If you want to see a really funny example of Symbolism as well as the Genius of the Planet as a living entity, just look at Scooby an Shaggy at the beginning of the "Scooby Doo" movie done exactly like in the cartoons.
Apply the Decryption Code:
- Scooby:
- Scooby is a Dog
- Do/G = IR/S Sun Gemini(G/VII)
- Shaggy:
- Shaggy = Shag/G-y = Fuck(Shag-English) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Male(Y)
- I said Communiation is Sex
- Wooden Barrel:
- Woo/D-EN = Court(Woo) Sun Female(D/Leo Female) Sun(E/5/Leo) Sun(N/V in Greek/5/Leo) = Court Sun Female Sun Sun = Court Gemini Sun with Female in it
- B/ARR-El = Gemini(B/2) IRR(ARR Definite(El/The-Spanish)
- Shaggy's Legs are running away:
- Run = Execute Software
- A/WA-y = God(A) Washington(WA) Male(Y)
- Fear: Fe/AR = IR Activacte(Fe/IRon) IR(AR)
My Physical Body is the Wooden Barrel. Scooby would be the Thought Processes and Shaggy running away would be the Executiion Process of that Thought Process...LOL
The Spiritual Scooby and Shaggy would be what's sticking out of my Physical Body when it comes to Conditioned Behavior.
I said 1/17/2006 that I'm Cluck Kent. People think I'm supposed to be really brave, but I'm actually pretty cowardly...LOL
That's why as a Software Program, I run (execute software program) A/WA-y (God Washington Male) in Fe/AR(IR on IR).
That's why the Cartoon "Scooby Doo" with Shaggy's legs sticking out of the Barrel and Scooby's torso sticking out the top of the body is symbolic of me and what I'd look like when I run the "Scooby/Shaggy" Software Program...LMAO
I said 10/26/2006 about "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" Sir Robin says something that sounds stupid, but it's really kind of intelligent about the Vicious Rabbit guarding the cave:
ARTHUR: Three. Three. And we'd better not risk another frontal assault. That rabbit's dynamite.
ROBIN: Would it help to confuse it if we run A/WA-y more?
ARTHUR: Oh, shut up and go and change your armour.
GALAHAD: Let us taunt it! It may become so cross that it will make a mistake.
ARTHUR: Like what?
GALAHAD: (unable to think of a good insult) Well... ooh
I said I'm born Year of the Rabbit. That cute little rabbit you see hopping around in front of the Cave and then viciously attacking all the Knights is symbolic of my Psychic Astral Projection that rips into people when my Auto-Defenses turn on.
That's why as Wolverine, you see C/Law-S (Gemini Law Superman) extend from my W-RI/S-T (Final 5/29 Superman Female). I go Fe/R-Al(IR Activated Gemini IR) and start ripping people to SH-RE/D-S(Gemini Superman Rabbit Sun Female Superman).
It means that when I draw up on the "Law-S of GO/D," it gives me the Authority to rip apart other people with my C/Law-S.
That's what it looks like if you could create a Visual of what's happening...LOL
In "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," I'm this cute little rabbit, but when I get activated, I transform into a Dangerous Animal.
When it comes to running away, you see the same Operating Procedure in effect in "Forrest Gump" when he's running away from the Bullies picking on him. I did the same thing when all these people started getting mean and throwing rocks at me just like Forrest Gump about my "stupid" Psychic Theories.
As a Software Program, I started "running" the Software Program. So it's been active for the last two years.