SIGNS: Utility Shuts Off Power Over One Cent, Penny

May 16, 2006 17:13

Here's an interesting Sign reflecting what's going on:
  1. It was just a penny, but to Consumers Energy it was enough to cut off power in a local home:
    1. Penny: I said 3/6/2006 that Davis is the "Penny"
    2. Utility: I said 5/12/2006 about the Batman Costume and how I'm the Utility Belt
  2. Jacqueline Williams, 41, of Flint had an electricity bill of $1,662.08:
    1. Jacqueline is the name of Cliff's date to Prom who was born on Valentine's Day like Davis
    2. Jacqueline is the name of Davis' mother
    3. Davis borrowed $1,300 December 2004 from my mom to pay for the "Majestic Studios" bill
    4. Davis put it on his "tab" and never paid it back
    5. Davis used to use me as a "Revolving Line of Credit" with my mom to pump money out of her, which he was never able to pay back
  3. The CMS Energy Corp. subsidiary told Williams the power would not be turned on until the penny was received: CMS = Gemini(C/3) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Superman(S)
  4. "All of this for one penny," said Williams, who went to the state Department of Human Services for help in April and was told the agency would pay most of the bill:
    1. It's referring to Davis who is the PENNY
    2. Davis makes himself important and puts his own needs before mine
    3. That's how you get the irony of a Black Man that is projecting himself as being more important than Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary
    4. It's supposed to be that way to show embarrass the Black Community that has been whining and complaining about the Slavery Issue
    5. So to even it out, they have one Black Man enslave Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary so that it will even things up
  5. "All of this for one penny," said Williams, who went to the state Department of Human Services for help in April and was told the agency would pay most of the bill:
    1. Notice how the Department of Human Services was the one that paid it
    2. One penny is all that was remaining. It got most of it, but not all
  6. A Consumers Energy spokesman said that the utility had no choice in the matter, though he was not aware of any similar incidents where service was stopped for one cent:
    1. I supply Electricity and Energy
    2. That's why I'm a Power P/LAN-T = Planetary(P) Local Area Network(LAN) Female(T/20/XX)
  7. "This was the first one I've heard about," said Terry DeDoes. He said the company has many programs to help people who fall behind in their utility bills: That's true. There are all kinds of ways you can work with the Utility Companies
  8. Williams said she doesn't want to find herself in the same situation again: WI/LL-I/Am-S = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Lois Lane(LL) God(I) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa) Superman(S)
  9. "I'm praying to God I stay on top of my bills," she said: That's what you have to do with people.
  10. 5/16/2006 09:17:42:
    1. I said 9/17/2005 that I'm the new Sheriff in Town
    2. That's how yo uget Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham
    3. His Mother was the Psychic that gets killed by Morgan Freeman as the Black God
    4. It was Kevin Costner as KC = Non-Clark Kent. It's an inversion
    5. You see where Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor
  11. Updated: 12:53 PM EDT:
    1. 12:53 = Bad(12/L/Non-7/Non-Good) God(53/I-Periodic)
    2. 53 = V III = Sun(V/5) Gemini(III/3/3rd Sign)
    3. I said 2/12/2006 that I'm the real Herbie
I hate to say it, but I still side with the Consumers Energy Company on the Principle of the Matter. However, it's just sad because you get to see how ridiculous a penny is.

Technically, people can have hang-ups about that one penny, but do you know that if EVERY person started skipping by one penny or shaving off one penny, millions of customers doing that would result in loss of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars?

I'm not saying that it's right and that there are some rules for bending, but I still have to caution people that when you allow people to bend the rules a little bit, they will sometimes bend it a lot and just take advantage of it.

Did you know that Davis is the result of a Speeding Ticket that went on my record?
  1. I was broke and unable to pay the $181.00 Speeding Ticket issued 10/29/2004 because Davis had borrowed so much money off of my bank account
  2. I tried to stretch out my payment to 12/29/2004. Davis went to write out the Money Order. He LOST the receipt for the Money Order and the Pomona Court said they never received it
  3. So my Speeding Ticket Penalty jumped up to $760.00. Because I didn't have enough money to pay it, it jumped up to $960.00. It went on my record because I was speeding to get to an appointment ot chauffeur Davis. This was during the time he was riding on my Cell Phone Plan and couldn't even make payments for that
  4. He'd just sit and wait to see if I'd go to my mom and ask her to pick up the tab.
  5. To make it even worse, I asked Davis to get off my Cell Phone Plan June 2005. He took $1,000 that was supposed to go pay for that and spent it on some other bill he had and never paid it back
  6. Davis was like a Leech you couldn't get rid of on my Cell Phone Bill. That's why I finally got fed up and stopped paying it letting it go into delinquency
  7. Davis was finally forced to abandon my Cell Phone like a Rat fleeing a sinking ship
Because of that fiasco, I had to take a Driver's Test:
  1. I failed to pass my Driver's Test
  2. I said 4/19/2006 that a bunch of People got stranded in Cable Car symbolizing me as Spider-Man not being there to save them
  3. I said 4/7/2006 that my previous Driver's License was given to me on 6/27 for Tobey Maguire's B-Day
That's fine if people don't give a rat's ass about what happens to me. However, when I get ignored, te Planet yanks the Life Lines and strings so that OTHER PEOPLE are inconvenienced or get screwed over in order to mirror how ROD got screwed over.

So if people want to keep on being selfish and screwing me over, that's fine. However, it will get projected onto others.

That's where we come back to just how important people THINK they are in comparison to me. I have a job to do, and I've got a whole bunch of annoying people that are GETTING IN MY WAY.

So when I can't do my job and get bogged down by PETTY CRAP, everybody has to suffer.

You also see the "Golden Rule" in action and an "Eye for an Eye." You don't see anyone showing me any sympathy when it comes to my bills and debts. To everyone else, I'm just like everyone else.

You should always be careful of whom you mistreat because you never know when you might need something from them. People may think that my problems are DUMB and that whine and complain about them.

However, people won't find it as amusing or "annoying" when they realize that I'm overworked and underpaid and when I'm not functioning at peak performance, slip-ups and mistakes occur, that can result in people put in dangerous situations, getting hospitalized, or even killed in accidents.

So if people want to continue jeering and sneering at me about the way I talk about my problems, that's their choice. Just don't come whining and complaining to me years later when you find problems hitting close to home regarding your own finances. I said that the inflated Gas Prices are related to me.

The U.S. shouldn't even be in Iraq. Notice it's IR/Aq. and IR/An like my Initials "IR." That's how far-reaching this goes with the Planet having set things up a certain way so that people get a clear picture of how everything is tied in to me.

Then you've got Davis, as an African-American Male, who is trying to get me to do his web site, Tech Support, and be his Personal Assistant checking his E-mail. I don't get paid for doing any of this crap.

That doesn't even include the fact that it's my Psychic Abilities that are drawing in people and business leads for him to capitalize off of. That's why you get to see me being used as Davis' personal workhorse.

On top of that, I have to figure out how to get the Planet organized and pass this information on while establishing credibility regarding the Authenticity of my Psychic Abilities. That's why I'm in a bad mood and unmotivated to help anyone right now.

How would you feel if other people take credit for your work? That's why people can bitch and complain about the way I use my Psychic Abiltiies, but you get tired and burnt out after three years. Especially when you don't get any financial rewards or payment for your services.

Utility Shuts Off Power Over One Cent
FLINT, Mich. (May 16) - It was just a penny, but to Consumers Energy it was enough to cut off power in a local home. Jacqueline Williams, 41, of Flint had an electricity bill of $1,662.08 and paid all of it, except for one cent. That wasn't enough for the power company, which blacked her out for seven hours Wednesday.

Stuart Bauer, The Flint Journal
Jacqueline Williams went without power for seven hours because of a penny. The Social Security recipient was one cent short on her bill payment of nearly $1,700 and the utility company pulled the plug on her service. She later paid the outstanding penny and had her service restored.

The CMS Energy Corp. subsidiary told Williams the power would not be turned on until the penny was received.

"I went down there, paid my penny and got a receipt," Williams told The Flint Journal.

Shortly after, the electricity was turned back on.

"All of this for one penny," said Williams, who went to the state Department of Human Services for help in April and was told the agency would pay most of the bill.

But she was still short more than $500.

Williams, a Social Security recipient, went to the Salvation Army, where she received $430.67, and Consumers agreed to match $430.66 toward the bill.

However, she was still one cent short.

A Consumers Energy spokesman said that the utility had no choice in the matter, though he was not aware of any similar incidents where service was stopped for one cent.

"This was the first one I've heard about," said Terry DeDoes. He said the company has many programs to help people who fall behind in their utility bills.

Williams said she doesn't want to find herself in the same situation again.

"I'm praying to God I stay on top of my bills," she said.

5/16/2006 09:17:42
Updated: 12:53 PM EDT

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debts. complaints, penny, davis, signs, herbie, iran, sheriff, iraq

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