I know exactly where this article is stemming from:
- Thousands of Gulf Coast residents have been told they must repay millions of dollars in federal Hurricane Katrina benefits that were excessive or, in some cases, fraudulent:
- I said that Davis borrowed a lot of money off of my family
- In some cases, the money that Davis asked to borrow wasn't for the claims that he said they were for
- That's why you see fraudulent charges
- In Mississippi alone, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it is seeking $4.7 million from 2,044 people, giving them 30 days to repay or set up a payment plan:
- 4.7 = 47 = Letter U = Old God
- 2044 = 20/44 = Female(T/20/XX) Isabella Valentine(IV/4) x Aquarius(11)
- Some storm victims got duplicate or extra benefits because of FEMA errors, agency spokesman Eugene Brezany said, and others might have received benefits for expenses that later were reimbursed by insurance settlements:
- FE/Ma = Ir Activated(Fe/IRon) Mother(Ma)
- Eugene = Capital of OR = V in Philosophy = 5 = Leo = Sun
- Some others benefited "by intentional misrepresentation" or the mistaken belief that secondary residences qualified for payments, he said: Davis has engaged in similar acts by borrowing such money
- James McIntyre, FEMA spokesman for Louisiana, could not immediately provide figures for his state or others hit by Katrina: I said 3/28/2006 that I'm James for James Bond
- If the recipients don't repay the money or arrange a payment plan in four months, the U.S. Treasury will attempt to collect it, Brezany said:
- T/Re-AS u R-y = Female(T/20/XX) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Clark Kent(AS/33-Periodic/3x11/CxK/CK) in Union with(U) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
- B/Re-Zany = Gemini(B/2) Rabbit(Re) Crazy(Zany)
- I said I'm Gemini, born Year of the Rabbit, and people think I'm "Crazy" with my Psychic Theories
- Federal auditors have faulted FEMA for much of the benefit abuse after last fall's hurricanes, citing an inadequate accounting system:
- I'm quite aware of that problem because Davis was just borrowing money left and right
- Davis would ask to borrow money and we didn't have any organized way of monitory the money he kept borrowing
- In February, audits by the General Accounting Office and the Department of Homeland Security found that as many as 900,000 of the 2.5 million applicants who received aid under FEMA's emergency cash assistance program - which included $2,000 debit cards given to evacuees - were based on duplicate or invalid Social Security numbers, or false addresses and names:
- 900,000 = 9 x 1000 x 100 = God(I/9) 5/29(1000/M/13/Rhode Island) Female(100/10x10/XX)
- 2,000 = Gemini(2) x 5/29(1,000)
- Also in February, the Justice Department said federal prosecutors charged 212 people with fraud, theft and other counts in scams related to Gulf Coast hurricanes:
- 212 = 2/12 when Charles Schulz died = Peanuts = Charlie Brown = Charlie of Bay City Blues
- 2/12 = 2 L = LL = Lois Lane = Davis born Valentine's Day = Isabella Valentine
- I said that Isabella Valentine was using pictures of Sunny Leone and I had originally given money because I thought she was a college student
- Associated Press Writer Brett Martel in New Orleans contributed to this report:
- B/Re-TT = Gemini(B/2) Rabbit(Re) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-20/Non-Female)
- Ma-Rt/El = Mother(Ma) Correct(Rt.) Definite(El/The-Spanish)
- 04-22-06 00:22 EDT:
- I said 10/12/2005 that 4/22 is when "Howard" (representing Charlie of BCB) gets caught by a Psychic on "Minority Report"
- 22 = V the 22nd Letter = 5 in Roman Numerals = Leo the 5th Sign = Sun = Sunny Leone
- 4/22 = Isabella Valentine(IV/4 in Roman Numerals) Sun(22/V)
- Updated: 11:30 AM EDT:
- I said my Cousin Helen is born 11/30
- I said Helen is for Helen of Troy
- I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
- Writer Ron Harrist: HA/RR is T = Gemini(HA/81=9x9/IxI/II) Rod Rodillon(RR) is Female(T/20/XX)
What your'e seeing is an example of all the "Spider Tracers" that I throw on people:
- I assign tags just like the way you mark animals
- When I mark people with "Psychic Tags," they're ID Numbers
- So when news surfaces in the Associated Press, all I have to do is align the Number Tags I assigned to someone to see what they did
That's how you know that Charlie of Bay City Blues is full of shit.
We also come back to how effective and efficient my Psychic Abilities are because I use a Computerized Tagging System. When I reach out through the Electromagnetic Field and link up telepathically with people's Subconscious Minds, they give off a distinct Brainwave Signal that distinguishes them from the other 7 billion Subconscious Minds.
When I tag you with a Marker, I'll document it on my Journal. Then we'll see whether you're telling the Truth or not. Because every time that Number Tag surfaces in the News, we'll read the article that surfaces and find out who did what.
That's why I get irritated when people question my Authority as well as think I'm full of crap when I say that I'm in Charge of Law Enforcement. All I have to do is place those tags on you and Information homes in you like a Magnet and starts attaching itself to you.
I put a whole bunch of ID Tags on Charlie of Bay City Blues as well as Davis. So you see the Data that surfaces each day get drawn to them and align itself in a particular formation.
- That's why how you get the song "Every Breath You Take" by Sting and the Police
- All the women think that it's a romantic song
- Sting was saying it's a song about obsession and stalking
- I said that Isabella Valentine and all those women accused me of being a Stalker
It's the Planet conceding that Rod is a Stalker, but by the same token, people have to acknowledge that I'm in charge of LAW ENFORCEMENT and that I have Power and Command over Information, Media, Movies, and Television.
It all caters to me.
Once again, we come back to how the Planet knows how to play the game where it will concede certain things, but it's in exchange for something of even more value.
So what if Isabella Valentine and the rest of the women are able to prove Stalker Behavior. The only way to do it is by first acknowledging that I do indeed have Psychic Abilities, which means that I was telling the Truth the entire time.
It then also indicates that I do have Legitimate Claim to commanding information. If it turns out I was correct about having Psychic Abilities, it means that all the other Psychic Readings and especially the Titles of Superman, V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y, and J/ES u S C-H/RI-St. are ALSO TRUE.
See how Sadistic those choices are? :o)
Once again, I point out that if I don't have such abilities, then we don't have a problem, do we? I'm just a raving lunatic babbling about nothing and have an overactive imagination.
That's why I wasn't kidding when I say that anybody who crosses me is digging a HUGE hole for themselves and where the bad publicity will be so awful they'll have to go into hiding and may never be able to show their faces in public for a really long time.
As I've been saying for two years, I'm a bad bluffer, and I've never had to lie. I've always known that I've been playing with an Ace-High Royal Flush. I got the best hand and people who think they can outdo me with the cards they have in their had are most likely going to lose unless they can come up with an equal hand.
That's why I said 7/1/2005 that I'm King He/Rod (Gemini Rod) who has been going around "killing all the Ba-B/I-ES" under the age of Two (Gemini) so that there's only one person who qualifies. It's just like a Beauty Pageant.
I've been going around eliminating all the Competition so that there's only one person. That's why my V/IR-Go and V-IR/G-IN Mary Title out-trumps EVERYBODY. Even if you have someone else who claims to be Go/D, I qualify as the "Mother of Go/D' and only the Mother can define who is and isn't her Son. That's how I can prove that everyone else is a fake.
On top of that, even when it comes to Titles, that's just all on Paper. The real Power comes back to the People. It goes back to all the Subconscious Minds on the Planet who listen to me. It's because they like me and they know I'm a nice person. My entire Credit Rating is stored on my Subconscious.
The Subconscious Minds around the Planet all know every thought you have and whether it's sincere or if it's dishonest. You can lie to people and fool their Conscious Minds by withholding information or changing information, but the Subconscious Minds know everything that you know.
So if you have a plot or a scheme, the 7 billion Subconscious Minds of the people INCLUDING the People's Conscious Minds that you LIED TO are aware of what you did. That's why I've known for two years that Charlie is full of shit. Same with a lot of the other women as well as people who think they can fool me.
When people lie to me, all I have to do is just wait the next day to see what surfaces in the Media and cross-reference with whatever leads me to the
Internet Movie Database showing what Actors starred in what movies and married whom.
It's a really Smart Divination Tool that the Planet uses to tell who did what.
Like I said, even Adults lie. They think that if nobody's watching them and can prove that they committed a crime, they'll do it. That's why it's really to everyone's benefit to spread word about the "Psychic Live Webcam Feed" Theory.
When people's Conscious Minds get wind of this, they'll think twice about lying, cheating, and stealing.
You also reintroduce the concept of "God is Watching Over You." It may not be exactly the same way that people imagined 20 years ago and for the last 2,000 years, but it functions on Scientific Principles that will gain compliance by a majority of people.
That's why Banks and certain areas will plant visible cameras so that people are fully aware that they're being observed and recorded. It makes people think twice before committing a crime. The same thing goes for letting people know about how their very own eyes and ears are the Video Camera serving for the Planet.
FEMA Wants $4.7 Million Back From Katrina Victims
JACKSON, Miss. (April 22) - Thousands of Gulf Coast residents have been told they must repay millions of dollars in federal Hurricane Katrina benefits that were excessive or, in some cases, fraudulent.
In Mississippi alone, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said it is seeking $4.7 million from 2,044 people, giving them 30 days to repay or set up a payment plan.
Some storm victims got duplicate or extra benefits because of FEMA errors, agency spokesman Eugene Brezany said, and others might have received benefits for expenses that later were reimbursed by insurance settlements.
Some others benefited "by intentional misrepresentation" or the mistaken belief that secondary residences qualified for payments, he said.
More people could get repayment notices as more applications are reviewed, Brezany said. Recipients could have received $2,000 to $26,200.
James McIntyre, FEMA spokesman for Louisiana, could not immediately provide figures for his state or others hit by Katrina. Aaron Walker, the agency's chief spokesman, said in an e-mail he also could not immediately respond.
The form letter sent to the aid recipients said that they could appeal the charges. Even so, it said, "FEMA strongly encourages" them to pay the debt or set up a repayment plan to avoid being charged penalties or interest in case the appeal fails.
If the recipients don't repay the money or arrange a payment plan in four months, the U.S. Treasury will attempt to collect it, Brezany said.
Federal auditors have faulted FEMA for much of the benefit abuse after last fall's hurricanes, citing an inadequate accounting system. The federal Government Accountability Office has said thousands of inappropriate payments were made because people could repeatedly apply for and collect benefits.
In February, audits by the General Accounting Office and the Department of Homeland Security found that as many as 900,000 of the 2.5 million applicants who received aid under FEMA's emergency cash assistance program - which included $2,000 debit cards given to evacuees - were based on duplicate or invalid Social Security numbers, or false addresses and names.
Also in February, the Justice Department said federal prosecutors charged 212 people with fraud, theft and other counts in scams related to Gulf Coast hurricanes.
Associated Press Writer Brett Martel in New Orleans contributed to this report.
04-22-06 00:22 EDT
Updated: 11:30 AM EDT
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