Here's a hilarious News Article making fun of Davis and Isabella Valentine:
- Police in an Austin suburb arrested a man on Thursday who allegedly walked into a bank, demanded money from a teller and then sat down and read a magazine:
- That's showcasing Davis who borrowed all that money from my Family
- It's also reflecting Isabella Valentine who stole my friend because they sided with her and didn't believe I have Psychic Abilities...LOL
- Paul Wendell Gunn, 61:
- Paul: PA u L = Pennsylvania(PA) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7). I said Davis is from Pennsylvania and Bad
- Gunn: G u NN = Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) in Union with(U) Valentine(NN/2x14). I said Isabella VALENTINE runs parallel to Davis born VALENTINE's Day
- Round Rock: Initials RR = Rod Rodillon
- Round Rock police spokesman Eric Poteet:
- I said 11/27/2005 that Sunny Leone's BF is named Eric
- E(RI)C = God(EC/53/I-Periodic) with 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) in it
- Pot(EET) = Pot(ATO) when the Gemini Sun(EE) Female(T/20/XX) = Superman(At/20-1/19/S) Sun(O)
- I said 5/22/2006 that I use "Spud Missiles" that home in on people's Designated Name and Number tags and start detonating
- After the teller gave Gunn the money, he sat down on a couch inside the bank and started reading while everyone else evacuated:
- That's essentually what Davis and Isabella Valentine have been doing
- Neither of them have a clue that I've been building a case proving Psychic Phenomenon and have Psychic Abilities
- That's basically them sitting around reading a Magazine waiting to get caught by the Authorities...LOL
- Gunn never used a weapon, and no one was injured, police said:
- It's just showing that Davis never threatened anyone
- He just asked for money that wasn't his and took it
- He was being held Thursday in the Williamson County Jail on suspicion of robbery. Gunn is scheduled to go before a magistrate Friday:
- Davis' mother Jacqueline is a Magistrate
- Jackie Cook in my High School went to our 1993 High School Clifton THOMAS Gilley
- I said Bliss is CHRISTine THOMAS running parallel to Cliff
- Jackie Cook was born 2/14 like Davis...ROTFLMAO
- Personal History: That's how STUPID people look when they try to BULLSHIT me because I can just dig into my Childhood and Personal History and have witnesses who can verify who did what and who were students at my schools...LOL
I keep saying how it works and how it can manifest itself as DUMB NEWS...LOL
It's not that Davis or Isabella Valentine meant to steal or commit a crime. However, it's poking fun at how both of them don't believe I have Psychic Abilities. So you see my Psychic Abilities making them the target of all the gags and jokes in the Associated Press.
- That's why the Planet jokes about how I was born Year of the Rabbit
- Ha(IR) = Ha(RE) when IR (Rod's Initials) = Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975)
- I know my Personal History and what people did to me while I was growing up as a Kid
That's why I know HARE better than anyone :o). Just like a Fe-Male, I take care of my HARE, I play with HARE, and I tease my HARE.
- That's why Sunny Leone has a Pet Rabbit (Hare).
- That's how you get the Playboy Empire by Hugh Hefner (HH = Gemini Superman).
- I said it's run by CHRISTie Hefner
- The Playboy Empire is symbolic of Jesus Christ
- I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
- I said 5/25/2006 that my Stepdad born St. Patrick's Day (L u CK of the IR is H) had a mother whose maiden name is DeJesus
- DeJesus = "Of Jesus" in Spanish
That's why when I say that there's Biblical Reference or Divinity related to me, I'm not kidding :o).
That's why I keep warning peopel that it gets worse and worse and how people just keep on digging a deeper hole for themselves because if it turns out that I'm a Planetary or Mathematical Jesus Christ, all those people who went off on me are going to look SO BAD and get humiliated badly.
I've already known about my Identity though for a year and a half though. That's why in "Da Vinci Code" it makes reference to how the Secret Orders are waiting for the Coming of Jesus Christ. However, the question posed was, "How will Jesus Christ know he or she is Jesus Christ when the time comes?"
- Notice the hint that Jesus Christ is Female.
- Sophie, who is Jesus Christ in the movie "Da Vinci Code," says they get the Gender wrong.
- I said I'm Fe-Male (Iron Male)
- I said I'm Filipino
- I said 2/7/2006 that Prince has Male and Female Genitalia marking how I'm Male, but I have a Fe-Male Subconscious
The whole Math aspect to the "Da Vinci Code" was to explain to the masses why the Line of Jesus Christ had to remain hidden.
I said 1/31/2006 that James Cameron (JC = Jesus Christ) did the same thing with giving "Titanic" a different name to keep nosy people from finding out in the middle of the critical parts of the Movie's Production.
There are a lot of people who would try to destroy the Line or the Religious Factions would interfere in the training and raising of the Jesus Christ Child.
If you look at the movie, if Sophie knew she was Jesus Christ and was "under the protection" of the Vatican, the Vatican would control every aspect of Sophie's life. They'd "protect" her but after they finished raising her as the Female Messiah, they'd extract payment from her by making her their Political Pawn.
Every time Sophie would have an independent thought, the Vatican would use a Guilt Trip on her and say:
- If it wasn't for us protecting you as a child, you wouldn't be alive."
- "If it wasn't for us teaching you and taking care of you, you wouldn't be where you are today"
- "You are so ungrateful biting the hand that feeds you after we gave you protection and you turn on us"
They'd have Leverage over Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ would be nothing more than a Puppet.
Davis did that to me in just 3 years:
- While I was under his "tutoring" and when he screwed up with the finances, I was the one who took the hit
- Davis was the one who used my Credit Cards and I've been paying for a $20,000 debt with interest slapped on it by the Credit Card Company for the last 3 years that Davis hasn't paid off
- When things were charged, it was put in my name and not his even though he made the decisions on where and what to spend on
- Even with all that, Davis still turned around a year and a half ago and said he felt "justified" in asking me as his "business partner" to go to my family for loans
- I didn't need to go to my family for any money at the time. It was Davis who was wallowing in debt and pressed the issue
- It was Davis who didn't listen to my Sales Advice when I told him what was wrong with his presentation and why he can't close on anyone when it comes to agreement on the actual dollar amount for his services. He would NEVER do a proper Drop Down and so he'd get his fees deferred or where they were only 1/10th of their actual value
Davis pulled a Guilt Trip on me when he didn't realize my own True Identity, that it was my Psychic Abilities that were pulling to us where all he had to do was just close on them, and where I was in "Psychic Maternal Labor" as a Male Virgin Mary giving birth to a "Jesus Christ Software Program."
This is where we come back to how disgusting it looks where you see a Black Man enslaving a Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary Figure. It's to offset the Black Community that has been going off on the White Community about the Slavery Issue.
You also get to see a Black Man performing Psychological Discrimination on another individual:
- Psychological Discrimination is where people don't think you're intelligent
- Psychological Discrimination is where when people hear you're Psychic, they treat you like you're Black and "subhuman," stupid, and a lesser individual
- Psychological Discrimination is where someone treats you like an inferior because they naturally assume that "Crazy" = "Stupid"
It's to also show how the form of Discrimination that I face today as a Psychic is CURRENT while the stuff the African-American Community is complaining about regarding Civil Rights isn't as bad.
Yes, it exists, but it's not as bad Psychological Discrimination:
- I dare you to go tell your friends that you're Psychic
- I dare you to go tell your friends that you've been experiencing Psychic Phenomenon
- Let's see how your "friends" treat you
- Let's see how many of YOUR friends will either stop talking to you or stop being your friend because they think you're mentally ill
That's Discrimination because they think that what you have is "contagious" and that you'll contaminate them with your "Mental Illness" because you'll be doing "Crazy Talk" and it might start to make sense.
Once again, we come back to the point I made about how you can IMPREGNATE people with thought so that they GIVE BIRTH to IDEAS. That's how you get a Male Virgin Mary:
- I said that it only makes sense in the Puzzle or Riddle on how to prove that a Virgin Mary can get impregnated by "God."
- Any woman who comes forward claiming they're the Virgin Mary and that the Child is "of God" will disqualified as being a liar
- The Church and everyone will claim that the child is actually human and that there's a biological father floating around somewhere
- If you say it's a MALE Virgin Mary who was impregnated by with the Idea of God, that still fits the Riddle
- All you have to do is prove that the Child in whatever form it exists in is actually conscious or sentient
- I said that the Sun in our Solar System is actually Alive and Sentient and the real "God" that has been influencing things
- If you take the offspring of a BIG ASS STAR in a Solar System and Intellectual Ovum of a Tiny Human Being, the Offspring would logically be half or somewhere in between the Size of both
- That would be the Size of the Planet Earth
I said 5/24/2006 that, theoretically, using the 14th Amendment of the Constitution with the Definition of a Legal Body used for the Corporation that you could argue that the Planet Earth, which is Alive and Sentient qualfies as an Individual that may enjoy the same Rights as a U. S. Citizen.
If you can have a Corporation that qualifies as a Legal Body, then the Planet also qualifies.
All you have to do now is just prove that the Planet is CONSCIOUS and RESPONDS. This comes back to how I've been saying things in my Blog/Journal, and then you see in 24 hour period how the Planet holds up a Sign that indicates that it heard.
I've been building a case for the last two years proving that the Planet is alive.
If you really want me to mess with your head, I can get Religious on you:
- You have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- Father = Fat her = Fat Female MOTHER Earth
- Son = Sun when O(Sun) = Old God(U/V in Old Alphabet)
- Spirit =Sp(IR)it = Spit with IR in it
- S/Pi-T = Superman(S) Knowleddge(Pi/3.14) Female(T/20/XX)
- That's why Bliss as CHRISTine is born in 1976 = Spirit of '76
Pretty trippy, huh? :o)
All I have to do is just keep on posting Journal Entries on a Daily Basis consistently where I say something and something in the News happens corresponding with what I said meaning that the Planet actually HEARD and is responding.
That's why it's MATHEMATICAL because the Planet is like a Super Computer and the Human Mind is a Computer. As long as you show that the Planet is sentient, that qualifies as an "Immaculate Conception."
Notice how it's SUNny LEOne.
- I said 1/17/2006 about the Planetary Myosis Process that has been happening all over Earth
- I said Earth qualifies as a Planetary Ovum
- Depending on how you define the confines of a Physical Body, you could argue that the Solar System is a Physical Body
- You could argue that the Planet Earth as an Ovum is in the Womb
- You could claim that the Earth is a Baby in the Womb of the Solar System as the Mother
That's how you'd get Celtic Lore that refers to the Goddess Danu as "Mother of All" and depicted as being pregnant all the time.
This process I'm telling you is the Scientific Explanation of WHY the Electromagnetic Field responds to me. I'm like the Planetary Sperm that leaked my Intellectual DNA into the Ovum and the DNA Replication Process has begun.
Sadly enough, you also see how History repeats itself:
- My biological father died 3/22/77 = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Sun(22/V/5/LEo) IR(77-Periodic)
- I didn't have a dad
- While growing up, I used to worry about my own mortality and that I might die before my own future children reach adulthood and live without a father
- I had been trying to figure out how to pass on all the Lessons learned before I die
That's where this Journal comes in.
Assuming I don't get assassinated or prematurely killed off, I'm still going to die in the next 100 years if not less. That's not very long. The Planet is going to live on without me. That's why the Sun in our Solar System is SUNny LEOne looking like my mom in 1961.
My biological father died and it was just me and my mom. On a Cosmic Scale, Planet Earth would be me and the Sun would be my mom. My Stepdad is a Pisces. He came around later on. We're in the Age of Aquarius. 2,000 years from now, we'll move into the Age of Pisces. That would be my stepdad that comes in.
Theoretically, you could argue that the "3rd Jesus Christ" or "Piscean Jesus Christ" will surface 2,000 years from now initating a new Age of Pisces once the Age of Aquarius draws to a close the way the Age of Capricorn is doing so now.
We're being given hints as to what's to come so people have Direction.
- That's why "Titanic" was such a sad movie and why they'd play "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion OVER and OVER and OVER again
- Kate Winslet = KW = Aquarius(K/11) Final. We're moving into the Age of Aquarius
- Jack Dawson = Capricorn(J/10) Sun Female(D/Leo Female)
- Celine Dion is from Canada where SUNny LEOne is from
- I said SUNny LEOne looks like my Mother in 1961
- JA/CK = I o' WA(JA/IA in Old Hebrew) Clark Kent(CK)
- LEO Dicaprio says, "I'm the KING of the Wold"
- LEO = Sun in Astrology
- Leo = Lion = King
- Leo Dicaprio is born 11/11 = Washington State inducted into the U.S.
- I said I'm born Gemini = 2 = Pair = Pa/IR
- Pa/IR = Father(Pa) IR (Rod as the Father)
- Leo Dicaprio dying at the end symbolizes me as the Sperm that gave it's life to set the Planetary Myosis Process in motion
That's why there have been all these Cycles or Changes going on around the Planet:
- I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- I said I'm a "Super Sperm" that leaked my Intellectual DNA into the Earth Ovum after it pierced through tho Electromagnetic Shell of the Ovum
- That's why I'm a Superman or CHRISTopher Reeve
- Christopher Reeve died 10/10 = X/X = XX = Female DNA
- I said I'm FE-Male (Iron Male) = IR Activated(On) Male
It's referring to how Superman was Fe-Male.
That's why I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini =
Queen Elizabeth II. It's power bequeathed from higher up.
I'm a Pure Virgin Male making me the VIRGIN Mother.
The reason why I'm granted all these Titles is so that people know who they're messing with when they go up against me: I'm the real Superman, Virgin M/AR-y, and J-ES u S C-H/RI-S/t.
It's literally to scare and intimidate people so that they'll think twice before contradicting me.
Sure, I make mistakes like anyone else, but I have some pretty good ideas and tend to be correct 80% of the time, which is a pretty good average compared to everyone else who doesn't really know where they're going.
At least I have direction and got the Blueprints or Instructions as to where we're headed and what to expect.
Suspect Read Magazine During Robbery
ROUND ROCK, Texas (May 25) - Police in an Austin suburb arrested a man on Thursday who allegedly walked into a bank, demanded money from a teller and then sat down and read a magazine.
Paul Wendell Gunn, 61, surrendered to police about an hour after he went to the bank and demanded an undisclosed amount of money, said Round Rock police spokesman Eric Poteet.
After the teller gave Gunn the money, he sat down on a couch inside the bank and started reading while everyone else evacuated, Poteet said in Thursday's online edition of the Austin American-Statesman.
Authorities closed off the area around the bank, which is only a half-block from the police station, until Gunn surrendered, Austin television station KVUE reported.
Gunn never used a weapon, and no one was injured, police said.
He was being held Thursday in the Williamson County Jail on suspicion of robbery. Gunn is scheduled to go before a magistrate Friday.
05/25/06 21:58 EDT
Updated:2006-05-26 10:06:27
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