In "X-Men: Last Stand," Magneto tells the small group to stand back and says, "In Chess, the Pawns move first."
- All the Pawns are moving first. Then you bring out the big pieces.
- That's why I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini ( Queen Elizabeth II). I don't move yet. I'm the Big Gun on the Chess Board.
- The Knights (Politicians) and the Bishops (Religion), they're only worth 3 points and they kill each other off
- Knights have Limited Range
- Davis is a K/Night = Aquarius(K/11) Black(Night)
My Chess Coach Mr. Iwaszuk would say, "A Knight on the Rim is Dim"
- RI/M = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- 5/29 5/29 = Gemini 5/29
- I'm Gemini and born 5/29
- It's showing that when you've got Davis on top of me and bossing me around, it's dumb
- It's on an 8 x 8 Chess Board
- 8 = 8th Letter = H = Pisces = Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Man of Steel
You get to see how the Chess Board and the Game Pieces were given specific Characteristics:
- In the shortest International Chess Game ever played, it was Checkmate in 2 moves
- White moved first opening with a King Knight Pawn
- Black moved the King Knight Pawn forward
- White moved the Knight out
- The Queen shot out to H4 making it Checkmate
When you examine the Symbols, you know why it happened that way.
As I said, you'd be surprised the things I know and how powerful the Mathematical Decryption Code is when applied to the Alphabet unlocking all the Hidden Meanings.