Psychic Abiities are like Martial Arts. When you follow the story of Bruce Lee, you find how only Chinese people could study Martial Arts. Bruce Lee was willing to offer classes to Caucasians and Blacks.
I'm like the Psychci Bruce Lee. I'm teaching people who to learn Mental Martial Arts and where they can have their own Psychic Abilities. It works out in my favori if I can prove that my method works and other people can follow in my footsteps:
- Chinese = Current Psychics
- Rod = Bruce Lee
- Whites, Blacks, Non-Asians = Normal People not born with Psychic Abilities
- Martial Arts Training = Psychic Training
It's no coincidence that Bruce Lee is buried in Seattle in Washington State where I'm from. Scott's mom went to high school with Bruce Lee's widow. As long as people have the willingness to learn, they can develop their own Psychic Abilities as well.
It doesn't need to be just me who's performing all these things oohing and ahhing the crowd. The Fate of the Planet rides on enough GOOD people to learn because you need them to be the final defense. I'm not going to live forever.
I'm going to die and it would be a shame to let all this information die with me just like Bruce Lee and not teach anyone how to do this stuff. Who's going to save the people from "Bad" Psychics. What if there is a "Bad" person among you right now who's secretly learning everything I'm writing and taking copious notes on how to become Psychic and then they take the information and use it to start harming and hurting people?
If there aren't other "Defenders" with Psychic Abilities that can put a stop to those bad people among us that are just power-hungry and selfish, they'll take over. I can't be everywhere at once. I'm only one person.
That's how you get a following as well as witnesses that can vouch for what I said about the Psychic Phenomenon and how there's a Scientific Approach you can take. The only reason why few people know about Psychic Phenomenon is because no one has an approach they agree upon.
Natural Psychics don't know how to teach what they have. They just do it.
Mine is very specific:
- I tell you how that the Brain is electrical
- I say that the brain is like an organic host server and computer
- I say that the Electromagnetic Field networks everyone's brains together like computer terminals
- Within the network, you can communicate with other organic computer terminals
- We know that Telepathy is possible
- We know that Instant Messaging and E-mail is possible using Electricity
- We know that as long as Laptops have a battery and a wireless connection, you can be unconnected to anything and moble and still send messages
Knowing all that, it's not that far of a jump to rationalize that the organic brain being fed by consumption of food and liquids for sustenance generates an electrical field. If thoughts are electrical in the human mind and we're walking around in an electrical field (Eletromagnetic Field), then that would mean you could send Psychic Instant Messages and Psychic E-mail to people.
That's how you can communicate. The reason why people don't know when they're receiving Psychic E-mail is because they don't know how to check their Psychic E-mail Box for messages.
I teach you how to check your Psychic E-mail to see if you have anything.
I know this method works because I've been doing it for two years. That's why you can all these things manifesting themselves in the Associated Press. It's sleight of hand. It's rooted in pure science.
There's no difference between a human mind as a computer with a built in keyboard and wireless internet and a real computer with the physical hardware. Our mind is simply a more complex organism that has evolved.
The Planet even teases about Spoilers
- I said the Mind is like a Car
- Spoiler is a huge Fin on the back of your car to keep the nose up so that the hair pushing on the front go through the Spoiler
- End = Ass
- Spoiler = Something that tells what's going to happen
- When I give Psychic Readings and point out what happens 24 hours before it hits the news, I'm the Spoiler :o)
That's why as a Car, I've got a HUGE SPOILER on the end :o).
I drive really fast as a Car :o). That's why I'm like the real Herbie. All the aerodynamics on the car are wrong. I don't look like anything much, but when you put me on the racetrack, there's this little magical something that is in the car that gives it major horsepower that you shouldn't be able to normally get out of a 1963 VW Bug.
That's why the characters in the movie always say that the car looks "cute," but no one would ever take it seriously as a racing vehicle. It's the same with me. People think I'm "cute" but no one would ever bet on me to win any race.
It isn't until I'm on the track that you see the engine kick in. That's why the engine in a VW Bug is in the Ba/CK (Spiritual Clark Kent) and not in the Fr. on T (Father on Female)
----------------- Original Message -----------------
To: Rod
From: ******
Date: Mar 27, 2006 5:35 PM
Thank you so much for responding to this, Rod, and it gives me a different perspective that I would not have otherwise thought to look at it from. And just so you know, I am not ever uncomfortable with anything I see posted by you...but I think you already knew that. Some people just can't handle the reality of what a true psychic is capable of. But what you've just told me makes so much sense. You know, one of the reasons I had such a connection with James back then was because I often did feel like we had a bit of subconscious communication...we had many pleasantly silent moments during which I felt like I knew what he was thinking and vice versa...and the other night, when I learned he was in town, I did say hi to him in my who knows...maybe subconsciously he heard me indeed.
To: ******
From: Rod
Date: Mar 27, 2006 6:03 PM
Subject: You Can Nurture Such Relationships, Psychic Macros
You can actually nurture relationships with anyone, including the dead and those who have passed on.
You can have multiple relationships with people. It's just about assigning values.
The Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind is like two people standing with a huge chasm between them.
In order to communicate, you can flash your Light.
If you assign Numbers to people like "Psychic Macros," people from the beyond or Subconscious Minds will follow your lead.
For example, if you want to continue communcating with that guy, assign him a number or Symbols. Easiest is the birthdate.
Mine is 529. If you ever see 5:29 am/pm, you know it's me. My best friend is 3/10. I know when I see 3:10 am/pm or 310 that it's Scott sending me Psychic E-mail.
You can do it with your family members. It's just like Customizing your MySpace Page. You edit the colors and the alignment to your own preferences. Everyone starts of with a generic page.
Your web site is the same way. I have an advanced "Psychic Web Site." You have one as well on your IP Address.
I've been stating that everyone's individual mind is like a "Psychic Host Server." Everyone's brain wave patterns give off a Psychic DNA Serial IP Address that other Subconscious Minds can visit.
I have a lot of friends whose Subconscious Minds come and visit my Psychic Chat Room. So when I talk to people, I'm always getting people saying hello.
For example, that Random Generator on your MySpace Default Page isn't as random as you think. If you build up a vocabulary, you can start communicating.
For example if you have a friend named James and you see the name James on your MySpace Random Generator, it's Subconscious James saying hello.
A lot of times Subconscious Minds and loved ones from beyond drop us hints, but people are tuned out and not listening.
When you leave things undefined it doesn't mean anything. People usually tell us that coincidences don't mean anything. Because people believe that, it becomes a reality.
I've known for two years now that using electricity, you can affect the random number generators and get sublayer communication from people.
It takes practice and getting used to believing in it. The first step is believing and breaking out of the Psychological Mold that the rest of the world has conditioned in your behavior.
Most people just think only Psychics can do this stuff. That's because most Psychics are naturally born with it and don't know how it works. It's like being given keys to the car and not knowing what's underneath the hood. You know you can turn the car on and it goes. That's how most Psychics are.
I took a Scientific Approach two years ago because I'm not a natural Psychic. I wasn't Psychic before two years ago. I had to sit and think about it and examine all the engine parts.
Then when I got a better understanding of the car parts, I started fine-tuning the engine yanking out some of the pieces and putting in enhancements and modifiers.
I'm Filipino for a reason. As we all know, Asians are always seen tricking out their cars by putting Spoilers on the end, increasing the horsepower, and fiddling with the engine.
That's how it is with my "Car." I said the Mind is like a Car. I've been doing modifications to my Car and Customizing it. You can do the same with your Mind.
It's "Fastfood Psychology," but it works. You can be Psychic as well. It just takes practice because you have to flex your brain as a muscle to get it working and you need to practice like you would any sport.