Do you want to know an interesting, but tragic Prophecy regarding my Family Tree?
- I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
- I said that my cousin Helen symbolizes Helen of Troy
- I said that Helen as my older cousin used to take care of me and look after me
- One thing that happened to Helen is that she because extremely athletic and "bulked up" and gained weight
- Helen was dating this guy for a really long time
- The guy said to Helen that she'd gotten fat
- Helen was so hurt and pissed off that she broke it off with that guy
My aunt told me that the guy was broken-hearted. When his friends would introduce her to another girl, he'd say, "Yeah, but it's not Helen." I don't think Helen ever forgave that guy and she's still currently single as far as I know. Not that it means anything.
I said 4/18/2006 that Sunny Leone has gotten "pudgy." If you look carefully, you see how she's gained weight because of this entire ordeal where her Subconscious has been affecting her metabolism.
Probably someday, what I posted here is going to come haunt me because Sunny Leone or someone who knows Sunny Leone is going to repeat to her what I said and she'll be upset when she hears that.
This is how we get an example of things to come and how they've already happened in certain circles in my life or people associated with me.
I should probably delete that comment about Sunny so as not to hurt her feelings, but I try to keep an honest Journal that says everything good and bad. I've always tried to be honest and where you stick by whatever you say. A lot of times, I say things that are just offhanded comments, but people choose to take offense to them.
I say whatever is on my mind while other people don't. However, is that silence a good thing? Look at how many people never say what they truly feel because they're afraid they'll lose their friends. That's what happened to me. I opened my mouth and started talking about Psychic Phenomenon, which was way out in right field and look what happened and how many friends I lost, how many stopped talking to me, or are uncomfortable.
So far Valerie is the onely woman thus far that has actually read my Journal and didn't all weird about it. That's why there's actually an advantage in the long term about being honest. You may have fewer people you can actually call your friends, but at least you know you can speak your mind and don't have to be fake about it.
They already know all the worst parts about you and it doesn't come out of the blew or where that "weirdness" is sprung on you. A lot of times people "act normal," but then they pull a surprise on you and start getting creepier the more you get to know them. At least with me, what you see is what you get. You already learn from the outset that I'm freaky because I'm already talking how I usually talk.
Words are just words. They only hurt if you let them. We also start getting into semantics and regarding intent. What if you just said something and you didn't mean for it to be mean or hurt the person's feelings?
This is, of course, contrary to what I said where Words can kill. You can kill people with a simple thought and if you're not carefully, you can physically hurt people.
I said 3/28/2006 where "Smoking's Bad" and she chose to take offense to it as if it's a direct attack on her as a person. It was never meant like that.
Personally, I think that it was neither good nor bad because she doesn't realize that by being an attractive model who is in sexy lingerie holding a cigarette posting those pictures publicly that there are some horny, young teenage boys that could get the idea that to win someone as pretty as Jessica over, they need to be "cool" and smoke cigarettes as well.
They could get the idea that "cool people smoke." So therefore it justifies smoking. My comment about smoking was simply because I saw her holding a cigarette in the picture.
- It's the same thing where I was complaining 4/19/2006 about the DMV suspending my License
- Do you think the DMV cares that I was rushing to pick Davis up and was late for an appointment? No
- I was the one whose license got suspended because I was the one behind the wheel
The same thing goes for Davis. People can complain about how I'm using my Psychic Abilities to "control" Davis and make him do all kinds of things, but you pay attention to the Driver. You've got backseat drivers that are whispering in your ear telling you what to do.
If you've got a Passenger in your car that tells you to cross over solid lines and into oncoming traffic causing accidents, do you think you can tell the Police Officers, "It's not my fault. It was Rod in the Passenger Seat who told me to do it!" Do you really think that's going to fly in court or getting out of trouble?
You're supposed to have enough sense to shake off such influence.
Then we come to the OTHER side where I keep bitching and complaining about Davis and his DUMB ideas:
- Gee. Guess who listened to Davis and got into trouble
- Guess who didn't do a background check on Davis to see what his track record was and if he did jail time
- Guess who didn't check what kind of problems Davis had with people he owed before going into business with him?
Yup. That would be me.
That's why even Davis is getting punished because he was forgetting to read people's scripts. One of the rules made in this Film & Entertainment Industry is where you need to read a potential client's script BEFORE you take on a project.
In the Film Industry, you'll find that people promoting their scripts want you to do things for them. When you don't read a Script first, you could get into a lot of trouble. In Davis' case, I didn't read his Script.
TRANSLATION: I didn't read Davis' Personality and Behavior, which is his SCRIPT
- Script is a term used to refer to lines of code in Web Page Designs
- Script is also a term used to refer to Psychological Behavior that people follow
It's not very flattering, but the hard Lesson learned is that Davis is a BAD SCRIPT.
I hate to say it, but he was designed to be a Loser. L/OS-ER = Bad(L/Non-7) Operating System(OS) Mount St. Helens(E-R/5-18).
I swear to you it's the Truth. I'm not kidding.
- The hard lesson is that I should've read Davis and checked his background out thoroughly before doing business with him
- If I had done the time in checking out his background, it would've saved my credit rating from having $20,000 dumped on it
- It would've saved my mom from selling out over $40,000
- It would've helped me avoid a Speeding Ticket and getting my License suspended
- It would've saved me from having my car and me being used as his personal limo service
- it would've saved my Cell Phone Plan from getting flushed down the Toilet
Davis was RIDING on all of these things passing himself off as an expert and capitalizing on my shy, Nice Guy personality that was too timid to question him.
That's why Davis was even complaining about how he negotiated badly with James Dylrymple regarding his Script. I said I'm the real James Bond. It's Karma coming back on Davis for all the crap he pulled.
That's why Davis got punished again where he has to pay $20,000 to Dave Summers before he can borrow money from Dave. It turned out that Davis gave more than enough resources to Dave Summers, but Dave Summers outplayed Davis in the negotiation and Davis didn't realize what he had.
That's why even when Davis tries to bullshit people with his own version of the story, you can check the Motor Vehicle Records that shows in October 2002 how his BMW was completely totaled when another guy also named BLANEY hit him with a Truck.
Davis will attest that he was "lucky" and was able to walk away from that car wreck WITHOUT A SCRATCH.
The BMW, however, was completely destroyed.
I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car. The Planet set that in there as a Marker for Davis to look hard at what he did and realize how badly he damaged me financially.
I was an utter mess and a complete wreck. That completely demolished BMW = Gemini(B/2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Final(W).
That was symbolic of my finances and me as an individual. I was a shiny new vehicle that got utterly destroyed and Davis didn't get blamed for any of it.
That's why I said that even before I knew about my Psychic Abilities two years ago, everyone who's ever screwed me over or been unnecessarily cruel or mean to me would suffer a streak of bad luck. They get punished.
I didn't even realize that Valerie got punished as well:
- Valerie abandoned me in in February 2002 by just disappearing
- Her mother died. I said I'm the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y or the Virgin Mother
- When Valerie left me hanging and waiting loyally and faithfully for her after an entire year, Valerie got punished by having her mother killed off
Bliss thought that Valerie's story about the mother dying was made up. I think the mother did actually die.
Even as I type this now, someone named "Chrissy" on Shangrila just posted a bulletin, which is Bliss' real name. This is an example of how things are timed. I used to just sit online and watch the Bulletins that scroll and that are in time with whatever it is that I do. It's a really sophsticated System.
Getting back to my story, there was another case when I was working at the store where Victor Nigro was working with this individual whom I accidentally released a ring even though it wasn't fully paid for.
If that person hadn't paid, it would've come out of my paycheck. Victor told me he called the guy and the guy was short-tempered and said that he's at a Funeral. Victor said that it's unfortunate, but it still doesn't change the fact that money is owed.
It happened to be a "stroke of luck" where the fiancee didn't want that particular style of ring and the guy ended up having to return it. I have a feeling that death in that guy's family was no coincidence. That's how you can tell who died.
There are a lot of freaky things that happen all around me. That's why I've earned the
Title of Rod Serling and the "Twilight Zone." Strange things can and WILL happen to people.
That's why in the show, you see how people who acted selfishly or did something shady ended up being their own undoing.
I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica Jaymes' dad killed himself 3 years ago. She was wondering why and it comes full circle regarding what she did to me.
People may think I'm trying to brag or show off, but I'm not. I'm just laying out what I've seen. As I said I'm usually unassuming and don't really do much of anything. It isn't until people go out of their way to be unnecessarily cruel or try to exploit me that they suffer Bad Karma.
The reason why I rationalize it to be this way is because my own "Innocence" and Good Nature is to be preserved so that I don't get dragged down. It's like a Protective Force Shield surrounding me. When people try to mess with me, my Psychic Auto-Defenses kick in and messing with people.
It shouldn't come as a surprise though. What's the point of the Planet devoting all this time to create a good, decent human being, sharing this information with that person, and then leaving it open-ended where some greedy, selfish opportunists realizes what the "naive" person has and steals it to be perverted for personal gain?
We all know there are selfish, materialistic people that only see Dollar Signs. You know that you're going to run into these people eventually and that they're going to try taking advantage of said individual who's as dumb as a post and believes everything he's told.
That's why I was given the unique Power of Interpretation. People can lie to me, but if I believe it, it can manifest itself into a Truth. However, we also come back to how all the 7 billion Subconscious Minds around the Planet are able to read everyone's minds.
So if someone sneaky has an ulterior motive, the Planet comprised of the Cumulative Intelligence of 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet is thinking a couple steps ahead.