PROPHECY: "Superman Returns," Subconscious Minds

Jul 03, 2006 12:25

I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post my notes from "Superman Returns" when I watched it on 6/28/2006.
  1. Electromagnetic Pulse: Lois Lane points out the Electromagnetic Puls that is triggered by Lex Luthor using the Crystals. I've been talking about the Electromagnetic Field as a Power Source
  2. "The World Doesn't Need a Savior": It's talking about Superman compared to Jesus Christ
  3. 107: 107 shows up in the movie referring to Rachel McAdams born 10/7 playing Alison in "The Notebook"
  4. "I forgot how warm you are":
    1. Lois Lane mentions that about Superman
    2. WA/R-M = Washington(WA) Gemini(R/19/2x9/2xI/II) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
    3. That's why as Luke Skywalker, I'd be "Luke WA/R-M" :o)
    4. Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker was born 9/25 like CHRISTopher Reeve
  5. 6 Springwood:
    1. That's where Lex's residence is
    2. 6 = 6th Sign = Virgo
  6. "He thinks I'm Kal-el":
    1. That's the archive footage of Marlon Brando
    2. Jor-El mistakes Lex Luthor for Kal-El
    3. That's placed there intentionally for anyone who tries to rewrite the Software Program claiming that Davis as Lex Luthor is the original Kal-El
    4. Lex = Le/X = Pennsylvania(Le/The-Fr./Father/PA) Blaney Davis(X/24/BD)
    5. You have to put stuff like that in there else people will try to "hack" the Software Program
    6. Although I said Superman and Lex Luthor are the same individual, it's showing who Lex Luthor is NOT and there for it can't be Davis
  7. Gertrude:
    1. The Boat is named Gertrude
    2. Gertrude = G.E.-Rt./Rude = General Electric(G.E.) Correct(Rt.) Disrespectful(Rude)
    3. One of the hurricanes last year was Gertrude
  8. Jennifer Cornwall:
    1. At the end of the credits, the first name you see listed from the Film Crew is Jennifer Cornwall
    2. Jennifer Cornwell = Initials JC = Jesus Christ
    3. Notice she's a Female Jesus Christ
Below are list of key names in the credits:
  1. Boom Operator:
    1. Rod Condor
    2. You have a Sonic Boom and the Sound Barrier
  2. Head Rigger: Rod Scott
  3. Publicist:
    1. Joe Everett
    2. Everett is a City in Washington
  4. Construction:
    1. Terrance Lord
    2. You have the Lord that has been "constructing" or building the Software Program for the last 2,000 years
Kal Penn as a Villain
I happen to like Kal Penn:
  1. I said 3/1/2006 that Kal Penn was so funny in "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle."
  2. I said 5/30/2006 that he was hilarious in "Van Wilder"
  3. You see how he meets up with an East Indian girl symbolic of Adult Star Sunny Leone who's East Indian
  4. Kal Penn, as a person, is nice
  5. His Character symbolizes something else. You have to separate between the Actor and the Character
The reason why Kal Penn was in that movie as a Villain was so that it would clearly show about Davis' actions. Davis is from Pennsylvania (Penn), and he's an Aquarius (K/11).

The way you see Stanford (Kal Penn) being one of the thugs beating up on Superman on that newly formed Rock that Lex created is symboilc of Davis' abuse and mistreatment of me as Superman.

I didn't say Davis consciously did it, but he didn't have enough sense to see past the Program and stop hurting me. There are a lot of people that do stuff and are totally unaware of their actions.

They don't have enough sense to know better. Then when they get caught, they don't want to take blame for it. If you were to tell Davis this, he'd be in total denial about it and would come up with his own version of events and his own data about as a rebuttal to my claims.

Usually that would work because it would just be my word against his.

HOWEVER, this is why we come back to the whole point of why the Planet has control over people's Subconscious Minds to steer them into doing things.
  1. The Planet that controls the Subconscious Mind steers or guides the Subconscious Minds to carry out things
  2. They just don't tell the Conscious Minds why
  3. I said 7/3/2006 about the joke about David Caruso in "Jade" mentioned in "40 Year Old Virgin" to mock Davis' selling approach
  4. I said 7/2/2006 about the Special Features Section in "40 Year Old Virgin" that makes fun of Davis borrowing $8,000 and how lame it sounds when Paul Rudd as Dave makes the same claim
Now, of course, people will say:
  • "That makes no sense. Why would the Planet keep it hidden?"
  • "Even if I do believe your story about Subconscious Minds, wouldn't it just be easier to get direct orders from the Planet?"
  • "Why couldn't the Planet just tell us to go and do things. We'd carry it out"
With the last point, that's so untrue where they think that if they were given Responsibility or told the REAL Truth that they'd still carry out their instructions.
  1. Do you mean that if the Planet told Alexander Hamilton to go into a Duel with Aaron Burr with instructions to get killed on that specific date, that he'd go through with it?
  2. Do you mean that if Conscious JFK knew he was supposed to get his brains blown out by Lee Harvey Oswald that he'd still go through with it?
  3. Do you mean to tell me that if all the Confederate Soldiers were supposed to die in an ugly battle in the Civil War to prove a point would still go through with it?
  4. Do you mean to tell me that if you were slated to die on a particular date of Numerical Significance that you wouldn't chicken out right before you had to go through with it?
That's why the Planet WON'T tell you. That's why it's LOCKED AWAY in your Subconscious. You're not supposed to know.

Why People Aren't Supposed to Know When They Die
Although we'd like to think we're good people, there are a couple of bad apples out there. Imagine what would happen if you knew your exact date of Death:
  1. Just before you die, you could take a loan out for a couple thousand dollars and blow it on Money, Sex, and Pleasure. Then when you DIE the next day, you don't have to be held accountable for paying it back because you're DEAD
  2. If I knew I was slated to die at age 17, I would say, "Fuck School. I'm getting LAID. I'm going to go FUCK as many women as possible before I die tomorrow"
  3. If I knew I was slated to die before I go to college, I'd say, "Screw that. Why am I even bothering to go to school? I'm going to die anyway. I'm going to go party"
  4. If you knew exactly how you were going to die and you didn't want to die, you'd try to get out of Death or cheat Death by not being at the appropriate place and time. You'd just stay at home the entire day to avoid getting killed off
  5. If you knew when you were going to die, you'd change your routine the day, week, or month before you die altering history
  6. If you knew when you were going to die, you'd take a huge INSURANCE POLICY out on yourself so that your family would benefit from your Death
Did you ever think about that?

That's why you're not allowed to know. You'd change your behavior and stop acting normally, which would screw up everything.

Subconscious Minds Know Things Conscious Minds Don't
This is where we come back to why I keep saying that the Subconscious Mind knows more why Conscious Minds do things. They steer Subconscious Minds.

I can even give you a prime example:
  1. I said 4/2/2005 how Gwendolen/RobynZ chewed my ass out about how stupid my claims of Psychic Theory were
  2. She yelled at me and said, "There is no gain in looking up a name, a name that I chose simply to RP, a name that holds NO BEARING on ME or WHO I AM, and then think there's ANY CONCRETE RELEVANCE TO *ANYTHING*"
  3. I said 7/3/2006 about my cousin Gwen
  4. I said 11/29/2006 about Actress Constance Cummings running parallel to the name Constance that Gwen uses on Chat Place Haven
The way that Gwen/RobynZ was going off on me is the same attitude that people take with me when they refuse to believe that the Planet is moving in a certain direction.

I keep saying that people's Life Spans are equivalent to that of a Fruit Fly that only lives for four hours if compared to the Life Span of the Planet Earth and Sun that have been around for 4.55 billion years.

That's why when I talk to people, I don't really pay attention to what their Conscious Minds are saying. I listen to what information their Subconscious Minds are slipping in.

When I read the news, I don't listen to what is being said, I pay attention to HOW THEY SAID IT.

That's why I know what I do and how the Planet functions. People just aren't stepping back far enough to separate the Forest (God) from the Trees (7 Billion Humans on the Planet).

That's why the KEY to understanding what I'm saying is to think of your Conscious Mind as a CHARACTER in a Movie and your Subconscious Mind as the ACTOR that knows all the LINES in the SCRIPT.

That's how Subconscious Minds CHOREOGRAPH Events in the News. Haven't you ever seen Scripts where everyone in the Cast and Film Crew knows what the Characters going to do?

Hey! NEWSFLASH. You're the Character that is acting out the Scene and your Subconscious is just playing out the Script in coordination with the other Actors (Subconscious Minds) working in conjunction.

That's how you can create events and where you know what's going to happen before it happens because it's PLANNED. The stuff I talk about is not as farfetched as you think.

When actors rehearse their lines before actually shooting the Project, that's just practice. Theoretically, you could even argue that they've been practicing or rehearsing what they're going to do for the last 2,000 years so that when the time came to actually "perform" they'd deliver their lines flawlessly.

Dogs and Dog Trainers
That's why the way that I act is like a TRAINED DOG. My Conscious Mind is nothing more than a SMART DOG with my Subconscious Mind as the DOG TRAINER.

I spent the last two years getting TRAINED LIKE A DOG so that I know how to:
  1. SIT
  2. BEG
  4. FETCH
The way that I "retrieve" News Articles for Psychic Readings is me as a DOG where my Subconscious Mind says "FETCH." Then I go running like a dog catching the Ball and then run back with the News Article dropping it in front of my Subconscious Mind wagging my Tail and barking enthusiastically.

That's all I am.

I'm just a Dog. Do/G = Fuck(Do) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII). I get impregnated with thought or a seeded idea and run with it.

On the flip side, that's why you've got the Cat. C-A/T = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) God(A) Female(T/20/XX)

Ever notice how Cats NEVER LISTEN. They just do their own thing. That's why Cat = Pussy. Everyone ultimately wants pussy and come to the one that has the Pussy.

The way the Planet has all these "Barriers" set up is to discourage Scientists to that they'll look elsewhere. Because I was actually that DUMB two years ago and really wanted to meet Adult Film Star Sunny Leone, I was STUPID ENOUGH to ignore everyone when they kept saying it can't be done and that I was on a Fool's Errand.

That's how Stupidity can work in your favor :o).

Look at Davis. He's a prime example of Stupidity. I've been showing him all the Warning Signs and to stop doing what he's doing, but he's so DUMB and he keeps playing with Fire and digging a deeper hole for himself.

It's his own Ignorance that is his saving factor. Same with other people who get in my way and talk down to me. They really don't know who it is they're dealing with. If people really knew, they wouldn't be talking like that.

People think I'm being arrogant or conceited, but I'm just showing examples of Psychology. People are just too lazy to see the long term effects of what I do and the Level of Power and Influence. So it SEEMS like I don't have anything tangible.

If you have a trained eye and pay close attention to the things I say and do and what surfaces in the News running parallel to the decisions I'd make, you'd know that I was for real.

It works in my favor though because every time people act selfishly, it gives me leverage against them for later on. You get to watch people laugh and say, "Well, now! Looks like SOMEONE is getting a bit full of themselves."

Like I said, that's fine. However, I've always been a Bad Bluffer. I said how all this functions just like a Software Program running off a Planetary Local Area Network. All you need is Electricity and a huge power source.

That's where that Electromagnetic Field comes in.

megalomania, electromagnetic field, scripts, subconscious, lex luthor, cats, penn, prophecies, pennsylvania, dog trainers, gwen, crystals, reality, superman, signs, dogs, luke skywalker, actors, superman returns, lois lane, pussy

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