U.S.S. Prometheus Dreadnaught Class Starship
The interesting thing about the answer is mention of the Dreadnought. If you watched "Star Trek: Voyager," you'll know the episode where the Doctor is transmmitted to the experimental Prometheus, which is a Dreadnaught-Class Starship. It was a special ship that would split into three ships.
He and the EMH-4, played by
Andy Dick, have to keep the ship from being taken over. The two Holograms have to fight their way through. At the end, the Doctor is able to relay to Starfleet Command that the U.S.S. Voyager isn't lost and that it got thrown way out in the Delta Quandrant and is making its way back home.
It was really important because it allowed the people back home to know that Voyager wasn't destroyed and where all the crew personnel had perished. I'm in the same situation where I'm the U.S.S. Voyager (Rod's Conscious Mind) that got thrust into the Delta Quandrant (Psychic Realm).
Starfleet Command (Normal Society) thought that I was lost (gone crazy). The message that the Doctor is able to send out to Starfleet Command represents my Journal Entries that document the Psychic Realm that I've been creating "Psychic Navigational Charts" as I make my way back home.
The Navigational Charts that I've been posting is plotting out the Planets, Stars, and Terrain of the Psychic Realm these last two years. I've been sending out messages like the real U.S.S. Voyager trying to flag down Starfleet Command ("Normal Society") to let them know that I'm okay and I'm making my way back home.
The 70,000 Light Year trek back home is the amount of time it will take for me as the U.S.S. Voyager to return to Earth (back to the Normal World).
Starship U.S.S. Voyager with No Reinforcements
The battles that I have to take on in the Psychic Realm is the U.S.S. Voyager by itself as the only U.S.S. Federation Starship. Because people think I'm "crazy," I'm like a lone Federation Starship way out in the Delta Quadrant because I can't call for help or send out a Distress Call.
When I was calling out for help two years ago from people like Scott, Isabella, Bliss, and Cliff, they all thought I went cuckoo. So that was the equivalent of being way out in the Delta Quadrant with no backup. You can't call for help from the Federation to send other people to aid you. You don't have anybody.
Because I'm the U.S.S. Voyager, whatever damage or pummeling I from the enemies in the Delta Quadrant that attack me has to be dealt with on my own and the Crew People serving on the U.S.S. Voyager are the only ones that can help.
Voy/A-G.E./R = IR(I Go-Spanish) God(A) General Electric(G.E.) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
That's why it's a Fe-Male Captain who isn't allowed to get close to any of the Crew. There was kind of a little thing going on between Chakotay and Kathryn Janeway, but it fizzled. That was symbolic of me as the Fe-Male and Sunny Leone who's East Indian being a Male West Indian.
You see how Chakotay and the Maquis sacrifice their ship and have to go and serve aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. Voyager was undermanned and so they had to take the crew from the Maquis to help fill in the positions since they lost their ship.
- M()Aqui()s = ()Aqu(ar)i(u)s
- M = 5/29
- M = AR/U = IR(AR) Old God(U)
- When you remove ARU from Aquarius but add "M" meaning the same thing, Maquis = Aquarius
That's creative Math using Letters as Variables.
I said that Davis' ship got destroyed. You also see Tom Paris representing a hybrid of Bliss as Christine Thomas (Tom) and Davis as Pennsylvania/Pa/Fr./France/Paris.
At the beginning, nobody trusts Tom Paris because he got sent to a Penal Colony. He pulled a stunt that ended up killing a crewmate at Starfleet with Wesley Crusher. That was me who got killed off by that stunt that Davis tried to pull at Starfleet Academy.
How Subconscious Isabella Died
You even see a sad refletion of how Isabella died because if you follow the story arc of what happened to the other female Starfleet Cadet that was following along, she got reprimanded but Captain Picard allowed her on the Enterprise for a Special Mession.
Worf trained her and she was supposed to meet at the rendezvous coordinates. However, when the Enterprise got there, all the found was debris from the space capsule that was supposed to be carrying her.
- Wo(R)f = Wo(L)f
- R = Gemini (18/2x9/2xI/II)
- L = Bad (Non-7/Non-Good)
Majel Barrett playing Deanna's mother refers to him as "Woof"
- Wo(O)f = Wo(R)f
- O = Sun or Circle
- R = Gemini
- I'm both so Wo(R)f = Wo(O)f
That's Substitution and how you get alignment when things are set equal to each other. I was Worf who trained her and Subconscious Isabella got killed off on a mission. Subconscious Bliss was luckier and sent off to a Penal Colony.
As I keep saying, the Planet set it up where the story arcs of favorte television shows indicate what happened or has been happening in the Psychic Realm. It shows who is doing what or who is anticipated to do what based off of Predictable Human Behavior.
People think it's impossible, but why should it come as a surprise if the Planet is the one that has been programming Conditioned Human Behavior?
Sure, it takes longer. It may take 20 years to solidify or crystalize a particular personality, but TIME IS RELATIVE. To a human being, 20 years is a long time. To a Planet that has been around for 4.55 billion years, that's not a long time.
If the Planet is like a Super Computer, that would be like a couple seconds or a couple minutes to program a tiny human to do something. You have to think like a Computer and a Computer Programmer on a Planetary and Cosmic Scale.
That's why I find it contradictory where you can have Religious Sects that talk about how much they believe in God and that God can do anything. However, when you offer them alternative solutions that deal with Intelligent Design, they don't believe it simply because they don't trust that it came from my mouth.
That's why I have to jump through all these hoops proving that I'm intelligent, creative, and intellectually resilient.
Why the Planet Would Encrypt Everything
This news article is a really good example of why there's an Encryption Code. If you read the "Da Vinci Code," the Fibonacci Sequence was created to keep the Information from falling into the wrong hands.
It was used to keep it a Secret so that no one would try to harm the Lineage. The same thing goes for me. It was kept a Secret because not everyone would like someone like me around. The best thing to do is just kill or nip things in the bud.
It's dangerous. You've all seen what has happened to people throughout history:
- Gandhi got shot
- Martin Luther King, Jr. got shot
- JFK got shot
- Joan of Arc got burned at the Stake
Imagine what would happen if you had a real Jesus Christ Figure roaming around or people knew what the Lineage. I said you'd have a Holy War. The Middle East would declare a Jihad and start attacking the U.S.
If the Jesus Christ Lineage consisted of people who migrated to the United States from the Middle East and the Middle East knew about it, they'd disagree:
- The Middle East would declare the Jesus Christ Lineage as TRAITORS
- If the Middle East KNEW that Jesus Christ or family members were living in the U.S., they woudl disagree with U.S. Ideals
- The Middle East would accuse the Jesus Christ Line being corrupted by a baseless society
- Religious Fanatics may actually go and harass the Jesus Christ Lineage
- They may even have gone as far as murder or kill off the remaining Jesus Christ Family Members citing that they've been "Corrupted" by "Evil American Ideals"
- They woudl justify that even if their Lineage as Jesus Christ may be true, those family members have been "POISONED" by the United States Values
I said that RobynZ was sneering at me in a Community post about my dumb Math Signs I always use:
- I said 1025/2005 that RobynZ had a heyday collecting juicy passages from my Journal and serving it up to the WTF Community
- Those people on that Community LOVED IT and descended on me like a Pack of Wolves flooding me with Hate Spam
- All the while, RobynZ was sitting gloating and enjoying sitting there
- She thought I was just a dumb male that was going to sit there and have no response just because I kiss Isabella and Bliss' asses
- The Identity of Jesus Christ would be kept secret for that very reason of people harassing Jesus Christ during childhood or putting more stress on the mother or during the child development years hampering or hindering the learning process
- There are all kinds of Political, Social, and Psychological Reasons why you'd keep the Identity of Jesus Christ hidden and where it would be unlocked when the right time came
I ripped into her and she started whining and complaining loudly to where Bliss started picking on me. It was just like a Gang where a puny little gang member goes way out of their way to pick on someone who was minding his own business.
RobynZ was asking for it. And with all the frustration where I could express my discontent toward Bliss and Isabella because I was trying to be polite and patient, I had no problem with showing how dumb RobynZ is.
Queen Elizabeth II as the Queen (Virgin) Mother
Women can call me chauvinist or rude, but this is where my Queen Isabelo the Gemini and FE-Male TITLES come in. So that WOMEN can't hide under the excuse of Gender. It means I can take them on as a FE-MALE. If women want to get in a BITCH BRAWL with me, I've got the Title.
If women want to fight dirty with me as a Female, I can fight dirty as Fe-Male as well. That's why I'm Queen B and Queen Elizabeth II. That's also why I have the title of VIRGIN MOTHER or Virgin Ma/R-y so that WOMEN and LESBIANS know that they're taking on the Virgin Mother.
This is especially when they try beating up on men. That's why I was made to be smart and be able to prove how men can get PREGNANT with THOUGHT and GIVE BIRTH to IDEAS so women will get off their High Horse about how men don't know what it's like to go through the birthing process.
When men are setting up a business, they're giving birth to a corporation. When men are devoting time to focus on their career, they're nurturing their own career as a child. They're setting up the infrastructre and the Finacial Body so that when the Profession/Child is old enough, it's self-sufficient.
The finished product or child that turns into an adult is called a "Retirement Pension" :P.
Notice how the Planet sets it up where if MEN want to enjoy the perks of that Interpretation, it means that the ANTI-GAY men have to acknowledge that a Gay Relationship between Homosexuals and Lesbians is legitimate.
If men want women to get off mens's backs about how men don't know what it's like to give birth, the ANTI-GAY Community has to acknowledge that Communication is Sex allowing you to IMPREGNATE people with THOUGHT so they GIVE BIRTH to IDEAS.
I said I'm in a BUSINESS MARRIAGE with Davis. We're both MALE partners. So technically, we're in a "GAY Business Marriage." If Davis and I can be in a Gay Business Marriage, which requires a LICENSE, then it means by the same token GAY Marriage Licenses should be Legal as well.
Lawyer Cracks Judge's "Da Vinci Code"
LONDON (April 28) - The code has been cracked. London lawyer Dan Tench and The Times newspaper on Friday both claimed to have solved the riddle of a code embedded in a judge's ruling in "The Da Vinci Code" copyright lawsuit.
"Smithy Code"
Justice Peter Smith italicized certain letters in his ruling to spell out his secret code.
It reads: "Jackie Fisher who are you Dreadnought."
The message was created by Peter Smith, the High Court judge who presided over the copyright infringement suit brought by authors of the nonfiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" against the publisher of Dan Brown's mega-selling thriller.
Smith's entry in the society bible "Who's Who" lists him as a fan of John "Jackie" Fisher, a 19th-century admiral credited with modernizing the British navy and developing its first modern warship, the Dreadnought.
On April 7, Smith ruled that Brown had not copied from the earlier work for his book, which has sold more than 40 million copies since it was published in 2003.
London's legal world has been in a whirl since it was revealed earlier this week that Smith had encoded a message within the 71-page judgment. A sequence of italicized letters was sprinkled throughout the text, with the first 10 spelling out "Smithy code" - an apparent clue, and a play on the judge's name.
The rest of the letters seemed random: jaeiextostgpsacgreamqwfkadpmqzvz.
Tench, who brought the code to the world's attention last week, said the key lay within the pages of Brown's thriller.
At one point Brown's cryptographer hero Robert Langdon explains the Fibonacci sequence - a mathematical progression that involves adding a number to the two numbers before, so that 1 is followed by 1, then 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. That sequence, when repeated and substituted with letters from the alphabet, spells out the cryptic message.
"It's extremely curious that he would reference an obscure military figure," Tench said of the message early Friday. "None of us were guessing that."
Tench said he and two other attorneys in the London media law firm Olswang used the sequence and trial and error to decode the message. He said Smith had confirmed it was correct in an e-mail.
The Times newspaper arrived at the same conclusion. On Friday, it quoted Smith, 53, as saying he had inserted the code "for my own pleasure" and had not expected anyone to notice it.
"The answer has nothing to do with the case," he said.
Associated Press writer Derek Kravitz contributed to this report.
04/28/06 06:35 EDT
Updated: 06:45 AM EDT
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