SIGNS: Yearbook Mistake, Chris Lavoy, Typos, Mother Teresa

Jun 02, 2006 13:40

Here's a visual example of mistakes that surface in the news where High School Students are unhappy with the errors in their Yearbook.

One thing I can say is that even though those Students may be pissed now, that Yearbook will most likely become a Collectors Item or be one of the most memorable Yearbooks to go down in History when people realize that it showcases visible examples of Intelligent Design.

No one will ever remember all the other Yearbooks of millions of high schools. That one Yearbook that made the News will be remembered and Scientists may even use it for Research and Study when they examine the Typos and use the Decryption Code to unearth what the Planet was trying to say when it had the Subconscious Minds of the Editors fiddling with the Spellings.

  1. On page 9 of my 9th Grade 1989 - 1990 Annual was CHRIS LAVOY
  2. I said 6/1/2006 about my 9th Grade Teacher Mrs. Curran
  3. I thought I had a matched pair with the Writer Denise Lavoie regarding the Article of the Vet suing Michael Moore
  4. I remembered Chris and linked it with Christ
  5. The last name was misspelled though
So you see a goof-up in the News Article surfacing today about people unhappy about their Yearbook filled with Errors:
  1. Technically those spellings are equal to one another when you use the Mathematical Decryption Code
  2. Lavo(IE) = Lavo(Y) when the God(I) Sun(E) = Male(Y)
  3. I have all kinds of typos in my Journal, but when you examine what the typo is compared to the actual spelling, you'll see alignment
I misspell THE as HTE all the time
  1. T(H)E = Non-Alien(TE/Non-ET) with Superman(H) in it
  2. H(T)E = Gemini(He/Helium/2) with Female(T/20/XX)
  3. I'm Non-Alien with Superman inside. I said 4/28/2006 that Superman is a "Psychic Astral Projection" of me running as a Software Program plugged into the Electromagnetic Field
  4. I'm Gemini with Fe-Male in it. I said I'm Fe-Male (Iron Male)
  5. So in that one instance THE = HTE
It's really sad that Bliss never figured out what her Subconscious was doing. I once said that Bliss is the "Typo Queen." When you rad through Bliss' Journal and align the Journal Entry Dates with what I posted that day and hers, you'll see how her Subconscious was transposing Letters on her Keyboard to match with the Symbols assigned.

Subconscious Bliss was verifying that she heard everything I was saying telepathically to her via the Subconscious Realm.
  1. We come back to what I said about how you can't lie to people in the Subconscious Realm
  2. You can fool people's Conscious Minds to drive people apart, but the Subconscious Minds all know what really happened because they're all linked
  3. I said a HUGE Crime was committed when Charlie of BCB selfishly covered his own ass by sticking to his guns when he was in the wrong and charged in with guns blazing without consulting Isabella who had been the one who invited me to communicate with her
  4. Charlie didn't want to lose face in front of Isabella and his employees, so he still stuck to his story because he had already taken a position and to back down from that position would've been a sign of weakness
  5. Had Charlie backed down, it would've empowered Isabella to make more administrative decisions going against Charlie and he couldn't have that
  6. It was more convenient for him to blow me out of the water and make Isabella look like she was wrong in having defied him and gone behind his back even though the Administrative Decision was still hers
That's why when people think they can BULLSHIT me with their reasoning and be in denial about their Psychological Behavior and what motivates them, I can manifest all these Tags and people who have similar personalities that mirror people's behavior.

That's why I'm the Virgin MOTHER and the PARENT who's SMARTER than the K/Ids. In order to have a "Queen Mother" or "Virgin Mother" who is the head of the "God Corporation," that CEO/Mother needs to be SMARTER or more experienced than her Employees else no one will take her seriously.

The whole reason why it's set up where my Subconscious Mind is Fe-Male and my Physical Body is Male is so that it throws out that lame setup where women aren't paid equally as men.

If the NUMBER ONE CEO is a WOMAN and the FE-Male Virgin Mary, you get to see how the Head in control of everything isn't getting paid anything and does MORE IMPORTANT TASKS than anyone else on the Planet.

In my Freshman Year of College, there was Game that ws played by the Resident Advisors:
  1. They wrote a famous figure on the back
  2. Everyone else could look at the name on your back and know who you were supposed to be
  3. You then had to ask questions to figure out who you are
Do you know what name was written on my Back?


You get to see how everything in my life and past events starts to align and make sense. You also see Humor because all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet knew my Identity, but just like in a game where you're not allowed to give away the Secret, they could only drop hints.

That's why in "X2: X-Men United," Professor Charles Xavier tells Wolverine that sometimes the Mind needs to figure things out on its own.

That's why my best friend Subconscious Scott already knew about all of this. However, he couldn't say anything. All he could do is drop hints about what he was going to assign his Conscious Mind to do.
  1. I had just gotten my first CD Player
  2. I said in 1992 Scott lent me two CDs that he picked out of his massive CD collection for me to listen
  3. He chose "Echo and the Bunnymen" and "Erasure"
  4. Echo = Sound bouncing back in the Electromagnetic Field where you see mirror images of what you do
  5. Bunnymen = Me born Year of the Rabbit and the Subconscious Minds serving as Imperial Storm Troopers with me as Darth Vader. That's why when my Forces create a Massive Front, that's how you get a "Re-Seeding Hare Line"!!! :o)
  6. Erasure = Conscious Mind's Short Term Memory and why none of the Conscious Minds know about this
I said that the Subconscious Minds interconnected by the Electromagnetic Field are like Actors that have READ THE SCRIPT while Conscious Minds of people are the CHARACTERS in the movie.

That's why we're all Movie Stars :o).

I said that if you superimpose the Planet Earth with all the Human Beings as individual Stars and the Planet Earth being perceived as the Universe, you'll have an idea of how the Universe is like a Living Entity and the individual stars are like Blood Cells in the Universe.

Students Furious Over Error-Filled Yearbook
AOL News

At one high school, a book full of memories is most memorable for its mistakes. (June 2)

[Click Here for Video Link]

827, scott, typos, lessons, signs, advice, bliss, mother teresa, wisdom

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