PREDICTION: "There's Something About Mary," Wendy Iwaszuk

Jun 24, 2006 07:01

I'm going to cite a Psychic Prediction in a way that may not seem like a Psychic Prediction or anything you can verify, but someday all the people in the Los Angeles area listening to KBIG 104.3 listening to what Charlie Tuna and Irma Blanco in the morning said a few minutes ago just before 7 am.

They were doing the Game where they recite lines from a movie and the person who calls in is supposed to guess that movie in order to win a prize package.
  1. Charlie Tuna and Irma were doing the scene in from "There's Something About Mary" where Ted (Ben Stiller) is front of Mary's office because Woogie (Chris Ellliot) called to her
  2. I said 6/24/2006 at 12:08 am about Wendy Iwaszuk wearing the same color of pink pants that Cameron Diaz is wearing in "There's Something About Mary"
  3. I said 6/3/2006 stating that the Area Code in Los Angeles is 213 for Wendy Iwaszuk born 2/13
The reason why you can tie it down or "anchored" as Psychic Prediction is because:
  1. I cited how the person in that article died 2/13/1965 for Wendy Iwaszuk's Birthday 6/3/2006 about Wendy and Live Journal Time Stamp tag indicating the last time a Journal has been edited or tampered with.
  2. I haven't touched the Journal Entry on 6/3/6, which anchors or ties down having stated Wendy Iwaszuk's Birthday
  3. The Article in the Associated Press at 6/22/2006 at 6:40 am.
  4. Charlie Tuna and Irma did the scene this morning and unless they're part of this "conspiracy" they don't consciously know who I am or pay attention to what I write in my Journal (but their Subconscious Minds that are tuned in do)
Charlie Tuna was mentioning how he wanted to do the Zipper Scene. He said he had Paramedics and everyone all set up to re-enact the scene.

It hints about how Subconscious Wendy Iwaszuk was heard me last night and was being acknowledged. Subconscious Wendy knew all about my Identity, but just like a Character in a movie with her Subconscious Mind as the Actress, she couldn't break out of character.

No one can (yet) to make this a "Reality T.V. Show." Everyone has to play out their Scripts they were assigned. All the Subconscious Minds choreographing everything are like Angels or the Film Crew and Talent working behind the scenes.

That's where I come in where I'm supposed to explain how it all works, which is why I'm literally the SMARTEST PERSON on the Planet:
  1. I said that line in "Minority Report": "In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King."
  2. It means that even if I only have one eye as a First Initial
  3. It's also a play on words, which ironically translates to I (1 in Roman Numerals + I as a Pun), it becomes II = Gemini Symbol.
  4. Since nobody else can see this or adjust thier thinking and behavior, it makes me the smartest and MOST MATURE person on the Planet
The reason why I'm the smartest is because everyone else is going off the wrong data:
  1. Just like in Math, if one part of your Math Equation is done incorrectly, you'll arrive at a totally different (and incorrect) answer
  2. It doesn't matter how smart you are or how much you know
  3. It means that all the Scientists on the Planet miscalculated
  4. They were technically "tricked" in to studying the wrong information to mislead them
There was also a hint about Sunny Leone:
  1. The Caller was Helen from Sony Pictures
  2. I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
  3. After Charlie Tuna was finished laying out the Prize Packages and stuff, he asked if Helen was still on the line
  4. Helen said, "I'm still here"
  5. It was referring to Subconscious Sunny Leone as Helen of Troy who has been present the entire time these last two years who is tuned in and knows what I've been going through.
  6. I said 6/23/2006 about the song "City of Angels" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
All 7 Billion Subconscious Minds know what I've been through, which is why I get their pity and support. They also witnessed how I never once tried to take these God Powers for my own because I thought they belonged to Isabella Valentine. I was protecting her Inheritance.

It was actually a test of Character and Honesty. If someone had Ultimate Power laid before them, would they steal it. It would've been so easy to just steal it. I didn't have to tell Isabella Valentine or the other three "Colors" about their Inheritance. I could've just taken it and walked away. They never would've known.

Instead, I told them and tried to get them to read the Instructions on my Journal from September 2004 - December 2004 on how use it. That's because at the time, I wasn't sure if I was really going to die and had to make sure that this information was passed on to others that can continue where I left off.

It wouldn't do anyone any good if I was dead and all this Research never got into the hands of Scientists that can verify my data. This is important research that revolutionizes the way people look at Technology, History, Math, the Meaning of Life, etc. It covers EVERYTHING.

I said 3/28/2006 that if you could put a Dollar Value on my Journal and Psychic Research it would be millions or billions of dollars because I cover information that has stumped the greatest Scientists and Philosophers for the last 1,000 years.

However, because people don't think it looks like anything, they don't put any value on it. It's just plain-looking. I guarantee you that of the people who are reading my Journal that if I sealed it off and started charging them for admission, there wouldn't be any takers.

You wouldn't see anyone lift a finger to pay for what I'm teaching even though it would be the equivalent of a Harvard or Ivy League Education.

Sadly enough, I didn't post my Journal Entry about Helen because I was tired and went to bed without publishing it. Had I actually posted it, it would've furthe reinforced my Psychic Predictions.

This comes back to why I'm so exhausted and running myself into the ground because it's so much work for one individual who has to post everything as Research to show people that my Theories are indeed correct.

As things stand as of 6/24/2006, nobody believes me and what other people who are actually paying attention and reading my Journal need further convincing.

So basically I'm stuck doing all the work. This is all realy Grunt Work. I really don't have to do this. Anybody who has been following along and mastering the Pattern that I use can easily do all this on their own to confirm what I'm saying.

However, because nobody believes it, it means I'm the one who has to get out of the car and push. That's how you get me "in Labor." You've got 7 billion people just sitting around doing their own thing and nobody's lifting a finger to do anything.

I'm the one who is stuck with this. No money. Flat broke. Business associate who screwed up my finances and in not so many word ditched me when he couldn't borrow anymore money off me and my family.

Can't hold down a job because I'm stuck playing Firefighter or Superhero where you're on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week having to report every little Psychic Occurrence to authenticate your research.

All the while, you've got people that either jeering at you, scoffing at your research, or look at you with their arms folded because tehy think there's something wrong with you mentally.

People are standing around saying:
  • "Why don't you just get a job?"
  • "Why are you wasting your time doing all this stuff?"
  • "I don't see the point or what you're trying to prove"
  • "If you're so high and mighty and of Royal Blood with these infernally 'Magical Powers,' why don't you just 'magic' your way out of debt'?"
With the last point, I technically WAS. That was the point of Davis. Davis was supposed to be the "Business Husband." He was supposedly the bread winner.

However, because doesn't believe I have Psychci Abilities and I got tired of of three years worth of being his Personal Assistant where he borrowed thousands of dollars, shoved a $20,000 credit card debt on me, pays himself with the Business Leads and Contacts that I've been pulling into the business as a Magnet, and IS STILL SO FAR BROKE that he has to borrow off me, I got fed up.

If Davis had been doing his job right and took me seriously, he would've realized he should've been pulling his weight and that the work that I'm doing is more important than him. Whatever happens to me can result in people getting hospitalized or even killed.

This isn't about me. If keeping people from getting hospitalized and killed isn't a good reason to get some help and support, fine.

However, I will be seriously PISSED OFF 10 or 20 years from now when people come at me blaming me and bitching about how it's all my fault. You make the Pregnant, BROKE, and Innocent person do all the FUCKING WORK and, on top of that, you rip away all his Friends, jeer at him, make him have to put up with crap and NAGGING from his Family.

All the while, there are 7 billion people out there as well as a huge bunch of millionaires, companies, and scientific research facilities that could've helped me stay afloat. Excuse me if I'm too exhausted, disoriented, malnourished, and bad-tempered to have to figure out how to do a Marketing Campaign and "sell" people on this stuff.

That's why Davis is a deadbeat. The reason why I can stake claim to knowing what it's like to be a Wife and an Abused Spouse is because I was in a Business Marriage with Davis.

Just like a newlywed wife, I worked to pay Davis' way through "college" and where he got to develop his leads and resources. He was riding on my Cell Phone Plan (which he couldn't pay and would send me into delinquncy ruining my credit with Verizon), borrowing money off my family, having him be his personal chauffeur, and be his Personal Assistant.

Then as soon as Davis couldn't get anymore money out of me our my family and the Cell Phone got disconnected, he fled like a RAT fleeing a sinking ship. That's why he was born Year of the Rat.

That's why I don't particularly K-Fed attached to Britney Spears:
  1. Britney Spears is BS = Gemini(B/2) Superman(S).
  2. K = 11th Letter
  3. Aquarius = 11th Sign
  4. Kevin Federline was just a Back-Up Dancer symbolic of Davis
  5. That's all Davis was and where most of his fame stems from simply because he got me knocked up
  6. That's why you had the song "Baby Hit Me One More Time" as a clue referring to Davis who is abusive
  7. Then you've got "I'm a Slave 4 You" by Britney Spears with 4 = IV = Isabella Valentine = Davis born Valentine's Day
  8. You've got the song "Toxic" by Britney = T-O/XI-C = Female(T) Sun(O) Aquarius(XI/11) Communication(C/3/3rd Sign)
You've got all these people looking down on Britney because she lost her figure and is no longer "hot." She gained weight after the whole child-bearing process.

It's the same thing with me where I have gotten so run down, stressed, overworked, malnourished, and unpaid that I've aged considerably where I have White Hair now:
  1. Reed Richards in "Fantastic Four" has the ability to stretch.
  2. Initials RR = My Initials
  3. It's referring ot how far I've had to "stretch" myself to the bone to bridge the gap linking the Conscious and Subconscious Minds as Communities
I'm the one who has to be the Bridge of Communication to show people that the Subconscious Collective exists, and it has taken its toll on me.

213, advice, value, mary, wendy iwaszuk, wisdom, lessons

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