LESSONS: Psychic Music, Bands, Politics, Math Formulas, Fame

Jul 03, 2006 00:00

I got a request to be added. They appear to be a band. Recommendations are nice, but I tend to grae more harshly on Bands because usually they have over 10,000 Friends and are promoting their own stuff.

No offense to bands, but I said in my Profile that I don't listen to music. One of the reasons why I deleted all my Favorite Artists in my Profile is because I'd get Mail from Bands saying, "Hey, I read your Music Interest List and you should check us out because our sound suits the genre you like to listen to."

It's like getting Junk Mail because it's a Promo. If you hate getting Spam or Junk Mail, you'll know what I mean. No offense to Bands. I totally get it. I work in the Film & Entertainment Industry and I know all about Products, Promotions, and Marketing.

The reason why I'm aversive is because I deal with this in my work life. So why would I want to deal with it in my Personal Life? You kind of want a break and where you have some peace and quiet.

MUsic is great and all, but that's assuming you're trying to feel a mood of some sort. In my case, I don't have time because I'm busy thinking and pulling off Psychic Readings. Any other type of thought is disruptive.

That's why if anyone wonders why I seem to come off as Anti-Social or like I don't really want to add people, it's because it really doesn't matter to me whether people are on my Friends List or not. I'm so wrapped up in my Psychic Research that I'm not even really paying attention to what other people are doing.

People can take offense to it thinking it means I don't want to be around people, but when you're busy, you're busy. There is so much data that I have to decrypt over the last 2,000 years that it's not even funny.

You have no idea how much work I have and how I'm constantly picking up Psychic Readings every single day and trying to keep my head above water, figure out how to clean up this financial mess, and get a plan together.

The last thing on my mind would be bands or going to concerts. Seriously. No offense to the masses, but a lot of Concert Goers or people who are wrapped up in music are usually seeking meaning or understanding from lyrics and songs projected by the Artist.

Psychic Music Artists
Technically, you could argue that I'm a "Psychic Music Artist." When I "express" my Psychic Readings, that's a form of communication much in the same way that music is a form of communication to bridge understanding.

That's why my Blog is just like that of a Band. You've got bands that have a unique "Indy Sound" that gives that spirit or soul. That's what certain audiences crave because it has a personal feel to it.

That's why I'm actually like a "Rival Band," but my mode of "music" is in the Psychic Realm or in a Psychic Format. Just as musicians and artists are wrapped up in creating music, I'm the same way where I'm creating Psychic Readings.

The Development of Psychic Readings is a form of Art in the same way that Music is Art. Artists are passionate about their work and they don't like being disrupted. Music Artists are passionate about their Music just as I'm passionate about my Psychic Readings.

Just as music consumes them, my Psychic Readings consume me. Just as Music Artists are trying to make a living doing what they're doing, I'm trying to figure out how I can make a living doing what I love to do, which is Psychic Readings without compromising my "sound" or style.

However, when Indy Bands get recognized and put into the mainstream, sometimes they get accused of "selling out" because they're trying to reach a larger audience. When you do that, sometimes you have to compromise some of your Principles.

Politicians are like Bands. When they first start out, they have these wholesome ideals and values. However, as they move up the ranks and gain more Political Power, they have to start making compromises in order to get ahead.

Sadly enough, a lot of people who don't go through this process fail to understand it. Notice how people will criticize:
  1. Politicians
  2. Celebrities
  3. Prominent Sports Figures
  4. Music Artists
That's because those people don't know what it's like to go through that stuff and what you give of yourself.

Some even argue that you actually give or sacrifice a piece of yourself in exchange for power. Technically, that's true. The more people to whom you are accountable, the less freedom you have because you have to think about their needs as well.

You can interpret that from a Political Perspective when trying to amass Influence and Power or if you're a Band or Music Artist trying to gain a following or an audience.

As I said, one of the things I currently enjoy is total anonymity. Sure the Money Aspect isn't where I'd like it to be, but the anonymity that I enjoy allows me Personal Freedom.

I may talk about having Psychic Abilities and being able to command Forces around the World, but it's while I'm incognito. We all know that if/when I break out into the Public Spotlight, you're going to see me go through a Personality Change.
  1. I may not be online as often to post Journal Entries because I may have to go fly off to Europe for Diplomatic Reasons
  2. I"ll have a Personal Assistant that will be planning out my Schedule of important figures I need to meet
  3. I may have Important Lunch Dates to go attend
It will be a total lifestyle change.

When that happens, what is going to happen to all the people who knew me before I broke out into the Media? You always see in the movies how all the former friends or people that were down with the person before they made it big get shoved aside and forgotten.

The Blog of Jesus Christ Superstar
People wonder why you'd have a Jesus Christ Figure in this era anonymous and it's because it would be perfectly timed with the advent of Journals and Blogs.

I bet there are a whole bunch of budding Celebrities that will move into the Celebrity Circles that have Blogs and where people can get to know their favorite stars more intimately through those Blogs and before they made it big.

In my case, people have the luxury of reading to their heart's content the thousands of Journal Entries that I've posted before I made it big. They can read into me all they want to get to know me, which is more than you can say for a lot of other Celebs.

You really don't see much regarding Celebs and if they do post anything, they were already Celebrities before they created their Blog or Journal. So they've already been conditioned to censor what they say.

In my case, I'm in a very unique position where it's mandatory for me to be honest and print everything as I see it because it ties in directly to my Psychic Readings. I literally have to post things in my Journal as is and before they happen for the sake of Scientific Research and maintaining the Integrity of my Findings.

As I said, I've gotten burned lots of times where I had a perfect opportunity to cite a Psychic Reading but couldn't because:
  1. I was sleepy or exhausted thinking I could post it tomorrow. Then when the News Article would surface the next day on the front page, I'd be kicking myself.
  2. I would promise to keep secret something I had been told in confidence. There have been numerous times where people will ask me to keep something secret. The next day something would surface in the news pertaining directly to what that secret is, but I couldn't post it
Both of those things really suck.

It's hard enough getting people to take you seriously when you claim that you observe and track Psychic Phenomenon, much less are in possession of Psychic Abilities.

You can't blame people for being prejudiced. Look at how many fakes and frauds there are?

There was this saying: "98% of the Laywers make the other 2% look bad"

It's obviously meant as a joke about Lawyers being untrustworthy and bad, but that's how the Psychic Field is right now:
  1. No one can ever agree on how Psychic Phenomenon works. There's no established curriculum so everybody has their own theory.
  2. It's the same iwth Religion. Nobody can agree upon one Religion so everybody argues
  3. It's the same with Politics and Government. No one can agree on what Government works best in managing the People
Because people can't agree on it, they all argue and lobby for why their method is best.

Math Formulas and Being Specific with the Law
This comes back to why I like Mathematical Formulas:
  1. If I go around saying I'm "Christ," people can dispute that
  2. When I say C+H+R+I+S+T = 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table like my Initials, that's a True Statement no matter what
  3. If I say that I'm the Virgin Mary, you can dispute that
  4. When I say I'm the Virgin M/AR-y meaning the Virgin who is born on the day 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island), with the Initials IR, and Male, that's being SPECIFIC
  5. On top of that, it's not just one interpretation, but also Virgo as V/IR-Go:
    1. It means Sun IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun Gemini(2) IR.
    2. My Initials are IR and I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
    3. Then you've got my mom as the "Mother of the Virgin" a.k.a. the Virgin Mother
    4. Because I'll always be V/IR-Go, she'll always be the "Virgin Mother" no matter what :o)
  6. If I said I was "God," you'd get a whole lobby of protests because you're trampling all over people's Religions
  7. When you use an Acronym and say "Go/D" meaning the IR(Go-Spanish) Cancer(D/4 = IR Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Indefinite(An) Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Final(E+R=W), that's a true statement and specific becaues I'm "IR" and born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
The Planet knew exactly how people would be argumentative and want to split hairs. So it created the Language and then "filled in all the Blanks" so everything falls into place neatly.

Playing Lawyer Ball
That's the Planet playing Lawyer Ball at a higher Level :o). It's really funny and amazing to watch.
  1. It's to outsmart Laywers that try to put me on the stand and trip me up
  2. When a Lawyer says, "Is it true that you think you're God," I can ask them to be more specific than that
  3. If they try to pin me about claiming to be a Deity or Religious Icon, I can come back at them and tell them it's a Software Program
  4. It's very specific where it says just what it is as an Acronym
  5. There's no law that says you can't name Variables in a Software Program after Religious Icons
  6. In front of a Jury, people will have to weigh whether I'm really mentally ill or not and it won't be as cut and dried as you think because it's very specific
  7. There's no law against Software Programming and what you can and can't program
  8. Acronyms sidestep the Law
That's why I've said that I've devoted 9,000 hours worth of Research and Study. I'm not pulling this information blindly out of my ass. I've actually conducted experiments, checked, and rechecked my results.

That's why I know it works. I get irritated with Davis because he's so dumb when it comes to the Internet and doesn't understand computers. He'd make me do all his Tech Support.

People think I'm a Genius, but it's really just "Plug 'n' Play." I'm just reading off what it says. That's why I keep saying, "Don't kill the Messenger."

People are going to try and make this all about me, but I wasn't even born yet for some of this stuff. My mom wasn't born yet. My grandmother wasn't born yet.

I said you can trace this back to my stepdad's mom whose last name is DeJesus (meaning "Of Jesus" in Spanish). I was only a couple months old when I got baptized. My mom was the one who chose my Uncle Thomas as my Godfather who was born 9/18/1933.

You have to acknowledge either a God Force in action or that my mom is some sneaky, schemer who "intentionally" named her son IR and chose a GODfather who was born on 9/18 translating to I/R.

However, like I said, trying to make dirt stick on my mom is going to be really tough. People can trash on me all they want, but I dare you to find dirt on my mom. She's one of the most upstanding citizens.

You'll Have Difficulty Finding Dirt on My Mom
Even with Davis, he and his family can use a Smear Campaign on me, but if they try to throw dirt on my mom, it will be really difficult because it's quite clear and in black and white as to how much money he borrowed.

It's even in bank records because there was a $15,000 Wire Transfer from my mom to Davis' ROOMMATE Krassi Veltchev. Why on Earth would my mom in Washington State wire transfer a large sum of money like that to Davis' Roommate?

Davis told me on the phone that his sister who is a Lawyer was claiming that it makes my mom look racist when I said that my mom would never give money to a 33 year old African Male whom she's never met that is down in California because it doesn't make sense.

They were trying to make this a Black or Racist Issue. That's so ridiculous. Even then, it wasn't just one loan. It was over SEVEN CONSECUTIVE LOANS. My mom knows Davis is Black.

If my mom was Racist, she would've said early on for me not to work with Davis if it was about Skin Color. It's actually an insult that they even try to make this a Racist Issue.

The God Force
This is where we come back to the GOD FORCE. If I can establish a mark of having legitimate Mathematical Divinity and I've got the Planet Earth backing me up, that makes everyone else opening their mouth claiming stuff look really DUMB.

That's why all these Prophecies and Scientific Explanations of DVDs and movies are so critical to show that there's a Pattern or Operating Procedure.

If I can consistently show that whatever I say is mirrored by the Planet, that means that I've got some serious Power and Influence. It must mean that the Planet must really trust me if it's willing to listen to what I say and do.

It's where you've got people that are acting like little IMMATURE BRATS trying to give their own version of the story on what happened but not realizing that there was a Surveillance Camera and WITNESSES that can corrobate MY VERSION of the story.

Even if people accuse me of "abusing my Psychic Abilities" and shifting information to make other people look guilty when they're not, we still come back to the part where it means my Psychic Abilities are legitimate and REAL.

Transforming Lies into the Truth
As I said though, when you have Psychic Abilities and that much power, you aren't worried. What you say is either already true or events will get shifted so that any original falsehood will transform into a true statement.

If you think about it, people make all kinds of promises and claims that start off as lies. It's when those claims are carried out and turned into a reality that a lie transforms into the truth.

For example:
  1. f I said that in a year, I'm going to tear down Lady Liberty and have a Llama Farm set up on Ellis Island, that starts out as a lie
  2. As things stand, that would be lie because you need zoning permits
  3. Assuming you can had the resources, you'd need to bypass the fact that it's a Historical Landmark
However, if for some reason I had been able to pull that off in a year where the Statue of Liberty is taken down and I've got llamas running around on Ellis Island that belong to me, that's the Truth and upholding your Word.

People wonder why I use Mathematical Formulas, and it's because it's a Mathematical Operating Procedure. When it comes to true statements, you break it down.

For example:
  1. Pretend we're standing on a corner of a sidewalk
  2. I say, "I predict a Blonde Girl named Christy is going to walk around the corner"
  3. A dark-haired girl walks around the corner
  4. I stop her and ask her name. She says her name is Kristi
  5. (K)risti = (CH)risty because K is 11 = C/3 + H/8 = K/11 and God(I) = Jesus Christ(Y/25)
  6. You argue and say she's dark-haired
  7. Kristi then says, "Oh, I'm actually Blonde. I just dyed it"
Those may be different variations of what I said, but you see how it's technically true when you smooth over the discrepancies or where I was off.

When people build houses on a site, they do the same thing that I did on a Verbal Level:
  1. The ground usually tends to be unlevel and where they have to fill it in with dirt
  2. They have to bulldoze areas that have too much dirt
  3. Buildings are just like ideas where they're half-baked or with all kinds of holes or problems
  4. You just have to patch up the leaks
  5. Once you patch up the leaks, you've got a good idea
That's all I do when I write these Math Formulas and smooth over the things that are different about what was said. That's why my Psychic Abilities actually function.

The Planet functions like a Super Computer, and I know how the Operating Procedure works.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Jackie and The Orangutans
Date: Jul 2, 2006 9:22 PM

We're friends with Mattmicro.

Please add us.

But we don't know your last name so we can't request.

To: Jackie and The Orangutans
From: Rod
Date: Jul 3, 2006 12:35 AM
Subject: MattMicro's Friend Got Mad & Called Me a "Fucking Asshole"


Thanks for expressing an interest in joining.

Actually, the reason why I set up a Block though is because of MattMicro's other friend whom I added. She had a total fit when I was doing my Psychic Readings and posted what she considered to be "personal."

She went off on me with a couple of E-mails and called me a "fucking asshole." I print everything because Psychic Readings can come from way out in Left Field.

After that experience, I said to myself, "Never again." That's why I set up a policy though that people subscribe to my Blog first for 7 Days. If you can weather through 7 Days of Blogs and not be weirded out, that's good.

I also recommend that people read this following Blog so that they can make sure they're on the same wavelength as me.

I also have it explicitly written all over my Profile that unless you specify that you don't want a particular letter you send me in my Blog, you state it.

It's policy because I post a carbon copy of it in Bulletins and it can create spam if the person is on my Friends List and doesn't like my ideas thinking I'm ramming it down their throats.

In your case, it's probably not much of an issue since you've got over 12,000 and won't even notice. However, I still keep this as policy because:
  1. It's only fair to the other members who had to jump through the same hoops and subscribe to my Blog
  2. It keeps my Friends List low because it screens out difficult people that don't really have any real interest with you with exception to you being a "notch" on their Friends List Belt
  3. It makes my job easier because of the Screening Process and when I clean out my Friends List
I mean no disrespect to you personally, but it looks like you're a Band.

I usually don't add bands because they tend to advertise or promote their concerts, tours, and promos that I usually don't read or have an interest in.

I also tend to avoid people adding people with over 3,000 Friends because it's almost inhumanly possible to create any real connection with someone.


music, math, lessons, bands, formulas, signs, advice, fame, politics, wisdom

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