SIGNS: Penny for Your Thoughts, 1.4 Cents for the Penny

Apr 22, 2006 20:22

Here's a disgusting Sign:
  1. What happens if a penny is worth more than 1 cent?:
    1. I said Davis is the Penny
    2. C/Ent = Dominant(C) Entertainment(Ent)
    3. C/EN-T = Dominant(C) Gemini Sun(EN/EV in Greek/EE/55/SunSun) Fe-Male
  2. This week the cost of the metals in a penny rose above 0.8 cents:
    1. 8 = H = Pisces = Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Man of Steel
    2. 1.4 = 14 = Valentine's Day
    3. I said that I've had to continuously go into Davis' Subconscious Mind and manage him directly because he's so immature and incompetent
  3. It will lose nearly half a cent on each new one it mints:
    1. I've been losing money keeping Davis afloat as the Penn/Y (Pennsylvania Male)
    2. I said I'm the GO/vernment. Go = IR in Spanish
  4. But these days, zinc is newly popular:
    1. Z in C = Female V/IR-Go(Z/26/20+6) in Dominant(C)
    2. Z/Inc = Female V/IR-Go(Z) Incorporated(Inc)
    3. I said I'm Fe-male and V/IR-Go and my value is high
  5. Ed Yardeni: EY = Sun(E/5) Male(Y)
  6. Pennies, meanwhile, are in high demand. Last year, the mint made 7.7 billion of them: 7.7 = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials
  7. Most states are added to the retail price and assure that the total price of many items will require pennies to be given in change if a customer pays with dollar bills:
    1. I said I'm the Ass
    2. Ass = Tail
    3. When tack me back on, I'm a Re-Tail
    4. Every time I have to manage Davis like a little K/Id, I have to go "Re-Tail"
  8. That helps explain why the idea of eliminating the penny has gone nowhere:
    1. I said that if I had a choice, I would've cut ties with Davis a long time ago because he has cost me and my family more money over these 3 years and put me further in debt
    2. Because Davis owes so much money to my family, "eliminating him as the Penny" has gone nowhere
    3. You see how the Planet has been setting all of this up for a really long time and intentionally had Davis born in Penn. and Male
  9. So retailers demand pennies from their banks:
    1. Ban/K = Exile(Ban) Aquarius(K/11)
    2. Leo = Opposite of Aquarius
    3. Leo = Sign of SEX and SELF
    4. Notice how Banks dealing with money Ban/K or Ban Humanitarian Ideals
  10. The banks demand them from the Federal Reserve:
    1. Fe/D-ER/AL = IR Activated(Fe/Iron) Leo Female(D) Final(E+R=W) IR(AL)
    2. Re/Ser-VE = Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Existing(Ser/Be-Spanish) Gemini Sun(VE/55/LeoLeo/SunSun)
  11. The Fed orders them from the mint:
    1. M in T = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Female(T/20/XX)
    2. I'm the "M in T"
    3. Notice you've got Pennies with "P" (Aquarian Male) and Pennies with "D" (Leo Female)
  12. Many of the people who get the pennies in change throw them into a jar, where they may sit for years, requiring the mint to make more and more of them:
    1. J/AR = Cross-Eyed(J/10/X) IR(AR)
    2. JA/R = Old I o' WA(JA/IA in Old HebreW) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
    3. I I throw Davis as the Penn/.Y in a J/AR
    4. That's why Davis as K/Id is always trying to stick his hand in the Cookie J/AR
    5. I said that Cookie = Script in a Web Site.
    6. When Davis is trying to brainwash me into one of his dumb ideas, He's a K/Id putting his hand in the J/AR
    7. I'm the J/AR or the JA/R
  13. And, at these prices, lose money on every one: I gave a whole LAUNDRY LIST of how much money Davis has borrowed off of me to keep afloat.
As I said, people can ignore me. However, when I suffer, EVERYBODY suffers because an Mirror Image or Reflection is aimed back at Society. I'm like a Machine that is running the Planet.

When you don't take care of the Machine and run it into the ground, it starts to fall apart and begins to break down. I've been stretched to the limit for THREE YEARS. All this money was put out into Davis and NOTHING has come back in.

If people don't give a rat's ass about me, fine. However, the Planet intends to be heard so in order to get people's attention and show just how significant and important I am, it makes the people suffer DUMB SHIT.

That's why for anyone who discovers this years from now, they'll be literally sick to their stomach when it finally daws on them that all these problems all over the Planet are all stemming from people torturing me. Until people stop torturing me and get off my "Ba/CK," EVERYBODY has to go through this crap.

I'm doing the best I can, but I'm only human:
  1. I can't be everywhere at once
  2. I can't solve everybody's problems
  3. I said that I"m suffering from Health Problems already
  4. I've had to deal with malnutrition and not enough money to pay for food
It's not that I need to beg for alms or want anybody's pity, but I'm just stating that if people want me to be responsible for Global Trends, get off my ass and stop dragging me down,

That's why like a chained down employee who's getting abused and mistreated, I'm not motivated to help anyone. I was doing that for two years and after the third year of being flat broke and having to pay out for other people, you get fed up.

It is just financially impossible to put all the burden of 7 billiion fucking people on the flat broke, overworked, underpaid and PREGNANT Fe-Male. That's how absurd and pathetic it is. That's how sad it is. You make the pregnant, underfed female as the workhorse or the pack mule.

Then you want that same individual to solve everybody's problems and fix everything doing it alone.

That's why when people finally realize that I have Psychic Abilties and start making demands on me years from now, I swear I'll blow a fuse and go off on them. What's really pathetic is that you have all these rich people just sitting around and any one of them could've paid off my debts and cleaned everything off.

In fact the dramatic irony is that each of the Special Interest Groups had a representative over the last two years that could have EASILY solved my financial problems if they had just followed through on their Business and Contractual Agreements.

However, it always turned out that the selfish, greedy people didn't want to pay anything. Especially for Davis' services which were legitimate and where the clients using his services were OBVIOUSLY getting more than they would anywhere else.

I even have to say that all the people who didn't want to pay Davis anything up front screwed themselves over. How can you expect to get anything if you don't put anything in. You have so many cheap people who have NO track record and NO credibility that expect Davis to jump through hoops to "prove to them" that he's worthy of their services.

It's actually the other way around. Scripts are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. If you have ZERO Celebrity Talent and you have NO track record at all where nobody has ever heard of you, you need to pay out.
  1. It's the same with me. Nobody's ever heard of me
  2. "Who the Hell is Rod?"
  3. "Rod who?"
  4. Do you think anybody's going to listen to me when they've never heard of me?
  5. Why do you think people have been laughing their asses off when I say that I have Psychic Abilities?
That's why I have to go out and actually SHOW that I have Psychic Abilities. When people challenge you thinking you're full of shit, it means you have to show them goods. You have to show them you're the real deal.

If you don't, then it means you have to pay out with money.

That's why you get to see ridiculous behavior from everyone around me in the business setting going around thinking they're such hot shit when I outrank them. You see all these people barely have a name or can do anything special that are fronting a bitchy ass attitude.
  1. That's why I've been pulling in my Psychic Abilities putting the "Psychic Smackdown" on people.
  2. That's why I'm the Ro/CK = Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V in Philosophy/Non-5/2 in Digital0 Clark Kent(CK)
  3. That's why the Rock would always say, "KNOW YOUR ROLE."
  4. I say the SAME THING when you cross me, "Know your role!" :o)
  5. When it comes to me and what my rank is and what yours is, "Know your role!" :o)
That's why I'm in the Film and Entertainment Industry and why God is a Director. Go/D as "The Rock" says "Know your role!" Else you get F/IR-Ed = V/IR-Go IR Education(Ed)

I'll FI/Re you (Unconditional Rabbit)

That's why you go B(AL)D because when I yank my support out from under you as the Rabbit, you get OL/D.

When I have to give you Instructions (your Lines on what you're suppposed to say and do) and "replant seeds" to help you give birth to new ideas as Year of the Rabbit, that's how you get a Re-Seeding Hare Line!!! :o)

JOKE: What do you get when a whole line of Rabbits take one step Ba/CK?
PUNCHLINE: A Receding Hare Line :o)
  1. That's where all these Rabbit/S (Rabbit Superman) is coming from
  2. That's why I "F u CK" like a Rabbit.
  3. Rabbits in Australia (AU = 1/21 = 121 = 11 x 11 = Washington State).
  4. You have L u CK-y Rabbit's Fe-ET.
  5. You say, "Silly, Rabbit! Trix are for K/Ids!!!"
You get the Ma/Trix!!! :o)
  1. Ma/Trix = Mother(Ma) Le-FT(Tr/Non-Rt.) God(IX/9/I)
  2. You have to "unplug" from the Ma-T/RI-X
  3. M-At/RI-X= 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Sun Gemini(X/10/5x2/VII)
  4. T/RI-X = Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Sun Gemini (X/10/5x2/VII)
  5. When all of you are acting like K/Ids eating C-E/Re-AL, I transform in a C-E/Re-AL Killer!!! :o)
  6. I'm T on Y the T-I/G.E.-R.
  7. "They're G/Re-AT!!!" (God Rabbit Superman)
They have all that S u G-AR:
  1. S u G-AR = Superman(S) in Union with(U) God(G) IR(AR)
  2. S u G-AR gives you CA-VI/T-I/ES
  3. CA-VI/T-I/ES = California(CA) V/IR-Go(VI/6) Female(T/20/XX) God(I) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
  4. That's why Davis gives P/L.A.-Q u E
  5. P/L.A.-Q u E = Aquarian Male(P) Los Angeles(L.A.) God(Q-Star Trek) in Union with(U) Sun(E/5)
  6. P-L/Aq u E Aquarian Male(P) Bad(L/Non-7) Aquarius(Aq) in Union with(U) Sun(E/5)
See how OBVIOUS to the point of ABSURDITY the Planet made everything in terms of Symbolism when everything breaks down in to Acronyms? LOL

That's why when Skeptics, Religious Leaders, and World Leaders try to get smart with me, you see all the information for all the Kiddie Toys, Kiddie Movies, and Kiddie Food all unravel to show the apparent age of the people who are trying to stand in my way.

It makes it so embarrassing and humuliating for any Adults that try to front an attitude with me just because they think they're older than me and their seniority gives them an edge over mine.

We all excel in different fields. My Field of Expertise just so happens to be the Electromagnetic Field and how to properly manage the Planet :P.

A Penny for Your Thoughts, and 1.4 Cents for the Penny
By FLOYD NORRIS, The New York Times
(April 22) - What happens if a penny is worth more than 1 cent?

That is an issue the United States Mint could soon face if the price of metals keeps rising. Already it costs the mint well more than a cent to make a penny.

Last year, the U.S. Mint made 7.7 billion pennies -- more than the number of all the other coins it produced.

This week the cost of the metals in a penny rose above 0.8 cents, more than twice the value of last fall. Because the government spends at least another six-tenths of a cent - above and beyond the cost of the metal - to make each penny, it will lose nearly half a cent on each new one it mints.

The real problem could come if metals prices rise so high that it would be economical to melt down pennies for the metals they contain.

Appearances aside, pennies no longer contain much copper. In the middle of 1982, after copper prices rose to record levels, the mint starting making pennies that consist mostly of zinc, with just a thin copper coating.

But these days, zinc is newly popular. Rising industrial demand and speculation have sent the price rocketing. Since the end of 2003, zinc prices have tripled. Gold, by contrast, is up only about 50 percent.

"What is really new in the commodity world is the extent to which hard commodities have been converted to financial assets through exchange-traded funds and hedge funds," said Ed Yardeni, the chief investment strategist of Oak Associates.

"In the late 90's," Mr. Yardeni added, "my hedge fund friends were all experts in technology. Now all they talk about is zinc, lead and oil. There is a lot of money that has poured into these areas."

That may mean that a bubble is brewing, but Mr. Yardeni thinks the run is not yet over.

Asked if the mint had a backup plan for what it will do if zinc prices rise far enough that it could pay to melt down pennies, a spokesman said that such issues were for Congress to decide. Perhaps the mint could go back to making steel pennies, as it did during World War II when copper was needed for the war effort.

Pennies, meanwhile, are in high demand. Last year, the mint made 7.7 billion of them - more than the number of all the other coins it produced. In the first three months of this year, the pace of penny production rose to an annual rate of 9 billion - the highest since 2001.

Why so many? Perhaps there is now some hoarding in expectation that metal prices will keep rising, but mostly it is an issue of sales taxes, which in most states are added to the retail price and assure that the total price of many items will require pennies to be given in change if a customer pays with dollar bills. That helps explain why the idea of eliminating the penny has gone nowhere.

So retailers demand pennies from their banks, the banks demand them from the Federal Reserve, and the Fed orders them from the mint. Many of the people who get the pennies in change throw them into a jar, where they may sit for years, requiring the mint to make more and more of them.

And, at these prices, lose money on every one.

Updated: 09:45 PM EDT

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rabbits, cereal, penny, humor, davis, psychic, trix, signs, predictions, hare, pennsylvania

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