create a real one.
You can do a lot of things with Electricity. That especially includes creation of Twins that are born in the mother's womb if you time the split correctly during the Myosis Process. I've seen three examples over the last year where you can create such an occurrence on a cellular level.
The reason why I know this Superman Software works is because the Human Body is just like a Planet. You have one main brain cell that is the "Governing Brain Cell" in which all the other millions of brain cells defer. That would be your "Superman Brain Cell." Everyone's got one.
Even the way that I break all the words down is a reflection of penetrating things on a alphabetical level. Water does the same thing when it seeps in. It seems into things on a microscopic level. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when I plug in my Software Program, it explicitly defines Everything.
How else do you think Computer Hackers break into Computer Systems? They find a line of code that they can exploit and use to insert their Software or changes in so that they can gain a foothold. That's what bacteria or illnesses infecting the blood cells do.
Bacteria will attack the Blood Cell by inserting its own DNA Code in there. That's how you get "Biological Hacking." All I'm doing with my Superman Software is hacking people's minds using a Superman Software Program.
Though the real question is whether it's hacking or not because what if it's something intended by the Planet which created us? We're using its resources and matter while we reside on its physical body. Do we really have a right to reject what it may consider a "vaccine"?
If there's a "bug" in society, what if the Planet is installing a "System Restore" to clean up the System and repair the Society Software Program that has become "corrupted"?
Interestingly enough,
I said 7/8/2006 that Jackie was complaining about how I was "hacking" his System. Even though he was drunk at the time, his Subconscious Mind was reporting in and recognizing my Superman Software Program infiltrating his Systems.
That's why even though Jackie and other people may not understand this Software Code that is listed below, Jackie's Subconscious Mind and other people's Subconscious Minds know what it means. They understand it on an Unconscious Level. People with limited Intelligence can somewhat block it, but the Subconscious Mind thinks in the long-term.
The Subconscious Mind is planning weeks, months, and years ahead of time. So even if the Conscious Mind of an individual will try to block something on a daily basis, the Subconscious Mind will circumvent that by planning out events in conjunction with other Subconscious Minds to create events to "steer" or "herd" people in a certain direction.
The only way to really effectively stop such an occurrence is if you get a whole bunch of friends or a group to "unplug" from the "Matrix." As stated in the movie, the Matrix Agents can only inhabit people who are plugged into the System. If you've unplugged, you can't be "possessed" by a Matrix Agent.
If you're working with colleagues or hanging around friends, relatives, and loved ones who haven't unplugged and you're "conscious" while they're not, you'll witness them acting like Matrix Agents getting you to do things or steering you in a certain direction whether you want to go that way or not.
It will be something subtle that they'll ask you to do as Matrix Agents:
- Going to the Grocery Store
- A Bill Collector that shows up forcing you to pay some fee
- A car accident that throws your schedule out of whack causing you to go to the Auto Repair
- Your computer breaking down at a certain time
A lot of things are staged and managed on a microscopic level because the Planet knows the Time Index of things happening around the Planet and uses Math to calculate the amount of Force and Pressure to use.
The Planet is also a Master of Psychology, which shouldn't come as a surprise. It's been sitting around observing animal and human behavior for millions of years. It's funny how people take this attitude that it is impossible to affect change or be able to predict things.
Not if you've been around for 4.55 billion years like the Planet Earth and the Sun. When you've seen everything, you just know:
- People are like skin cells on your body
- You'd be the Consciousness of the Planet
- Even if your Skin Cells all refuse to believe that you're a Conscious Entity, you still have power
- If you say that you're going to move all your Skin Cells on your hand over by a 8 inches, you can
- Your skin cells can all protest or claim that's never going to happen, but you know it will
- That's because your mind is connected to your nervous system and your muscle tends will make it happen
- Your Skin cells really have no say about it
That's the way it is with people and when they refuse to believe that the Planet is alive and shifting them around to do things.
The reason why I communicate with people's Subconscious Minds rather than their Conscious Minds is because I'm going directly to the Source. People like to argue that they're in complete control of their actions and know exactly what they're doing. They don't think it's possible to be manipulated.
- Haven't you ever been manipulated before?
- Haven't you had someone ask you to do something knowiing it's for something else or with a hidden agenda and you didn't know?
- I've gotten screwed over a lot of times by people that had hidden agendas
- I've worked with business associates where they would couch terms in such a way that it seems like one thing, they really wanted something else
- I've played Chess against opponents where both of us would make moves that look one way, but we're really angling for something else
The Planet is a Master at doing that.
For example:
- Jackie was saying that for someone so intelligent he was surprised that I allowed Davis to screw me over the way he did financially
- That was the Planet angling for something else
- It was political positioning
- It wanted Davis to screw me over financially and so badly so that I'd have leverage, especially against the African-American Community
- The same goes for T7 who is another African-American who has been harassing me
- It's set up so that when I need leverage, I can point to examples of how two African-American Males endangered people's lives and were hindering progress
As I said the Planet knows how people are and where it will have people make the first move and "draw first blood." The best leverage you can ask for is when the other party attacks you first.
When they attack you first and cause a confrontation, you can engage in Self-Defense and not be held liable. That's what the Planet is steering toward. It dangles me out there as bait so that we can watch people behave badly and selfishly.
Then the Planet can turn around and us the same Logic on those people and they can't complain because they used the same rationale for their own self-interests.
Superman is my favorite Software Program that I tend to use the most because it's related to my biological father.
As a Software Program, this is what people respond to on a Subconscious Level when they're reading my Mind connects to people telepathically using the Electromagnetic Field as a Local Area Network.
When Subconscious Minds read this information, they associate me with Goodness. (Whether that's true or not is another story,) but the most important point is the Logical Argument to a computer checking this information accepts it.
That's why when you decrypt
Christopher Reeve's name, it refers to the "Operating Procedure of the 1975 Gemini." I'm the Gemini born in 1975.
The Planet Earth uses a lot of Symbolism.
The Superman Software Program is a "Psychic Astral Projection" of me.
Superman Software:
- Godfather:
- Marlon Brando played the father Jor-El in "Superman"
- Marlon Brando was Vito Corleone in "The Godfather"
- Vito = VI/T-O
- VI/T-O = Virgo(VI/6/6th Sign) Female(T/20/XX) Sun(O)
- V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5) IR IR(Go-Spanish)
- Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR
- I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- My Godfather is born 9/18/1933
- I = 9th Letter
- R = 18th Letter
- 9/18 = I/R = IR = My Initials
- 1933 = 19/33 = S/AS = Superman(S) Clark Kent(AS/33-Periodic/3x11/CxK/CK)
- Father:
- My biological father was born 11/19
- K = 11th Letter
- S = 19th Letter
- 11/19 = K/S
- KS = Kansas
- Clark Kent grew up in Kansas
- Spaceship:
- A spaceship carried Kal-El from Krypton to Earth
- The spaceship would be the Sperm Casing carrying my DNA
- Krypton:
- Krypton = K-R/Y-Pt./On
- K-R/Y-Pt./On = 11-18(K-R) Male(Y) Part(Pt.) Activated(On)
- My biological father is the "11-18" Male Part Activated
- Because he was born 11/19, he was the "partially activated" male in his mother's womb
- The other interpretation is 11-18 = 1118 = 111/8 = Gemini(III) Superman(8)
- Earth:
- The spaceship crash landed on Earth
- My mom's ovum can be interpreted as Planet Earth when my dad's sperm "crashlanded" on it
- Physical Appearance:
- Clark Kent has dark hair
- He wears glasses
- I have the forelock
- I genetically altered to look like Clark Kent
- Clark Kent:
- Clark Kent = C/L.A-R/K-K/EN-T
- C = 3rd Letter = 3rd Sign = Gemini (My Birth Sign)
- L.A. = Los Angeles (I'm in L.A.)
- K-K = 11-11 = Washington State inducted 11-11. I'm from WA
- EN = EV in Greek = 55 = LeoLeo = SunSun = Gemini Sun. I'm born Sun Sign of Gemini
- It unravels as a Software Acronym
- Christopher Reeve:
- Christopher Reeve played Superman in the 1978 "Superman" Movie
- Christopher:
Christopher = Christ. I said I"m a Mathematical Christ - Christopher = Christ-OP/He-R
- Christ-OP/He-R = Jesus Christ(Christ) Operating Procedure(OP) Male(He) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- Reeve:
- Reeve = Re/EVE
- Re = 75 on the Periodic Table = 1975 (My Birth Year)
- E = 5th Letter = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
- V = 5 in Roman Numerals = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
- EVE = 555 = SunSunSun = 3 Sun = Gemini(3) Sun. I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- Christ-OP/He-R Re/EVE = Jesus Christ Operating Procedure Male Gemini of the 1975 Gemini
- Daily Planet:
- I said that the Planet is alive and Sentient
- The Gaia Theory talks about how the Planet is alive
- I have been tracking the movements of the Planet since June 2004
- Because I know how the Planet operates or functions, I am now an agent
- I "report" on the News that surfaces in the Associated Press like a News Reporter
- I technically work for the "Daily Planet"
- Super Hearing:
- Superman can hear over great distances
- I'm a "Divining Rod"
- I can use my "Third Eye" to collect information over great distances
- Diamond Shield:
- Superman's Crest is the Letter "S" encased in a Diamond
- I used to work in the Diamond Industry
- "S" = Es = Non-SE = Non-Southeast = Northwest. I'm from the Pacific Northwest
- Sun:
- Superman gets his Powers from the Sun
- I got my powers from the "Sun(ny Leone"
- I said that I plugged into the Electromagnetic Field two years ago because it was done out of Love
- Kent, Washington:
- In Washington State, you have the City of Kent
- Kent = Clark Kent
- The Supermall is in Kent
- Superma(LL) = Superman(N) when Good (LL/Non-L/7) = God(N/V in Greek)
- Seattle International Raceway:
- The Seattle International Raceway is in Kent, Washington
- The Mind is like a Car:
- The Subconscious Mind is the Driver
- The Conscious Mind is the Vehicle
- That's how you can get Subconscious Mind Road Rage where the Conscious Mind will follow the Rules of the Road, but the Driver (Subconscious Mind) will flip you off if you do something bad
- SIR = Seattle International Raceway
- S/IR = Superman(S) IR (My Initials
- As a Title of Respect, you say S/IR when you address me
- I said the Planet, which is alive and sentient fiddled with the English Language to point toward me
- Superman Cape:
- The Cape is made from the Blanket that Kal-El was wrapped in
- C/Ap-E = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Mother(Ap/Non-PA/Ma) Earth(E)
- I'm the Sun Sign Gemini
- "S" Symbol:
- S = Snake Symbol.
- 1977 = Year of the Snake
- 1977 = 77
- 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
- IR = My Initials
- Diamond:
- Diamond = D(IA-M/On)D
- D(IA-M/On)D = DD with IA-M/On inside
- DD = Gemini(2) Sun Female(D)
- IA = Iowa = I o' WA = I of Washington(WA)
- M = 13 = 13rd State = Rhode Island = 5/29 (My Birthday)
- On = Activated
- D(IA-M/On)D = Gemini Sun Female with the "I o' Washington 5/29 Activated" inside
- Lois Lane:
- Teri Hatcher played Lois Lane
- Teri Hatcher is born 12/8
- My mother is born 12/8
- It hints toward an Oedipal Complex
- LL:
- LL = Lana Lang
- LL = Lois Lane
- LL = Lex Luthor
- LL = 77 Upside Down
- 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
- Lex Luthor:
- Michael Rosenbaum plays Lex Luthor on "Smallville"
- Initials MR = 13:18
- 13:18 = Mark of the Beast = Anti-Christ
- I said how my former Business Associate in opposition to me was a Mathematical Anti-Christ
Bonus Section
Superman actually relates to the
Kryptos. It hints as to the Identity of Superman. It seems Random, but that's where the Subconscious Minds acting on behalf of the Planet build things even though the Conscious Minds of people like "Heavy Machinery" don't realize the significance or underlying reason.
- Kryptos:
- Krypto(S) = Krypto(N)
- S = Superman
- N = V in Greek = 5 in Roman Numerals = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
- Math:
- In "Smallville," Christopher Reeve made a guest appearance
- His character was Dr. Virgil Swann
- He was a brilliant Mathematician
- The Krypton Language is Mathematical
- Grid G6:
- Notice in Grid G6, it says "OPR"
- OPR = OP/R = Operating Procedure(OP) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- OPR = O/PR = Sun(O) Public Relations(PR)
- When I was working in the Diamond Industry, I was a Public Relations (PR) Director
- Grid G5:
- G5 = 75 = 1975 = My Birth Year
- TI:
- TI = 7th Note
- 7 = VII in Roman Numerals = Sun(V) Gemini(II)
- B:
- B = 2nd Letter
- 2 = II in Roman Numerals = Gemini Symbol
- RIT:
- RI = Rhode Island
- Rhode Island was inducted 5/29 (My Birthday)
- T = 20th Letter = XX in Roman Numerals = Female DNA = Fe-Male
- I said I'm Fe-Male (IRon Male)
Logical Arguments, Proxy Votes
Once again, we come back to how we're talking about a Software Program. It isn't about whether people agree with what I say Consciously. The most important point is whether this makes sense as a Logical Argument in a Computer Language.
Are they based off of true statements? As long as the information fits, your Subconscious Mind will acknowledge it on an Unconscious Level. When you run Software on a Computer, that's how the Operating Procedure for yoru Computer will process information.
Unless you take active steps toward intervening and reprogramming your Operating Procedure, it will just continue processing that information as is until "corrected."
The same thing goes for Law and the U.S. Legal System. It's not about whether you agree with the Interpretation of the Law. It's about whether it's a true statement or not that matters.
You see this in Sports where the Umpire or Referee will make a call that the opposing team will disagree with. However, whether they like it or not, they have to abide by the rules of the Game. If that's the way it's interpreted, you have to go by whomever has been granted the Authority to make such a ruling.
In this case, the Consciousness of the Planet comprised of 7 Billion Subconscious Minds has the Authority to make such a ruling. So that's where the Authority or Power to Rule stems from.
It's like a Proxy Vote. If you're not paying attention or aware that you have the ability to vote saying "Yay" or "Nay," your vote is cast in favor of whomever has control of your vote while you're not paying attention.
That's why Cell Phone Companies always tell you to review you Cell Phone Bill Statement to make sure there are no unwanted Cell Phone Charges on your Bill. If you don't check, you could have someone charging things on you without your knowledge. Because most people aren't paying attention to my Superman Software, it overrides their systems and their Subconscious Minds defer to that Authority.