LESSONS: Marvel Auto Pilot, "Click," Way of the Hero

Jun 28, 2006 18:20

The end of my Letter seems depressing as well as flippant, but I've just been putting up with three years of crap from people. After a while, you've just pretty much seen it all.

And during the Time Peirod where people don't believe me when I say who I say am, they automatically show their true colors. That's where we come back to having Faith.

There's so much information and where it's so obvious that I'm telling the Truth and know things that most people wouldn't as well as be able to perform miracles that use the Scientific Theories I stated, but people just turn a blind eye.

As I said, I have no interest in forming a Cult or my own Religion. In fact, people get in your way when you have a following. At least when you're by yourself, nobody can ever accuse you of beating up or bullying anyone.

When you've got a whole bunch of people harassing you and beating up on you, it looks stupid when a group of people cry foul about how they're getting beat up by ONE individual.

That's how you get a Superman who is practically invincible and can take on multiple people. That's where my "Super Strength" as a Diamond comes from. I just pull from History, Television, Movies, and Public Information that is common knowledge.

When you run the Mathematical Decryption Code, you'll always find that it will align with what I said because I'm showing the Mathematical Process and Reasoning that the Planet was using when it set or defined events in history or why it had Subconconscious Minds steer their Conscious Counterparts into starring in very particular films, marrying certain people, and weaving that Tapestry of Fate.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: wonderland
Date: Jun 28, 2006 6:20 PM

did u realise u stated your chart was a "marvel" to look at?

I know it's pretty obvious but did u mean that as a direct reference to Marvel comics (ie superhero reference ) or was it just "coincidence"

I don't believe in coincidence...

To: wonderland
From: Rod
Date: Jun 28, 2006 7:28 PM
Subject: Marvel Auto Pilot, "Click," Way of the Hero

Actually, I wasn't really thinking about it, but you have a good eye.

I wasn't thinking about Marvel because I was in a hurry to go and catch "Superman Returns."

The thing about the Subconscious Mind is that as soon as you start "programming" numbers and ideas in your head, you start thinking about that stuff on an Unconscious Level.

It's the same with Slang Terms. You can "program" good and bad habits:
  1. Saying "Like" in your sentences (i.e. I was LIKE doing this and LIKE thought about doing that..."
  2. Nervous people say "Um" when they're nervous like doing speeches in front of an Audience
  3. Smoking is a bad habit
  4. Biting your nails is a bad habit
  5. Continuously saying negative things can turn into a habit
  6. Complimenting people can become a habit
  7. Badtalking people can become a habit
We all know that's conditioned behavior.

I've stated this before on how you can see conditioned behavior that I've programmed into my own Subconscious over the last 2 years with Numbers and People:
  1. Mom's B-Day: 12/8, 128, 1208, L/H
  2. Scott's B-Day: 3/10, 310, CJ
  3. Sunny Leone's B-Day: 5/13, 513, E/M
I say those numbers so many times and constantly look for them that I naturally pull those numbers to me now:
  1. You see it with how I will unconsciously post a certain number of Journal Entries each day
  2. If you take a Birds-Eye View of the 2006 Calendar for Total Joural Entries, you'll see an EERIE pattern surface
  3. EE(RI)E = EEE with RI in it = Gemini Sun(EEE/555/LeoLeoLeo/SunSunSun) with 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) in it
  4. Same with Calendar Year 2005
  5. If you transcribe those Paired Numbers as BIRTHDATES, youl'll see that I'm even thinking about those numbers on a Subconscious Level
This has nothing to do with Psychic Phenomenon or Psychic Abilities. This is strictly Patterned Behavior.

I watched "Click" with Adam Sandler today. I'll go more into it in detail in another Journal Entry.
  1. The Universal Remote is symbolic of the Subconscious Mind
  2. Morty (Christopher Walken) says you can program your remote and it will memorize what you program
  3. If you want to fastforward through the boring parts of your life you will
  4. You see Michael (Adam Sandler) fastforwarding through parts of his Life
  5. The Fastforward Button refers to when you "tune out" and ignore people
  6. You got through your Life going through the motions and miss out on Life
Your Subconscious Mind is the Universal Remote. When you're not paying attention to things, you tune out and aren't even aware.

That's why when it comes to the stuff I show in my Journal Entries, I'm teaching people how to develop a trained "Third Eye" where they know how to read Communication.
  1. Communication = Sign of Gemini
  2. Gemini = 3rd Sign
  3. 3rd Sign = 3rd Eye
  4. It's about knowing how to read information and the Data Stream.
You have a trained 3rd Eye that exceeds mine and you probably don't even realize it:
  1. You're a Musician
  2. I bet you know more about Music than I do
  3. I bet you can listen and have a trained ear and eye for music
  4. You can pick up things about music that I'd miss because that's not my specialty
I have a Trained Eye in other fields:
  1. I can tell you certain things in Film & Television
  2. I can tell you about certain qualities to look for in a Diamond because I worked in the Diamond Industry
  3. I can tell you about certain moves in Chess
  4. I can tell you certain things about Direct Sales and watching the Body Language of Potential Costumers
The "Psychic Field" is no different. You just need a Trained Eye and need to know what SIGNS to look for.

People make Psychic Reading as if it's this Wondrous and Mystical Gift, but it's no different than anything else. When other Psychics read Tea Leaves, Tarot Cards, or some form of Divination, that's having a trained eye using that particular method.

That's it.

Nothing more.

The way people tune out in the movie "Click" is the same way people tune out when I say "I'm Psychic" or "I found a way to track Psychic Phenomenon." People naturally tune out as their "Universal Remote" over the years has been conditioned to do and it makes them fast forward or skip that.

It's a really great movie.

I hate to say it, but I actually enjoyed watching "Click" more than I did "Superman Returns." I loved the graphics and Superman is Iconic and serves as a Symbol, but in all honesty, you would learn more from the movie "Click."

People can relate to "Click." I love "Superman Returns" and it's one way I can get my rocks off, but it's really just about me. Yeah, okay. Big deal. That's just for one individual and where people can look on and admire one individual.

"Click" actually teaches you a real lesson about yourself, adaptability, and hindsight.

People want to see something USEFUL that they can apply to themselves. "Superman Returns" simply tells the story of what happened to me and where I disappeared off to for the last 5 years when I was exploring the Psychic Realm.

"Click" actually tells you something about yourself and you as a person as well as how you have the ability to change and learn to appreciate life more. I love "Superman Returns," but once you get over the hype and glorification of someone who has Super Powers, you still go back to your Reality.

How does "Superman Returns" help you?

I've even said the same thing about when people discover my Royal Bloodline, Jesus Christ Bloodline, and Superman Heritage. This is what's going to happe:
  1. First they'll be frightened of me
  2. Then they won't trust me
  3. There will be all kinds of garbage, rumors, and badtalking about how I'm dangerous and a threat
  4. Fear will turn into curiosity
  5. Curiosity will turn into awe
  6. Awe will turn into adoration
  7. Adoration will turn into Infatuation
  8. Infatuation will turn into Love
However, what happens after all that?
  1. Being a Superhero or on a God-Like Level is just like being a Supermodel or a Celebrity
  2. They find out all about you
  3. They dig into every aspect of your life
  4. After a while, they get tired of you
Superman this. Superman that. Superman Superman Superman. Rod this. Rod that. Rod Rod Rod. All over the News

After a while, people will get SICK of me because all the News is about me. It's like someone you can't get away from. What was originally cute and fascinating will transform into...
  1. Boredom that leads to...
  2. Disinterest that leads to...
  3. Annoyance that leads to...
  4. Hatred
The reason why Supermodels are so beautiful and well-loved is because they're so breathtaking. You see what's on the surface and they're so perfect. Superman and Jesus Christ are perfect.

However, once you start digging into their personal lives, you'll find that they're really not that special and they're human like everyone else.

Like with all things that you are merely fascinated with for its Superficial Beauty, you don't have much of anything left once that fades away. When that fades away, all the reservations, doubts, and dislikes that you kept to yourself that you never brought up before because you were too star-struck boils to the surface.

That's how it is in any new relationship where there's little or no substance.

All the people who will come across me will be in awe, but after they adjust and get used to seeing me as a regular Political Figure or no different than a fading star or Politician who has made questionable decisions, all those hang-ups that they had about that person will start surfacing.
  1. That's why I said 6/26/2006 about Superhero Law Suits shown in "Incredibles"
  2. One person has the balls to sue Mr. Incredible
  3. It was over something petty and where Mr. Incredible had actually saved Oliver Sansweet's Life even though he was a sniveling little brat
  4. The next thing you see are a whole bunch of other people that step forward and start suing Mr. Incredible and other Superheroes
That's natural Human Behavior. Superman is iconic and we see how people idolize Superman. However, the Green Goblin in "Spider-Man" says about the Path of a Hero.

GREEN GOBLIN: You and I are not so different.

SPIDER-MAN: I'm not like you, you're a murderer.

GG: Well, to each his own....

...I choose my path, you chose the way of the Hero and they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city...

...But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying...

...In spite of everything you've done for them eventually they will hate you.
Sorry to sound morbid and depressing, but that's the one thing that I've learned in the last two years of being kicked around screwed over financially, and where everybody looks at you like a bum.

The only reason why I even got "rescued" two years ago is because I stumbled across the Subconscious/Psychic Realm and all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet took pity on me and knew that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon when no one else believed me.

That's how you get the CHRISTopher Columbus Prophecy:
  1. Christopher Columbus: I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, whihc is IR on the Periodic Table
  2. East Indies: Christopher Columbus was trying to find an alternate route to the East Indies, I was trying to find an alternate route to communicating (telepathically) to Sunny Leone who's East Indian
  3. Atlantic Ocean: Subconscious Barrier
  4. New World: Subconscious Realm or Subconscious Collective
  5. Europe: Conscious Mind
  6. Nina, Pinta, and the Godspeed: 3 Ships = Gemini Ships = 3rd Sign = Communication
  7. Amerigo: Ameri(CA) = Ameri(GO) when Gemini God(CA/31) = IR(Go-Spanish)
  8. Queen Isabella commissioning Christopher Columbus: Queen Isabelo the Gemini ( Queen Elizabeth II) commissioning IR (77/Christ)
  9. Christopher Columbus mistaking the New World for the East Indies: Rod mistaking Communication in the Psychic Realm as communication with Sunny Leone (East Indian)
  10. Selfish White Settlers: People who follow in my footsteps tracing the Path to the Subconscious Realm just taking and never giving back
  11. Indian Givers: It's where the Subconscious Minds will help you and give you blankets and what you need, but people will just selfishly take thinking it's theirs and never give back
  12. Indian Reservations: Initials IR (My Initials) represent the selfishness of people who try to take over but they didn't realize that they wrote a bad contract and where I was here first (F-IR/S-T)
It's one thing to talk about "cute coincidences" regarding my Royal Family Name and the References to Christ, but it's a totally different thing when you can align History to what I say and do.

That's how you get a "Communication Superman" or a "Gemini Superman."

While people don't know who I am, you get to see people's true colors. That's the whole reason why the Planet has me disguised where nobody knows my identity and is kissing my feet or worshipping me. It's os that I get to see a really clear picture of Human Society in its natural state when they don't think anyone is watching them.

People behave as they normally do when they don't think they're being watched. The lesson to be learned is how you separate yourself from the Fame and Glory because you can find yourself at rock bottom. That's where you get to see who really sticks by you and who doesn't.

I got to see intimately how many people pull away from you when they think you're poor and crazy. You get to watch people act just like Jews spitting on Jesus Christ.

Then when you even compare yourself to a Messiah or simply state, "I really understand what it's like to go through what Jesus Christ was going through," people get offended that you even dare compare yourself to a Religious Icon and Deity.

People glorify the Crucifixion and the Religious Icons to where it's on a Pedestal so high that it becomes almost unrealistic. That's how get Tragedy and Hypocrisy.

That's why if anyone ever wonders why I remain distant and turned into a cold "frigid bitch" like many attractive women that don't trust anyone and don't let anyone get close to them anymore, it's just the same scenario being played out.


royalty, history, america, lessons, signs, advice, christopher columbus, queen elizabeth ii, queen isabella, amerigo, wisdom, poverty

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