PREDICTION: Arizona, 1976, Kidnapping, Eric, 11/11, Good

May 14, 2006 13:00

Here's a really Cool Psychic Prediction that reinforces two other Journal Entries I made:
  1. A woman whose father was charged with kidnapping her as a child 30 years ago has been found living in Arizona:
    1. I said 3/10/2006 that Arizona was inducted 2/14
    2. I said Isabella Valentine = Valentine's Day = Arizona inducted 2/14
  2. Mother's Day weekend in 1976:
    1. I said 11/5/2005 that Bliss is born 1976
    2. I said 5/14/2006 about Buffy the Vampire Slayer being Bliss
    3. I said 5/12/2006 that Brittney Skye is born 11/5
    4. I said 12/31/2005 that Thomas is Bliss last name and Sharon Thomas is the MOTHER of Dean Cain (Superman)
  3. Laura Gooder's estranged husband, Eric Douglas Nielsen, picked up 21-month-old Genevieve Rachel Nielsen for an overnight visit. They never returned:
    1. I said 5/1/2006 that Isabella Valentine "stole" my friend Bliss away from me
    2. I said I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon
    3. Isabella made up crap that I was stalking her, which was so untrue. Isabella glossed over a lot of details and how she was just as guilty in contributing to her situation
    4. However, because Bliss is a Women's Rights Activist, she NATURALLY sided with Isabella because she's a Female and I'm Male. It was total Gender Discrimination
  4. Eric Douglas Nielsen:
    1. I said 11/27/2005 that Eric is the name of Sunny Leone's Boyfriend whom Isabella Valentine uses pictures of
    2. Sunny Leone's Boyfriend Eric is born 11/11
    3. I said 12/29/2005 that Isabella Valentine is born 11/11
    4. Eric Douglas Nielson = Eric born 11/11 = Isabella Valentine born 11
  5. Laura Gooder:
    1. Good = (IR)od in Spanish
    2. I said 11/5/2005 in that very same Journal Entry about Bliss born 1976 that (GO)od = (IR)od for my name
    3. I said my Character is Fe-Male and the Mother
  6. Eric Nielsen was incarcerated in Arizona under a different identity on an unrelated charge:
    1. Initials EN = Eternal Night
    2. I said 5/14/2006 that Bliss used to play on EN ("Eternal Night" with me
    3. I said 12/22/2005 about "Eternal Night" where my Psychic Abilities are just like my Vampire Game Character
  7. 05/14/06 13:22 EDT:
    1. 13/22 = 5/29(13/Rhode Island) Sun(22/V/5/Leo)
    2. 13:22 = 1/3-22 = God(1) 3/22 = God Dead Father. I said 4/12/2005 that my dad died 3/22
This is a Method that I like to call "Stacking."

As we all know, one occurrence is really hard to get people to believe. If you really want to be able to prove to people there's a consistent pattern, you need MULTIPLE occurrences to show how it works.

You're also seeing how Friendship will always find a way:
  1. I said that Bliss was "mentally kidnapped" by the other side and is a "Prisoner of War"
  2. Conscious Bliss sides with Isabella Valentine and doesn't believe in Psychic Phenomenon
  3. Conscious Bliss doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities
I said that if Bliss REALLY KNEW that I was telling the Truth about indeed having Psychic Abilities, she would change her mind and would be embarrassed and probably even apologize for her mean behavior.

As I said, Bliss is a good person. The only reason why Bliss is pissed off at me is because she thinks that my claims about Psychic Phenomenon is a Tall Tale and a ridiculous fantasy. Same with Scott.

If both of them ever found out that I was really telling the Truth, they'd stop behaving the way they're behaving toward me and start talking to me again.

As I kept saying, I've never had to lie about this stuff. I'm a bad bluffer. I don't bluff when I say that I have Psychic Abilities and have been practicing and using them.

What's really said is how you have to witness other people suffering because of other people's SELFISH ACTIONS. I said that Isabella skulked away after the mess she made. It's the same way Davis just walked away from that BMW Car Accident October 2002 without a Scratch after it was totaled by another person named Blaney.

Blaney is a unique name.

I said that Davis is born Valentine's Day for the Isabella Valentine tag. It's showing how Isabella Valentine WALKED AWAY without a scratch while I was the BMW that got completely demolished.

As I said, the Planet creates PARALLELISMS regarding who did what:
  1. Even if Davis is in denial about what he did, those Psychic Tags and Serial ID Numbers on him align with Isabella Valentine.
  2. When Isabella Valentine is in denial about what it is she did, it runs EXACTLY parallel to what Davis did.
  3. As long as I keep on manifesting Number Alignment, it means that my Psychic Abiliities are INDEED REAL.
You even see another Parallelism where I got Bliss her Haven Chat Place set up for her:
  1. Her Initials are CT
  2. Charlie of Bay City Blues as the former co-partner of Bay City Blues was nicknamed Charlie like Charles Townsend (CT) of "Charlie's Angels"
  3. Isabella Valentine runs parallel to my name Isabelo
  4. Isabella left Bay City Blues the same way I left Haven
  5. I said 11/1/2005 about the hint showing who is the REAL owner of Haven, which would be me
  6. I just left the business the same way Isabella left Charlie symbolizing Bliss
That's why you see another parallelism embedded there.

The Number Alignment you see is how Subconscious Bliss was reunited with me as Buffy last night:
  1. I said 5/14/2006 that I was with Elaine using pictures of BUFFY Tyler
  2. I said Bliss was BUFFY the Vampire Slayer on "Eternal Night"
  3. The News Article shows how the daughter was kidnapped by Eric (11/11 for Isabella) and stolen away from Laura Gooder (Rod)
  4. That's how you get me as the REAL Angel that was a Spin-Off of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Television Show
  5. You see how Angel goes around helping people and then inherits a Law Firm where he has to defend clients who are Demons and the BAD GUYS
  6. I've been doing the same thing where I have to run Legal Firm and provide a Case defending the people belonging to "Evil" Clientele
You see a reflection of how I represent a Symbol of GOODness. That's why when people go up against me, they're USUALLY in the wrong or setting themselves up for a huge fall.

As I said, my strategy is really simple. All I have to do is just sit here and keep on manifesting CONSISTENT Data that aligns the Numbers and shows that my Psychic Theories work. They may be unorthodox or different, but just because no one's ever seen them before doesn't mean they don't work.

It may sound stupid the way I break down and define all the Letters in all the Key Words, but the most important point is that IT WORKS.

The irony is that I'm the GOOD GUY. I've ALWAYS been the Good Guy. That's why I'm a friggin' VIRGIN Male and a real Prince. I said that Prince is Filipino has both male and female genitalia.
  1. We also come back to how "Actions speak louder than words"
  2. People can claim they're Psychic, but there are those who are all talk and those who actually do it
  3. When it comes to those who SAY they're good and those who ARE good, it's measured by their Deeds
People can make up all kinds of CRAP about you, but your actions will always define you and who you are as an individual.

Never let anyone else tell you who you are. That's why when I had all those women going off on me branding me as a Stalker listening to those two silly women who glossed over certain aspects of their stories and were both just as guilty contributing to the situation, I got mad and refused to swallow that crap.

I worked HARD to maintain a good image, which I felt was JUST COMPENSATION for being a Virgin Male and NOT GETTING LAID. If I'm not going to get any PUSSY, then I EXPECT to AT LEAST enjoy the Title of being deemed a GOOD PERSON.

That's why when those women all beat up on me and tried to take that Title away from me, I refused. That was one of my Hard Limits I refuse to back down on. Those women were going off of hearsay and just squawking amongst themselves listening to Gossip.

Other people don't make a big deal out of it because they already LOST THEIR VIRGINITY. So it doesn't mean anything to them. It's like poeple who break the Law and have a Speeding Ticket. Once you break the Law and get multiple Speeding Tickets, it's not that big of a deal.

Do you know how many Traffic Violations Davis has in San Diego where he owes THOUSANDS of DOLLARS? That's how bad it is.

The same thing canbe said about stealing. Once you do it multiple times, you don't care anymore. The reverse is true about when you have a clean record. You like to maintain that record.

The same behavior can be seen with people and PROMISE:
  1. When you break your promise, the first time is hard
  2. When you break your promises all the time, it no longer means anything to you
  3. If you break your promise all the time to people and rarely get punished, it's not that big of a deal
Davis breaks promises all the time. You should see all the Debt Collectors, Cell Phone Customer Service Reps, and Bank Representatives that ask if he will promise to pay delinquent payments by a specific date.

Davis is always buying time, and then when the time comes, he doesn't have the money. So he breaks his promise. Nice guy, but he still breaks his promises.

That's why it's so ridiculous how people try to brand me as a bad person. Wouldn't it naturally make sense that someone who is a Pure Virgin Male would have a HIGH PROBABILITY of wanting to keep his Name CLEAN and GOOD so that it matches with his Lifestyle as a Virgin Male?

That's why when people try to go off on me, I can make people look REALLY STUPID using my Psychic Abilities to mess up their Systems.

Woman Kidnapped as Toddler in 1976 Found

PONTIAC, Mich. (May 14) - A woman whose father was charged with kidnapping her as a child 30 years ago has been found living in Arizona, her mother and sheriff's officials said.

On Mother's Day weekend in 1976, Laura Gooder's estranged husband, Eric Douglas Nielsen, picked up 21-month-old Genevieve Rachel Nielsen for an overnight visit. They never returned.

This Mother's Day weekend, a police officer arrived Saturday at Gooder's home in Frederic, Mich., with news that her daughter - now 31 - had been found, The Detroit News reported.

Gooder's daughter had been raised under another name and grew up believing her mother had been killed in an auto accident. Law enforcement officials declined to release her other name.

"It is pretty surreal," Gooder, 53, said. "I am keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for her to call."

On Sunday, Gooder told The Associated Press that she didn't want to speak about the case until she hears from her daughter.

Eric Nielsen was incarcerated in Arizona under a different identity on an unrelated charge, authorities said. A tip led investigators to visit an Arizona prison Thursday, said Michael Bouchard, sheriff in Michigan's Oakland County.

Gooder's daughter, who now has a child of her own, was traumatized by the revelations, Bouchard said.

"She obviously was told something completely different from the father," Bouchard said. "She is devastated."

After her daughter's disappearance, Gooder remarried and had three sons.

Last year, U.S. marshals joined the search for Gooder's daughter, and a judge charged Eric Nielsen with kidnapping. He had been wanted on a state kidnapping warrant since 1976.

05/14/06 13:22 EDT
Updated: 03:50 PM EDT

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en, haven, isabella, buffy, evil, bliss, virginity, arizona, good, 1976, vampires, gossip, signs, 322, angel, predictions

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