SIGNS: Princess Sophia Innsbruck, 214, UK, Jesus Christ

Jun 06, 2006 10:26

Even though people may be edgy about 666, today is a really Good Day. We get to see the marshalling of Forces on the other end. It's especially a day to be thankful for Great Britain and the Mother Country:

  1. I got the best E-mail today
  2. Sophia Innsbruck sent me the Comment above
  3. It was dated 2:14 am on 6//6/6
  4. Two months ago, I asked Subconscious Sophia Innsbruck for her help
  5. I told her that the Symbol "NN" = 2/14 = B/AD Sign
  6. I was having problems with Davis who is born 2/14 and he was mucking up the System
  7. I asked for Sophia's help so that she could serve as Symbol of Goodness because of her Last Name
  8. Innsbruck = I-NN/SB-R u CK = God(I) Valentine(NN/2x14) Scott Boone(SB) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) in Union with(U) Clark Kent(CK)
  9. I said 6/5/2006 that Sophia = Princess Sophia from "How to Los a Guy in 10 Days" = Sophie from "Da Vinci Code"
Sophia sending me her 2/14 Comment is a Good Sign because it means that there are Forces of Good fighting on a day, which is considered to be Mathematically Bad.

If you think about it, I don't think any guy would mind having his Penis look like Sophia Innsbruck. When they play with their Penis, it means they're playing with Sophia Innsbruck :o).

You definitely wouldn't hear any complaints from me about Princess Sophia! :D

  1. When I was checking my Main Page, it listed the following
  2. Number of Views = 3333 = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Mother(4/4th Sign)
  3. The Users are Thomas and Emily
  4. I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss from England is CHRISTine Thomas
  5. I said 12/31/2005 that my GODfather is named Thomas and born 9/18/1933 = I/R/S-CK = IR Superman Clark Kent
  6. I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss = Christine Thomas = Sharon Thomas = Mother of Dean Cain = Mother of Superman
The UK is the Mother Country
  1. U = V in Old Alphabet
  2. K = Aquarius = 11th Sign = 11
  3. UK = Old God(U) 11(K)
  4. When you roll back the clock, 11 transforms into II = Gemini Symbol
Notice that Thomas shows up Twice:
  1. One Thomas as a User has a picture of Fire
  2. My mother is Sagittarius = Mutable Fire (Adaptable)
  3. Tom from MySpace is the other Thomas
  4. The Fire that you see with Thomas runs parallel to the Indonesian Volcano Mount Merapi that is erupting
It suddenly makes sense now regarding History and what happened three years ago:
  1. I said that CHRISTopher Perdue stole the Indonesian Soap Opera Production July 2003 causing my finances to spiral out of control shoving me with debt
  2. Bliss is CHRISTine
  3. Davis born Valentine's Day was the original 2/14 and CHRISTopher P. taking it symbolizes Bliss as CHRISTine
  4. Christopher P. was working with Francisca Utami, Myna Gill, and Donny Muchelly
  5. They were spending long hours at the Majestic Studios
  6. They were working hard the same way that I've been working for Davis
  7. I said 6/4/2006 about the movie "Shanghai Surprise" with Sean Penn and Madonna where I got conscripted and forced to work on a Boat
  8. I said 4/1/2006 that Davis born Valentine's Day is the "Love Boat" that I've been stuck on for the last three years
We're also seeing an interesting inversion of History:
  1. I said the Americas symbolize the Subconscious Mind
  2. I said Europe as the Old World is the Conscious Mind
  3. The UK would symbolize old Traditional Values because Aquarius = Humanitarian Ideals
  4. When I plugged into the Electromagnetic Field and gained access to the Global Parameters, I've been using all the Values, Ethics, and Morals that my MOTHER taught me
  5. The UK symbolizes the MOTHER Country and my mom's influence that is plugging into the Electromagnetic Field
  6. The United States symbolizes the Subconscious Collective
When I talk about things, it's from a Worldly or Global Perspective. When I do things or move through this World, it's tied in with History. People think I jest when I say that what you see in the News revolves around me, but I'm dead serious.
  1. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
  2. J-ES u S = Female Gemini Sun(J/10/T-EN) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
  3. C/H-RI/S-T = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/IRon Alien) 5/29(RI/ Rhode Island) Superman(S) Fe-Male(T/20/XX)
That's how you get a "Mathematical Messiah" :o)
  1. Messiah = M.E.-SS/IA-H = Mother Earth(M.E.) Gemini Superman(SS) I o' WA(IA) Superman(H)
  2. M.E./SS(IA)H = Mother Earth(M.E) Gemini Superman(SSH/SupermanSupermanSupeman) with I o' WA(IA) in it
  3. M-ES/S-IA/H = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Superman(S) I o' WA(IA) Superman(H)
The reason why the Planet would make it Mathematical is because anything else is Subjective. We can all argue till we're blue in the face regarding what someone is or isn't.

However, when you use a TECHNICAL and MATHEMATICAL Procedure showing a Process or an Equation, that's a TRUE Statement. Especially if it's embedded or routed in Popular Culture using Terms, Symbols, Icons, and Landmarks visible throughout Society.
  1. When I say Davis is a "Bad" person, that's subjective
  2. That can be disputed and even be deemed as discriminatory
  3. However, when I say Davis born on Valentine's Day is a B/AD person and B/AD = 2/14, that's a TRUE Statement
  4. No matter how you look at it, that's a True Statement
The Planet is just showing you Mathematical Truths :o). That's why the Terms such as Satan, Virgin Mary, God, and Jesus Christ all unravel into ACRONYMS. Where does it say in the Bible that they're not?

It's all about how you define it. Even if people don't want to abide by that, it doesn't matter because the Planet is the one that's managing its Physical Body. You can kill the Messenger, but it still doesn't change things. The Planet's still Conscious and Alive.

princess sophia, great britain, davis, halloween, signs, jesus christ, sophia innsbruck, indonesia, love boat, uk, messiah, queen of america, mother country, 666, christine

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