LESSONS: Free Will, Scripts, Real Love, What's Real, "Hitch"

May 23, 2006 00:35

I was talking to Machine Messiah about Scripts. I'm always a firm believer that everyone has Free Will. I say this because I work with
"Psychic Mind Influence" all the time where I can influence people's thinking and their environment.

HOWEVER, when people are AWARE of the Signs, they can combat them. The amusing part is that since nobody believes in my Psychic Theories or that it's possible to link up your mind like an Organic Laptop with a Psychic Wi-Fi Connection using the Electromagnetic Field as a Psychic Internet to plug into other people's minds, people just dismiss what I say.

I said about the Martin Luther King, Jr, Quote:

"To ignore Evil is to become an accomplice to it."

That's how you run into these people who fall prey to Scripts that shouldn't even be there and where they should be mindful of when someone is influencing or manipulating you into doing things.

I know that a time will come where people are giong to question their Existence and wonder if they have any control over anything. The best Managers are those who don't micromanage and leave their Employees creative Freedom.

You give your Employees a Goal, but you leave it open to them on how they reach it rather than trying to control every aspect of their Lives. That's how I feel the Planet does it.

That's why the Planet made the movie "Hitch" that addresses the question of what it means if you've got someone who is "nudging" people together into relationships:
  1. Does it mean it's staged?
  2. Do the two people really love each other?
  3. Is it all just fake?
  4. How do you know if it's real love or imagined if someone's been in the background fiddling with things to push two people together?
Some people will wonder if the person they're with really is someone they love or if it was just the Planet herding them like animals to mate and reproduce. Was there any actual love?

My question I'd ask is, "Was it real to you?"

Sometimes that's all that matters. If it was real enough to you, then maybe that's sufficient. Any time you overanalyze something, especially love, you will rationalize yourself out of a relationship and love itself.

The thing about Love is that it's illogical and not supposed to make sense. It's one of the most powerful driving forces that allows us to break out of Scripts, Codes, and Conditioned Behavior.

That's why when it comes to this Planet, Love still is technically the most powerful Force on Earth.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
To: Rod
From: 3V4N
Date: May 23, 2006 12:16 AM
Subject: Scripts
So, I take it you don't believe in freewill. In other words we are acting out our scripts as written long ago.

To: 3V4N
From: Rod
Date: May 23, 2006 12:35 AM
Subject: Chess, Law, Computer Programming, Strategy

Oh, no. I'm a firm believer in Free Will. In fact, I was just watching my favorite DVD "Bruce Almighty."

GOD: You can't mess with Free will
BRUCE: Can I ask why?
GOD: Yes! You can!

I noticed you mentioned you're an Attorney and work with Law. Law is just like Computer Programming.

The Legal System is based off of Lines of Written Code that create a Code of Conduct that determins ethical and unethical behavior depending on whatever the dictates of that particular society are.

When we talk about Scripts, it's true there is Conditioned Behavior or behavior that can be programmed, but it can be changed, edited, or modified.

I used to play a lot of Chess in high school. People tend to move pieces in a certain way.

I used to use a certain Strategy against people, but after a while poeple figure out that strategy and learn ways to combat it.

People have the Ability to Learn.

I've been hammering out my Theory where the Planet functions on the same Principles as the Human Mind where you've got Non-Metal Circuitry. The Electromagnetic Field that surrounds the Planet takes the Path of Least Resistence as it courses through the Limestone. It would be in the same manner that the Electrical Field in the Human Brain causes Electricity to flow.

I've been stating that the 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet interconnected by the Electromagnetic Field is how you get the Consciousness of the Planet or "God" if ou want to get Religious.

That governing Consciousness or Will is how you get certain Scripts that have been carried out.

I do believe that we all have Free Will. However, some people choose to just follow the crowd or herd and that's where they fall prey to acting out Scripts.

When you have masses of people moving in a certain direction without them realizing it, you can get "Long-Term Scripts."

The interesting thing about all of this is that there's a Mathematical Operating Procedure that is subtly influencing people based off of the Languages we use on this Planet that people aren't even aware of.

I prefer to measure trends like a Corporation or Business. You don't measure things by hours or days. You go by weeks or months. That's why Businesses go by quarterly results.

Your name Machine Messiah is an apt term because the Planet functions just like a Corporation. That's why even the 14th Amendment actually defends the existence of "God" if it is defined as Legal Body consisting of Living Organisms the same way that a Corporate Body functions.

I've been doing a lot of research on Celebrity Birthdates and Deaths and when you lay a Canvas over the peaks and valleys of Famous Figures, you see this beautiful Tapestry of Life manifest itself. It just wasn't visible in the last 20 years because the Internet wasn't available to common households so that people could view this.

That's why my Favorite Divination Tool is the Internet Movie Database. It shows every Celebrity's Birthday, whom they married, and in conjunction with other people aligned with those dates.


scripts, will power, reality, relationships, lessons, advice, psychology, free will, love, wisdom

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