I was commenting on how I thought that Rob's mention of baking "Pink Penis Cookies" was weird.
It's unusual for me because I still see Rob as the same person I knew in Junior High and High School before he told everyone he was Gay.
Although seeing him talk about penis cookies would strike me as odd, it's no more weird than the stuff I talk about. It's all about the acceptance of ideas and how people will try to "fix" you so that you think like they do.
From: Rob
Date: 6/24/06 12:43 pm
Subject: OK, so some of the magic is fading
So far the new MacBook has been good. It runs a bit warm, but so far no issues with discoloration or swollen batteries or anything like that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed since I've violated my own advice - never buy the first version of an Apple product. However yesterday it actually locked up. Completely. Nothing but spinning beachball. The three-finger salute wouldn't work. So I rebooted it. Argh.
The other frustration is that we go a new printer with the machine (they had a $100 rebate promo going on). Since we have more than one computer and mine's a lappy, we decided to share. But I can't use it. Apple makes it sound like sharing printers with Windows is a snap. And it is, if you have an expensive PostScript printer. But consumer inkjets is another matter entirely. So despite the fact that we have the printer connected and shared over the network, I can't print to it. If I unplug it from the PC and connect it directly to the MacBook, it works like a charm. So I guess I'll have to get my own printer and connect it to the AirPort Express or something. Just a bit annoying.
In other news, I did stay at home last night while pegasussf went out withsalacious_pop, huckie and dailybinx to an underwear party thingy. I wasn't really in the mood to go. I mean, it was only the two of us in bed when I woke up this morning, so it must not have been that good. ;) That and since I've been eating badly and not going to the gym I've gotten fat fat fat! That, and I don't really like underwear parties to begin with, at least not in a big club. Private underwear parties are so much more fun. So today they're recovering. I'm going to be making pink penis cookies for later this afternoon. I hope to actually make it to the parade this year since I missed last year. So no staying out too late this evening, although I imagine we won't stay too long at the Pink Party. There are plans to go out tomorrow night as well, but I won't be up late then either, work on Monday and all that.
To: Rob
From: Rod
Date: 6/25/06 02:38 pm (UTC
Legalizing Gay Marriages, Gay Superman, Male Virgin Mary I was reading your comment about the "Pink Penis Cookies" and thought that was weird and certainly a far cry from junior high and high school when you were just plain old Rob.
However, it's now ironic that I'm in the same boat as you where I have the hide my Psychic Abilities and keep it secret much in the same way that Gay People are in the closet.
There was an
article by a Gay Magazine referring to how Superman is Gay because the way that Clark Kent has to hide his Super Abilities is the same way some Gay People hide their lifestyles.
The Social Repercussions of claiming you're Psychic is met with the same derision, alienation, and disapproval as that of people in the Gay Community. I undergo "Psychological Discrimination" and people avoid me as if I have a contagious "Intellectual Venereal Disease" if people are exposed to me or my thoughts.
As you know,
grue23 has been my best friend since 2nd Grade. It was such an emotional blow to me when he removed me from his Friends List. He never stated why so it's up in the air as to whether I was just too spammy since I post an average of 5 - 15 Journal Entries a day dedicated to Psychic Research or if sided with the group that didn't believe I was Psychic or witnessing Psychic Phenomenon and was mentally ill.
Scott was worried and contacted my mom in June 2005 suggesting that she intervene and have me flown back up to Washington State to be enrolled in Psychiatric Evaluation and put on Medication. He provided her with a list of multiple sites suggesting she visit.
Although Scott did it out of concern for my welfare, it would be like me contacting your mom in Washington telling her to go visit all the Gay Web Sites that you have user accounts on or have pictures of yourself up and suggesting she fly you back home so you can undergo Therapy to be "fixed," think like a "Straight Male," and be normal like other males.
Scott meant well, but it still hurt because he didn't believe my Psychic Research and evidence to show that I wasn't imagining or making this stuff up. I told him that if the situation was reversed where he discovered Psychic Phenomeon and thought he was Psychic, I would've believed him because I've never known Scott to ever lie. I was sad that he couldn't extend the same level of trust with me because I don't waste people's time on things like this.
Choosing to believe you have Psychic Abilities (whether real or strictly a delusion) is still Freedom of Thought or expression.
Legalizing Gay Marriages
This supposed "delusion" helped me calculate how to legalize Gay Marriages:
- I was in a "Business Marriage" with another male
- Communication is Sex
- You "impregnate people with thought" so that they "give birth" to ideas
- That's how you "conceive" a notion
- While in that business marriage, we exchanged "intellectual fluids" and gave birth to all kinds of business ideas (children)
If two men can get a Business License that is in essence a "Business Marriage" and engage in Communication that is a form of Sex, then Gay People should be able to enjoy the same rights and be able to obtain a Marriage License.
Male Virgin Mary
Do you know that I'm still a Pure Male Virgin?
- I had said that if you wanted to get Biblical, I was telling my mom that you could have a Male Virgin Mary if Communication is Sex
- If Communication is Sex, you could impregnate a Male Virgin Mary with thought
- It's anatomically impossible for a Human Male to impregnate another Human Male qualifying as an Immaculate Conception
It would still satisfy the Virgin Mary Riddle. It'd completely throw off the Church that disapproves of Gay Marriages if they ever found out that the Virgin Mary was actually a guy. All you have to do is just prove that the Jesus Christ Child actually exists, but thanks to the 14th Amendment and giving birth to thought, you could have "Jesus Christ" be a Fictitious Business Name and as a "Corporate Vehicle" that extends from the Male Virgin Mary and possessing a "Legal Body."