PREDICTION: Flying Cars, Termination Fees, Godfather, IRS

Apr 05, 2006 20:16

Here's a cool Prediction about Flying Cars:
  1. I said 4/3/2006 that I'm Superman
  2. Superman can fly
  3. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car
  4. Flying Superman + Car = Flying Car :o)
You even see a jab at Davis:
  1. "Porsche is breaking all the Rules"
  2. P = Aquarian Male
  3. Davis is an Aquarian Male
  4. I said 4/5/2006 that Davis is borrows money and doesn't pay you back
When I say that, I mean as of 4/5/2006, Davis has not paid my mom back.

Even though Davis says that he intends to pay her back, he has an awful track record. Maybe he's sincere. Some people really are sincere and earnest about such things. However, saying you're going to pay someone back and actually being able to do it are two different things.

You have people who say they're Psychic and people who actually perform Psychic Feats. As they say, actions speak louder than words.

Davis always says that the reason why he's unable to pay isn't his fault. He always says that someone else didn't follow his instructions and what they were supposed to do. You can say that for a little while, but when it comes to a LONG TRAIN of the same reasons how everything always falls apart that way, most SENSIBLE people won't be satisfied with that answer.

Creditors, Banks, and people loaning you money will run out of patience.

Even today, Davis was talking about how he's got to try finding a way to pay off a couple hundred dollars on his overdraft with Washington Mutual by Friday else they're going to shut down his account. It has been delinquent for months now.

I said that when Davis was using me for the DBA accounts and having me charge everything on my Credit Card, it was my records that went down the toilet. It didn't go on Davis' records. It went on mine. He couldn't even pay for the Cell Phone which was delinquent on payment and would get shut down.

I used to get mad at Davis saying how can run a business with no office but he can't even come up with enough to keep the cell phone running. Without that Telephone, you can't talk to people. He always paid all his other debts off first but never the phone. So my phone bill track record went down the toilet.

I said 3/5/2006 that I got pissed at him when he slipped and said he wanted to go to Vegas to go gamble. I asked him when he's going to be able to pay men and he laughed at me and said, "You don't do anything."
  1. Those loans he took out on my mom have NOTHING to do with my work performance
  2. I am working and manage the Planet. He's just so DENSE that I gave up trying to explain my job to him
  3. My job is more important than what he does and influences billions of people on the Planet
  4. On top of that I was on "Psychic Maternal Leave" and PREGNANT as the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y
That's how pathetic Davis' claim was and how stupid he sounds. He always likes to say, "Well, if you had contributed over $100,000 then I would feel more obligated." In not so many words, he was insinuating that the money he borrowed under $100,000 isn't worth anything and therefore it doesn't matter.

I would've liked to try him using that flippant attitude when he was kissing my ass and being so nice and sweet insisting on how important it was for the business that I convince and persuade my mom to loan him money for major deal that he was so sure was going to close.

My mom got BURNED 7 consecutive times with loans. Not only does it make Davis look bad, but it makes ME look bad because she was my investor. That's why I got irritated when he was talking about how how his investor Ed Bone didn't get paid back by Mark Shelton, but he claimed that my situation is different and not like Ed Bone's because that was an investment.

My mom didn't want to invest any money, and I told Davis that I don't want to go to my mom to borrow money. He was the one who kept hounding me about it because he was the one wallowing in debt and needed the money.

All that money he took from my mom was to cover his debts. The money owed to my family is for HIS financial screw-ups because he couldn't borrow money from anyone else.

Even if Davis denies it, all you have to do is go to Washington Mutual or Verizon and review the bank statements.
  1. You'll see how when Davis was "riding" on me, I was wallowing in debt and delinquent payments.
  2. The Customer Service Reps have all talked to Davis and always ask when he can pay.
  3. They always ask for a specific date and keep track to see if you actually keep your promises.
  4. If you don't, it goes on your record and establishes proof that you're unreliable
Do you really think they just ask for their own health? No. They ask to establish a consistent track record of behavior. So when if they're ever taken to court or handing those records over to a Collection Agency, they'll know if ou're FULL OF SHIT making empty promises.

As soon as Davis couldn't get anymore money off me and my mom and he abandoned me like a rat on a sinking ship, you see how my finances "mysteriously" clear up with no more overdrafts and Davis' bank accounts he recently created are all delinquent and with overdrafts.

It was set up that way so that when people try to claim that I'm being unfair and "racist" that is such a load of CRAP. It has NOTHING to with Davis' Skin Color. As a matter of fact, I was MORE than lenient. In fact, I'm in MORE debt.

It had to be this way because when people start sniffing around and realizing that I have Psychic Abilities that influence the entire Planet, you can bet there are the African-American Community is going to try claiming that I cheated Davis out of portion.

That's why I document how Davis makes it quite clear that he doesn't believe I have any Psychic Abilities and has been riding on the leads and contacts that I pull in using my Abilities like a Magnet.
  1. It's just like in "Working Girl" with Sigourney Weaver as the boss who keeps taking all of Melanie Griffiths' ideas
  2. Melanie Griffith = MG = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) God(G)
  3. SI-Go u R/NE-Y = Superman(S) God(I) IR(Go-Spanish) in Union with(U) Gemini(R) Northeast(NE) Male(Y)
  4. I said 1/15/2006 that Davis is from Pennsylvnia and a Northeast Male(NE-y)
As I said, if anyone thinks they can BULLSHIT me, I can draw upon any Popular Movie, Television Show, and Song Lyrics and show you how everyone's name iwll GLOW revealing that Planetary Bar Code embedded in their name, birthdate, and location of birth. The same goes for their Siblings, Parents, Spouses, and Children.

With certain people who cross me, I know that if I dig enough and I can even show how their deceased loved ones DIED for a particular reason and a very certain day. That's why it's not a good idea to cross me when I'm in a bad mood because I can get really nasty and hit people where it hurts showing how the Planet already PREDICTED their SELFISH behavior and yanked the Life Strings of Loved Ones close to them.

So if someone wants to front an attitude with me and cross me, we call take a look at their family members, spouses, and friends to see WHO DIED on WHAT DAY to see who that person's own Selfishness and Stubborn Behavior resulted in someone else close to them being TERMINATED.

That's why Cell Phone Companies call it a TERMINATION FEE. When you cut out on me like the way Jessica Jaymes did, you get charged with a Termination Fee. Her dad killed herself off 3 years ago and she now knows that is because of how she treated me.

As I said, I'm a really nice person and very good-natured, but when I get in a really pissy mood and start PMS'ing (Prime Ministero Superman), I can really mess people up. That's why I said 3/6/2006 that I'm the Ma/F-IA.

The Planet set it up that way so that people know whom they're crossing and what will happen on a Planetary Scale when you cross me. People think these are "rude threats," but sometimes you have to get tough with people else they won't take you seriously.
  1. I said 1/1/2006 that posting Signs is ineffective
  2. Do you really think people would take me seriously if I waved my hands around saying, "If you don't do what the Planet says, there's going to trouble!"
  3. People would laugh. You know they would
  4. People would just continue doing what they're doing
  5. The Planet gave me actual TEETH so that it's not where my Bark is worse than my Bite
Why do you think Police Officers are taken seriously (under normal circumstances)? It's because they have a Gun and the Authority to arrest you. I said 9/17/2005 that I'm the Law.

I work for the DAILY PLANET. It shouldn't come as a surprise to people if I've been granted Authority by the Planet to pass Judgment and make Rulings that affect what happens to them.

People can complain, but we're talking about a Planetary Software Program. It's really simple. I point out what's wrong and then the Planet goes and takes care of it. I'm like a Debugging Program.
  1. I'm the real Godfather
  2. I said 12/31/2005 that my Godfather is born 9/18 = I/R = My Initials.
  3. That's why Marlon Brando as the Godfather is Superman's Father :P
  4. Ma/RL-On = Mother(Ma) Real Life(RL) Activated(On)
  5. B-Ran/D-O = Gemini(B/2) managed(Ran) IR/S(D-O/4-15/Tax Day)
See how everything fits? :o)

That's why when you screw up with me, it'll get broadcast all over the Associated Press the next day as to what you did to me.

That's why you say S/IR (Superman IR) as a Title of Respect when referring to ME (5/29 Sun) as Go/D (IR Mars/Mother Gemini Superman) :P.

Fly (and Drive) Away
History of the Flying Car
MIT graduate student Carl Dietrich has a simple dream. He wants to be able to fly his own plane to any airport in the U.S. Then, once he has landed, taxied off the runway, and made a few modifications, he wants to drive out of the airport and onto local streets -- using the same vehicle he flew in on.

Dietrich is no wide-eyed dreamer. The 29-year-old PhD. student is working on a prototype of what he calls "The Transition" -- because it will "transition" from the air to the road. The early sketches look like an SUV with fold-up wings. If all goes well, Dietrich's "roadable aircraft" could be on the market in the next few years.

So far, he's off to a good start. Dietrich's design won MIT's $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for Inventiveness. He and his six-person team are currently drawing up plans to build a working prototype of a model they've tested in a wind tunnel.

Hover Craft
For nearly 90 years, entrepreneurs, industrialists, corporations, and backyard tinkerers, have been captivated by the idea of a flying car. Maybe it's the image of Aladdin effortlessly zipping around on his flying carpet or George Jetson's breezy commute. "We all sit in traffic and we all think, 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could push a button and wings could sprout out and I could fly away home?'" says Lionel Salisbury, a former pilot and retired businessman who runs Roadable Times, a Web site that chronicles flying car designs and prototypes from 1917 until the present.

Right now, creating a flying car that can be mass produced is still a dream -- one that some believe is still decades away from being fulfilled. But Dietrich isn't alone in his efforts. Thanks to new high-tech composite materials that enable stronger and lighter designs, several small companies continue to pursue the dream of designing a flying car that can take off like a plane, or even hover like a helicopter.

What has scuttled efforts so far is the difficulty of rolling two technologies into one vehicle. "You pay too many penalties in one area to fit into the other," says Dorothy Cochrane, curator for general aviation at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, which houses several early flying-car prototypes. That presents the challenge of incorporating two very different control systems in one vehicle -- rudders and ailerons for the plane, gas and brakes for the car.

Natural Progression
Then there's the weight problem. The vehicle has to be light enough to get off the ground, yet heavy enough so that a strong wind doesn't blow it into oncoming traffic. Historically, Cochrane says, flying car designs have been too light and unstable to get real traction on the ground, and too slow and clumsy in the sky. "Flying cars so far do neither job very well," she says. "Perhaps someday someone will actually build even a reasonable design [that can find a significant market], but I doubt it."

While aviators have tried to build flying cars as early as 1917, the first successful prototype wasn't until the 1930s. Back then, it seemed like the natural thing to do. Both automobiles and airplanes were relatively new inventions. With cars like the Model T paving the way for mass production, why shouldn't the common man get airplanes too?

In 1933, the U.S. Air Commerce Bureau challenged aircraft designers to build a low-cost airplane that would sell for under $700. The government's Flivver competition, named after the Ford (F) Flivver, an earlier attempt at a simple inexpensive airplane, included some entries that were also "roadable"-- the wings and tail could be detached or collapsed so that the driver could take it on the road, says Cochrane. None of the car-like models ever caught on, and with the U.S. in the middle of the Depression, few people had money to spend on a private aircraft.

Flying Jeep
In 1950, Robert Fulton, a trained architect and aerial photographer for Pan American with next to no aircraft-design experience, decided to build a hybrid car and plane he could use to take on his frequent business trips all over the U.S. The result was the Fulton Airphibian, a single-propeller monoplane with a detachable cockpit that became the first roadable aircraft to be certified by the Civil Aviation Administration, according to the Smithsonian.

Even the government tried to develop a flying car. In 1957, Chrysler, along with other auto and aviation companies, responded to a request from the military for the design of a flying jeep. Chrysler built the VZ-6 -- a 21.5 foot-long oval-shaped craft with no wings or rotors. Instead, the pilot sat on top between two downward-facing wooden propellers.

The idea was that the propellers would turn, lifting the craft up and then allow the pilot to fly forward by varying speed and angle of the two. In one of its first test flights, the VZ-6 did manage to hover -- but when the pilot attempted to move forward, the prototype crashed and was severely damaged (the pilot suffered a scraped elbow).

Fast forward to 2006, and companies continue to work on similar vehicles. It's just that the prototypes out there today look more like something from Star Wars than any vehicle on the road.

Take Urban Aeronautics' X-Hawk. Founded in 2002 by Rafi Yoeli, a former Boeing Aircraft (BA) engineer, the company's design combines two rear propellers with two encased rotors that give it lift in the same way a helicopter takes off with its large external rotor. The company plans to market its craft as a medical evacuation vehicle for use in densely populated, high-traffic urban areas. So far, the company has built a simpler design, the City Hawk, which can hover several feet in the air.

Other companies, including Davis (Calif.)-based Moller International, are working on similar prototypes using the encased rotors. Paul Moller, who has made continuous attempts to market a flying car since 1983, says he expects that this year he will make the first manned, untethered test flight of the M400 -- a craft that uses four rotors and will be able to carry four passengers.

Portable Wings
Another independent designer, Robin Haynes of Auburn, Calif., is seeking funding to build a prototype as well. His model will look something like an SUV, and use a roof-mounted jet engine to power the wheels on land and propel the vehicle in the air. Haynes estimates it will take between $4 million and $5 million to build a flying prototype.

Dietrich, meanwhile, is planning to take a page out of the Flivver book. His airplane uses a small four-cylinder engine, and is designed to convert from a lightweight plane into a car by having the wings fold up and sit next to the sides of the vehicle. The engine that drives the propeller will then switch to the wheel base to propel the car. He hopes that the fact the wings remain part of the car will be a more convenient solution than earlier designs like the Airphibian.

"This is going to be a practical design -- you'll take your wings with you" says Dietrich. "The idea is to give pilots as many options as possible." Dietrich stresses that he has modest goals. He's aiming for the amateur-pilot market looking for a practical, simple, and affordable plane -- not people in the market for a futuristic auto. "A flying car is a dream," he says. "I'm trying to build an airplane with an additional capability. That's possible to do."

Keeping the Faith
How long that will take largely depends on how much funding he can secure, he says. Dietrich is planning to present his wind-tunnel model at the Experimental Aircraft Association's AirVenture show this July in Oshkosh, Wis., in order to drum up investor interest. "We know it will take many tens of man-years to develop [The Transition]," he admits.

That could mean Dietrich's team could accomplish their goal in the next few years, if fully funded. Or, if history is any guide, it could be one more attempt that never takes off.

2006-04-04 11:41:40
Updated:2006-04-04 11:59:31

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irs, davis, mafia, superman, signs, cars, predictions, godfather

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