Here's an interesting Sign about Virginity:
- Teenagers who take pledges to remain virgins until marriage are likely to deny having taken the pledge if they later become sexually active:
- Technically, they were engaging in Sexual Pledger
Hee hee hee! :o)
- I'm so punny :o)
- In the initial survey, about 13 percent of adolescents reported that they had taken a pledge of virginity: 13 = Rhode Island = 5/29 = My Birthday
- According to Rosenbaum, "it's not possible to know why pledgers retracted their sexual history since it's impossible to know whether respondents actually had sex":
- That's why it makes sense in the whole Virgin Mary Riddle that the Virgin Mary is a guy
- If the Virgin Mary was a Female and gave birth to an actual baby, people would just brand the woman as a liar
- When you have a MALE Virgin Mary, it stands to reason that as long as there are no offspring with DNA it means that person is most likely a Virgin
- By proving that the Jesus Christ Child is indeed sentient and the Planet capable of responding and sentient thought, you can use the 14th Amendment
- Virgo Prophecy:
- I said that I'm a Pure Virgin and never had sex
- I've never been drunk or ever had a black out so no woman can claim that we had sex while I was wasted or didn't remember anything
- I never went to any parties or drunk
- Even if someone tries to "rape" the Virginity off of me, the Planet creates a Technicality with V/IR-Go = Sun IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini IR
- I'm IR born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- I will always technically be a Mathematical Virgo/Virgin
- 06/01/06 16:19 ET: 16:19 = Aquarian Male(16) Superman(19/S)
The whole reason why I make such a big stink about of what Isabella Valentine dragging my name through the mud is because not only was I being nice and supportive of her, but I worked hard for my Virginity.
People who already lost their Virginity don't put much value on it anymore:
- However, my Virginity is like an unopened Seal
- It's like a new Toy that is still in the Box and in MINT CONDITION
- It has been kept and in perfect condition and unspoiled
If you owned something that you took good care of, you'd be just as protective of it.
While growing up, I felt that it's a fair exchange that if I can't get LAID and enjoy PUSSY like other men AT LEAST, I can take pride in knowing that I've led a life of being a good, honorable, and NOBLE person.
If you're going to be Good at least be able to enjoy the perks of being seen as a Good Person. That's why I got so pissed and refused to back down on the issue when a bunch of silly women who don't even know me in real life smeared dirt all over me and then go off on me calling me all kinds of names and how I'm a bad person.
People don't think that way because they've usually lost their Virginity by that time. So Sex is no big deal to them. That whole Purity Aspect seems to have disappeared and doesnt' mean anything to them anymore like it does to those who have kept it.
Over the years, I'd talk to women and they'd say:
- "Save your Virginity"
- "Save it for someone special"
- "Don't be in such a hurry to lose it"
So EXCUSE ME if I happened to be smitten over some girl whom I thought was Sunny Leone and thought that maybe she might fall in love with me and I could live happily ever after like in the fairy tales.
- Wow, that's such a DUMB FANTASY
- What on Earth was I thinking? :P
- That definitely sounds like a LOSER if he still believes in Fairy Tales.
If I'm going to be a Virgin, I intend to enjoy the perks of being a Virgin, which includes HONESTY and being seen as a GOOD person.
Just because other people have lost their Virginity and their Reputations as Pure People doesn't mean they have to SHIT ALL OVER MY PURITY just because I still have it.
You even see a hint of Davis' lack of respect for my things running parallel to Davis:
- My car was in PERFECT Condition
- It was a 1999 Toyota Solara Camry SLE with only 26,000 miles on it
- Davis got to be CHAUFFEURED in it
- I would drive to Davis' house and pick him up as his Personal Driver
- Davis got to enjoy riding in a nice car
- Because of Davis' bad driving directions, my car got dented up
- There's even a Red Slurpee Stain on the floor behind the Driver's Seat
When Davis would sit in the Passenger Side, he'd LAUGH AT ME when I'd get pissy and anal about the Car Mats being out of place and where his CRUDDY SHOES would leave DIRT marks on the Carpet.
If you look at my Passenger Side, there are all these CRAP STAINS from Davis having spilled food and drink on his side of the car where he sat.
It figures that Davis would laugh because it's not his car.
- What makes it even MORE PATHETIC is that Davis convinced me to pawn my car Summer 2005
- I was sick to my stomach doing it because it was my last possession that I owned
- Davis assured me that he'd have it out within a month
- Davis cashed in MY car for $3,200
- After the 4th month, Davis didn't have the money to bail it out
- Two months passed and my mom got upset and so she asked her sister (My Aunt) to bail it out
- The payment was $5,172 because of the INTEREST from that Auto Pawn
To make it even MORE disgusting, my mom said that Davis has a consistent track record of not paying people back. She specifically told me NOT to tell Davis that the Car was removed from the Auto Pawn.
She said that if Davis finds out that the Car is no longer at the Auto Pawn, he'll stop trying to raise money for it.
- Somehow Davis found out about the car being removed 8/4/2005
- JUST AS MY MOM PREDICTED, that's the LAST that I ever heard of Davis trying to find money to bail the car out
- I said 8/22/2005 that Davis tried to see if he could get MORE money out of me when he hadn't bailed the car out making me so angry that Car spun out of control and KILLED two people in the stands:
- The fire department captin was Conan KING = CK = Clark Kent
- Kevin Beatiee was the driver: Beat/I-EE = Punish(Beat) God(I) Gemini Sun(EE) = Davis beating and punishing me
- I said 11/12/2005 that ISABELLA's boyfriend is KEVIN. I'm ISABELO and Davis is K = 11 = Aquarius
- You see all those TAGS that I put on Davis LIGHTING UP showing how GUILTY he is
- Davis still hasn't paid that money back
That's why Davis looks so awful.
I said that Davis as an African-American has to continue doing CRAP that si GOD AWFUL that it will humiliate the Black Community that has been riding on White People about that whole Slavery Issue.
It's literally to humble the Black Community to where they get embarrassed knowing that one of their own enslaved a Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary Figure.
It's cost-effective where you shoulder all the pain and punishment on one individual... As long as you're not that person.
That's why it SUCKS FOR ME because I'm the one who has to pay for that CRAP.
It's where you take one INNOCENT VIRGIN MALE who didn't do anything wrong and told the Truth about everything who gets ASS BEAT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
It's to satisfy the perverted Egos of all the Special Interest Groups so that they can be sure that I'm non-partisan. If I can still grade the Black Community FAIRLY after having been enslaved and punished by them, my decisions will be taken more seriously and know it isn't favoritism.
Each of the Special Interest Groups have all dumped on me.
You'd be amazed at how patient I am after all the shit I've had to put up with from people.
No Sex? Study Says Virginity Pledgers Forget Oath
By Charnicia Huggins
NEW YORK (June 1) - Teenagers who take pledges to remain virgins until marriage are likely to deny having taken the pledge if they later become sexually active. Conversely, those who were sexual active before taking the pledge frequency deny their sexual history, according to new study findings.
These findings imply that virginity pledgers often provide unreliable data, making assessment of abstinence-based sex education programs unreliable. In addition, these teens may also underestimate their risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.
"Teenagers do not report their past sexual activity accurately, with virginity pledgers giving more inaccurate reports of their past sexual activity," study author Janet Rosenbaum, of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, told Reuters Health.
Consequently, rather than rely on self-reports, "studies of virginity pledges must focus on outcomes where we know we can get good information, such as medical STD tests," she added.
Previous research shows that survey respondents tend to answer questions about sexual activity according to their current beliefs, particularly if their current attitudes conflict with their past behaviors. Survey respondents may also underreport or overreport their health risk behavior.
Rosenbaum evaluated retractions of virginity pledges and reports of sexual histories among a nationally representative sample of seventh- through twelfth-grade students who participated in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
The students were first interviewed in 1995 and followed-up in 1996. The first survey included responses from 79 percent of 20,745 students. The second survey included responses from 88 percent of 14,736 students from the first group.
In the initial survey, about 13 percent of adolescents reported that they had taken a pledge of virginity. Just one year later, however, more than half of this group said they had never taken such a pledge, Rosenbaum reports in the American Journal of Public Health.
In addition, more than 1 in 10 students who reported being sexually active in 1995 said that they were virgins in 1996. Students who reported they were sexually active in second survey were more than three times as likely as their peers to deny they had taken a pledge of virginity.
The adolescents' denials of virginity pledges and sexual histories were associated with changes in their sexual and religious identities, the report indicates.
For example, adolescents who abandoned a born-again Christian identity were more than twice as likely as their peers to say they had never taken a virginity pledge.
On the other hand, 28 percent of nonvirgins who later took a virginity pledge retracted their sexual histories during the 1996 survey. The same was true of 18 percent of nonvirgins who later adopted a born-again Christian identity.
Sexually active teens who later took virginity pledges were four times as likely to deny previous reports of sexual activity than were those who had not taken virginity pledges.
According to Rosenbaum, "it's not possible to know why pledgers retracted their sexual history since it's impossible to know whether respondents actually had sex."
"Psychology studies in a variety of contexts seem to demonstrate that people's memories of their behavior are consistent with their beliefs rather than their actual behavior," she told Reuters Health, adding that "anecdotally, some people seem to feel like the answer which is strictly true may not represent themselves accurately."
"If those who deny their sexual pasts perceive their new history as correct, they will underestimate the sexually transmitted disease risk stemming from their prepledge sexual behavior," Rosenbaum adds.
SOURCE: American Journal of Public Health, June 2006.
06/01/06 16:19 ET
Updated:2006-06-01 21:01:32
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