To: Davis
From: Rod
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 15:12:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: COFO, Alan Woodman, Steven Palmer, Boaz Hillel, Shawne Greene
I don't know how you feel about the stuff I told you, but I said that the Planet as a "God Consciousness" is composed of all 7 Billion Subconscious Minds.
God is the Forest and Human Beings are the 7 Billion Individual Trees.
If the Planet is alive and you're standing on it, it's obvious you can't hear it talking to you directly.
It will speak to you in metaphors, examples, and through other people.
Since it can't talk to you directly, it will "draw Signs" or use pictures so that you can understand what it's saying to you.
For example, I said that Dave Donihue, Dave Summers, and Dave Roma are variations of you.
They were giving you a dose of your own medicine. They were doing to you what you were doing to me.
It was so that you would complain not realizing that you were complaining about yourself and how you don't like it when poeple do to you what you do to other people.
I said that even Sammy Bazine is you:
- He's from France
- France = Fr. = Father = PA = Pennsylvania = You
- B-AZ in E = Gemini(2) AZ(Arizona/2-14) in Sun(E/5)
- When you see that "AZ" Tag surfacing, it's for Arizona inducted on your Birthday (2/14)
Do you remember Bo-AZ Hillel?
AZ = Arizona
Do you remember Steven Palmer?
- He was a variation of you and me
- Palmer with PA/Pennsylvania means he was derived from you
- I kept complaining about how he was in our group and saw everything unfold
- I complained that he was the first to turn on us
Do you know why he turned on us even though he knew everything that happened?
- The variation of him being in the business and seeing everything unfold runs parallel to me where I've been working you and seen everything and all the problems we've had
- The way that Steven Palmer got upset about how he was "loyal" and didn't get paid for what he was doing is a variation of me getting upset with you
- I've been through the whole process
- The way I was broke and unable to pay Steve Palmer is a reflection of me in YOUR shoes where you're broke and can't afford to pay me.
- I didn't set up the Business Credit Cards or do like you said. It's KARMA coming back on YOU because you didn't do WHAT I SAID. The way you haven't been doing the DROP DOWN the way I've told you is the SAME WAY I didn't follow your instructions. It's where the shoe is on the other foot
Do you remember how CRAZY that Shawne Greene Lighting Person was who wentin and was trying to dismantle the Lighting?
T7 stopped him and shut it down. Shawne Greene was started yelling and screaming at Zara and Zsolt.
Shawne Greene was screaming "They don't pay their people!!!"
T7 was one Layer of my Personality calming down the other layer of my Personality (Shawne Greene).
What you're seeing are LAYERS of personality. We're all made up of Layers:
- That's why Dave Summers is one Layer of your Work Ethic Personality
- Dave Donihue is another Layer of your Creative Personality
- Dave Roma is a Layer of your Entertainment Personality.
The way that Zara and Zsolt ignored Shawne Green shouting and screaming like a madman was a variation of you and your family choosing to ignore my tons of E-mails that I was sending.
The way you wrote out the check to Shawne Greene to appease him and shut him up is a variation of you calling me on the phone telling me to stop E-mailing your sister and mom and if I really want you take the time to read all this stuff and try to learn it, you'll do it.
Everything is staged, Blaney.
It's like a written out Script. Your Subconscious Mind is an Actor and your Conscious Mind and Body doing things is an Character in a movie.
You can use this to your advantage though because if you realize it's all staged an "illusion," you're more perceptive.
When new people walk into your life, you can pick up on the Signs and see right off the bat who they are.
When you know who they are and you've already gone through this stuff, you can neutralize them.
It's the same with with Alan Woodman.
Do you know why Alan Woodman was being a dick?
- It's because you got to experience what it's like to be in my shoes
- You got to play my Role heading up the Organization (COFO)
- Alan Woodman = AW = Non-WA = Non-Washington = Non-Rod
You play OPPOSITE of me.
You got to experience FIRSTHAND what your behavior has been for the last three years.
All throughout your Life, you've been getting prepped and groomed for this position by going through Simulated Experiences so that you understand from DIRECT EXPERIENCE what I'm going through.
It's so that when I tell you what's happening and use a reference to how you went through an experience, there's suddenly INSTANT UNDERSTANDING.
The reason why you never knew about any of this is because it was a LEARNING PROCESS.
You were having all that information downloaded and taught to you. It wasn't necessary for you to know at that time why you had to go through that stuff.
It's so that when the time came that I arrive in your Life, I tell you and it suddenly makes instant sense.
I don't have to try explaining things in words.
All I have to say is:
- Do you remember what Alan Woodman did?
- Do you remember what Dave Roma did?
- Do you remember what Steven Palmer did?
- Do you remember what Will Moore did?
I don't have to elaborate. You just instantly get it.
The decision you made to stay with COFO and why you went to prison is the same thing I'm currently experiencing now.
- You said that you were ready to move on to Los Angeles but you got talked into saying.
- Same thing happened to me where I could've quit this whole Psychic Crap November 2004. It was done. All these issues and everything was done.
- I could've walked away and just came back to you and focused on the Business. Everything would have everything return back to normal
- The way I stayed and got pinned down is the same way you got in trouble and went to jail.
You said that it happened in your 7th Year = 7 = VII = Sun Gemini
You could've been done with it, but everyone else talked you into staying.
It's the same thing with me and about this whole "Jesus Christ Software Program."
I don't have to be here. I don't need to do this crap. This is more for the benefit of the people of Planet Earth (COFO Organization) than for me.
I don't have to do a damn thing. However, like you said it was your choice to stay with COFO, it was my choice to stay.
The way that Daryl tried to take the keys from you and keep it running is actually symbolic of something else.
The way that you shut down COFO and was done with it is symbolic of when I die and how this "God Corporation" will shut down.
I said in my Will that I wrote out in my Journal that there are to be NO Heirs or anyone following after me.
When I'm done and when I'm DEAD, there are not supposed to be any Sons or Daughters who will "assume the throne." No matter how much people convince anyone else that anyone from my Bloodline should continue on, I said no and make it specifically clear.
There's even the Captain Ivars Prophecy where Captain Ivar had no children and when he died, he divided up the shares and stockin his company evenly to all his employees.
It's the same thing that I'm doing when I die. All this Power that I've got write now tapped into the Electromagnetic Field gets shared and distributed evenly amongst all the People on the Planet.
Currently, the Planet is running like a Corporation with me as the CEO. I've got a "Manual Transmission" and direct access to changing, editing, and causing things to happen.
When you set up a business properly, it should run itself and not need any management.
I'm like a "Virgin Mary Software Program" that was placed on this Planet to set everything up and then self-terminate. Once I'm done finishing up what I need to do, this Program is going to be (hopefully) running and governing for the next 2,000 years until the Age of Pisces.
That's what I've been setting up. That's why I've been distant and don't tell you what I've been doing these last 2 years.
I kind of tried to tell you a year and a half ago, but I gave up because I felt it's just wasted breath.
The most I did was just drop hints to you so that when the time came that I had to break the news to you about what's really going on, all the "cryptic" or "mysterious" comments I would tell you over the last two years would suddenly fall into place and make sense.
The whole reason why the Planet speaks in metaphors and causes mirror images to surface is so that when I tell the Truth I can back it up with what the Planet says.
That's my Secret on how I've been able to shoot you down every time you try to give me "your version of the story" and events.
All I've been doing is just checking who did what in my childhood, college years, and history that have YOUR tags. They did Mirror Images of what YOU do.
It even extends to History and Telvision/Movie History. That's how I've been able to check up on you and know when you're lying.
You may not believe it, but it shouldn't come as a Surprise.
If someone's going to go around claiming they're "Jesus Christ," aren't they supposed to know everything?
Isn't Jesus Christ supposed to be smart and be able to tell when people are lying or not?
That's why I keep using this Mathematical Decryption Code on everyone's names.
It's like a UPC Bar Code that will LIGHT UP when you shine the Black Light on them to see what their Product Information is.
Everybody's got "Planetary Serial ID Number" planted on them that shows what they've been programmed to do.
It's one of the most sophisticated Tracking Systems ever and it's all hardwired in people's Subconscious Minds.
That's why when the Planet or "God" created Human Beings, humans were the most sophisticated inventions in Technology this Planet has ever seen.
When I don't know what you're up to, I just ask your Subconscious Mind. Your Subconscious just passes on a message and all the Subconscious Minds of people around you with eyes and ears monitor what you do as well.
You should watch the "Matrix" some time where it says that "anyone plugged into the Matrix is an Agent of the System."
Ever notice how in "Charlie's Angels" that Charlie will send the Call? When you really listen to who is calling you, what time, and what they say, the words that they choose hint at how the Subconscious is coloring things.
When you talk, I'm not listening to you. I'm listening to your Subconscious Mind and paying attention to what words your Subconscious is slipping in.
It's actually possible for you to lie or fool my senses though. When you know how it all works, you can "mask your Signs." However, when you start lying to me, all I do is just ask the Subconscious Minds of people around you.
If we were sitting in a crowded room and you're masking your Signs, I just pay attention to the body language and movements of the people in the room around you. That's how sophisticated this Communication System is.
I really hate to do it this way, but I have to repeat this process for people like your mom, your sister, and everyone else who is going to challenge me on my Identity.
That's the reason why Jesus Christ has to be SMART and have a working Knowledge of Technology, Computers, Math, Psychology, Philosophy, and Natural Sciences.
I don't know everything, but like any CEO, you don't have to know everything. You just ask the head of each department who knows. That's why I'm the "CIA" (Central Intellignece Agency).
CIA = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) I o' WA(IA)
You're fortunate enough to be the first to see how all the "Magic Tricks" are done. You're even being taught a little bit of it so you can use it to your own advantage to give you an upperhand in business against other people.
I'm actually teaching you how to heighten your senses and showing the little tricks of the trade on how to have competitive edge to help you in business so you can get the ball rolling.
Once you're integrated into the system, your reflexes are faster and smarter.
Be careful though. Just as Steve Austin was the $6 million dollar man, there was another person named the $7 million dollar man named Barney on the T.V. Show.
He used his Powers for selfishness and to make money. You better be careful that you don't abuse the informaton I'm telling you.
The thing about Power and Money is that it accentuates people's spending habits and shows how well they can handle power.
There are a lot of people that are irresponsible with Power and Influence. The reason why I was granted power was because two years ago, I had the opportunity to seize or steal power, but I didn't.
Two years ago, I was defending the Powers that I thought belonged to someone else. Because I thought it belonged to someone else, I refused to take it for my own and protected that individual's inheritance.
Because that individual failed to take it, it was only then that the powers were given to me instead. It was set up that way so that in the future when people think I stole or hoarded power from the Electromagnetic Field, that is untrue.
The only reason why I set things in place was because I was forced.
This is the stuff I've had to deal with over the last two years that you don't know about.
That's why it really bothers me when you think I just sit around and don't do anything.
You don't know my life like you think you do and the responsibilities that were dropped in my lap. I shouldn't even exist.
This whole crap is just one long Domino Effect of Selfishness. If people had just done what they were supposed to do and follow directions, I wouldn't even have these Psychic Abilities.
We'd both be happy with a completed Indonesian Project, a Cooking Show, and a 2nd Indonesian Project in New York.
We would've gone on to close on other deals and be sitting in some nice Condos of our own with $70,000 cars.
Instead, we're stuck here. Broke. That's why it would be nice if you could just get some money or finances moving so that something is happening.
I have my plate full with my own responsibilities, but if we're still in the same situation June 2007, I'm just going to have to cut my losses and move on.
It may not seem like much to you, but I've been trying to give you multiple chances. You don't realize the Social Repercussions of what will happen if I "drop" you or move on.
If I move on, it means that "Jesus Christ" dropped or cut ties with an "African-American Male" who screwed up Jesus Christ's finances that he wasn't able to clean up.
That's the story that is going to circulate and it's going to make the African-American Community look really bad. You and I both know that when I go public and people are checking out my history and credit rating with a fine-tooth comb, they're going to find you.
When they look at your finances in comparison to my finances and my mom's finances, they're going to wonder why "Jesus Christ" is broke after having done business with you.
That's why you got set up to be using me as a Corporate Vehicle and then you walked away without a scratch.
That was your Omen with the BMW on October 2002 where I was the BMW that got totaled and you didn't die and you had zero injuries.
That was the Planet sending a direct message to you about what you did and why the other driver of that truck was named BLANEY.
This is what I mean when I say that when people like KIDS try to come up with their own versions of how they think things happened and where there's supposedly no one else who can verify or confirm what really happened, you have things like that surface.
As I said, my Psychic Abilities are working at peak efficiency. When you talk to me on the phone and give me your version of events, I go and check after we finish our phone conversation the information you've told me and check to see if it aligns with information I have.
Not from what I saw, but from my own personal history that serves as a Guide showing me what people did.
I'm telling you this politely and not to be a dickhead. I'm just showing you how I know what's going on.
On top of that, I've been granted the Power of Interpretation so that whatever I say is already true or will technically come true so that whatever I said that was originally a False Statement transforms into a true statement.
That's why I've never had to worry about lying in the last 2 years. Ever since I figured out how my Psychic Abilities work, I've not had to worry about that.
If I make a mistake, it's supposed to be a mistake because it's my Subconscious setting up things ahead of time.
I wish you had figured out this stuff a year and a half ago. I didn't want it to have to come out like this.
You don't even realize that you were under Mind Possession in June 2004 - November 2004 by an Causian Male in New Jersey who was messing around with your head making you act strangely.
The reason why that happened is so that someday you'll have to square with acknowledging that it's possible for people to control your mind and influence you.
The way that Caucasian Male was messing around with your head and causing you to do things indicates that you were Innocent. However, no one believes in Psychic Phenomenon.
So if you committed any crimes or did anything wrong, there are currently no Forensics Methods rooted in Science that could track such an occurrence and you would be the one who would take the blame or fall for it.
However, by proving that Psychic Phenomenon is indeed real, you get exonerated and your Name cleared. However, by the same token, it means that you'll have to admit that the way you handled the finances in July 2003 and where you said that I had control over the money the entire time and could've said no also losses its credibility.
Personally, I don't care. However, someday you're going to have to come to terms with that.
The reason why the Drivers Manual said that adults can get a ticket if the person in the passenger side is under the age of 15 is because the young passenger doesn't know any better.
Yes, it's true that I was a physical adult age 28 when we went into business together, but my mind as business owner would be that of a 10 year old.
The same thing goes for you where you may be 34 years old, but your knowledge and experience of computer is that of a 10 year old.
When it comes to the Mind Possession where you were inexperienced and didn't realize you were under Mind Control isn't your fault because you had the mind of a 10 year old.
That's why you shouldn't even be directly blamed for your odd behavior from July 2004 - November 2004.
I said the Mind is like a Car. You got mentally "carjacked" by that Caucasian Male in New Jersey.
Do you remember when Ken made us go up to that Runway show where we had to park at the bottom and then you had to stand on the bridge up in the Chinese Theatre on that bridge?
You were bothered about how Ken had to make us wait like that.
I said while we were driving about how there was this guy in New Jersey who is screwing with things.
That was the CRAP we were experiencing and how things were getting fiddled with.
If you found out all the crap and what was REALLY going on behind the scenes and how you were being dicked around, you'd be upset.
If the mind is like a Car and you get carjacked, you don't arrest the getaway car. You arrest the person INSIDE the car who STOLE it.
Someone stole your mind away and had you pulling all kinds of things that was uncharacteristic of you. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't.
That's also why Michael McKantz was acting strange where he signed Ernie Reyes, Jr., and then he turns around and doesn't want to work with him.
Same reason why Larry Garrison was talking about how honest and sincere he is and then he changed suddenly. That was the CRAP going on with people's minds getting fiddled with and what I was cleaning up.
You were wondering why people were all changing on you and it's because it was spilling over. You got to witness it for yourself.
This was all the stuff that was going on behind your back that you missed that I tried to tell you, but it was just a waste of time back then because it was too confusing for you to understand.