NEWS: Nicole Kidman Wasn't Married to Tom Cruise

Jun 27, 2006 11:19

Here's an interesting Sign. I guess it must be tied into the Business Relationship I had with Davis and where it got annulled.

Even if Davis did try to reinforce it, he'd first have to pay back the money he borrowed from my family. There's so much debt that accumulated on my Credit Card that he didn't pay for, the loans he borrowed off my mom that he mishandled, and where it's clear that when he was bringing in money, he didn't pay much of anything to me.

He was riding on my Cell Phone Bill, which he never had enough money to pay for. He pawned equipment. There are so many things that he did, that he's actually lucky walking away and where I don't pursue him on those issues.

That's why that car accident with his BMW October 2002 being hit by that truck where the driver was named Blaney is to serve as a Reminder to him later on in Life showing that deep down he knows what he did wrong and the games that he played.

The reason why I don't chase after that money is so that if people ever try to go off on me about the way I manage power, I can point to the mistreatment and abuse that I had to endure.

That's why Davis was intentionally born 2/14 meaning B/AD. It's so that when I say he's a "B/AD" person, it's a technically true statement. Why would the Planet do soething like that unless it was hinting something about what was to happen.

On top of that, when it comes to Division of Assets, a lot of the stuff I had occurred before I met Davis and before both our parents and grandparents were born. For Davis to claim he had anything to do with it in the last 3 years is weak.

The reason why the Car Accident happened in October 2002 before I actually met him was so that Davis can't claim I was consciously fiddling with his Life. Davis didn't screw me over financially until August 2003.

It shows that the Planet was the one that was already setting things up. Davis' issues aren't with me. It's with the Planet. That's why the Planet even had Davis go to jail way before he met me.

The way that Davis was set up to run Circle of Friends Organization (COFO) was to reflect the troubles that I had to go through. Davis going to jail because of Vincent was so that he had to pay early.
  1. V in Cent = Sun(V) in Penn-Y(Cent)
  2. Davis is the Penn-y or Pennsylvania(Penn) Male(Y)
  3. You see how his own Selfish Streak was embedded in Vincent Lee
  4. Vincent Lee is born 2/18 = 2/R = RR = My Initials
The Planet has been monitoring a lot of things in Davis' Life before I even knoew about my Identity.

Nicole Kidman Wasn't Married to Tom Cruise... least according to the Catholic Church in Australia.

Many around the world were scratching their heads this past weekend, trying to figure out exactly how Kidman was able to get married as a Catholic in a Catholic ceremony, as the Church does not allow for a second marriage (in the Church) after a divorce. Many assumed that Kidman had gotten her marriage to Tom Cruise annulled, which would technically have paved the way for a second marriage in the Church.

Well, not so fast. Kidman's marriage to Cruise lasted 10 years -- a little long to plead temporary insanity -- and considering how notoriously difficult it is to have the Church grant an annulment (they're not handing them out like communion wafers), Kidman may have figured out how to get around the requirement -- she reportedly didn't need an annulment at all.

The BBC is reporting that Kidman's 10-year union to Cruise wasn't recognized by the Catholic Church of Australia. The service was seen only as a legal ceremony and not a spiritual one. In other words, according to the Catholic Church anyway, it never happened. All Kidman had to prove was that it was dissolved legally and she was free to marry any country crooner she wanted. A loophole to be sure, but one that allowed Kidman to reconnect her Catholic faith with Keith Urban, the man she loves.

Posted Jun 26th 2006 6:59PM by TMZ Staff

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cent, penny, business, davis, relationships, abuse

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