Here's a funny Sign:
- Notice mention of the Caption "Spelling Bee Bug Bites Americans"
- I said 5/31/2006 about the Beehive Predictions
- I said 5/17/2006 that I'm a Math Wizard and can do Psychic Spells (Spelling)
- I said I'm the Queen Bee and al lthe Subconscious Minds are like Killber Bees that are part of my Swarm
- S-WA/R-M = Superman(S) Washington(WA0 Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
That's how you get the Video Game StarCraft with Nancy Kerrigan as the GHOST (Psychic) who gets abandoned and left to die by the Sons of Korhal. She then graduates to becoming the QUEEN of the ZERG.
That's how my Psychic Abilities function where they're like the Zerg taking over. That's why in the whole Video Process, you've got me as the Protoss that are YELLOW for the Sun and with Pylons shaped like DIAMONDS (Superman Diamond).
The Terran Forces are the Conscious Minds of people on the Planet that need to suit for battle against me as the Zerg Queen with the Subconscious Minds as Zerglings.
- I said 5/22/2006 that I have Psychic Heat-Seaking Missles
- I have a Zerg Queen "infest a Terran Base" and use it to start developing Infested Terran Soldiers
- They say in a booming voice, "LIVE FOR THE SWARM"
- Infested Terran Soldiers are set to detonate when they come within contact of Terran, Protoss, or Enemy Zerg Forces
- Every time you see a News Article surface with accidents or deaths, that's an "Infested Terran Soldier" or "SLEEPER AGENT" that activated came in contact with other forces and "exploded" killing or damaging people
That's the Cool Version or explanation. That's why Jim Raynor is the one who has to hunt the Zerg Queen down and kill her in StarCraft 2.
That's why people you'vve got Scott who plays WarCraft and StarCraft as well as all those GEEKS and NERDS that play StarCraft all the time. They're the ones that know how to play the Game and will most likely be the new "Psychic Heroes" or new Jedi Knights that will go into training to go up against me as the Psychic "Darth Vader."
I said I'm Two-Faced where I'm Yoda and Mark Hamill (Born 9/25 like CHRISTopher Reeve), but I'm also James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
DV = Sun Female Sun = Gemini Sun with Female in it
The Planet teases about it:
- When everyone loves what I'm doing, I'm Superman and God with the Subconscious Minds as Angels
- When people hate what I'm doing, I'm Satan with the Subconscious Minds as Demons
- When people hate what I'm doing, I'm Darth Vader with the Subconscious Minds as the Imperial Storm Troopers
- When people love what I'm doing, I'm Luke Skywalker/Princess Leia leading the Rebel Alliance
Take your pick. It all depends.
That's why in the Video Game "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic," you have a choice where you can fight for the side of Good or you can succumb to the Dark Side.
It's kind of cool really for people who are bored and want something interesting to do.
I just hope that centuries from now people don't take it so seriously and have bitter wars over this.
- For example, I said that Patrick Stewart technically representing Professor Charles Xavier is a bad person representing the Old Charlie of Bay City Blues.
- Patrick Stewart is one of my favorite actors
- Just because Patrick Stewart played that role doesn't mean that Patrick Stewart the Actor is a bad person
- He's just playing the role he was assigned
Another favorite actor is Ian McKellan:
- Ian McKellan plays a really GOOD Magneto
- He makes things interesting
- However, that's just his character
- You shouldn't be prescribing how he is on camera as being who he is in real life
People should try to do the same thing with me vs. the job I have to do paying Darth Vader and Zerg Queen as Game Characters vs. who I am in real life.
Parents have to do the same thing:
- They have to enforce rules so that their kids will grow up to have good morals and values
- When you're lax or try to be friends with your kids and never tough on them, they'll grow up to be SPOILED
- When Parents don't stand up to their Kids, their Kids always get their way and grow up to be selfish people that are used to getting their way
- They learn unconsciously that if they complain or bithc loud enough or decide to sulk or throw a tantrum, they'll get what they want
- SPOILED KIDS grow up to be SPOILED ADULTS that become the problem of SOCIETY
That's why I said the Planet FIDDLED with the Definition of BAD:
- Children have gotten really good at playing LAWYER BALL with their Parents
- Children have gotten smarter when it comes to claiming FAIRNESS and crying FOUL when they're being punished
- With all the Child Abuse Watchdog Groups, it's hard to be a parent now
- You can't whip or beat your children else you could get cited or reported
- I got whipped with the belt and it HURT. That's why I learned fast
I said the Word Bad was given a SPECIFIC NUMBER DESIGNATION:
- BAD = Letter Arrangement 214
- B/Ad = Communication(B/2/Gemini) Advertisement(Ad)
- So when you say your Kid is being BAD and your KID tries to ARGUE with you, the kid is being B/Ad
- The only way for a Child to ARGUE with you is by giving a Communicataion Advertisement (B/AD)
- In order to "sell" you on any idea, it means they have to be B/Ad
It TECHNICALLY becomes a True Statement
So when kids try to ARGUE you with you claiming they're not Bad, you can throw it right back in their face that you are correct.
Smart children prey on the Benefit of the Doubt given by Parents. Parents don't want to wrongfully punish their children
However, when children are CONSTANTLY telling their Parents how things are, they're going against the Programming because it's the Parents who are supposed to be teaching the Children. (Assuming Parents were raised with the right values).
When you have your Kid continually telling you how things are, they become bad or spoiiled kids:
- Parents forget that they're the ones who are PAYING for the roof that the Kid is under
- When their Kid accidentally breaks someone's car window, guess who usually has to pay for that. THE PARENT
- When your kid does something bad, the parent is the one who has to take the blame or be responsible
- While the Parent is being held LIABLE for the actions of the Child, the Parent is the one who should be making the Rules
A lot of parents end up being submissive to their children when they shouildn't be.
That's why the Planet is redefining the Rules so that Parents today now know how to deal with their Children.
- I said 1/21/2006 that Communication is SEX
- When your Child is trying to "plant an idea" in your mind, it means they're trying to IMPREGNATE YOU with one of their Thoughts
- It means you're ENGAGING in INTELLECTUAL SEX with a MINOR
- Everyone knows that's ILLEGAL
What the Planet is SAYING is that YOUR CHILDREN should NOT be trying to plant any ideas in your head while they're underage.
- When you lay down the House Rules, they go by YOUR rules
- If they complain that you were vague or you didn't tell them, that's not your problem
- You can define or be specific on that point if they choose to contest it. However, during the first infraction, you have the right as a parent to exercise that
- Parents can't cover every little aspect
- If it's not explicitly defined in the Parent-Child Covenant, it's under YOUR Jurisdiction as the individual who is PAYING for the UTILITIES, FOOD, WATER, and GROCERIES
- Unless your Child is paying for that stuff, it's YOUR house. YOU tell your children what's fair and isn't fair. Not the other way around when they're the ones who are DEPENDENT on YOU
That's why I say that if people want me to be the one to take the blame for everything, fine. However, if you can't be responsible for your own actions, then it means you want ME to be the PARENT and manage over you. While I'm the one who has the PAY for everything, we go by House Rules and what I say as the Parent gets upheld.
That's why I'm the Virgin MOTHER and the QUEEN MOTHER as Queen Isabelo the Gemini (
Queen Elizabeth II). If I have to be a dumbass DRAG QUEEN in the Psychic Realm because all the Countries are being IMMATURE BRATS that can't come to a resolution, FINE.
However, don't come whining to me when I pass SHITTY ASS LEGISLATION that you don't like that affects your Reality.
If you've got you a bratty 5 year old that is convincing the parent about her side of the story and the Parent capitulates and caves in, that means that 5 year old GIRL just had SEX with the Mother and got the mother PREGNANT with an idea.
It's not for the CHILD to be FUCKING the Parent or SEEDING the Parents iwth Thoughts.
This is to serve as a Guideline for all Parents so that they'll toughen up and have a road map to follow when they're trying to decide whether they're being too harsh on their kids or not.
It is not for the children, especially under the ages of 10, to be telling the parent how things are.
Are there bad parents out there?
Yes, of course. However, you have to go by the Majority. If you've got 20% of the people as bad parents, but the other 80% are good parents using this new Rule or Interpretation at least it's progress.
You can't always have a foolproof system. Even then, this is just a Guideline. Some people can modify the Rules to fit their situation and lifestyle.