Here's a funny Sign showing how your Psychic Abilities strengthen in terms of Accuracy and Power with Time and Practice:
- Isaac Hayes and his wife named the boy Nana, which means "King" in Ghanian:
- I said 5/16/2006 about Perry KING from "Riptide"
- I said 5/16/2006 about Elvis ("The KING") having his house bought by a PSYCHIC. I said I'm Psychic
- I said 10/31/2005 how all the women were jeering at me and dubbing me the "PSYCHIC KING"
- I said 5/14/2006 how RobynZ/Gwendolen was trying to make fun of me using Steve Carell who's born 8/16
- I said 5/16/2006 that Elvis the KING died 8/16 on Steve Carell's B-Day
- Nana Kwadjo Hayes was born April 10 and weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, spokesman Rob Moore said:
- I was an Extra in "Nana's Boy"
- While I was on the set of "Nana's Boy," they pulled me aside and asked me to do the Crotch Scene in "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo" :o)
- In the Ghanaian language, Nana means "King," and Kwadjo (pronounced "Kwo-Jo") means "boy born on Monday":
- Monday = 2nd Day = Gemini(2)
- K-WA/DJ-O = Aquarius(K/11) Washington(WA) God("God is a DJ"/Pink) Sun(O)
- Kwadjo is Hayes' fourth son and the first with wife Adjowa:
- 4 = IV = Isabella Valentine
- Ad-J/O-WA = Promo(Ad) Davis(J/10/X/24/BD) Sun(O) Washington(WA)
- I said I'm Fe-Male
- In 1992, Hayes was coronated an honorary king of the Ada district of Ghana for his humanitarian work: A(D)A = Gemini(AA/11) with Leo Female(D) in it
- The 63-year-old soul singer and actor is best known for his recordings with Stax Records in Memphis and his 1971 No. 1 hit "Theme From Shaft," from the Richard Roundtree film "Shaft":
- Richard Roundtree = RR = Rod Rodillon
- SH/Aft = Gemini Superman(S-H) Behind(Aft-Boat)
- 1971: I said 5/17/2006 that the Journal ID Number is 1971419 for my last post. 1971/4-19 = Shaft(1971) Darth Vader(Hayden)
- 19/7-1 = Superman(S) Black God(7-1/Morgan Freeman/God-Bruce Almighty)
- 2006-05-17 07:07:17: 7:07 = Sun Gemini(7/VII) Final(101/3x26+23/W)
Once agian, we come back to how my Readings have been consistent. I said that my Psychic Abilities are like my Vampire Game Character that I've been training. My Psychic Abilities are much stronger and hit harder as of May 2006 than when they did December 2005.
But do people give me credit for my Psychic Readings?
Of course not. I list the mention of KING four times in my Journal Entries yesterday before this article surfaces 24 hours later, but do you think I'll get acknowledged for it?
- "Oh, that was just luck"
- "Just a coincidence"
- "You don't have any Psychic Abilities"
Yeah, okay. Whatever. You keep telling yourself that...LOL
Do you know that when we used to play Chess in High School, Floyd Cleofe was First Seat. The theme song they used was "Nana Hey Hey, Good Bye" when they were beating someone...LOL
- We used to play that song in 10th Grade Marching Band
- Roman Linsao as 2nd Chair would tease about how it sounds like an Indian Chant.
- He'd start doing a Rain Dance in the Marching Band Room doing "Nana Hey Hey"...LMAO!!!
- Indian = East Indian = Sunny Leone
OMG! That was so FUNNY...LOL
We have all these private jokes that now start to make sense regarding what people did in my History. Roman's mother is Alice for Alison (Subconscious Isabella) who married Roman's Dad "Herme" (Hermes = Communication).
Roman was born exactly ONE MONTH before me 4/29/1975. Then you've got Dario (Super (M)ario when 5/29(M) = Leo Female(D)), Dino (D in O), Alicia (Alison Jr.), and Nicholas (Little Nicky)
I know everybody's birthdates from my childhood. It's just too funny :o).
Adam Iwaszuk, who was Wendy Iwasuk's older brother, played Chess:
- AI = Artificial Intelligence
- Wendy Iwaszuk = WI = Wisconsin = 5/29
- Wendy was the 2nd Child
- Jessica was the 3rd Child = Jessica Rabbit
- My Chess Coach (Father) was Tony Iwaszuk
- Tony and Tish (Mother) met at Arizona State University
- I said 3/10/2006 that Arizona was inducted 2/14 = Valentine's Day...LMAO
That's why you'd be surpised the things you know when you can cross-reference people's Birthdates. You can use people's birthdates to triangulate your position as well as predict who did what or is going to do what in the Future.
That's why it's funny how Bliss and everyone wants to call me dumb when I used to play Bliss in Chess and always stomp her. We'd try to play Checkers and we were evenly matched. Chess, however, requires you to know how to move all the Pieces on the board. If you don't know how they move and can think a couple steps ahead, you'll get beaten.
That's why I still claim that RobynZ isn't very bright. She lacks Tactical Experience, Experience with Strategy, and background Knowledge in different fields. She's just opening her mouth and not thinking. That's why she always steps on a Mine that blows up in her face.
Isaac Hayes the Father of Baby Boy
Isaac Hayes and his wife named the boy Nana, which means "King" in Ghanian.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (May 17) - Isaac Hayes and his wife are the parents of a baby boy, the couple announced Tuesday.
Nana Kwadjo Hayes was born April 10 and weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, spokesman Rob Moore said.
In the Ghanaian language, Nana means "King," and Kwadjo (pronounced "Kwo-Jo") means "boy born on Monday."
In 1992, Hayes was coronated an honorary king of the Ada district of Ghana for his humanitarian work.
Kwadjo is Hayes' fourth son and the first with wife Adjowa.
The 63-year-old soul singer and actor is best known for his recordings with Stax Records in Memphis and his 1971 No. 1 hit "Theme From Shaft," from the Richard Roundtree film "Shaft." The soundtrack also won the Oscar for best musical score.
More recently, he was the voice of the character Chef on the TV show "South Park," until he quit the role in a disagreement over the show's treatment of his faith, Scientology.
2006-05-17 07:07:17
Updated:2006-05-17 12:35:28
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