Wow... It now suddenly makes sense:
- I said 6/1/2006 about the Class Ring that was found
- On KBIG 104.3 last night, the Super Computer was making a joke about how after the FBI finds Jimmy Hoffa, they're going to try searching for Molly Ringwald's Career
- I said 5/31/2006 about Molly Simms being born 5/25 like Bliss
- I said 5/31/2006 that Isabella Valentine named her car Molly symbolizing the Mind Control she has over Bliss
Bliss is Molly Ringwald. The Subconscious Minds were insulting Bliss who turned her back on me.
- Molly Ringwald was dating Ewan McGregor who is Obi Wan Kenobi. I said I'm OBI WA-N = God 5/29(O-B-I/15-2-9) Washington(WA) Sun(N/V in Greek/5)
- Paul Xavier Gleason who DIED was from "Breakfast Club" starring Molly Ringwald
- Ring/WA-Ld = Ring Washington(WA) Bad(L) Sun Female(D/Leo Female)
Bliss parted ways with me and you see how Molly Ringwald's career went down the toilet. Ringwald means she's derived from me and Bliss is a Molly.
- That's how you get the Unsinkable Molly Brown on "Titanic"
- Brown = Charlie Brown = Charlie of Bay City Blues
- I said that Bliss sided with Isabella who is Lucy
- Isabella's name Lucy the Bartender came from Lucy from "Peanuts"
That's why Lucy would always say to Charlie Brown, "You Blockhead." Charlie Brown blocks head (blow jobs).