LESSONS: "My Cousin Vinny," Master Baiting, Male Cinderella

Mar 27, 2006 11:26

Evidence and the U.S. Legal System
My Psychic Abilities are very unique. The article with Jay Leno is an example of how it puts me in a unique position when it comes to going up against World Leaders, Special Interest Groups, and Politicians that try to see if they can put a spin on information or bullshit me.

What my Subconscious Mind does is communicates with the Subconscious Mind of the person or opponent going up against me or challenging me to reveal their information. I said I wrote the Laws in the Psychic Realm to be modeled after the U.S. Legal System.

I don't officiallly know Law, but I saw "My Cousin Vinny." There's a scene where Vinny is trying to get information from Jim Trotter (Lane Smith). He thinks he has to use a sneaky way of finding out information about Prosecution.

Jim Trotter is very accommodating and nice about it. He has his receptionist make xerox copies of all the notes and information the case. He then points out (thinking Vinny already knows this) that both Lawyers are required to share what they know.

You can't pull any tricks in the Court of Law where the Defense or Prosecution isn't prepared. They have to be given proper warning. Call it "Legal Chivalry" of sorts because you can't use sneaky or underhanded tactics.

It's the same thing about me when it comes to Davis. Yes, bash on Davis ALL THE TIME complaining about the things he's done and the way he did it. However, when I bitch about it, I don't talk about it "behind his back."

I have ALWAYS posted all my comments PUBLICLY on my Journal. So if someone ever says:
  1. "Well, Rod said this and that about you."
  2. Anyone whom I've ever said anything about is posted on publicly
  3. I do it so that if people want to know SPECIFICALLY what I said, they can go to the Journal Entry and read it for themselves and read it in context
It's a smart way of covering your ass if you think about it. A lot of people get angry about rumors. People can very dodgy about things because they'll never say it to your face or in public so that they don't get caught.

Context of the Meaning
Politicians do this all the time. They have certain opinions, but they won't voice them to keep their political opponents from exploiting them. That's why I'm fully aware that people are going to come at me in the future picking apart my Journal saying, "Well, you said this and you said that."

Probably, it's true.

A lot of times people read things out of context... Or so they think...

Do you know that a lot of times the Subconscious Mind will manipulate the Conscious Mind into saying something where the Conscious Mind thinks it means one thing, but the Subconscious Mind is really talking about something else?

You see it in comedy all the time. For example:
  1. I said 3/25/2006 about the movie "Old School"
  2. There's a scene where Frank comes over the house and looks through the window
  3. He sees what looks like the back of the Wife giving a blow job to Barry the Oral Sex Instructor
  4. To Frank, it looks like his wife is cheating on him
  5. The audience watching, knows that she's practicing her technique and using a carrot
  6. From the angle Frank is looking, it's directly head-on so it looks that way
  7. He gets mad and "attempts" to attack Barry in the Kitchen
To the Conscious Audience, it's not sex. However, to the Subconscious Minds, it really is dirty and about Sex.

Words Like Diamonds
For people who have been following along on my Journal, they see how I always break down words into individual letters or pairings. I'll put separators in the word to show the different meanings that can be extracted.

Every time I put move the separators around, that's like looking at the Word from a different angle. It's like turning a Diamond in your hand and looking at it from different angles to see how the Light reflects on it.

That's what gives words new dimensions. People say things thinking it just means one thing. However, the Subconscious Minds use things with multiple meanings in order to convey messages. It's really a beautiful way of understanding Vocabulary and how people communicate.

Subconscious Minds of people know this. The Subconscious Mind is aware of all these things, but because it can't say it directly, the Conscious Mind doesn't know. It was set up that way so that you wouldn't give away the "Game."
  1. It's like Scrabble. You're not allowed to show the what Tiles you have
  2. In Poker, you don't show what Hand you have. That's how you are able to Bluff
In my case, that's how I use my Psychic Abilities to peek at your Hand :o).

I'll just have my Subconscious Mind plug into the other person's hand to see what they've got. It's just like having a friend who is standing behind the person person you're playing Poker against and giving you Signs giving hints saying, "Yup, he's got a good hand" or "Nope, he's bluffing and doesn't have a really good hand."

People may think that's unfair, but it keeps people honest. Subconscious Minds won't tell you exactly what the hand is, but they'll slant things in a certain.

Sometimes Subconscious Minds may deceive you, but that's usuallly because:
  1. You're untrustworthy so they'll fool you into seeing things a certain way to trigger your selfishness
  2. They need you to see things a certain way in order to bait you into doing something
Examples of Baiting
For example, with this Journal Entry, the woman complaining about my comment on smoking over her picture got "baited" into getting her feathers ruffled by my offhanded comment. It may have been offensive to her, but the objective was to get her to complain just before the News Story about Jay Leno surfaces.

Personally, I don't think she should get too ruffled by it. She had once told me she's interested in the Subconscious Mind, and nothing beats direct experience.

You also get a better understanding of how my Psychic Abilities work.

I'm always baiting people. That's why I'm a Master Baiter!!! :o)

It hints how I've been Master Baiting with that woman :D.

Get it??? It's Punny!!!

On another level, it also shows what happens when people get mad at me when I said something Truthful. It gets broadcast all over the Planet. I just said "Smoking is Bad" and she had a picture of her holding a cigarette.

It really wasn't even directed at her. It was just a general comment that smoking is bad. There was nothing underhanded or sly about it. It's common knowledge. She's the one who chose to post a picture of herself of a cigarette.

You have to wonder. If a person gets really that offended about people thinking she's a smokes when she doesn't, why are you going to post a picture of yourself holding a cigarette?

She was posting a sexy picture of herself where the focus was on how beautiful she is. However, it has that cigarette attached to it.

She can get mad at me, but she forgets that she's a Celebrity. A lot of people visit her page. The whole reason why they don't even allow nudity is to keep it away from children.

I don't think it occurred to her that there are teenage boys who drool over her and are extremely influenced by her. They could easily formulate the assumption that in order to win over someone as beautiful as her, they need to smoke in order to be cool and show that they're rebels and independent.

Young kids will come up with all kinds of ideas.

On another level, it's showing how I'm like that woman as the attractive Fe-Male, and Davis is the Cigarette that I've been "holding" or been associating with.

S-M.O./K in G = Superman(S) Mission Objective(M.O.) Aquarius(K/11) in God(G)

S-M.O./K in G is B/AD for you. I said Davis is born 2/14 (B/AD). That's why I never lie when I say that Davis is a "B/AD" Person :o). The Planet was making it a TRUE Statement so that when I accuse Davis of doing B/AD Things, it's true.

When Davis is only thinking of himself, he's being B/AD :o).

Kids Doing Bad Things
I said B/AD the Smart Definition to pin down sneaky Kids and con artists that deny that they're doing anything wrong. We all know that Kids who don't want to get in trouble will always find a crafty way of wheedling out of trouble.

The REALLY sneaky kids are extremely smart and know how to put a spin on information to make it look like they're innocent. They know just how to say things or mount a Defense that gives them the benefit of the doubt where Parents can't punish their kids.

So their Kids get away with it and continue to do sneaky things and where they never get caught. This definition of "B/AD" means Communication(B/2/Gemini/Sign of Communication) Promo(Ad).

It specifically states that you have to be Communicative and Persuade someone.

That is a TRUE STATEMENT at the heart of any defense. When a child is trying to get out of trouble with their Parents, they have to be COMMUNICATING and SELLING AN IDEA to their Parents.

When the Kid is doing that, they're being "B/AD" and this SMART definition gives Parents the Ammunication they need to punish their Children.

That's because if you think about it, Communication is Sex. In order for a Kid to persuade their Parents out of something, it means they have to engage in VERBAL SEX. And we ALL know that Sex with a KID is frowned upon an Child Molestation.
  1. It's reinforcing Parents not to let their Kids sell them on ideas
  2. A Kid can complain that the parent is being unfair, but it's the KID who should be accommodating the Parent and not the other way around
  3. That's how you get SPOILED and BRATTY Kids that always get their way because their Parents always capitulate
Now obviously, you don't want to have Parents that are extreme tyrants who are cruel and mean to their kids. Nobody wants that. However, in my opinion, I think that when it comes to Discipline, the children growing up in our society today are much smarter than the parents, but they haven't learned the basics of Self-Management and Discipline.

The Curse of Beauty
Like a Plant, if the Plant is a Tree and is allowed to grow wild in its infancy stages, it's going to be all over the place. It's going to grow in all different directions. However, if you use wooden slats on a young sapling to brace the stem of the plant restricting it so that it grows upward and straight, it won't come out all gnarled and crooked.

That's how a lot of spoiled kids are. Their parents don't provide the Disciplinary Braces or Support so that their "Moral Spine" is straight. That's why they end up being really sneaky and crafty. Then when they're released into society, they run into conflict with OTHER selfish Kids that grew up to be selfish adults.

No offense to that woman who was offended by my comment, but she's extremely gorgeous. Her own beauty acts as a Visual Charm that disarms people. It raises the bar so that people who are unable resist her physical charms kiss her ass all the time.

When everyone is always accommodating to beautiful women, they tend to be pampered and spoiled because they always get what they want. When people always get what they want, they become extremely oversensitive to criticism.

Because few people ever criticize them, they have a very fragile ego. They don't take criticism very well.

If you look at my comment, all I said was, "Smoking is bad for you :)." That's a general statement that is said to a lot of people. It's very tame in my opinion and not really criticizing about much of anything. It's just saying there's smoking and it's bad for you.

However, attractive people like her are rarely exposed to such comments. Sometimes they're exposed to people who are sly in the way they say things where it seems like it's a normal comment, but it's a veiled insult. Maybe that's the type of people she is surrounded with and so she second guesses and assumes things.

One thing people will find about me is that I'll open my mouth and just say things. It's people's choice to get offended. That's a blanket statement. You can tell who just uses words irresponsibly and to hurt people. Some people really don't mean any harm by it.

Why Beautiful Women Fall into Abusive Relationships
When it comes to beautiful women, they have a tendency to fall into abusive relationships because their beauty screens the men who make it past their defense and are able to woo them. Geeky, nerdy guys are so tongue-tied tha they say dumb things that disqualify them as contenders.

They aren't able to formulate semi-intelligent conversation, which is a complete turn-off. Sometimes they overdo the compliments that it all starts to sound the same.

That's how you set things up for attractive women who like difficult men that mentally dominate over them. When you're surrounded by people who are always kissing your ass, you get attracted to someone who is dominant.

It's either because the attractive female enjoys a challenge or it's refreshing being with someone who exudes confidence. Guys with the physical appearance or who possess some sort of power attract such women.

Also, in terms of dominance, "strong men" or arrogant(?) men will tend to dominate over attractive women because they will cut past the attitude that an attractive woman has as a defense and woo the female.

That's why in many cases Attractive Women are like Crabs. Hard Shell, but soft on the inside. That's where they're extremely vulnerable and always get burned badly in relationships. Their hard shell or Social Exterior screens out the Soft Men leaving on the Hard Men.

Unfortunately, a lot of "hard" men aren't always benevolent. Sometimes they tend to be self-serving and conceited because they think about themselves. In a lot of cases, attractive women are seen as "Trophies" or objects to be won.

This comes back to why Physical Beauty can be a Curse.

Cinderella Revisted
Once again, we also come back to why I said I'm a Male Cinderella or a Mael Prince/SS. It sounds stupid, but if you think about it, it's really smart the way the Planet did it.

How else would you hide someone of Royalty who doesn't know their identity?

It wouldn't work if you had a Female Princess in today's society. If the Princess is raised in a society that promotes sex, there's a high likelihood that Princess is going to end up losing her virginity early or have some guy accidentally get her pregnant.

If I was born a woman and didn't know I was a Princess, there's a good chance that I would've gotten knocked up already. Some horny teenage boy in high school would've asked me out and made out with me. I would've most likely lost my virginity.

Because I was born as a shy male in a Patriarchal or Male-Driven Society, the women all left me alone in junior high and high school because it's deemed that the male should be the one to ask a girl out.

It also makes sense to make the Prince/SS a male to manage the "Family Jewels." The Flow of DNA goes in the other direction:
  1. I've never been drunk at any period of my life
  2. I've never blacked out or gotten drunk at some party where I'd wake up the next morning and not know who I've been with
  3. I was geeky nerd who never got invited to any parties so no female in junior high or high school can claim I have their long lost love child
  4. I've never gotten drunk in college either
  5. I have never physically inserted my Penis in any Human Female Vagina on this Planet. PERIOD
That's why if any woman who finds out my true identity tries to claim we had a child together, I'll know they're lying and THEY know that they're lying.

If I had been a wild partier or female, people could pull all kinds of scams on me. That's why it was so critical that I be sheltered and kept away from the Public.

I said that I ws intentially financially stripped for a reason. It's because if I had been an instantly successful Film & Entertainment Producer AND had Psychic Abilities we all know that I would've gotten full of myself:
  1. I would be driving a hot car
  2. I'd be hanging out at the Playboy Mansion
  3. I'd be hitting on all the Adult Film Stars
  4. I'd end up getting drunk at some party
  5. I might even wake up in bed with someone
It would screw up the last 30 years where the Planet was intentionally fiddling with Fate to keep me away from everyone. It would screw everything up if I went on a wild fucking spree before being mature enough to realize why I had to be separated from people.

There was an external force that put a Clamp-Down on my Finances forcing me to be in seclusion and not having the disposal income that would cause me to go out and fraternize with people at this very fragile stage.

What's the point of spending the last 30 years keeping me clean only to have it all blown by one careless night?

We all know that Women can be opportunists like men. Hypothetically speaking, if I could prove that I am indeed of Royal Blood and my Identity, I'd be one of the hottest catches as a Pure, Virgin Male Superman and a real Clark Kent with power over the Subconscious Realm.

That's a lot of power and women are drawn to power. On top of that, I'm a Pure Virgin where I've never deflowered any Female. As conceited as it may sound, I'm a walking dream. A Prince commanding the entire Planet, gentleman, respectful, quiet, kind AND a Virgin?

Do you know how many women would be creaming their panties trying to get at me as well as become a REAL Princess?

That's why I'm a very unique individual being released into society. We come back to why I've been "disguised" and made to look as unattractive as possible to people, especially women, who are superificial.
  1. Make the Prince BROKE.
  2. Have a whole bunch of women put a Stalker Title on him
  3. Have everyone think that person is INSANE
It's the best deterrent of all. It also makes Female Opportunists easy to spot from a mile away. If anyone approaches me out of the blue, you can scrutinze them to find out whether they really have an interest in me or if they're really just gunning after me because of title and rank.

On top of that, you put Bar Codes on all women where they're given specific names, specific initials, siblings, parents, and hailing from a certain location. So if they try to cover up any of their information, their friends and relatives will know if they're lying or fudging over their data :o).

I wasn't kidding when I said about how sneaky the Planet is. It's got all the bases covered that eliminate or disqualify 95% of the population and where I only have to deal with a smaller group of people :o).

star trek, royalty, words, fate, puns, law, beauty, diamonds, q

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