LESSONS: Elevator Accident, Non-Metal Circuitry, Terrorism

Apr 13, 2006 15:00

Here's a morbid reading that hints at who gets selected when it comes to "accidents."
  1. A construction worker was decapitated by an elevator car Thursday as he peered into a freight-elevator shaft: You could call it a form of "Psychic Terrorism" and how the Planet starts choosing people with specific name tags to die when people don't listen to me and take me seriously like Davis
  2. Pittsburgh: I said 4/11/2006 that Davis is from Pittsburgh
  3. The accident happened at the site of a nine-story former warehouse: 9 = I = My First Initial
  4. The 44-year-old man:
    1. 44 = 4 x 11
    2. 4 = IV = Isabella Valentine
    3. 11 = Aquarius = Davis born Aquarius on Valentine's Day
  5. Massaro Corp. president Joseph Massaro III: Ma-SS/E-Ro = Mother(Ma) Gemini Superman(SS) Sun(E/5) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V/Non-5/2 in Digital)
I realize some poeple would be abhorred by such an act:
  1. "That's so cruel!"
  2. "I can't believe the Planet is actually targeting people to die!"
  3. "That's sick and twisted how people getting murdered!"
Well... Yeah, technically that's true from a Human Perspective. That's a really depressing way to look at it though:
  1. Just how exactly is the Planet going to prove that it's actually alive and sentient then?
  2. Are you saying that you've got a better idea on how to show people that the Planet is alive?
  3. Do you really think people are going to take me or the Planet seriously
If I just flap my arms and say, "Hey! Look! I have written proof in my Journal that says the Planet is alive!" do you really think people are going to read it?
  1. No, they'll just laugh
  2. Other people will just snort and say that's the DUMBEST IDEA I've ever heard
  3. You should get yourself checked in a Mental Institution
This is all I've heard for TWO YEARS. That's how far you get with the Nice, Polite Method. People just ignore you or walk all over you thinking you're full of shit an a waste of everyone's time
  1. I said 1/1/2006 that hanging Signs on people's back is ineffective
  2. Davis is a PRIME example
  3. Davis works with me
  4. He goes to al lthe Business Meetings with me
  5. You'd be probably shocked if you knew how many business meetings Davis has gone to and where it's all in front of his face
  6. Davis is the best example of the attitude people take and where they won't see what's right in front of them if they don't want to
You can all deny it and claim that you're "reasonable people" that would stop and listen if I stopped you on the street and told my story to you, but most people are all talk.

I hate to say it, but I'd behave just like everyone else if some BUM on the street stopped me and said the "The World is going to End."
  1. Technically that's a Prophetic State
  2. I said I'm the A/SS
  3. A/SS = God(A) Gemini Supemman(SS)
  4. Ass = End
  5. The World is going to "End"
  6. Translation: The world is being handed over to the indivudal who is the "A/SS"
  7. That's why I qualify as the "End" (/A/SS) of the World
  8. Notice how California is shaped like an Ass
  9. Ass = Butt
  10. B u TT = Communication(B/2) in Union with(U) Gemini(2) Fe-Male(T/20/XX)
That's whey say that the "End" of the World is N-E/AR:
  1. N-E/AR = Sun(N-V in Greek/5/Leo) Sun(E/5/Leo) IR(AR/1R/IR)
  2. That's why the song "The End of the World" is by R.E.M.
  3. Re/M = Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
  4. R/EM = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Sun 5/29(E-M/5-13)
See how the entire Language coupled with History, Grammar, and Math unlocks.

It shoudln't come as a surprise that we've been learning about Math and, more specifically Algebra. Algebra uses Letters. There are 26 Letters i nthe Alphabet.

Wouldn't it make sense that there has to be at least one FINITE answer where the Number System and the Alphabet coincide where everything calculates perfectly as a Mathematical Equation?

There may be millions or even billions of probably outcomes, but there has to be at least ONE combination that works if you really tried to search for a working Equation.
  1. That's where the Planet comes in as being a Super Computer.
  2. I said 12/19/2005 about Non-Metal Circuitry
  3. I said that the Human Brain Tissue is organic, but the Electrical Activity functions in an organic or Non-Metal Environment
  4. That's why you've got IRON in your Blood
It's like Liquid Metal that is mobile and if you shift around, you can house Electricity or create formation of Electrical "movement" that is concentrated in different hemispheres of the brain

You even see a clue of this in "X2: X-Men United" where Rebecca Romijn (RR = Rod Rodillon) as Mystique seduces the Security Guard and injects Iron into his body after he passes out from being drugged.

When the Security Guard enters the Holding Cell that has had all Metal removed to keep Magneto under control, the Magneto SUCKS all the IRON out of the Security Guard. It's just enough for him to create three metal balls of iron.

I do the same thing when it comes to influencing people using Psychic Abilities and their thinking. That Iron in your Blood makes you susceptible to Psychic Mind Influence. That's why my Initials are IR and I'm IR Activated(On).

That's why I'm IR-On Man = Man of Steel = Superman.
  1. The Planet is the same way
  2. Electricity flows in the Path of Least Resistence just like Water
  3. As the Earth spins on its Axis, it creates an Electromagnetic Field emanating from the Iron Core
  4. The Electricity generated radiates from the Core
  5. As it extends outward through the Sedimentary Rock, it follows the Path of LEAST Resistence the SAME WAY Electrical Impulses in your brain flows through organic brain tissue in the path of least resistence
  6. That Limestyle and Sedimentary Rock is a Planetary Circuitboard that serves as the Intelligence
  7. That's why the movie about "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" talking about the Planet Earth was a TRUE STATEMENT
This comes back to why I get so irritated with poeple that talk to me like a child or as if I'm a fucking moron.

I'm the one who figured this stuff out (with help from the Planet). This is stuff you can win a Nobel Peace Prize for and be heralded as one of the most brilliant people on the Planet for having figured this stuff out.

That's why I said this was set up where it's tailored to my Full Name, Birth Certificate, and Presonal Stats. This is all publicly posted on my Journal, and we all know how there are sneaky people out there who are opportunists who will try and plagiarize my work and pass it off as theirs.

This comes back to Psychic Abilities and where my Full Name, Birthdate, and having the "Title" of V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y as the Mother of GO/D overrules anyone else who tries to hack the System. It's a Planetary Password and DNA Fingerprinting so that you can't steal it.

That's why you see in the movies how all the high-protected Security Facilities with the most advanced technology use Retinal Scans to identify someone's identity. I said my First Initial is "I" for the Eye Ball.

It's to keep people from trying to steal the Program and pervert it for their own personal gain.

This is for when the time comes when you have someone else try claiming that they're the true heir (He/IR) that people can judge by seeing what happens on a daily basis and who affects the news. You have contest to see who can cause things to happen in the news every 24 hours based off of what they write.

That's how you get me as the Voice of God. I'm the Speakerbox:
  1. I said 4/13/2006 how Davis has this dismissive attitude where he asks me to define what a Prediction is.
  2. I said I don't know when I get Predictions
It's for my Protection anyway. If I was the one who was really influencing things directly on the Planet, I'd be a walking target. As anyone knows, whenever you have someone who's a problem, you just kill them.

End of story. Problem solved.

In my case, I'm just reporting or speaking as a Planetary Ambassador. It would be really dumb to kill me off or assassinate me because then you won't have any way of communicating with the Planet.

People may not like me, but as they say, "The Seen Evil is better than the Unseen Evil." At least when people talk to me, I'm stationary and in one place. You can locate me. If I get murdered or killed off because some fanatic thinks that will solve the problem, that's where you shoot yourself in the foot.

What happens if I get killed off and the problems are STILL running rampant. What do you do then? You no longer have a "hostage" or anyone to use as a bargaining chip. The Planet wants me safe and taken care of. If you kill me off, that still doesn't change the fact that the Planet's alive.

Worker Decapitated in Elevator Accident
PITTSBURGH (April 13) - A construction worker was decapitated by an elevator car Thursday as he peered into a freight-elevator shaft, police said.

The accident happened at the site of a nine-story former warehouse that is being converted into 140 apartments for students at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

The 44-year-old man, whose name was not released, was employed by a subcontractor that was doing work for Massaro Corp.

Massaro Corp. president Joseph Massaro III said the elevator operator did not know the man was peering into the shaft. Workers at the site use walkie-talkie-type phones to communicate with each other, Massaro said.

04/13/06 14:18 EDT
Updated:2006-04-13 14:45:31

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predictions, iron man, circuitry, davis, superman, signs, death

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