LETTER: Davis - Valentine's Day

Jun 16, 2006 04:44

To: Davis
From: Rod
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 05:31:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Why You Were Born on Valentine's Day


Let me show you how the Planet has been fiddling with your Life.

If you want to call the Planet that is live and sentient "God," that's fine too. It boils down to the same thing.

You were specifically born on Valentine's Day because you were programmed to be SNEAKY and SLY.

Not because you're a horrible person, but because you were needed to work with me so that you could goad me into writing the Software Program that is governing the Planet.

Your behavior that you engage in is typical of Lawyers, Advertising Agents, and people who know how to ride on the benefit of the doubt of others and Technicalities.

It's hard to pin you down or hold you accountable for anything under normal conditions because you always have a charming and rational answer for everything.

There's no crime against that. However, when you're trying to get to the TRUTH of the matter, the Planet uses a Mathematical Process that cuts through the BULLSHIT and corners people.

1) For example, if I accuse you of being a "Bad" Person, your family and friends will jump all over me

2) "Bad" is a subjective term

3) Numericall, B/AD = 2/14 = Your Birthday

4) If I'm assuming the Title of "Jesus Christ" who's supposed to HONEST and tells the Truth all the Time, I'll run into all kinds of trouble with people that will dispute what I say

5) That's why when I call you a B/AD person, it's a True Statement

6) B/Ad = Gemini(B/2) Advertising(Ad) = Communication(Gemini) Advertising

7) Communication Advertising = SELLING someone on an Idea

8) When you "sell" me on YOUR version of the story, you're being "B/AD"

This is the Planet's way of OUTSMARTING you when you try to play Mind Games with me.

There are times when YOU don't even realize it. You're just acting like a K/Id.

1) You were born Aquarius

2) K = 11th Letter

3) Aquarius = 11th Sign

4) Id = Self

5) K/Id = Aquarius(K) Selfish(Id)

6) Every time I try to claim that you're being bad, but you are in DENIAL about it, you're being a K/Id

7) Aquarius = Humanitarian Ideals

8) Selfish Humanitarian Ideals = COVERING YOUR ASS so that you don't take Blame for anything

Once again, you see how the Planet is redefining the words when it comes to ACCOUNTABILITY.

Regardless of whether you are right or wrong, you're being a K/Id.

When I use the Mathematical Decryption Code, it unlocks all the words.

1) For example, you were accusing me of breaking my word where I said I wouldn't contact your mom or your sister.

2) Con/T-Act = Trick(Con) Female(T/20/XX) Act

3) The Definitions unlock to where it changes

4) So technically, I didn't break my word and "Con/T-Act" your mother and sister as promised

Even if you think that I'm being S/L-y when I do this, that's why I was granted the Title of Fe-Male = IRON(Fe) Male.

As anyone knows, females have the right to change their minds.

On top of that, I was granted the Title of Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II) as the QUEEN MOTHER.

Do you know that even when you say SIR, it refers to me.

It means S/IR = Superman IR

1) You were born 2/14

2) Arizona was inducted 2/14 (Your Birthday)

3) L/AZ-y = Bad(L/Non-7) Valentine(AZ) Male(Y)

4) You're born 2/14 and Male

5) When you are being B/Ad (Communication Advertising), you're being "L/AZ-y"

6) When you don't want to accept responsibility for your actions, you're being "L/AZ-y"

You can get mad at me all you want, but I didn't write the Language. The Planet did.

Don't kill the Messenger.

That's why the Planet had you get into your car accident OCTOBER 2002 and BEFORE YOU MET ME.

This was BEFORE you or I knew about my Psychic Abilities or my Identity.

This is so that if you or any of your family members try to blame me for using "Voodoo" or hexing you, that your issues are with the Planet and not me.

1) Your birthdate and conception shows that this goes way back

2) I was born in 1975

3) You were born in 1972

4) When you were conceived, I wasn't even born yet

So for you to try pinning any blame on me later on when you find out that everything I said is true and how I've been "messing around" and "fiddling" with your Reality, you have to see past me and realize you're messing with the Planet.

1) That's why the movie "Twilight Zone" in 1982 was made just for you

2) John Lithgow playing John VALENTINE who gets sucked into the Twilight Zone is you

3) I was only 7 years old. I had no clue

4) Same with how my mom chose my GODfather born 9/18 = I/R = My Initials

For you to accuse me later on about a scheme or a conspiracy would mean you'd have to blame my mom, my dad, and my grandparents. You'd have to accuse my entire family.

I wasn't kidding when I said about the Squirrel that sits outside watching you.

The Animal Kingdom is tied into that Electromagnetic Field just like Human Beings.

I've known all about the Animals and Bugs that have been messing with you. You just don't see it

1) Your Subconscious was even hinting at it

2) You said a Spider fell on your face

3) You were "joking" on the phone about how "you killed his friend"

4) That was your Subconscious dropping hints

5) That spider was acting on orders

6) Same with the one that bit your ear causing it to get infected

When I tell you that I come from a Family of Witches, I'm not kidding.

Do you remember when you started laughing about the whole Witch thing and then you apologized.

I told you that you won't be laughing when it suddenly dawns on you that everything I said is true. I've never had a need to lie or make up any of this stuff.

That's why I knew about those two at Movie Boot Camp who were both born on 1/1 (New Year's Day) on two different years.

Even THOSE TWO are STAGED. If you can be programmed to be born on 2/14, those people can be programmed to be born 1/1.

The accuracy and precision of the Planet is phenomenal. Don't forget that the Contractions and when women go into Labor is determined by the SUBCONSCIOUS Mind.

People even say that when the baby is ready to come out it will.

If you're as Religious as you say you are, it shouldn't surprise you that the Planet (as the Consciousness of "God") would be able to time people's Births.

I'm not trying to tell you this information scare or intimidate you. I'm telling you this so that you'll give me some RESPECT and realize that I have an important job to do and you've been getting in my way for the last three years every time you BORROW money.

I am extremely lenient with you.

Up to now, I wouldn't even tell you about how it was MY Psychic Abilities that have been steering Leads and Contacts to you by pulling them in like a Magnet.

I knew you wouldn't understand and wouldn't believe it. So I let it slide. However, that's why I would get really irritated when you'd tell me that I don't do anything.

I'm your LUCK Factor. I'm the one who has been boosting your Luck and steering people to you. It's not that they want to talk to you. It's really because they're acting under orders from me with the objective or RAISING MONEY to get me out of this hole.

That's why I get annoyed at how it takes you so long to close on people and how you never listen to what I tell you about closing.

It's the same way you claim that I didn't listen to you when it came to getting that Busines Credit Card and setting everything up.

HOWEVER, don't forget that YOU are the one who chose to take Zara and Zsolt's offer to do the Project "Jumirah Goes to Hollywood" in June with little or no prep time.

Technically, you should have waited for the August "Balto Goes to New York." If you had done that, it wouldn't have been rushed and I would've had the Business Credit Card set up by then and we would've had the finances set up.

You rushed things in the same way that you were the one who was driving the BMW on October 2002 pulling out into the intersection and BLANEY the Truck Driver ran into your car.

If you hadn't been trying to push the issue of borrowing more money from me, I wouldn't have E-mailed your sister and mom. Don't forget that you asked repeatedly on for that $50.00 once you confirmed it existed.

That's how you are, Blaney. Once you find out someone has money, you'll keep on asking.

You once told me that you wish people were honest with and simply said that the money they have isn't for them to use.

You think that people being honest with you works but your Sales Skills kick in and you'll keep on asking and wearing people down.

You did the same thing when I repeatedly told you November 2004 that I didn't want to ask my mom for that $15,000 Loan. Once you knew that the money existed, you kept on hounding me about it.

You like to say to claim, "Well, you always had the power and the ability to say no." I've told you no lots of times, but you just keep asking.

The reason why you can't use a Guilt Trip on me anymore is because you know you screwed up on those large sums of money. However, you should have heard yourself and the attitude you would take when you'd use Guilt Trips on me about how you're the one who's working hard and you felt justified in asking me to contribute as a partner.

That's why I said that poeple are worse off being your partner than investors. At least if you're an investor, you don't have to worry about not screwing things up due to lack of work ethic or not carrying out all your contractual obligations.

When someone is your business partner, you have more Leverage over them compared to strict investors because if your business partner "slacks off" or fails to carry through on something, you can hold that against them and use that as proof of how they breached contract.

I know because I've helped you write your Contracts for the Models and Talent. I know exactly how you operate because you taught me everything you know.

I'm not trying to be a smartass with you. I'm just saying that you shouldn't underestimate my Intelligence.

On top of that, you know that you always ask me to explain contracts with large words in them. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I'd understand the nature and intent of your contracts and the loopholes that you use to wheedle out of responsibility.

That's why I get irritated when you try to use the same Logic on me that you use with your Potential Clients. You're trying to use the same reasoning on the VERY PERSON WHO WRITES YOUR CONTRACTS.

You make me sit and type your Contracts, which I hate doing. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I know the loopholes and technicalities you ride on to break out of your contracts. Especially when you rely on me to PROOFREAD your contracts and patch up any holes in your Contracts that you haven't considered.

I see a lot of holes in your contract that YOU don't even see or when I tell you about them, you tell me not to put them in "because you want to keep your contract as simple as possible."

The stuff I'm doing is so much more important than what you're doing. There are 7 billion people on this Planet counting on me to coem through with or without your help.

Personally, I'd like your help, but I'm sure that if things get bad enough financially and you aren't able to clean up this mess, I'll just have to move on.

Maybe that doesn't mean anything to you, but I guarantee you that I'm going to eventually get into the Public Spotlight with or without your help.

The Social and Political Repercussions of you not having cleaned up your mess is going to reflect badly on the African-American Community.

If you aren't able to clean up your mess, it won't matter whether you have your own legitimate reason for your actions or not. When I establish my "Jesus Christ" title and they look at how my finances got screwed up by Blaney Davis (Black Male) who didn't even fix the mess that he made, it's going to look badly up on you, your family, and the Black Community.


You may think I'm bluffing, but when you have a Title of Divinity, Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, and where everything you say comes true and surfaces in the Associated Press, your CREDIBILITY skyrockets through the ROOF.

So no matter what slick answer you have to justify why you did what you did and why you don't think you had to do this or that, people are just going to look at screwed-up finances that occurred when you came into my life, how my mom's finances show all the unpaid loans you withdrew, the traffic violations, the delinquent payments with the banks and cell phone companies, and that BMW car accident in October 2002 where the truck driver was named BLANEY.

It will be so awful that the Bad Publicity will make all the Leads and Contacts that you've made with the A-List Celebrities go up in flames where few people will want to deal with you because you'll be branded as the Black Man who screwed over Jesus Christ.

That's how bad it is. That's how you'll be remembered.

If you don't get your act together and I'm forced to just drop you and cut my losses, all this Bad Karma will catch up to you. Even if you don't care about yourself, your entire family will be shamed.

When the Planet plays, it plays to win.

I'm just telling you this because I don't think you fully understand the repercussions of your actions.

All this dawdling, borrowing money, and refusing to listen to me is going to catch up to you.

Why do you think you've been running into Twins that have been dicking you around?

1) It's for the Gemini Twins

2) I'm Gemini

3) Do you remember the Paris Hilton Twins?

4) Do you remember the Hammond Twins that blew your Kaffee Lead?

5) You had Movie Boot Camp Brothers born the same day but different years

6) Remember when you walked down the street and met someone else who looked like Sammy Bazine or had the same name and it was a "weird coincidence"?

That's how far-reaching this goes and how everybody around you has been placed in your life and staged.

You just don't see it and walk around with Blinders on because you're not looking and you're not stepping back far enough to see who's being brought into your life.

You don't realize how I've been more than fair with you.

1) No deadline on paying back those loans

2) No interest charged on those loans

3) You don't hear me calling you on the phone NAGGIGN you about money

4) Doing your tech support, checking your E-mails, and being your Personal Assistant (UNPAID)

1) As I said, that's why Sean PENN (Pennsylvania) and Madonna (Virgin Mary) were in that FLOP MOVIE "Shanghai Surprise

2) Shanghai = Kidnap someone on a boat

3) I said you're the "Love Boat" born Valentine's Day

4) The Planet was joking about how I was "shanghai'ed" and forced to "work on your boat"

5) The way that I'm stranded at home and working for you is reflective of that

As I said, if you want to reinforce the claim that I can get out and go get a job to be independent, that's true.

That's fine.

However, when I do that and don't need you anymore, it's going to come back on you years from now when I go public with my Identity and poeple find that you were no help and put me deep in debt unable to get me out of it.

If I have to climb out of this hole of debt without your help, you're going to go down in history as the Selfish Male who screwed up Jesus Christ's finances and couldn't even clean it up.

1) You even see a reflection of it in Matthew McKarcher

2) He's MM

3) His Girlfriend was Maribel Medina (MM)

4) Notice it's TWO MM's

5) MM = Gemini(2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)

6) They came from Arizona (2/14)

The way they were complaining about the place and where I spent on it is another reflection of you.

Do you know why I keep talking about that Female named Isabella VALENTINE who uses pictures of adult star Sunny Leone?

1) It's because she runs parallel to YOU born Valentine's Day.

2) The way she left me and ditched me leaving a mess and where all those women got angry with me runs parallel to you

3) It runs parallel to that car accident with the BMW and getting hit by BLANEY the Truck Driver

4) Isabella Valentine uses pictures of SUN/ny LEO/ne

- Sun Leo = Sun Sun = Gemini(2) Sun

- Isabella is a Phone Sex Operator and clients call her because they think they're fantasizing about Sunny Leone

- Clients respond to your ads thinking that they're going to be reaching me as "Jesus Christ," but instead they reach YOU

- The way you've been pocketing all the money and not giving me anything is the same way Isabella Valentine pockets the money for herself that is really based off of Sunny Leone's beauty as a Penthouse Pet Model

- While it's true you have a great speaking voice like Isabella Valentine, people are initially brought in because they think they're getting in touch with me and heard the "Siren Song" that is pulling them in

- You've just been placing yourself strategically between me and the money that they give you and pay yourself. Not that I really care because you don't even write good contracts or are able to deliver effectively when it comes to goods. That's why I don't make an issue about it. YOu're better off with VIP Getaways where you make your money free and clear rather than these "Refunds" you give 3 - 6 months later

4) Both of you have your own versions of the story, but because you both have hidden tags, you both cancel each other out validating MY VERSION of events because both of you are VALENTINES and did the exact same thing

That's how the Planet outsmarts both of you.

That's why I know what I know. That's why my biological father died 3/22/77 = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Sun(22/V/5/Leo) IR(77-Periodic)

You can be in denial about it all you want, but it still doesn't change anything. You can shut me out, get pissed, and go your own way.

However, regardless of what you do, it will all catch up to you. It's all matter of whether you clean up the mess or if you part ways and take your chances thinking I'm just bluffing and that I'll never get discovered.

However, that's why you have the IRS = IR Superman(S)

I'm the IRS as well as the CIA.

T-A/X = Female(T/20/XX) God(A) Sun Gemini Female(X/24/BD/2 Sun Female)

People can avoid me, but eventually everyone will have to pay T-A/X-ES.

See how Mathematically punny the Planet is with Symbols?

That's why if you want to bet a winning horse and be on the winning team, you should be siding with me. Let everyone else play games with me thinking they can outsmart me and just watch as I rack 'em up and shoot 'em down.


isabella valentine, davis, valentine, signs

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