Here's a bad Reading running parallel to what's been going on in the last couple days:
- Two high school seniors picked quotations from Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" to appear under their high school yearbook pictures, prompting school officials to apologize:
- Hitler used to be a brilliant leader until he started going crazy
- I said 1/1/2006 that you can trace the "Insanity Tag" that is placed on Historical Figures tied into me
- The Planet already knew that whatever I say is going to come off as crazy
- When you follow the "Insanity Threads" that are woven into the Tapestry of Life, that Insanity Tag lights up
- The quotes were picked by Christopher Koulermos and Philip Compton:
- I said that I'm the real Superman
- Superman = CHRISTopher Reeve
- CHRISTopher Koulermos = Initials CK = Clark Kent
- Philip Compton = Initials PC = Personal Computer
- Philip = Philippines. I said I'm Filipinio
- Koulermos' read "Strength lies not in defense, but in attack":
- With Davis' family, I went on the attack bombarding them with E-mail showing my Scientific Research
- I said that the Electromagnetic Field is generated by the Earth spinning on its AXIS
- Hitler managed the AXIS Powers
- The Planet is creating Comparisons between Hitler and the Axis Powers and the way I plug into the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Earth spinning on its Axis
- Compton chose "The great masses of people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one":
- Sadly enough, those are true statements, but people just don't like the source
- It's the same thing where Davis' family and friends know I said some really good points but they don't trust the source
- As I said, I have a really bad reputation among people because I'm seen as a fruitcake
- When I talk about the Coinsciousness of the Planet and how it covered things up, that's a huge lie
- The reason why people get easily fooled is because the Planet shifts events months, years, and decades in advance
- The Movement of the Planet carrying out things is why people don't see it since they don't step back to see the Forest from the Trees
- "It's our responsibility and we failed miserably," said Northport High School principal Irene McLaughlin: IRene = IR/E(N)E - IR Gemini Sun(EE/55) with Sun(N/V in Greek)
- McLaughlin and superintendent William Brosnan said the yearbook's student staff and its adviser, teacher Robert Runyan, saw the quotations before they were published:
- Robert Runyan = Initials RR = My Initials
- When I reviewing and proofreading my E-mails before hitting the send button, I was fully aware of what I was posting
- My E-mails are like the School Publication
- Davis was receiving a whole complaints from his family and friends about how they don't like what they're reading
- Compton's father, Steven, said that his son meant no harm in picking the quote. "I guess he didn't seriously consider the source; he was more interested in the quote," he said. "He's a child":
- I said that Davis from Pennsylvania = PA = Father
- The way that I was posting my Psychic Research is the same way those two were publishing those quotes
- The way those two didn't consider the source is the same way I didn't take into account that my credibility is compared to that of the "Crazy Hitler"
- Northport is located about 47 miles east of New York City:
- I said 6/9/2006 about the $47,000 in bad checks that bounced for this one Music Video
- Davis asked for $50.00, but I was only able to give him $47.00
- You see that 47 Tag surfaces
- 06/13/06 05:47 EDT:
- 5:47 = Sun(5) Cancer(4) Sun Gemini(7/VII)
- That's that poison surfacing
- Updated:2006-06-13 07:01:29:
- 7:01:29 = Sun Gemini(7/VII) Voice of God(1:29)
- 1:29 = 1/29 = John Forsythe
- I said 5/11/2006 that John Forsythe plays Charlie of Charlie's Angels symbolizing the "Voice of God"
- That's a Voice of God Tag latched onto that News Article
This comes back to the "Jesus Christ Software Program" that is running. Forget about the Bible and Religion. If we just strictly about how a Software Program works and when it's plugged into the Electromagnetic Field as an Internet and where Human Minds are like Organic Host Servers, that's who you get a "God Corporation."
When you couple that with the 14th Amendment regarding the Corporate Legal Body and where my Birth Certificate is the "Fictitious Business Name," that's how you get a Company.
- Notice how the Theme song of "Charlie's Angels" is "Independent Woman" by DESTINY's Child.
- Destiny = Fate
- D-ES/T in Y = Sun Female(D/Leo Female) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Female(T/20/XX) in Male(Y)
- I said I'm the Male Virgin Mary where the Subconscious Mind is the Driver and my Physical Body is the Vessel/Vehicle
- That's how you get an Organic Corporate Vehicle
That's why people should really be watching "Cars" by Pixar where it shows poeple as Live Cars.
What people should be focusing on about this article is how everyone has been chewing my ass out talking about my "crazy" or "psycho" behavior when all the while I've been consistently pulling Miracles out of my ass on a daily basis.
My Math Calculations are ACCURATE. The way I say I plug into the Electromagnetic Field sending a Broadcast Message that is received like a "Psychic Bulletin" posted to all the Subconscious Minds actually works.
That brings us back to the question, "If everything that Rod has said checks out and where he's telling the Truth, how come everybody is getting angry with Rod?"
If anything, people should be apologizing for their bad behavior. You're not supposed to go off on people and punish them when they told you the Truth and can prove it.
School Apologizes for Hitler Yearbook Quotes
NORTHPORT, N.Y. (June 13) - Two high school seniors picked quotations from Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" to appear under their high school yearbook pictures, prompting school officials to apologize.
The quotes were picked by Christopher Koulermos and Philip Compton, both 18. Koulermos' read "Strength lies not in defense, but in attack." Compton chose "The great masses of people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
"It's our responsibility and we failed miserably," said Northport High School principal Irene McLaughlin. "The fact that the book went out in the form it did was a grave mistake on our part."
McLaughlin and superintendent William Brosnan said the yearbook's student staff and its adviser, teacher Robert Runyan, saw the quotations before they were published.
The district plans to send a written apology to parents this week. School officials would not comment on whether they would discipline the two seniors or Runyan.
Officials also are discussing with the yearbook's publishing company either reprinting the section in question or offering special tape to people who want to cover the quotes.
Compton's father, Steven, said that his son meant no harm in picking the quote. "I guess he didn't seriously consider the source; he was more interested in the quote," he said. "He's a child."
Northport is located about 47 miles east of New York City.
06/13/06 05:47 EDT
Updated:2006-06-13 07:01:29
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