PREDICTION: "Incredibles," Buffy Tyler, 4/4/44, 5/29, 3/22, 11/15

May 14, 2006 19:00

Here's a really great example of Stacking and Birthdate Association:
  1. Buffy Tyler:
    1. I said 5/14/2006 that Elaine was using pictures of Buffy Tyler
    2. I said 5/14/2006 that Bliss had the Original Title of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  2. 5/29/2005:
    1. It says in the MySpace Search Engine that the last time that one Buffy Tyler was on was 5/29/2005
    2. I said 3/9/2006 that I'm born 5/29
  3. 4/4/44:
    1. If you look closely at the Time Stamp for Buffy Tyler, it says 444
    2. I said 1/11/2006 that Craig T. Nelson who plays Mr. Incredible is born 4/4/44
    3. I said 1/17/2006 that I'm the real Mr. Incredible
    4. Notice how you get an Alignment of Mr. Incredible's Birthdate and my Birthdate
  4. "Incredibles":
    1. 444 = 4/4/4 = Craig T. Nelson's B-Day = Mr. Incredible
    2. I said 5/14/2006 about the "Incredibles"
    3. I said 5/14/2006 that Gwendolen as RobynZ was insulting me on the "Incredibles" Chat Forum
  5. Bliss as Buffy: The reason why this is significant is because Bliss was joining in with RobynZ/Gwendolen flaming me on the "Incredibles" Chat Forum and Bliss is BUFFY
This is also a really great example showcasing the Operating Procedures of a Planet Earth as a Super Computer laying out "Strands" or "Life Lines" as individual "Lines of Code" that carry out a Procedure.

Even if people try to write it off as "mere coincidence," the fact remains is that Elaine was using pictures of Buffy Tyler and someone named Buffy Tyler was logged into MySpace on 5/29/2005 at 4:44 pm.

I knew to go and look there because I follow my hunches.

I can even take it a step further when it comes to Life and Death:
  1. 11/15:
    1. In that same MySpace Search Result, one Buffy Tyler says she 11/15/2005
    2. I said 10/17/2005 that Edna said Thunderhead on "Increidlbes"died 11/15
    3. I said 10/17/2005 that Tyrone Power died 11/15
  2. 3/22:
    1. Another Buffy Tyler says her last login was 3/22 of 2006
    2. I said 4/12/2005 that my biological father died 3/22
  3. Coffee:
    1. Elaine using Buffy Tyler's Pictures had to interrupt our session
    2. She said unexpected Guests dropped by and she had to leave and make Coffee
    3. I said 10/17/2005 that "Coffey" was born 11/15
    4. Coffe(E) = Coffe(Y) when E(5/Leo/Sun) = Y(Male)
  4. Notice how you get Life and Death Birthdates
Don't you find it odd that you see My Birthday and Mr. Incredible's Birthday shown with Buffy Tyler Then on another Buffy Tyler, you see the DEATH of my Father and another "Incredibles" Character?

You have to ask:
  1. How did Rod know?
  2. Was it staged?
  3. Who timed all of this?
I keep saying you're witnessing examples of "Intelligent Design" as well as how you can move and shift numbers as well as people's movements using the Electromagnetic Field.

As I said, a lot of people laugh right now, but if they REALLY knew the extent of my Psychic Abilities, they'd be severely disturbed by this information and how I keep producing consistent results showcasing my Psychic Abilities.

When I say I can affect Dates, Random Number Generators, and go into the back of people's minds like the Back End of a Web Site to "EDIT" your "Script" that governs over your Psychology and Logic causing you to engage in certain behavior, I'm not kidding.

It's subtle though. It's never overt. It's just like the Musical Score in a movie. When it's done right, it enhances the scene in the movie and you don't notice it there. That's the way it should be.

I can even give you a BONUS Psychic Occurrence:
  1. You see "Tyler" surfacing as a name exactly on 3200
  2. 3200 = 32 x 100 = 2 to the 3rd Power(Communication/Gemini) x Female(100)
  3. Notice it's when I had 56 Friends. I said 5/14/2006 that Julie Cassidy (JC/Jesus Christ/CHRISTine) sent me a Friends Request today:
    1. Everyone who is familiar with my Blog knows I talk about "weird' Psychic Phenomenon
    2. People RARELY send me Friends Requests because my Profile naturally deters people
    3. My Profile would be deemed as STRANGE or BIZARRE
    4. The fact that Julie Cassidy asked to be on my Friends Page is a RARITY and you can ask her yourself if it's true that she sent me a Request
  4. This image surfaced on MySpace after my encounter with Buffy
Notice how you can use the Chronometer on MySpace to authenticate the Names and when they surface because there's currently no real way that I can edit the Chronometer on my MySpace Page counter.

Once again, we talk about Software Programs and when you ASSIGN VARIABLES:
  1. I assign TAGS to everyone
  2. Bliss has a Buffy Tag
  3. Scott has a 3/10 Tag
  4. Gwendolen has a Robyn Tag
  5. I have a 5/29 Tag
  6. Bliss has a Thomas Tag for her last name
  7. Bliss has a CHRISTine Tag for her First Name
When you take INVENTORY of Products, you assign Number Tags. I do the SAME THING when I use my Psychic Abilities. I assign Tags to everyone and then they surface or pop up around me.

That's how I'm able to sort people and see who's doing what because a Mirror Image or someone running Parallel to them with their Behavior is mimicking them. That's why it's very difficult to BULLSHIT me.

I'll just sit and watch what Tags surface and home in on people like Psychic Heat-Seaking Missiles. When they come in contact with those individuals, they start to DETONATE around them.

incredibles, 529, software, 444, haven, life, technology, 322, signs, buffy, code, 1115, bliss, predictions, death

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