LETTER: Bobbi Billard - Intellectual Orgasm

Apr 28, 2006 13:58

There was a Love Letter Contest being hosted by Bobbi Billard's Love Letter Contest.

I remember when I won the Daughters of the Revolution (DAR) Essay Contest in 9th Grade. That was a shock. We were given an hour during Mrs. Curran's English Class to write an Essay. I was just half-assing it and writing in general. I was surprised I won.

Susan Amis won in the John Sedgwick Junior High Contest. I was always curious why there were two winners. Susan got all the glory within the Junior High. I didn't really get any recognition. When we went there, I got a Cash Reward, which was neat :).

To: Bobbi Billard
From: Rod
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:27:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Art of Writing Love Letters and Quest for the Intellectual Orgasm

Dear Bobbi,

It says in James Cameron's Bio on IMDB.com that he named "Titanic" something else so people wouldn't know what project he was working on. The same can be said about finding the right person you want to spend your life with. Sometimes those hidden treasures are disguised as something else.

Writing Love Letters is an Art Form and an ancient practice that few people do nowadays when you have instant messaging and where responses can be sent within minutes of when you sent your first message. Sadly enough, along with Instant Messaging comes Instant Love. It disappears as fast as it came.

I'm curious about how many of your fans writing you Love Letters have actually sat down and written one on pen and paper pouring their feelings.

I've handwritten 20-page Love Letters. There's a lot of care and thought that goes into writing such a Letter. Writing an actual Love Letter on Paper in ink is a different experience than typing one on the computer where the author can edit it, clean up, rewrite sections, and make it better.

What tends to get lost in the translation of a written Love Letter compared to an E-mail is that the person who is writing a Love Letter on Pen and Paper is that you can't go back. The words are committed to the page. There is more emotion and passion that comes with what is written.

Attempting to reproduce the same results on a computer where you have the option of proofreading your work is like a resume where you're showing the best of yourself and covering up any flaws or shortcomings regarding your thought processes.

Women put on make-up to cover up any flaws and blemishes as well as to enhance their appearance. Computers allow you to edit what you've written like a form of literary cosmetics that can be applied to smooth over or hide those flaws.

That's an important aspect to consider in compatibility because people will make a good first impression by showing you what's on the surface, but when you finally see what's underneath, it's not always as impressive or there were certain flaws that they were covering up. The box outside looks great, but the product inside the box ends up being less than stellar.

If you and your girlfriends are really trying to weigh who is the best candidate that is the most genuine, sincere, and caring, you should test to see how many of the people understand the Fundamentals of Writing and what goes into writing a Love Letter. Most people responding to your contest don't really know what a true Love Letter is.

I believe the Secret to writing Love Letters is understanding that Communication is Sex. The Mind is like a Cerebral Vagina. Words stimulating Ideas are the Intellectual Orgasm. Whether you and your girlfriends realize it, you're all grading on who can give you the best Intellectual Orgasm.

Bad Literary Lovers write awful letters that are dull and boring. You can tell by the first couple sentences that it's bad and you lose interest. Good Literary Lovers are captivating and when you read what they've written, it's stirring that it makes you want to re-read what they said. Those are the best Love Letters.

When seeking a companion, the best Communicators are the best Lovers because they stimulate your mind even after you're both old and gray and when Sex is no longer the focus of your relationship. You'll know you have such chemistry because you enjoy conversations with that person. You look forward to talking to that individual. The best lovers in the field of Communication are the ones who are attentive and can read what their partner wants and desires.

Life tends to mimic itself on all Levels. Your contest is very much like the Ovum and the Sperm. You're the Ovum and all the Love Letters you're receiving are the Communication Sperm that are all trying to penetrate your shell and seek a union with you. We get to observe who among your Literary Suitors is able to whip their Intellectual Flagella the hardest and break through.

Hopefully, the one that succeeds is carrying the Romantic DNA that will help you give birth to a rewarding relationship. If this Letter was able to make you pause for thought and help you give birth to a new idea or concept, then I can be content with that for it means I achieved my objective of impregnating you with an idea.

I've given a lot of thought when it comes to Love. Love can be fleeting as well as Life. In the end, sometimes the best reward is just being remembered.

If I'm lucky enough, these words will impact you and you'll remember what I said and pass this thought on to your friends, family, and loved ones. That is how you create Intellectual Offspring and a Verbal Legacy.

If Communication is Sex and I had the opportunity to be intellectually intimate with you, it would be a huge compliment knowing that my words stirred you and these thoughts from my Letter will stay with you long after all the other writers are a forgotten memory and this contest is over.



sperm, essays, relationships, childhood, communication, orgasms, ovum, love

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