LESSONS: "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," DMV, Legal Notices

Apr 20, 2006 14:14

Robert Davis at the DMV
I said Robert Davis was the one who was helping me at the DMV. He was a Nice guy. He was pretty laid back. I said 4/19/2006 how I was bitching about Davis and the Domino Effect:
  1. The example the Planet was showing me was that it wasn't Robert Davis' responsibility to tell me that I should've taken time to read the Instruction Manual
  2. I had received a Notice from the DMV that listed out on paper what I had to do
  3. I've been distracted these last two years with work and setting everything up
  4. The mundane things happening in my life are low priority when you're busy managing Global Trends and trying to keep everyone safe
  5. That's how you get the movie "Incredibles" where Mr. Incredible who used to save people for a living gets stuck in a mundane lifestyle as an insurance agent getting pushed around in a job that sucks just like me
You see the same thing with Peter Parker in "Spider-Man 2" where he's a Superhero, but he's so broke:
  1. His anal boss is J. Jonah Jameson
  2. JJJ = 3 x J
  3. J = 10 = X = 24th Letter = 24 = BD = Davis' Initials
  4. I said Davis hasn't been paying me anything. It's another clue as to Davis when it comes to finances
  5. I said that people have been given specific tags in their names and such to indicate who they are when you hold their identities up to the Black Light and see their Serial ID Numbers show
I can even take it a step further regarding the Spider-Man Prophecy:
  1. I said 4/19/2006 about my Aunt Rosemary
  2. Peter Parker has Aunt May
  3. Rose(Ma)r(y) = May - Gemini(Ro) - Superman(S) - Sun(E/5) - Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  4. That's how you get that private joke in "Spider-Man" when Aunt May says, "You do too much. You're not Superman, you know."
  5. I said 4/3/2006 that I'm the real Superman
  6. I said 4/19/2006 how my Driver's License was given on 6/27 for Tobey Maguire's Birthday who plays Spider-Man
You see how Spider-Man is so rundown and broke where he can't even afford to pay rent. That's how bad things got. That's why sometimes I can't help but be unhappy by how the Writers think it makes for great drama, but they don't realize that all those problems they write for people are the hoops that I have to jump through.

That's why in "Galaxy Quest" you see Gwen DeMarco having a shitfit about the "Chompers"
  1. They have to make it through without getting smushed and then jump through a Wall of Fire.
  2. It makes no sense logically, but it was placed there for dramatic effect by the writers
  3. That's how it is for me where I have to jump through all these hoops that Writers over the years have laid
That's where you get this abuse and mistreatment where you shove somebody with this task. People think that Dungeons and Dragons are just mythical. They think that Heroes of Lore and Legends are just fantasies.

They exist. I have to put up with all this stuff. It's just being translated in terms that people can relate to with a Magical Realm so that it glosses over the parts that can't be currently explained by Science.

Not Heeding Warnings
As I said Robert Davis from the DMV is a mirror image of Davis three years ago who was telling me to set up a Business Credit Card with a $100,000 Credit Limt:
  1. I didn't send in for one in time
  2. We had 30 days to do a 20-episode Indonesian Soap Opera
  3. It was a last minute thing where Zara and Zsolt Zsemba asked us to do it
  4. Davis was banking on an August 2003 Project. So technically, you could even argue that Davis was the one who pushed for it while I was the one being held liable
  5. If Davis had passed up the opportunity and just settled for the August 2003 Project rather than trying to do the June 2003 Project, I would've been able to register for a Business Credit Card
  6. Because I was still in the process of moving from San Diego to Los Angeles in July 2003, my entire finances were caught up in a whirlwind
  7. The business wasn't even fully set up yet. Technically, you could argue that Davis gambled with my reputation
Davis always claims that I always had a say as the Cheif Financial Officer. However, he glosses over the fact that he would cover some of the expenses claiming their for one thing when they were really for something else unrelated to the project. He was using funds to to pay back old debts to people that had nothing to do with the production.

As I said, I have the check stubs. I know who he wrote checks out to and if you summon the records from Washington Mutual between June 2003 - August 2003, they'll show to whom checks were written.

That's why I said about the omen where Davis had a nice new BMW October 2002 that got completely demolished when he was pulling out of a driveway. He got hit by another person named Blaney just like his first name. Davis walked away from the completely totaled BMW without a scratch. He didn't have to go to the hospital or anything.

That BMW symbolized me being completely totaled and destroyed as a car. I said the Human is a Car. BMW = Gemini(B/2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Final(W)
  1. When it came to Robert Davis at the DMV, he said "You're going to have to take a written test."
  2. He left the comment sort of hanging in the air an was just looking at me.
  3. I thought about it (blankly") without giving it much thought because I was anxious to get my Driver's License be out of there as soon as possible. I didn't want to be at the DMV any longer than possible
  4. I said enthusiastically, "Oh, okay!"
If I had known, I would've thought it out more and maybe asked to get a Driver's Guide to do a refresher course. Maybe take an hour or two off and read through the manual to semi-prep for it.

That's what I believe Robert Davis kind of suspected, but he didn't really want to say anything.

That's the exact same laid back attitude that Davis took with me. However, I would have to side with Robert Davis and state that technically it's not his responsibility.
  1. HOWEVER, I bet that if Robert Davis knew my Identity he and the DMV would be more accommodating and understanding
  2. If Robert Davis knew that these delays me not getting my License is what caused those 69 people in that Cable Car to get stranded up there, he would've taken more care of me
  3. If Robert Davis knew that it was going to cause a kid to steal a teacher's Minivan that day and drive off with that vehicle without a license mirroring me without a License, Robert Davis and the DMV would've been more supportive
  4. If the Police Officer who gave me that Ticket on 10/29/2004 in Pomona knew my Identity and how important it was for me to get from Point A to Point B like an Emergency Vehicle, he wouldn't have given me the ticket
  5. If Davis knew that trying to borrow money off of me caused two people to die on a race track and two Nigerian Planes to fall out of the Sky killing a cumulative of over 200 people, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing
I never claimed that I deserve any special treatment, but I keep trying to make the point that when poeple mistreat me, it gets projected onto the Planet and other people are forced to suffer when I suffer.

That's just the way the Planet set it up. How else do you expect the Planet to retaliate and prove that it chose me as the Ambassador and the Planetary Ambassador and spokesperson for the Planet is to be taken seriously?

This is why I'm so unhappy and miserable right now. I'm so exhausted, tired, and broke. Everyone keeps on stretching me in every direction, and it's been like this for THREE YEARS.

Peter Parker Broke in "Spider-Man 2"
You see in "Spider-Man 2" how exhausted Peter Parker is.
  1. He's never on time
  2. He's late to class
  3. He can't hold down a job because he's late for work as a result of saving people's lives that are critical
That's the problem I have. That's the Life of a Superhero. You won't see any sympathy from people because they don't believe Superheroes are out there. So when I screw up because I'm late, miss payments, or forget to do something because my mind is so overwhelmed and preoccupied, people suffer.

How much of a burden can you put on one individual? That's how we come back to the whole Jesus Christ Scenario where all this weight and having to bear a Cross while everyone is spitting on him isn't that far off.

People think I'm being insulting to their Religion and desecrating their Religious Icons by comparing myself to that which they hold most Holy, but they don't realize that I'm living it.

I'm so tired. I'm just like a U.S. Soldier that got shipped off to Iraq laying my life on the line. You can't even bitch or complain about it properly because people don't believe you, which is expected.

Even when I write this now, I already resigned myself to the fact that few people at all if any are really paying attention much less believe me. The story and the stuff I write now isn't about the people today or if anyone actually believes it as of 4/20/2006.

I write this for the people of the Tomorrow. I write this for the people centuries from now that get to see how SHITTY things were and how bad things got. It's a Sign of the Times. As we all know, people will glorify events.

Maybe years from now, people will be drawing paintings with me having halo around my head and or standing majestically in some painting with a huge Superman Insignia on my Chest staring off square-jawed into the Sunset.

Even if that's the case, right now I'm sitting in a really messy and tiny little room.with a rickety laptop has been overworked, with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, with prescription glasses that are 4 years out of date because I can't afford to go to the eye doctor, and $94.00 in my bank account.

I'm sitting on $20,000 worth of debt owed to the Credit Card Company that I'm paying a minimum balance of $250/month. I have over $30,000 that is owed to my family that isn't even my debt. It's all the loans that Davis took.

That's how BAD things are and whatever happens to me is a reflection of what's going on around the Planet. The way that my life is in utter disarray mirrors the state of the Planet and how messed up it is.

Chapter 11 for Aquarius the 11th Sign
It's where you take one innocent person who didn't do anything and then you completely fuck up his life as a result of other people's selfishness and greed. That's why we come to the tug of war between Money and Love.

What's more important?
  1. That's why the Planet even set it up where Chapter 11 is for Bankruptcy
  2. We're moving into the Age of Aquarius, which is the 11th Sign
  3. K is the 11th Letter. Kryptonite starts with the Letter "K" for that reason
I said 4/3/2006 that I'm the real Superman:
  1. I said that I'm a Nice Guy
  2. I'm extremely lenient
  3. My "Kryptonite" is when people try to appeal to my sense of Humanity and Decency
  4. That's how I'm sitting in the mess that I'm in
You get to see what happens when you take an individual who is raised with Morals and Ethics and tries to implement that Operating Procedure in the world we live in.

That's why if people wonder how it is that I became hard-nosed or more unsympathetic to the plight of others, it's because I got burned way too many times. After you get burned enough times, you learn to just start looking out for yourself.

That's really sad because you get see how far off the Planet is from the place we would like to live in.

"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Prophecy
As I said, Davis did the same thing three years ago that Robert Davis did when he was telling me to get a Business Credit Card while I had a good credit rating so that I would have a$100,000 Credit Limit.

I will concede that Davis told me to do that:
  1. "You better get a Business Credit Cardwith a $100,000 Limit before we go into Production."
  2. I said "Okay"
  3. I never got it and Davis never pressed the issue
So TECHNICALLY, if we want to SPLIT HAIRS when it comes to blame, we can play the game of conceding that maybe it's Rod's fault for his mess and he shouldn't be blaming Davis because he did warn me about three times that I can recollect.

HOWEVER, let me show you how Karma comes back around if people want to play that Game:
  1. I have been giving repeated warnings for TWO YEARS NOW
  2. All my warnings go unanswered
  3. Nobody takes me seriously because they think I'm a friggin' loony and a space case
  4. In "Dukes of Hazzard," Bo and Luke ask if the guy who was sent to warn all the townsfolk to go to the Courthouse was wearing an Armadillo Helmet on his head, which he was. Who's going to take that person seriously?
  5. I have said what is going on, and I got laughed at, ridiculed, spit on, and told to do everyone a favor and fuck off
If the Planet is moving ahead with Reconstruction and Renovation over the Planet and changing the Rules, you can bet that there are going to be a whole lot of pissed off people that are going to whine and complain saying they never got any notification or warning whatsoever.
  1. If you watch "Hithhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," you see how the Vogons show up and surround Planet Earth
  2. The Commander of the Vogons gives broadcast message to the People of Earth
  3. He says that plans for an Interstellar Highway have been sitting on display at the Intergalactive Space Office for 50 years
  4. He claims that no Ambassador from Planet has ever surfaced to contest this
The Dramatic Irony about this scene in the movei is:
  1. The audience watching the movie is laughing because we all know no one in this reality has the developed technology for interstellar to travel to even go and protest
  2. They wouldn't even know what to do
  3. No one even KNEW that there was such plans
The People of Earth have been given all kinds of notices and signs of what's to come.

It's the same thing with me where I'm the Planning Committee:
  1. Believe it or not, I've been setting up changes and setting things in motion using the Psychic Realm and the Subconscious Minds
  2. I said the Mind is like a Planet
  3. The Planet is like a human brain floating in space orbiting around the Sun
  4. So I would be like the Headquarters on "Planet Rod"
  5. Nobody knows about this, especially because they don't believe I have the authority or the power to do so
  6. Obviously such notices get ignored
In "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," you see all the Vogons surround Planet Earth and detonate it. All the people on the Planet are screaming in panic and running around freaking out.

That's symbolic of me as the Planet Earth and each of my Individual Brain Cells symbolic of one human individual. When I got obliterated financially, that was like Planet Earth getting vaporized and completely destroyed.

This is where we come back the example I said with Davis:
  1. If people looking at the situation think that it's my fault for not having covered my ass and gotten a Business Credit card, that's fine
  2. However, it means you also have to concede that when I make changes and I've been giving repeated warnings about how people better make preparations to do this or that for the impending Legislation that is going to affect them and people don't, then they too are in the SAME RUT that I'm in
  3. It means that people shouldn't be complaining about the stuff I do because I explained things and said what's happening
In my case, I would've liked more Sympathy from people regarding my plight. It's still open-ended. At the end of the movie, you see how Earth got destroyed, but Slartibartfast who created the Planet had a "backup copy" of Planet Earth and was able to restore it to its original self before it got blown up.
  1. I'm like Planet Earth that got destroyed by the Vogons
  2. V-Og/On = Sun(V/5) Non-IR(Og/Non-Go) Activated(On)
  3. Slartibartfast says Planet Earth is run by Mice
  4. M/Ice = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Diamond(Ice)
  5. Notice that there are 2 Mice
The nice part about all of this is that things can be undone. The People of Earth can undo the damage and restore me, but the Planet is just showing how bad things can get.

The Planet was reconstructed in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" because it had the answer

The answer was 42:
  1. There was a backup program
  2. 4/2 = Mars(4/4th Planet) Communication(B/2)
  3. 40 + 2 = Male(2 x 20/Female-Female/Non-Female) Gemini(B/2)

  4. I said 7/16/2005 that the Compass Map shows SW (Southwest) as 42
People just need to take a really good look at all the Signs in front of them and where the Planet is headed. That's why the Sun jokes about how the World is going to "End." End = Ass. California is shaped like an Ass, which is where Los Angeles symbolic of Heaven is.

Since everyone wants to go to Heaven, that's how the World is going to End!!! :o)

Get it??? It's punny!!! :D

Holy Grail Tech Support
The reason why you'd install it in a human being as the most sophisticated computer ever is because it's a Tutorial all rolled up into one.

Do you really think that you or the Scientists on the Planet are that smart and can figure out how to use all things int he Psychic Realm? They'll have questions. That's where I come in as Interactive Tech Support and a "Smart Computer" that will help them troubleshoot.

If I was just a regular computer machine "handed down from God" like the Electronic Holy Grail, do you think people would know how to use it?

Are you sure that all the Scientists that are examining and trying to figure out how the Electronic Holy Grail works that they'd undrestand it?

What if there's a problem? Do you think the Scientists would be able to figure it out or do you think they'd like to have some "Divine" TECH SUPPORT to tell help them troubleshoot and figure out what's wrong?

That's why it was INSTALLED in me so I can tell you what's wrong and help you troubleshoot.

One thing about regular computers is that they won't tell you what's wrong. They won't offer you any solutions. They'll just give you a readout. Robert Davis is technically like a variation of that. He gave a print-out that said, "You know you're going to have to take a Written Test, right?"

It "kind of" implied that there could be a problem if I'm not prepared. The reason why I don't hold Robert Davis accountable in any way, shape, or form is because it's really not his responsibility to "nursemaid" me.

If Robert Davis had been a Machine or a Kiosk giving out Print-Out, you wouldn't blame the Machine. It's an inanimate object. It's up to you to figure it out on your own what you're going to need to do and make preparations.

Msot people have this tendency where they'll ASSUME things about other people. That's how you get people going to court. I just "assumed" that Robert Davis would be able to tell me more about what to do, but really the mistake was on my part and not his.

By conceding this, people should also take the same approach with me. They should not be coming to me bitching and complaining about how I didn't give really good notices or didn't give people the appropriate time frame.

There's an actual countdown as we speak. Things are happening and the Planet Earth is not where it should be at and I know for sure that the Planet has some repercussions and some nasty things set up to send a message to the People of Earth to get their asses in gear.

Notice that people don't blame God for their problems or things that happen because they think that God either doesn't exist or there's no "representative" or emissary that they can send their complaints. That's why you don't see anyone ever really complain. They just accept it.

One of the things I already know is that once people really verify that my Psychic Abilities are legitimate and really do influence Planetary Events, you're going to see this swarm of people come at me with complaints or begging for alms.

They're going to want me to do things for them and for me to take care of their problems. If a young kid is accidentally killed or murdered, guess whom they're going to point the finger and blame. Me. Not the Planet. Not themselves. It will be me because I'm the Physical Figurehead. I'm visible. You can see me.

That's how you see that news article about a Sanitation Worker who backed the garbage truck into his own car and tried to sue the City for it. The City was stating that you can't sue if you're the one that caused the problem.

Superman Shaking His "S" on the Dancefloor
The same thing goes for me because I work for the "Daily Planet." The orders I get are handed down to me. People should really be taking this up with the Planet.
  1. I already said 1/17/2006 about the Superhero Law Suit prophecized in "The Incredibles"
  2. Olver Sansweet who was trying to commit suicide sues Mr. Incredible for his neck injuries and wins
  3. Then other people get bold and start suing Mr. Incredible
I said that's what people are going to try doing with me:
  1. They're going to try sue me
  2. When a Hurricane or a Tornado whooshes in and kills someone's family member, they're going to try suing Rod
  3. Insurance Companies are going to try getting SNEAKY and insert a clause where tehy shouldn't be liable for "Superhero Damages"
  4. So you're going to get a lot of PISSED OFF people that won't get covered by their Insurance and they'll blame me
People have this idealistic impression of Superman, but a real Superman in this world would get into so much trouble. That's why he'd need a secret identity to hide from Law Suits:
  1. Ever notice how Superman will throw villains through buildings and walls? Who pays for the damages?
  2. When Spider-Man fights against Villains and cars get overturned who pays for that? How come you never see the owners of those vehicles slap a Law Suit on Spider-Man?
Trust me. When it comes to money, there are people out there that don't care WHO you are. They'll sue you.
  1. I said 3/3/2006 about Jessica Alba as the real Sue Storm
  2. Jessica Alba sued Playboy but doesn't realize that was me behind the scenes causing that
  3. Hugh Hefner and Playboy are the ones who had to clean up that mistake and where Hugh Hefner agreed to donate to the charity of Jessica Alba's choice
  4. If people knew I had something to do with it, guess who'd get sued :P
That's why the Sun as "God" in our Solar System pitted itself on the other side of Aquarius for Humanitarian Ideals.

It makes sense. how would you like it if one of your blood cells in your body tried suing your Larynx because your Voice said something insulting to another person and the person who was insulted punched your arm resulting in a bruise symbolizing the death of 1,000 blood cells.

Of those killed blood cells, one of the "relatives" of those blood cells gets angry and sues the Larynx for having said those things that resulted in Death.

That's what they're basically doing. So who gets held accountable? Who's going to pay for that? How much is your protection worth to you?

Some people wish that Superman was a real person, but it's a double-edged sword. People don't think of the repercussions and should be careful for what they wish for. That's why technically, people should be relieved that I'm mortal and going to die. I'll be out of their hair and no longer in their way.

As soon as I'm dead, nobody has to worry or won't have anyone to point the finger. I just hope that when I die it's in my sleep and of old age and not because I got assassinated :P.

Technically, I already got Ass-Ass/IN Ate-D = Gemini(2) God Gemini Superman(Ass) Final(I+N=W) consumed(Ate) Leo Female(D). That's how you get the Black Widow Spider with BIG ASS :o).

That's why in the Season Premiere you see that personal joke in "Superman" the Cartoon

LOIS LANE: (examining a picture of Superman and his butt) Nice ass
CLARK KENT: (offended) Excuse me?
LOIS LANE: I said he has a nice "S"

That's why I have very nice "S" :o). I know how to shake my "S" on the Dancefloor! :D

spiderman, history, movies, davis, psychic, superman, signs, prophecies, law, dmv, armageddon, god

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