THEORY: Erich Von Daniken, Darwin, Dampening Field

Jun 12, 2006 21:43

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ¸¤.Klaudia.¤¸
Date: Jun 12, 2006 9:17 PM

Erich Von Daniken truely sees through the text written a millinea or more ago.The discrepacies he points out are over whelming. How much truth, these ancient texts contain, can only be determined by your own faith. Fossil records have missing links that have no ancestral partner for modern man. Are the Darwinists no better reporters of his theory, than the text writers of ancient times? What or who designed the the molecules of which we are made? Bio-chemistry cannot explain how a pool of primordial fluid created creatures, so compelex, that they Until scientist and goverment come clean to the masses of what they know, we are still in the dark.


To: ¸¤.Klaudia.¤¸
From: Rod
Date: Jun 12, 2006 9:44 PM

The Periodic Table is actually the best place to look for proof of Intelligent Design because the Elements have been around since the dawn of time.

The reason why Math would be the Universal Language is because the Elements in the Periodic Table allow us to count.

I've been working on a Theory that the Electromagnetic Field functions on the same principles as the Electrical Field in the Human Mind. That Field unites all living things to create the Cumulative Consciousness of the Planet in the same way that the Individual Brain Cells in the Human Brain are tied together producing Human thought.

You can take it a step further when it comes to the Organic Brain Tissue running parallel to the Layers of Limestone or Rock. Electricity flows through the path of least resistence. Even though the Layers of Rock don't conduct electricity, it acts like a Dampening Field and when the Electromagnetic Forces course through the Non-Metal Dampening Field, you get a Circuit Board serving as memory storage.

The Conscoiusness of the Planet is much like a Digital Picture as "God" (or whatever Supernatural Deity you subscribe to) and the 7 Billion pixels as Human Beings.

God would be the Forest and the people would be the 7 Billion Trees.

Most people can't see the Forest from the Trees. However, if you step back far enough, you'll can.


non-metal circuitry, non-metal, theories, klaudia, lessons, dampening field

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