LESSONS: Psychic Herpes, T-Cells, Indian Reservations, Bar Exam

Apr 24, 2006 21:30

This is a really disgusting Sign. Kind of funny, but not so funny for the woman who got Herpes:
  1. Elliott, a 26-year-old health care worker, claimed she tested positive for herpes after unprotected sex with Vick in April 2003:
    1. He/RP-ES = Gemini(He/Helium/2) Roleplay(RP) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
    2. VI/CK = V/IR-Go(VI) Clark Kent(CK)
    3. Michael used to belong to Subconscious Charlie's Department two years ago when I grouped the Letter M with him
  2. Gwinnett County State Court:
    1. G/WI-NN/E-TT = Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Valentine(NN/2x14) Sun(E/5) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-20/Non-XX)
    2. I said Davis is born Valentine's Day
  3. Elliott contended that Vick "apologized profusely" for failing to disclose he was infected with the disease, which can be treated but not cured:
    1. I said I'm from the Northwest and I'm a Film Producer and Director
    2. Actors have to Roleplay (RP) or act
    3. When people misbehave and I have to "plug" into their Subconscios, I give you "Psychic HE/RP-ES"
  4. The lawsuit also claimed Vick used the alias "Ron Mexico" when seeking treatment for the disease:
    1. M.E./XI-Co = Mother Earth(M.E.) Aquarius (XI/11) Company(Co)
    2. I said Davis is M.E./XI-Co because he's the Aquarius Company Business Associate
    3. That's how you know that Davis is tied into this dumb mess
  5. Subconscious: I said that because has been doing bonehead things, I head to plug into his Subconscious and fiddle with his head
Do you know why the Planet set that up and created those Viruses? It's so that people will get a VISUAL EXAMPLE of what I can do in the Psychic Realm to make people's Live's miserable when they when they start acting up.

It's also as a "Curse" or a Warning to people who try to imitate what I'm doing:
  1. I said 1/21/2006 that Communication is Sex
  2. I said the Ear is the a Vagina
  3. Your Brain is an "Intellectual Ovum"
  4. Herpes: Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes, especially herpes simplex or herpes zoster.
  5. Herpes is a a Virus
  6. V-IR u S = Sun(V/5) IR in Union with(U) Superman(S)
  7. He/RP-ES Simple/X = Gemini(He/Helium/2) Roleplay(RP) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/nW) Simple Sun Gemini(X/10/5x2/(5)(2)/VII)
  8. Mucous = M u Co u S = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Union with(U) Company(Co) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
It means that when I go in and have to "reprogram" you because you're being a pain in the ass, I'm contagious as a V-IR u S and give you He/RP-ES that will cause you to get an eruption of M u Co u S Membranes.

Do you really think the Planet would waste all its time installing all this software into one person that no one is going to take seriously and just sit and laugh at when that Nobody whom peopl have never heared of goes around "ranting" about his supposed "Psychic Abilities" and control over the "Electromagnetic Field" and not have any weapons or tools in his arsenal?

This is especially to serve as a warning ot anyone who is Greedy and Selfish:
  1. There are going to be people who are going to get wind of this and finally realize I'm dead serious
  2. They're going to be greedy and want to see if they can steal it for themselves or use it for their own personal gain and to make a huge profit
  3. This is set up so that it's CURSED
  4. If you want to play God, you're going to have to do so contracting a Veneral Disease
  5. That's why It's Isabella Valentine(IV) with Pisces as H
  6. H + IV = HIV
That's Isabella Valentine's punishment for the crap she pulled:
  1. It's so that she'll go down in history being associated with the HIV Virus.
  2. That's why Charlie's Initials are HKK = Pisces(H) 11/11
  3. I said Isabella is born 11/11
  4. H(11/11) = H(IV) = HIV
See how the Planet fiddled with the Letters:
  1. HIV came out in 1981
  2. 19/81 = Superman(19/S) Gemini(81=9x9/IxI/II)
  3. It was transmited by a G/A-y male who had unprotected sex with an infected African who ate monkey brains
  4. G/A-y = Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) God(A) Male(Y)
  5. That's why I'm technically "G/A-y"
  6. Because I'm Fe-Male and a Lesbian, I qualify as a G/A-y Female
The reason why you have all those Veneral Diseases floating around and so many people suffering from the painful effects of that is so that Humankind will get a CLEAR SIGN of how bad some of the things they do are.

That's why even my own name is CURSED:
  1. Rodillon = Rod/Ill-On
  2. Rod/Ill-On = Penis(Rod) Sick(Ill) Activated(On)
  3. My own last name symbolizes a sick or infected penis
  4. The Planet set it up that way so that people don't try to embrace me as their Leader and follow everything I say
  5. I'm only the TEMPORARY established government. As soon as I die, that's it. No more heirs because I'm contaminated
The reason why it was set up this way is so that people don't become dependent on me and use me as a Crutch. It's to remind people that I'm "infected" and should be handled with care.

What's going to happen is that you're going to get some people that are going to be rejoicing that I'm on the Planet waving banners and want to follow every little thing I say. It will be to the point where they give up all reasoning and stop thinking on their own.
  1. That's why the HIV Virus goes in and destroys your T-Cells
  2. T = 20/XX/Female
  3. T-Cells create the White Blood Cells that defend against attack
  4. When I communicate with people and they believe my story where I'm Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and Superman, I'm technically destroying your "T-Cells" or your "Intellectual Immune System"
You stop thinking and say:
  • "Oh, I believe everything Rod says!"
  • "Rod is always right"
  • "Rod never makes any mistakes"
  • "We should all listen to Rod because Rod has all the Power"
I said I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini = Queen Elizabeth II. It means that I'm the Fe-Male and everyone else transforms into Males because I destroyed their "T-Cells" or "Female Cells."

That's how you get Lesbian Women that transform into Males. Ma/L-ES = Mother(Ma) Bad(L/Non-7) Northwest(ES).

The reason why the Planet chose me is because it groomed me for this position. I was the only person currently who understands the Mission and isn't power-hungry (yet or as of 4/24/2006) who won't get corrupted by all this Power and try to hoard it.

Anyone else endowed with this would get extremely drunk with power and go on a rampage. Ever notice how the IR is H have a high tolerance when it comes to getting drunk and rarely have hang-overs the next morning?

I can hold my L-IQ u Or = Bad(L/Non-7) Intelligence(IQ) in Union with(U) Sun(Or/V/5/Leo).

That's why the White Man coming from Europe (Conscious Mind) came to North American with the Indians (Sunny Leone who's East Indian) and brought over Ho-R/S-ES (Slutty Gemini Superman Northwest) and "F/IR-E WA/T-ER" (Virgo IR Sun Washington Female Final)

You had all these Native-Americans running around getting drunk on F/IR-E WA/T-ER. That's what has been happening in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm. That's why the Indians are now on Indian Reservatiosn (IR = My Initials).

I said 1/16/2006 that the 14th Amendment mentions Indian Reservations. It's a technicality. That's why I am able to run a CA-S in O (California Superman in Sun) on my IR (Indian Reservation).

I was here F-IR/St. Because I was First, I made... Reservations!!!

Get it??? It's punny!!! :o)

This is where we come back to me being the real Bugs Bunny. Wait until the World Leaders and Religious Leaders get a load of me :D. I'll totally knock their socks off becaus they're going to try and pin me down but I'm going to wheedle out of things just like Bugs Bunny being chased around by Elmer Fudd...LOL

Then all the People watching are going to laugh because it will be like watching a real-life cartoon...LMAO

That's why as the Road Runner, I go "M.E./E.P! M.E./E.P!"
  1. M.E./E.P = Mother Earth Execution Program
  2. M(EE)P = Military Police(MP) with Gemini Sun(EE/55) in it
See how the Planet has a perverted sense of Humor and created all these Visual Symbols embedded in Film, Television, and Music? :D

While I was typing this, "Purple Rain" by Prince was on the Radio:
  1. Bliss' favorite music artist is Prince
  2. I said 2/7/2006 that Prince is Filipino like me and I'm of Royal Blood
  3. Prince has Male and Female Genitalia whiel I'm Male and I'm Fe-Male inside
  4. It's a Curse that was set up just for Bliss so that every time Bliss hears Prince, it will serve as a reminder to her
  5. That's how you get the song "Seven" by Prince. 7 = VII = Sun(V) Gemini(II)
  6. You have "Diamonds and Pearls" by Prince with the Superman Diamond Shield
  7. You have "Cream" by Prince. C/Re-Am = Dominant(C) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa)
I said all songs are Prophetic:
  1. That's how you get that song, "It's same old song, but with a different meaning now that you're gone. It's the same old song, but with a different meaning."
  2. Notice who sang it: "It's the Same Old Song" by the Four Tops
  3. Four = IV = Isabella Valentine
  4. T/OP = Female(T/20/XX) Operating Procedure(OP)
That's why when people cross me, they set off a M in E/Field that the Planet has spent the last 2,000 years laying out that is set to go off and explode.

All the Subconscious Minds around the Planet activate like "Sleeper Agents" when people refuse to comply and take me seriously.

I said the Planet points out in "Galaxy Quest" how Gwen DeMarco is the only one who can talk to the Computer:
  1. G/W-EN = God(G) Final(W) Gemini Sun(EN/EV in Greek/55)
  2. De/M-AR/Co = Of(De-Spanish) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR(AR) Company
  3. That's how you get the Planet Mars. M-AR-S = 5/29(M) IR(AR) Superman(S)
  4. I said I'm the Law and the Final Judge. You have to take the Mars Bar Exam :o)
  5. Mars is the Ruling Planet of Aries. A-RI/ES = God(A) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
  6. In order to become a Lawyer, you have to pass the B/AR Ex-Am
  7. Isabella Valentine used to work at the Fucking Bar :o)
  8. That's why "Cheers" was a Bar and "Frasier" was the Spin-Off in Seattle where I'm from
  9. B/AR = Gemini(B/2) IR(AR)
  10. Ex/Am = Ex-Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa) = Mother. I'm the Virgin Mother
  11. I'm the B/AR Ex/Am :o)
Get it??? It's punny!!! :D

Vick Settles With Woman Who Accused Him of Giving STD
Elliott Filed Lawsuit Saying Pro Bowl QB Gave Her Herpes
ATLANTA (April 24) - A woman who charged in a lawsuit that Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick knowingly gave her a sexually transmitted disease has agreed to an undisclosed resolution of the case, his attorney said Monday.

"The case has been resolved," attorney Lawrence Woodward said.

When asked if the details of the agreement between Vick and the woman, Sonya Elliott, would be disclosed, Woodward said: "The only comment I've got is the case has been resolved."

Elliott, a 26-year-old health care worker, claimed she tested positive for herpes after unprotected sex with Vick in April 2003. In the complaint, filed in Gwinnett County State Court, Elliott contended that Vick "apologized profusely" for failing to disclose he was infected with the disease, which can be treated but not cured.

The lawsuit also claimed Vick used the alias "Ron Mexico" when seeking treatment for the disease.

04/24/06 18:26 EDT
Updated: 06:41 PM EDT

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exams, rodillon, wa, rod, indian reservations, water, washington, bar, law, mars, alcohol, fire, ir, aries

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