Here's a great example of how you can affect a Random Number Generator using the Electromagnetic Field and Psychic Abilities:
- Random Users: Notice in the Picture it lists "Karen" and "The Mother"
- Karen:
- I said 5/7/2006 that my cousin is named Karen
- I said 4/30/2006 that Sunny Leone has the name Karen
- The Mother:
- I said 12/31/2005 that Isabella was the original Title as Goddess Danu (Eternal MOTHER)
- I said I'm the Virgin Mother or Queen Mother
- Isabelal Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
- Isabella Valentine = Sunny Leone = Karen
Deer: I said 12/7/2005 that Isabella Valentine was nicknamed the "Frightened Doe"
One thing I like about
MySpace is that the Number Counter on my Profile serves as a Number Tag authenticating the Time Stamp for those posts. Unless you work on the MySpace Staff with access to editing that Number Counter, you know that my Screen Captures are authentic :o).
The whole funny thing about this is that you know a Guy has got to be either really crazy or a genius to have come up with a story like mine that claims that I'm the real Virgin Mary:
- I said any woman claiming they're the Virgin Mary and that their child is Jesus Christ would get disqualified
- The Religious Denominations would claim that the child is of human origin with a human male father
- With a MALE Virgin Mary, it makes sense as a Riddel or Puzzle because it fits the criteria
- If it's a MALE Virgin Mary, you know FOR SURE that no human male could impregnate a Male Virgin Mary
- All that's left is proving that the Jesus Christ child does indeed exist
- When you use the 14th Amendment regarding a Legal Body, it satisfies the Riddle
- I said 5/6/2006 about the "Mission Impossible III" Prophecy about the Roadways as the Physical Neural Pathways of the Planet
- I said that the Sun in our Solar System is Sentient and Alive
- It's Female and "impregnated me with thought" allowing me to "give birth to the idea" of a Male Virgin Mary
- That qualifies as an "Immaculate Conception"
It makes seense anyway if the Sun qualifies as God. If you have the union of a tiny Human Male with Female Sun that is the size of a Star, it would on MAKE SENSE that the offspringt would be the Size of a Planet...Like...Oh I don't know... Maybe the Planet Earth...LMAO
That's why when I keep showing the Patterns of the Planet through the Media that shows that the Planet is SENTIENT, that qualifies as Intelligent Design and allows the Planet to qualify as a Legal Body under the 14th Amendment.
So therefore, you get a Jesus Christ Child that is the Planet Earth :o).
That's why
I said 5/5/2006 how the Planet was teasing about a Mother giving birth to a Child that just kept on growing :o)
That would be me as the tiny Virgin Mary that gave birth to the Planet Earth as Jesus Christ :o).
That's why Jesus Christ says at the Last Supper, "This is my body, which I give unto you..." ROTFLMAO!!!
That's why when you eat food that comes from the Planet Earth, you're eating the "Body of Jesus Christ" :o).
Pretty neat, huh? :D
I wasn't kidding when
I said 5/5/2006 that I'm "Smart" because I'm crafty enough to figure out the Puzzle :).
Everyone keeps talking about how I'm such a moron and how stupid my Psychic Theories are. I keep saying I deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for my Discoveries :o).